Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Kitsune ❯ Chapter One: Fox's Awakening ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

SilverKyuubi says: Yo peeps. Here's chapter one for ya. I hope you enjoy it cuz I wrote it a little longer than I normally would. If updates are long, I'm sorry. Have fun.
Warnings: Um...Yeah, this is yaoi. Boy x boy, shounen-ai, etc. Don't like, don't read. Flames will be for roasting marshmellows!
Also, this is un-betaed. No beta for this. So if there's a spelling problem, or grammer problem, don't get on my case please. I really didn't want to go over this twice.
Pairings: main-SasuNaru. Send reviews if you wanna clue me in on what other couples you guys want on the side.
Disclaimer: Me no own Naruto and co. They just come to my door from the requests I send Masashi-sama and I bend them to my will.
Thanks to: not like the movies for reviewing. YOUR THE ONLY ONE WHO REVIEWED!! While this does kinda piss me off, I thank you for dropping me a review. You get cyber cookies.
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~*My Kitsune*~
Chapter One: Fox's Awakening
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Indeed, the young boy, not the fox that was once there, had blonde hair with firey auburn fos ears peaking out where normal human ears should have been. A long tail came out from right above his bottom, and the boy had 3 whisker-like marks adorning his cheeks. The boy was covered in old grey rags, as it was no excuse for clothing, and the bandages that once bound the wound on the hind leg of the fox now lay in ruins from the increase in size.
Sasuke stared in wide shock as he stared hard at the child that lay peacefully oblivious to his wonder.
What the hell?!
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~*My Kitsune*~
Chapter One: A New Complication
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The cool breeze was very refreshing.
The leaves were beginning to start changing colors as the first signs of cold weather blew in. The sun was mildly warm, while the breeze was cool enough to send a slight shiver up your spine, but not enough to want to cover yourself. Leaves of various reds and light yellows all tumbled along the surface of the forest with the wind. Yes, the leaves loved to follow the wind. It was a mesmorizing process, the stillness and silence very peaceful and reassuring. The sky was beginning to turn a deep and powerful orange as the sun was casting some of its last rays across the sky, making the forest seeming more ethereal than before. The leaves reflected its firey light, and it was a perfect moment to capture in one's mind.
Blue eyes blinked appreciatively over this surface. Here, he was free to do as he pleased, and free of the pain in his leg that he felt moments ago. He was free to run, to swim, to laugh, and to enjoy all the life he wanted. Wanting to live in his dreams was one thing he shared in common with the humans, although he would never understand why humans would want to live in things like houses and kill others like themselves. Why kill your own kind? It puzzled him indeed.
A warm smile spread over his lips. Oh well...
Who cares when you have everything you want here, right? Maybe now he could go and find someone to play with. It was what he liked the most, since maybe such a thing as friends was to only remain in his dreams...
It was still a moment later after Sasuke's realization that he was still staring openly at the boy laying across from him with mouth agape and eyes still slightly widened with shock.
He still couldn't comprehend how this happened. One minute he was a drenched and sick fox that he found out in the rain and took home, and next a young and unusual looking boy layed in the place of said fox with some weird ears and a tail! How could anyone explain this?!
Sasuke calmed down a bit, straightening himself and giving the thing in front of him a more contemplative and calculating stare as he tried to come up with a solution. His first thought was that this person... or thing... might have put a henge over himself to make him appear as a fox. But why would anyone want to do that? What reason was there for taking such an action? And Sasuke noticed that he definitely never saw this boy in any of his classes at the Academy. He would have drawn way too much attention to himself, with or without the animalistic traits that the sun-kissed boy seemed to have acquired. His blonde and unruly, spiky hair was no where to be found in Konoha. At least as far as he had ever seen.
The Yamanaka family has blonde hair, as he painfully remembered how the heir of the Yamanakas, Ino, would always fawn over him when they were at the Academy. Much like the weird pink-haired girl as well. But the mind-controlling family had more of a platinum blonde that was nearly white, but not quite. This boy's blonde hair was rich and golden.
Sasuke tried to think more of it as the fox boy continued sleeping, but then decided that maybe it would be best to ask the boy rather than ponder why he would be here.
