Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Kitsune ❯ Chapter Two: Storm of Pain ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

SilverKyuubi says: Thank you guys soooo much for reviewing! See, this kind of thing motivates me to write, and the more I write the faster the updates. Don't you just envy those people who can write 10,000 words per chapter everyday and then update? I can't do that. My laziness won't allow it.
Is this fic really that original? I've never seen one like it, true, but the idea was always swimming around in my head. The big 'what if?', you know?
Pairings: SasuNaru (main), others eventually. Guys! Tell me who else you want as a side couple. Just don't suggest anything yuri please...I'm into the boy x boy themes, not girl x girl. I'm straight, so it's understandeable isn't it?
Warnings: Yaoi. Actually, a lot of the more adult themes aren't going to be for a while. I have it mostly planned in my head though.
Again, un betaed. I seem to have lost my beta...anyone wanna volunter to check my hideous grammer before I post it up on
Disclaimer: Me no own Naruto and co. Me and Masashi-sama just had ramen for lunch and discussed how I can borrow the characters for my own twisted ideas, but this plot is mine.
Thanks to:
stargirl1180- Thanks for the huggable-fox-boy comment. Wouldn't a stuffed animal like that be adorable?
Immortalninja009- Will do. Thanks for reviewing!
Passing Reader- Hehe...I love how cute Sasuke looked when he was 8. The voice for him in the anime sounds alot older than he really was when he was 8 though.
NightstarAngel- Well, thank you and your brother. I will update as often as time and laziness allows me ^.~
Kurogai15- Thank you very much. I will try to keep it up as best as I can.
JJ- Yeah, I noticed that a lot of people had been saying that. Thanks for reviewing, and I hope you and everyone else enjoys this.
'Telepathic Thinking'
Enjoy Chapter 2!!!
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~*My Kitsune*~
Chapter Two: Storm of Pain
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'This class is so's not like we haven't done these things already. What's the point in reviewing?'
These were the thoughts running through Uchiha Sasuke's mind at the time. Iruka-sensei was making them all review on the things that might be on the graduation exam tomorrow. They were all reviewing the finer points on getting the transformation right, and making sure that they all knew how to properly execute a clone. Hand signs were being gone over, and positions and stances were drawn on the chalk board behind the brunette teacher that had the warm yet firm voice as he spoke to all of the pre-genin in his class.
Iruka was someone that Sasuke had a respect for. He was a normal chunin that was very kind to him and all of his students. But Sasuke couldn't help but become impatient a lot of the times with the man. He supposed it wasn't the scarred man's fault that the raven was eager to learn so much more than what he was learning now, Iruka was supposed to merely teach the basics afterall, but he was a genious who picked up on things faster than the other students. He wanted to be able to become stronger than this level...he felt as if he was being compared to these losers all the time. Call him arrogant, and maybe a bit selfish, but that was how Sasuke Uchiha was.
Sasuke continued to sit in his seat with his chin resting on his hands, with his elbows resting on the table in front of him. The nearby females and future kunoichi started to swoon and giggle around him, completely ignoring Iruka's lecture. Sasuke narrowed his eyes in distaste as he listened to the others around him. Those fangirls sure gave him hell when they wanted to, it was terribly annoying. But it was unavoidable, and impossible to tell them that he wasn't interested now and never would be. That was the part that he hated the most. He was someone who liked to keep to himself a lot of the time, and his brooding nature apparently attracted females like moths to a flame. No matter how rudely he spoke to them, or how many times he denied them their wishes, they still persisted. This was one of the things he could never understand. The female mind was much too complicated to comprehend. Atleast they never followed him back home...
Sasuke stared straight ahead with a completely stoic look on his face. He was beginning to wonder if it would be so bad to tune Iruka's voice out since he had no interest in listening. He never slacked off on anything, but he wouldn't mind following the example that the boy sitting in front of him was setting. Said boy in front of him began to breathe on his own drool, causing a somewhat loud slurping noise. That was Nara Shikamaru from the Nara clan. Their family specialized in shadow techniques. Shikamaru had his normal hair in a spiky ponytail, with his head buried in his arms to try to catch some Z's. He seemed to be sleeping well too, with all of the drool coming out of his mouth. Sasuke grimaced at that.
