Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Knight In Dirty Rags ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: So far this story is doing good, I guess…I don’t know, this is only the second chapter. ^-^ Well, I hope you enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it.

My Knight In Dirty Rags

It was a slow morning-very slow. The sun wasn’t going to rise for another two hours or so when Hinata woke up. After she heard the news she was going to sent off and be married yester day she lost it. She only turned 18 a week ago, and now she was going away! Forever maybe!

Helpers came and went, helping Hinata pack her bags for her move. Next thing she knew, the whole room was dark and empty. It scared her-this room, not to long ago was full of all her belongings, but was now full of empty space, a blank dresser, and a single bare bed.

When the final bag was taken away, she let out a sigh. Falling onto her bed for the last time she let out a single tear. A small smile n her face as she thought that maybe this was a good thing. Her father was never very proud of her. With her going, it’s a win-win situation for the Northern Kingdom. Hanabi, for one thing, will be the new heir meaning her father would be happier, and then there was the bond going to form with the south.

‘Its going to be fine. You will be fine! No more father breathing down your back. No more disappointment lectures, or sad looks. If I go I can start a new life,’ she thought, fighting back new tears.

“But I don’t want to start a new life! I like my life here!” Hinata cried out, her voice echoing throughout the room. Her body started to shiver as she urged herself to calm down. There was a knock at her door, but when she didn’t make a move to see who it was, the man walked in.

“Father?” Hinata asked meekly, her voice vanished. She wasn’t to sure who it was exactly, but due to the size she had a faint idea.

“Yes, I’m here to tell you the carriage has arrived and they are almost done packing your items. Come down within 10minutes, don’t make them wait,” he stated, placing his hand on her head before standing up. At the door way, he stood there staring at her motionless body. The light from the hall reflected upon his crown, causing light to fall onto Hinata’s face. Gleaming tears stained her face, and with a heavy sigh he left, leaving the door slightly open.

‘I can’t take this anymore. I need to, I need to…Run! Run away to the west! Yes, there I can start over, marry who I want to, and start a new life. Right. I’ll do that!’ Hinata thought, getting up and dried her cheeks.

Sneaking into the hall way, she made sure no one was around and ran as fast as she could. Her footsteps echoed thru the halls and her heart raced. Her mind raced, thinking someone will hear her running and stop her-someone like her sister. Hanabi and her never got along to well.

Her fears were true when around the corner was her baby sister, looking down to the ground. So s top, she could swear her heart beat could be heard everywhere. Hanabi looked up, eyes watery with tears threatening to escape. Then, without any notice, she swung her arms around Hinata and cried softly into her stomach.

“Ha-Hanabi?” Hinata stammered, shocked at the sudden outburst. She didn’t know what to do, so she did what any other older sister would do if this was good-bye; she hugged her back.

“Hinata, you will write, right? I-I-I,” the youngest Hyuga tried to finish, but couldn’t. she let out a small hic-up before taking a few deep breaths. All the while, Hinata stroked her little sisters hair, soothing her. When the tears stopped, she finished her sentence, “I want you to have this.”

Hinata, confused, watched as her sister started to take off a necklace that hung around her neck. Shocked, Hinata shook her head. “No! That’s yours!”

“Yes, it’s mine to give to you. A way to remind you that I may have not acted like it, but I loved you, and still do! I’ll miss you! Also, so you will never forget me, even if you tried,” she cried, placing the item in her older sisters hand before running off.

“Thanks and I promise to write!” yelled Hinata after her sister. Looking down at her palm lay the necklace Hanabi was given when she was five. The stone was a beautiful crystal, formed into an oval type shape. It was a simply piece, but then there was the dragon surrounding it. The dragon was the national gem of the kingdom. Each kingdom had a national gem, and the color of that gem was used frequently. What made this special was the name Hanabi printed, going vertical, in a red wine color.

A smile formed and Hinata placed it around her neck. Knowing her father would think she stole it, if seen on her, she made sure it was hidden underneath her dress top. This meant a lot to her, and the thought of running away escaped her mind completely.