Sasuke slowly and carefully approached him, almost as if he might spring up any second and gobble him up. Sasuke supressed a shiver, and then scolded himself for such childish thoughts, although he couldn't help but consider the possiblity of 'what if'. He was only 8 afterall. Why do weird things keep happening to him?!
The last Uchiha slowly reached his hand down toward the stranger's shoulder, and trying to repress his trembling. He was an Uchiha. He could wake a weird strange looking thing that came struggling down the Uchiha compound streets and ended up in his home and suddenly turned into a boy with weird ears and a tail. Yup. He could do it. This was his home afterall, and he got to choose who stays and who goes.
Sweat was prespiring from the young Uchiha, and the way he was holding his hand out to wake the boy was somewhat amusing. He was trying to keep his body as far away from the boy and only extend his hand as if it would keep him safe. Sasuke was then suddenly reminded of his brother, and decided enough was enough.
He finally placed his hand on the boy's shoulder after calming down. He noticed slightly that he was very warm, and it was almost comforting in a way, but Sasuke shook the boy slightly so that he would wake up calmly and not alarmed by Sasuke's presence and then decide to gobble him up and spit him out. Or something like that.
When the trespasser didn't wake up from the soft shake, Sasuke shook harder with his eyebrows furrowed and a frown on his face. Instead of waking, the boy made a sudden loud snore.
Sasuke continued to shake harder and harder, but the boy would only roll over and lay in a more sprawled out position, apparently comfortable on the cushion he was laying on. Sasuke was becoming more annoyed by the second. His fears were gone and decayed, now replaced with frustration and mild anger. He continued to shake and rattle the boy, but his efforts proved fruitless.
Sasuke finally gave up and went angrily to fetch a bucket of water. He stomped back over to where the blonde was sleeping, with tongue hanging out and everything, and pured a whole bucket of ice cold water from the sink over his head. Sasuke watched with extreme satisfaction as the blonde suddenly let out a squeak and leaped up from his comfortable position and started to sputter and spit water out of his mouth. His strange ears were drenched and dripping water at the tips, his spiky hair was more in his face than before, and the grey rags that clung to him were more dirty and repulsive than before. The boy finally looked angrily up at Sasuke with a look of utter disbelief in his eyes. Sasuke was once again reminded of a summer blue sky.
"Why the heck did you do that?!" the boy practically sceamed into the empty house, making things echo a little bit. Sasuke raised an eyebrow.
"Why the heck are you here?" he replied with a monotonous voice with obvious superiority reeking from his form. Being a kid, he was really trying his best to seem invulnerable and all-knowing even though he was far from it. He felt he needed to act more higher up than this brat that had shown such disrespect to him in his own home. Even if he wasn't from Konoha, surely he must know of the Uchiha family and their status? Even strangers from other countries were aware of the reputation the Uchihas held. This boy should be no different.
A look of realization sunk in on the strange boy, and he glanced around the house from his spot in slight fearof the unfamilair territory. Sasuke saw as he looked suddenly frightened and fragile, wanting nothing but to leave and escape to somewhere safe. The boy obviously forgot his anger towards the pale Uchiha, for now he started trembling with fear and anxiety. Sasuke frowned. 'What's with this kid?'
The boy turned to him with wide blue eyes shimmering on the verge of tears.
"W-where a-am I?" The fox kid stumlbed through his words with worry apparent in his voice. He started to slowly move away from the Sasuke in fright. Moving backwards in a cautious way, he failed to notice the coffee table and he tripped over it, still shaking. he crawled backwards, tail dragging with him, until he was curled up in a corner of the room, shaken. His wet tail wrapped around him in order to give himself some sort of comfort. Sasuke couldn't tell whether he was trembling with fear or the chill of cold from being so wet.
But, opposed to the belief that Sasuke was mean, he was very kind at heart. With the death of his parents, he naturally wanted everyone to keep and stay away from him so that he could wallow in his sadness and the darkness of his realization. He did well in school, but his soul was still trying to recover as much as it could from the harsh blow on his heart that he had received a mere month before. As much as Sasuke still hurt right now, he didn't want someone else to fear him as much as this boy apparently did now. He was still a bit concerned with the whole fox-turn-human-with-weird-ears-and-tail thing, because he had no idea what the heck happened then, but his first objective was to help the fox, and then send it on its way. Even though said fox had somehow turned into a human with his demi-form's parts.