Still, sleep sounded good. He had slept so soundly last night and he was one of the most reluctant people in all of Konoha to get up that morning. Sasuke thought back to how snug he had been in his bed, all cuddled up in the blankets and pillows. Even though summer was still around, it was still always a little cool at nights, and Sasuke never bothered to turn on the heater at night. Still, he had been so warm and comfortable, dreaming his life away blissfully without a care in the world, with no nightmares to bother him and nothing in the whole world could have disturbed him then. Sasuke's eyes began to droop as Iruka's words began to muffle by his drowsiness, his head tilting slightly forward in his hands. How he longed to be back there in his bed right now, so snuggle and warm in the arms of-
"Can you anwer the question Sasuke?" Iruka asked from across the room.
Sasuke was suddenly very awake and aware of his surroundings, Iruka's voice bringing him back from la-la land. Sasuke blinked a couple of times, finally registering the fact that Iruka had asked him a question...and he had no idea what he just said. Uh-oh...despite the fact that he hated the fangirls and the teachers complimenting him on him being one of their most valuable students, he never liked to be caught off-guard on anything, including a question, and Sasuke was silently berating himself inside his head for letting his thoughts drift away. He quickly let his eyes settle on the board that Iruka had been writing on with chalk before pausing to apparently ask Sasuke the question. Sasuke quickly looked over at what was written to see if he could guess what the question was and answer it correctly. He had a reputation to uphold.
He quickly saw that Iruka-sensei had drawn a picture of a hand seal on the board. It was mainly one of the most popular seals, where the two fore fingers were pressed together and the lest fingers were interlocked, making a gun-like hand position, in other words the sign of the tiger.
"It's Tora." Sasuke said immediately with a calm and confindent voice, hoping that the sign was what Iruka had been referring to. He hadn't wanted to wait too long to answer, or it might seem like he was indeed in la-la land, and he couldn't allow that. He had to uphold his family reputation of being alert and precise in everything. Sasuke looked as Iruka's expression held praise, showing to Sasuke's relief that the Tora sign had been what Iruka had been referring to.
"That's correct Sasuke. As usual." Sasuke mentally sighed in relief and his muscles relaxed the tension that he had never known had been there before. He closed his eyes in silent thanks, and the girls all chattered in excited murmur about Sasuke's genius mind. But then, anyone could have said that. Everyone knows what the Tora sign is, so the girls could have been praising anyone else who knew. He rested his chin again on his interlocked fingers. Just tomorrow, and he would be a genin. He was not worried about the graduation exam. The Uchiha was more than positive that he would be able to pass with ease. Then he could have a jounin sensei who would train him for individual skills, and he would learn and gain great abilities and strengths so that he could achieve his life goal.
Finally class let out, and Iruka-sensei had told everyone good luck for the graduation exams tomorrow, and then all of the students left the academy excitedly, all eager to go home and have families waiting for him to give them dinners and tuck them into bed. Sasuke always grew a little depresed when he thought about such things, and he would always feel that small twinge of jealousy when he saw parents waiting for their children to come to them so that they could go shopping or go home.
Sasuke's down-turn in his mood made him delay his trip home, so after he left the academy, he went towards the small wooded harbor bridge that usually made a stop for small fishing boats and canoes. He always went there when he was younger and really sad, so he went there again. The sun was setting, and it was a magnificent view, with the red and orange rays washing over the land and lake below it. Sasuke walked towards the end of the small wooden plank, and sat down with his legs dangling over the end, barely grazing the water below.
Whenever he looked into his reflection there, he would always see is nii-san looking back at him. Their similarities were nearly uncanny. Sasuke hated that fact more than anything. He didn't want to be anything like Itachi. He was nothing like Itachi, and he never would be. Still, no matter how far he had to go, he would avenge his clan. He would gain the power necessary to kill his nii-san, and he would never feel that tearing ache in his chest again.
As Sasuke's dark thoughts continued, he never realized how much time had passed until a cooler breeze past by his shoulders and a shudder raked his body, startling him out of his thoughts. The sun was nearly set now, its last rays casting over the horizon. The raven looked into it a long time, merely enjoying its warmth.