Sasuke's black eyes softened, and he slowly approached the boy, not wanting to frighten him and give him a reason to run away. The blonde cringed from him with his ears dropped in obvous discomfort as Sasuke came towards him. He was still shaking slightly, from both fear and the fact that he was wet. Sasuke stopped in front of the blonde fox, leaning his hand forward. This caused the person flinch from him and close his eyes tightly, awaiting some form of blow to the face, or some other form of pain.
When it never came, he blinked open his eyes slowly, not daring to hope he would get out of this without violence. He looked up at the other person who had first annoyed him, and then made him fearful in 5 seconds. He saw the boy with black, black hair and black, black eyes have an extended hand out towards him to assist him up. The blonde at first looked at it confusingly, not completely understanding his help, but the other boy only offered him a small smile. The blonde did't understand completely, but it was obvious that the other meant no harm towards him and wanted to help. So he hesitantly took the other's hand and stood shakily, still recovering slightly. Sasuke stood a reasonable distance from the soaking blonde.
"I guess I'll go and get a towel for you to dry off with. I made tea earlier, would you like some?" Sasuke said a bit abashed. He really wasn't used to giving hospitality for others, especialy now. That was usually his mom's job. But he wanted to do his best for the lost boy. Besides, he was soaking up the rugs on the living room floor. And those clothes were disgraceful to where in his house. If they could be called clothes at all. And that wound was looking a little red.
The blonde stared back at him a little embarassed also. He was completely unfamiliar with this whole ordeal. He was thinking of what he should do. He had never encountered another human in a long time, and he was always taught to fear and avoid the humans. They always had a particular smell that warned him and other animals if they were coming into their lands or nesting areas. Even if this was a ninja village with quick shinobi, the animals always produced an outer spiritual aura that always clearly warned the sixth sense whether or not another was coming. When that animal was clearly warned, it would always masterfully blend with the trees until the other was in distance enough to get a smell of. Normally, he would stay deep within the forest to not encounter the people living in the village, even if they seemed to have no interest in him.
"Demo, what'" Naruto stared curiously back at Sasuke. Sasuke looked back at him in confusion. He didn't know what tea was? Who didn't know what tea was? Well, apparently this boy, or he wouldn't be asking him. He was, afterall, a unique person. Sasuke was now absolutely positive that he didn't live in the village.
"Um...well, it's...heated water with leaves that give it some flavor, I guess. That's what my mom said." The whiskered boy only stared back as his response left his lips, even more confused and curious than before.
Leaves? Humans used leaves in their water? And they heated the water? The blonde was almost so tempted to laugh. It was itching its way up his side, and he dis everything he could to hold it back. But honestly. Humans were such funny creatures. He had never heard such things that went on in the forest nest, where animals of the same nature and companionship would gather to converse. Other creatures would often speak of how horrible the humans were sometimes. They would hover together at twilight in the near dark, just as some of the last rays of the sun stretched over the sky. They would whisper and speak of how the people would kidnap animals and skin them for their meat. Then they would make clothing out of their furs and make sure that they suffered hell before they died. Scary stuff like that sent most other animals shaking with fright and running to their burrows in fear.
But he wasn't like that. He was well aware of his second form. He had actually been quite daring before, and went beyond the border lands of the forest sometimes in order to watch the humans in their daily lives. He was hidden somewhat, and watched as they children played and how they wore sandals on their feet and ate strange things that weren't rabbits. They ate plants and for awhile everything was strange and amusing to Naruto. Though he never told the elder forest creatures, he had always enjoyed watching the contentment among the people of the Hidden Leaf Village. They never seemed dangerous to him.
But leaves in their water was unheard of. Noone in the Deep Nest had ever heard of such things. The river in the Eastern part of the forest was cool and clear and cold, perfect for quinching any thirst. Why would they want to heat it? Especially when it was so often hot and humid outside due to the forestry?
Sasuke, getting tired of the blank look on the blonde's face, decided to leave and grab a towel and some tea on his own. He was still not tall enough to reach a lot of the towel cabinets, so he had to grab a stool to hoist himself up. In this time, he thought a bit about his new and strange guest. The blonde was so terribly strange that he had almost been afraid of him. Not that he looked intimidating or anything, just so different from him and everyone else. It was frightening, but when he noticed the boy's fear match his own inner tormoil, he knew that there was nothing to be scared of. In fact, it was almost immediate how his doubt melted away.
With a small smile upon his lips and a dry towel in hand, he returned to the living room to find the blonde looking oddly at the television set, cautiously putting his nose near it to take a sniff, ears erect with curiosity. He warily put his hand out to touch it the flat surface of it, blue eyes blinking rapidly at the odd feel. Sasuke watched on, half amused and half puzzled at his strange actions. When he heard Sasuke return, he turned toward him with wonder clear in his eyes.
"What is this?" He asked.
"You don't know what a TV is?" Sasuke replied. Sasuke never really cared much for the TV, since he had always been completely focused on his ninja training. But it soon became obvious that Naruto knew nothing of his world. He had a suspicion that this was the case, but he wasn't totally sure. After looking again at the blonde's auburn ears and tail, along with the obvious negative expression to having any knowledge to what a television set was, he was sure that the blonde had stumbled upon a new demension altogether. Sasuke frowned in thought.
The blonde was all so new to this. There were so many unfamiliar smells and so many unfamiliar things. There was nothing like this back in the Deep Nest, or anything at all in the forest surrounding Konoha, to which he had ever been. In the back of his mind, he remembered some of this, back when he was a part of this kind of life, but those memories have long been locked away in his mind. Instead he favored the life of living free and in the wild. He had made this decision when he had first realized his second form. He then, even at that young age, chose the forest peace and acceptance over the harsh judging of humans. But was all fascinating. The things, the foods, the communication, and especially the raven haired boy that had yet to announce his name. When meeting others, the normal way to greet another animal in a friendly way was to touch noses and smell the other in order to get a feel for what the other was like.
But the fox has watched the inhabitants of Konoha for a long time now, and he knew that that was not how people greeted eachother. They performed the weird motion of bowing, which he has never done. So, he turned from the weird box set that sat in front of him and faced the almost feminine looking male that was in front of him. When he spotted the towel in his arms, he realized again that he was soaking wet and terribly cold. His curiosity had temporarily stopped his focus on his poor condition to allow his mind to wander freely. Now that he noticed his poor state, he saw that he was shivering and terribly wishing to cuddle with the other foxes. Sasuke apparently noticed this and gave him the towel to dry.
"Thanks..." was the fox's soft gratitude and he aggresively tried to get his skin dry, and then moving to dry his ears and tail which were thoroughly soaked through.
Sasuke watched him struggle to dry around the rags on him and then left the room to fetch him clothing. He went to his room, assuming that they were the same sizes, though they might be a little bit bigger on the blonde who was a little smaller than he was. He picked out a black shirt with the traditional Uchiha symbols on the back and some black slacks, and some green boxers. When he returned, he found the blonde licking his tail which Sasuke automatically associated with a cat. It was kind of cute in a way. 'He's still really weird though...'
"Here. Put these on." Sasuke handed the clothing to the blonde, which said fox took with a look of puzzlement on his face. What were these? More rags like he had worn long before? His look must have been relayed to Sasuke in the question. Sasuke once again had to remind himself that the boy knew nothing. With a sigh, he took the clothes back from him, an action which again earned him another confused look from the blonde.
"Come and sit on the couch. I guess I'll put these on you." Sasuke motioned toward his black leather couch in the living room. Naruto again looked at it in wonder and did as he was commanded, moving toward the sofa and sitting on it while beginning to play with the throwing pillows placed on there. After Sasuke calmed him down long enough, he began to strip the damp blonde of the rags clinging to his skin. While he wasn't embarassed to do this, it was strange that he had to do this to another person. While Sasuke busied himself with changing the wet rags for the shirt, he decided to question the creature in front of him in order to find out what he was in the first place. A name sounded a good way to start.