Another shudder went up Sasuke's spine, but it wasn't from the cold breezes passing. Suddenly, everything seemed to slow down, and sounds seemed to dim until nothing could be heard and his mind could only focus on the sounds that he was waiting for. He knew what he was waiting to hear, and somehow, he had been waiting for that sound ever since he came to this small harbor. And then he heard it. It was faint, but it was as familiar as the village itself.
It was the thump, thump of small footsteps moving across the wooden plank towards him. It could barely be heard, but Sasuke knew it was there. It was softened and sweet, and all the time comforting. He waited for him to be by his side...
His obsidian black eyes suddenly met with deep ocean blue, and a gentle thought caresses his mind.
'You didn't come home.'
Sasuke stared blankly at the boy in front of him as he finished telling his story of how he came to his home in the Uchiha Estate. He looked softly at the boy, understanding his troubles somehow. Naruto was looking down in his lap, suddenly quiet and shy, and unable to look Sasuke in the eyes, not knowing what reaction would come out of the boy from hearing such a story. The fox thought that the nice Uchiha boy would think he was lying about every word coming out of his mouth. He didn't know what telling the raven about how he came here and his insecurity would gain him. He could very well just run away from here and just listen to what the elders at the Deep Nest told him about keeping away from humans. He was raised most of his young life in the Deep Nest, and was told to stay away from humans because they were terrible creatures who tried to hurt you on a whim. But Naruto felt that he atleast owed the boy about his age an explanation, and so he gave one.
Sasuke looked at Naruto again, asking a question which he wanted to ask since he met the boy a few hours ago. "And...what are you exactly?" Sasuke's heart sped as he asked this, excitement filling him once again.
Naruto's head shot up as he looked hard at the Uchiha with wide eyes. What am I...? Naruto remembered asking himself that very question for the longest time. Even after he joined the Deep Nest, it had taken a year or so for the other animals to accept him because he had not been like them. Sure, he looked like them and hunted like them, and smelled like them, but the animals of the forest always have a hidden wisdom. They know things even though physical facts aren't always present. They knew that Naruto was not like them completely, and this made them wary to trust him, even at such a young age. They were unwilling to rust him fully becasue he was human. And Naruto knew he was human, or something like them anyway, but he had been willing to push away his human part for the other animals so that they might not push him away like the humans did.
He kept wondering what he was for the longest time until he never bothered anymore and decided to push the question away, he thought it no longer important.
But now, the question was risen again, and he had to surf back through unwanted memories and insecurities, just to answer an uncertain reply.
"I...I really don't know..."
Sasuke looked at him strangely. "What do you mean you don't know? You have to know what you are." He stated in a factly tone.
Naruto glared at him, a sudden irritation and anger rising up in him. "When I say I don't know, I don't know! I know I'm like the other foxes in the forest and I know I am like you as well! But I don't know what I am!"
Sasuke stared at him again with annoyance and slight disappointment in his eyes. This kid was just like everyone else. Answering stupid questions and saying stupid things like 'I don't know' and whatnot. And here he thought the fox boy was like some type of spirit or god!
"Are you sure you're not a sprite? Or maybe even a ghost? Or something?" Sasuke's scowl deepened as the words came tumbling out of his mouth. He was becoming really dissappointed. He was hoping that maybe if this boy was maybe a spirit or god, then maybe he could contact the dead or something. Or maybe have told Sasuke something about...about his parents, and family, tell him whether or not they were doing okay, or what heaven was like. Or if his parents missed him, and maybe he could have found out what the good things his father said about him to his mom when he wasn't around like she said his father did.
Tears were beginning to well up in his eyes as his thoughts continued. This boy...this boy who was seemed so different at first turned out to be so similar to everyone else around him. Lumps of flesh that took up space and tried to give him hope when he felt that he just wanted to die. He was glarely icily at the Naruto, who was starting to feel a shiver go up his spine at how dark and terrifying Sasuke's eyes were. He had a bad feeling about those eyes when he first saw them, they made him uncomfortable. But now, they looked so empty and angry that it was starting to give the fox doubts about his choice of staying here longer than he should have. What did he say, anyway? All he said was that he couldn't place what he was, why was the Uchiha getting so mad at him?