"So, what's your name anyway, dobe? You show up here and I don't even know who you are. Don't you know that's kinda rude?" Sasuke said this quickly while scowling at the blonde. He was just fitting the shirt over his head and pulled down on it roughly to get it on, meanwhile frustrating the blonde in front of him.
The fox pouted at him, eyes furrowing together in annoyance. "Noone told you you had to take me in your weird wood house thing." At this, he gestured toward the house in general, flinging his arms around while Sasuke was working on getting his raggedy pants off to put on the boxers. "And my name is Naruto, not dobe! So you should start calling me that now, dattebayo!" Naruto blurted out, obviously insulted by Sasuke's nickname toward him. "And who do you think you are? Going around, calling others names!" Naruto started squirming around as he said this, and received a sharp tug on his ear from Sasuke in order for him to keep still. Naruto yelped at the light pain in his ear and sent a nasty glare toward the raven, who ignored it in favor of his own glare which was still being perfected for its coldness.
"My name is Uchiha Sasuke, and you should remember it as well." Sasuke spoke with irritation clear in his voice. Now, he discovered a new problem, as it became obvious that with the tail there, he wouldn't be able to properly fix the boxers or the slacks on the blonde unless some sort of hole was fixed there. Sasuke got up and sighed in irritation. This Naruto thing wasn't even in his household for an hour yet and he was already getting on his nerves. Naruto seemed completely oblivious to the tail problem though, and continued to silently fume at Sasuke's arrogant words. They didn't take well to him, apparently.
Sasuke looked again at the hopeless situation of his favorite pair of boxers that would have to bear a hole in order to be able to fit Naruto properly. After cutting the right hole in the boxers to force Naruto's tail through, and the extreme and comical situation of trying to show Naruto how to put on the other clothes, they sat around the living room table to enjoy some nice jasmine tea that Sasuke had to reheat. Sasuk also had to rebandage the leg that the fox had hurt earlier, which was strangely already half-healed and looking much better than it did before. Sasuke chose to ignore this and turn his attention back to Naruto who was giggling at tea for some reason. Naruto shared his thoughts on the silliness of having leaves in heated water, to which Sasuke apparently didn't understand, and Naruto drank the relaxing substance with some delight in the way it tasted.
"Man, these weird clothes feel strange on me...I'm so used to having my fur during the cold times."Naruto said with a frown on his face, squirming in the clothes that he had received from Sasuke moments ago. They were itching him, and they were nothing like the fur that he wore on his back every day. His fur was nice and silky, as his ears and tail were, and he was not used to having something so uncomfortable on. Honestly, how did the humans move in these so easily? It was simply uncanny. A flash of lightning and a rumble of thunder filled the sky outside, and the rain continued to pour, hitting the roof in a soothing way.
"Well, I'm so sorry you're uncomfortable. But I couldn't really let a dobe like you disgrace yourself by walking around in torn rags." Sasuke replied smartly. Naruto pouted and crossed his arms over his chest in hope of retaining some of his pride. He glared hotly at the raven who seemed to not be able to withhold a smirk.
'Now we're getting somewhere...' Sasuke thought with excitement building in him. He was wondering how to question the blonde on who he was, how he got here, what he was exactly, and all that other stuff. He had his thoughts on what Naruto might be. Sasuke was thinking that maybe Naruto could be some great spirit that lived in the forest, and was wounded and came to Sasuke for healing and the need to return home safely. Or maybe he was a messenger fox rom a distant land that had come with some message to some great being, and was able to turn into a half-human form for communication. Or perhaps he was a young god of mischief who wanted to play harmless pranks on the nearby villagers. The list could go on and on. Sasuke was excited about it, and he was finding it hard to repress a shiver from going down his spine at the mere prospect. He was 8 afterall, and his imagination was vast no matter how depressed and brooding as he had been in the past weeks.
Naruto continued to glare at him as he watched Sasuke sip his tea politely. He took this chance to completely look over the boy in front of him even though he had already done so before he passed out on the street in the rain, and again when he was in the house. But Naruto really couldn't get over how this other boy looked. He never noticed him or anyone like him before when he would peek at the village from a little ways away. He black hair framed his pale face pefectly, even though some of the baby fat still lingered prominently. His eyes were strangely beautiful, though Naruto never took much of a liking to black, he certainly would now. What bothered him was how they seemed to look like open windows, empty and lost. He didn't interpret these things at the time, but he felt a shiver crawl uncomfortably up his spine as he looked into the void-like eyes. He couldn't say that he liked them too well.
"So...." Naruto was startled out of his thoughts by Sasuke's words. "Why are you here?" Sasuke eyed Naruto with wonder. A flash of hurt went through Naruto, though he couldn't really understand why. Did Sasuke want him out of his household already? Was he really that much of a nuisance to the people and creatures around him? Naruto looked down in his lap sadly. Sasuke noticed his expression and quickly corrected his mistake.
"No,no,no...I didn't mean it like that. I meant...well, what are you exactly? And how did you get here?" Sasuke asked with an eagerness in his eyes. He was really curious about the smaller boy across from him, and he didn't want to drive him away. There was a type of aura around the blonde, and it was filled with many mysteries and stories, and also a strong type of hidden wisdom that Sasuke was intrigued by. Naruto looked up from his lap in understanding, and he decided that maybe he owed the Uchiha atleast an explanation of why he was here.
Naruto had slowly snuck into the normal tree he would have to spy on the Hidden Leaf Village and it's people. He climbed the bark with his claws, though not so delicately or gracefully as most other foxes could have. He always was a klutz. His azure eyes swept over the village before him, and again he was filled with wonder. The humans' lives and the way the animals lived was so terribly and fascinatingly different. Naruto was always curious about some of the things that the humans did. The way they walked, the way they greeted one another, and other such things.
Of course, Naruto knew that he was like them in a lot of ways, but memories of before he joined the Deep Nest hidden in the forest were so vague because he had been so young and afraid of everything. All he knew was that he was so utterly tired of being alone, so he sought out comfort in the forest, and his wishes for a family were granted. He was still only a small kit with much to learn about the world. But nothing could stop him from causing some mischief now and then. And besides, it wasn't as if he was interfering with the humans, he was just watching. No harm in watching, right? So he went against the elder foxes' advice about staying away from the humans.
Naruto knew he couldn't stay long though. It was about to rain, he could smell it coming hours ago. But he wasn't discouraged. He would watch them for only a little bit, and then he would return to his small burrow under the sakura tree hidden in the forest. It was an old and beautiful sakura tree, one that bloomed brightly during the spring. It was quite a ways from the Deep Nest that he usually spent most of his time, but he loved the burrow under the cherry blossom tree that filled him with a great peace and serenity when he would lay amongst one of the branches and take in the sun.
After about 10 minutes of observing the humans and watching their daily routine with wonder and amusement, Naruto could feel that the rain was about to begin it's downpour on the nature and world below. The temperature was starting to drop, and the wind was picking up rapidly. Naruto predicted that this might turn out to be a storm. He should leave, since he hated being wet when he it wasn't necessary. He liked going swimming in the nearby river once in a while, but rain was something that he enjoyed from inside the burrow where he was dry. Little droplets were beginning to platter on the ground and trickle his fur, and Naruto decided that he must leave and run quickly back to his home to avoid being soaked.
As he made to leave, he suddenly caught onto another scent strongly, and alarm was suddenly being shuddered from him. All of his kitsune instincts were screaming for him to leave and run, but he reacted far too late,for as once he dropped from the tree he was lying in, a monstrous dog appeared in his vision. It had a studded collar around its neck, and its muscles showed well. The animal must have caught Naruto in its vision, because it quickly turned that malicious face toward him and snarled dangerously. Naruto was beginning his first escape panics, as he watched the hungry eyes of the dog in front of him eyed him carefully.