Sasuke abruptly stood from his seat at the living room table, shoving his chair back, his hands slightly slamming the table. He glared at Naruto some more, his lips pressed together in a thin line. He knew he was probably being unreasonably angry, especially since Naruto had no idea about his troubles and the suffering he had to endure over the loss of his family, or what his thoughts were at the moment, but he didn't care. Sasuke felt anger build, though it wasn't for Naruto. He was angry at himself. Pains were making themselves known again, another gift from reality, but he couldn't find it in himself to feel sorry or regret what he was about to say.
"Get out."
With those words, and a heated glare of anger and almost hatred, and Naruto's world came crashing down again. Memories from long ago, not as long as it seemed, but still a few years that Naruto had been intent on forgetting, resurfaced. It was vague, but became more prominent as the whiskered blonde continued to stare at Sasuke in shock over his words.
Sasuke glared some more. "Didn't you here me?! I said get away from me! What's wrong with you?! You stupid idiot!!" Sasuke screamed more and more at the blonde who sat there dumbly. Sasuke didn't know he was screaming. Sasuke couldn't see anything at all. He couldn't feel the anger that he had felt moments before, only blinding, white hot pain that was scorching his mind. Red. Red...blood...the blood of his mom as she lay ontop of his father, death radiating from them. He just wanted to be left alone, and continue to sink in his mind where he could give up hope so that he wouldn't be hurt anymore. Naruto didn't mean to hurt him, noone ever does, but they always do anyway. He wanted to be alone. Tears dripped down his pale face.
Naruto continued to stare as Sasuke began to shed tears, looking but not really seeing. Sasuke's words stabbed at his heart more then the raven would prbably ever know. The things Sasuke said, and the same phrases that had come out of others' mouths before, began to repeat over and over in his head, like a broken record. All of the noise in his mind began to drown out, he rain, Sasuke's screaming and sobbing, everything was fading until he could only hear and see what his torturous mind wished for him to see...and feel.
"Get away from me you little monster!"
A slap across the face and the image of a child running as fast as he could away from his attacker. Her sister had been killed in the fight with the demon Fox. Blood had scattered the area, and screams had been torn from her throat. The woman who slapped the blonde would never forget how she cradled her most precious little sister in her arms as she gasped for the last of her breath.
The little sister was only 15, and a chunin. Someone who had a beautiful smile and a beautiful heart who had aspired to be a medic-nin who helped the wounded and sick.
She would never have her dream.
Naruto had been terribly confused and sad that day. After the woman had slapped him, he had run home to his apartment and began crying into his pillow. He fell asleep sobbing, with nightmares of how cold the woman's eyes had been.
"What's wrong with you, demon?! Wanting to know how to learn how to kill more people?!"
A kunai thrown and sinking into the arm of a young, young child with blonde hair. A strangled cry erupted from his mouth. He had stopped to watch some jounin ninja spar in training on his way home from the store to buy some food. He had to throw some of it away because it had been tainted by his blood.
The jounin who had thrown the kunai had lost his lover. A lover who had always waited for him to come home, who he had planned on asking her to marry him soon and offer her a daimond ring. His lover who smiled beautifully as the firelight was cast over her skin after a night of lovemaking, her eyes filled with love for the person she had held in her arms.
He was never able to even tell her how much he loved her before she died in a hospital bed from a serious wound to the chest.
Naruto went to the lake and washed his wound, tears streaming down his face. The blood mixed and mingled with the water, so that when Naruto moved to look at his reflection, the blood made it look so that his image was that of a blood-thirsty monster. He didn't sleep that night.
"I'll kill you, I swear!! I'll do this village a favor by ridding of you!"
A young girl, probably a young teenager, ran towards him with a shuriken in hand as Naruto had sat at the harbor of the lake. She had grabbed his hair and dunked his head under the fresh water, intent on drowning him, while she stabbed and cut his back repeatedly with her shuriken, her left hand keeping a firm hand on the back of his head as the 5-year-old blonde started to struggle and scream in pain.
She had gotten into a fight with her parents on October 9th. She had wanted to go on a higher ranking mission with her genin team, but her parents wouldn't allow it. She had been angry at them, and started saying things to them that she normally wouldn't have done with a straight mind. Things like how they couldn't trust her, or think her weak, or never let her do anything that other shinobi got to do. She had thrown some vases around, breaking them before heading to her room and slamming her door.
Her mother had tried to comfort her and make her understand their want for her safety, but she didn't listen. Instead, she told her mother that she hated her, and her mother left with a sad look on her face.