The air seemed to stand still, and neither of the two animals moved. Naruto was trying to think of the best escape way possible withoout tearing his eyes away from the dog before him. He had heard about these dogs...this wasn't a nin-dog, it was a hunter dog. They were trained to follow the scent of and hunt other creatures in the forest and kill them to bring them home to their masters. This had to be one of them, and Naruto knew he was the prey that was to be killed and brought home to be skinned and used as a fur coat for the humans' cold days. Naruto must have missed the scent of the other canine because of the coming rain. It was easy to miss a scent in the rain, especially if your guard was down.
The rain poured harder, and the dog was now growling intently at the fox. Naruto's fur was prickling at the atmosphere of danger. He was scared shitless, even Naruto was able to admit this to himself. But he wanted to live. This desire was strong. He obviously wasn't going to get past the creature, so the only other option was to turn and run in the other way: into Konoha. So he sprinted towards there as fast as he could in order to save his life. The canine soon followed after him with pacing speed. There were nearly no humans out of their living areas, so he was able to avoid any conflict with them. He turned corners as fast as he could, splashing in the puddles that were there. He ran anywhere, no longer caring so long as he got away from the monster trailing him, and almost catching him several times.
They were entering a somewhat deserted area, where there seemed to be noone around. Naruto was panting heavily, and was trying his best to get away from the dog, but it was persistent, and finally it clamped its sharp teeth around the fox's hind leg. Naruto let out a pained whelp, as the dog tore his flesh back and forth within its mouth, as if trying to disconnect his leg from his body. Naruto turned to scratch the dog with his claws, and the dog tossed him with his mouth over about 3 feet in retaliation.
Naruto landed with a painful thud on his side, and tried crawling away in desperation. His hind leg was bleeding terribly, and it throbbed with extreme pain. He could feel some tears leave his blue eyes, and could feel the dog coming after him again.
'I don't want to die, I don't want to die, I don't want to die...' Naruto chanted in his head over and over in panic and despair that he was to die at the mercy of this animal, and he could feel a strong pinch in his chest as he thought of what little he was leaving behind. He was only a little kit, and he was terrified of death. He could feel the dog tearing at his leg again, vicously tearing his skin apart. Blood was dripping from the dog's mouth, and Naruto just wanted to die now, for the pain was becoming too much for him.
Then, suddenly, from deep inside him, he could feel a deep and powerful energy come from inside of him. A power that was ancient and malevolent, and long forgotten. Naruto felt an unbelievable burst of energy sprout from him, and a strong red flare emerged from him, and the energy blasted the dog away, who yelped at the astonishing attack from the fox. Naruto collapsed, exhaustion pouring from him. As soon as the dog recovered, it trotted away limping, apparently having enough of the rough treatment.
Naruto just lay there as the rain began to batter him away, though he didn't even regard it. He didn't have any idea where that strange ability came from, and he didn't know if he should be thankful for it yet or not, since he could very well die from laying there too long. There was absolutely no people around, so he felt that he should be safe for now. He never even thought of how strange it was to have all of these man-made houses and no humans living in there. Naruto was alive now, and he was determined to make it. He struggled with everything he had to get to his feet, his hind leg throbbing terribly and Naruto just wishing that the dog might have finished the job of discarding it to save him the pain. He spotted a nearby shop that seemed to provide some shelter, and he limped his way slowly towards there. It seemed to be taking an eternity just to get there. The corners of his eyes were beginning to darken as he stumbled his way towards the shelter, and he realized he might not make it.
He was becoming very tired, and wanted nothing more than to go to sleep where there was no pain that could tear you apart. Just as he was about to reach there, his wounded leg hit a rock, and he fell, without the will to get up again. He just lay there, letting darkness consume him slowly. Then, what was left of his instincts let him know that there was something standing over him, and looking at him below. Naruto took what energy he had left to look up at the boy, no longer filled with fear as he realized that this was a human.
He thought of how beautiful the boy looked standing there, before he let darkness completely devour him.
*End Flashback*
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A/N: Yeah, yeah, I know some of you think it's going slowly, but get over it. It gets better (hopefully...)
It's just to give a view of how Naruto thinks and his normal lifestyle and everything. And guys, please leave a review. I got a lot of visitors for this in just a little time, and I would appreciate a review. I only got one for my prologue. ONE. That kinda puts me down. Is this fic really that bad?
Anyway, I'll try to update this ASAP.