Both of her parents had been killed in the fight against Kyuubi. She felt ready to die when she found out. The teen had never been able to say that she was sorry for her actions.
The Sandaime Hokage had to prevent the girl from continuing her actions by knocking her out. He just happened to be strolling along when he had heard the strangled screams. There were other people about, but noone had moved to help him.
Naruto was only five, but he had already felt such an immense pain that he didn't know how to even stop it. When he got home, he rushed to the bathroom to empty his earlier meal in the toilet. He didn't shed one tear. He had gotten used to this treatment. It was his life so far, so he was starting to build an immunity to the hating looks and aggressive hits that he received. And the occasional near-death 'accidents' that happened.
"Don't play with him. Stay away, or else he'll kill you like he killed your big brother."
Icy stares, like the coldest winter nights, when the snow would fall so horribly that you could hardly see the hand in front of your face.
"He killed our Yondaime. He should die as well."
Evil whispers, unspoken hatred, untold anger, and the hidden pain. Naruto didn't even know why he was being condemned.
More tears...
More hatred...
"Why won't you die?!"
Infinite emptiness...
"Get away from me!"
Until Naruto wondered if maybe he died would the villagers be happier. If they cared so little of him, why wasn't he dead yet? He was truly uncared for, and unwanted.
Noone would wonder where he was if he didn't come home.
"We don't want you."
Noone would care if he was in trouble.
"Noone needs you here."
Noone would grieve if he disappeared from this land. Or this earth.
"Get out! Go away!" A mother who lost her husband.
"Damned demon! Get out of here!" An angry store keeper.
"Get out, get out, get out, get out, get out, getoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetoutgetout..."
"Get out." Sasuke who looked at him with such pain and anger in his eyes.
"Didn't you here me?! I said get away from me!" Sasuke who seemed to snap in his mind, tears building and anger seeping out and lashing at the blonde unmercifully. Who just moments ago had treated him with kindness, and had bandaged his wound when he could have left Naruto out on the streets to die in the rain.
"What's wrong with you?! You stupid idiot!" Tears spilling out of bedroom eyes, crawling its way down the Uchiha's cheeks.
I don't know...
The pain was ripping at Naruto's insides, becoming more unbearable as he stared at the raven in front of him blindly.
I don't know who I am...
Naruto knew that Sasuke was still screaming at him, because he could see his pale lips moving rapidly, and he could see the force behind it. Strangely, even with his enhanced hearing, he couldn't comprehend anything coming out of his mouth. He could only feel the horrible clenching in his heart, and in his abdomen, and how it was overwhelming to him.
I don't know what I am...
He could still see tears falling down the pale boy's cheeks. They seemed to keep coming up in the frustration he was venting out towards Naruto at his disobedience to his demand of leaving his house. But Naruto couldn't hear him. 'I don't know what you're saying... How do I know what you want me to do?'
Have I done something wrong?
A flash of lightning filled the room with it's white light.
I don't know why I'm here
Sounds were slowly coming back to him, very faintly at first, but still growing.
I don't know what I've done, or how to fix it.
He was beginning to hear the pounding of the rain on the roof.
Why am I alive...?
The blonde snapped into focus at the sound of his name, clear and prominent, ringing in his mind and he turned his attention back towards Sasuke in front of him. His face was tear-streaked, and his eyes looked emptier and more frightening than ever, pinning the fox with his dark and emotionless gaze.
"Get out." Sasuke's voice was empty, and his dreaded eyes looked far older than the face they were placed on.
With all of the fear he had held before in his past, he never felt more frightened than he did then. Those eyes and that voice brought up more memories and emotions at once than Naruto was prepared to deal with.
The fox had never obeyed a command as eagerly as he had done that night.
The thunder roared.
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The End!!
A/N:hahahaha...just kidding. Please don't kill me! I know it seems a little wacked up now, but I swear it gets better! This is still SasuNaru, but this is a long-term fic. I can't have them friends right away. Besides, they're only 8.
Anyway! Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU for the reviews! They really got me going! Be sure to leave more, and I'll update sooner! Well...actually it depends. I'm really I hope this is good. I normally write a little bit of the chapters at a time. Also, I'm sorry if this is shorter than the previous chapters.
Please review! Ask questions, leave comments, propose ideas of what you want, all that good stuff.