She was sort of out of it when she reached the front gate. It was all ready drawn down, and there was her father and the same man from the other day waiting next to him. There was little said and soon she was being helped into the carriage. A hand stopped her, though, and she was then in her fathers arms.

“Good-bye, Hinata. You will be missed.” Hiashi said, reaching up and taking the small tiara from her daughters head and giving it to a servant to hold for when Hanabi comes to age.

Hinata’s eyes lingered as another tiara was presented, but instead of ruby stones on it, it was a beautiful sapphire, the southern gem stone. It was gorgeous, but sickening at the same time. When it was placed on her head, she could see a solemn Neji standing behind her father, waving slowly. She gave a small smile and went up to him, giving him a friendly hug.


“I never really got to introduce myself, Miss Hinata. My name is Inuzuka Kiba, and it’s a pleasure to meet with you. I will, along with my partner here,” he pointed to a man sitting next to him, “Will help you out along the way and if anything comes up when your at your new home. We work for the King, so you’ll see us a lot.”

“Oh, alright. Um…Wh-what is yo-your name?” she asked, looking from the man she hadn’t seen before getting into the ride and then to her lap.

“Aburame Shino.” he replied, saying nothing more than he need to. He wore all black, including dark shades even though it wasn’t even sunny out yet. The jacket of his collar covered half his face, making him look suspicious, even if nothing had happened. Shino was also very quiet, for if he wasn’t mentioned she would of forgotten he was even there! Kiba, on the other hand, was the complete opposite. He was loud, jumpy, and energetic, something he didn’t show when he was with her father. He wore the same out fit as Shino, but with out the collar and glasses. They each seemed to have something that made them stand out, Shino had his glasses and collar combo, and Kiba had a upside down red tattoo on each cheek and a small dog, which was sleeping next to Hinata.

As the day went on, she found it harder and harder to look out the window. every time she did she would see a family of common folk working, laughing, enjoying what life they had. It wasn’t till night fell did they reach the half way point to their destination.

“Ah, Lord Tsunade’s mansion. We are going to rest here for the night, then get a early start tomorrow. She wants to talk with you, I think, about this ordeal. You will be taken there immediately, then shown to your room, alright?” Kiba said, looking at Hinata. Giving a nod, she continued to pet Kiba’s dog Akamaru, who barely stirred the whole trip.

By the time she was brought to Tsunade, it was well after nightfall. The crickets could be heard, even though they were in the middle of the castle. It was dimly lit, and looked grim. It spooked Hinata, it spooked her to the point where she was fighting not to shake.

“Ah, Miss Hinata. I am well aware that you are to marry King Sasuke very soon. It was brought upon you only a day ago, am I right?” she asked, looking directly at the princess. She studied every movement she made, making note of everything.

Hinata took a deep breath and nodded slowly. “Yes, ma’am. That is correct.” It took all her might not to stutter in front of her. If she did, it wouldn’t be too good for her families reputation.

“It is a great burden to marry into another family for the sake of one’s family. Your father has informed me why he agreed to this marriage proposal…For strengthening the bonds between both kingdoms, he said. Well, nothing can be helped, but I am sure everything will be fine. Shino and Kiba are going to be around the castle so you will always see them. I have given them orders to help you whenever needed, so don’t be afraid to ask for anything. You may go, there will be someone waiting to show you to your room. Have a good rest.” Tsunade stated, waving her hand, motioning for her to go.

With a small bow, Hinata left, trying not to go to fast, but still fast enough. She was then greeted by a humble maid who bowed and told her to follow her to her room. When there she was given a nightgown and was told there was a bathroom, with a shower, right across the hall.

Thinking the maid, she went and took a quick shower and got into her nightgown that was given. Her face was red, due to the steam, when she went to the bed. Her new tiara sat on the table next to her bed, the gems twinkling. These gems were more beautiful then the ones on her other tiara, but still so much more disgusting. They reminded her that she was sold to the south for the ability to use her new soon-to-be husbands army.

Going underneath the covers, she heard someone walking around her room, and sat up. Her body tensed as she was a dark figure jump onto the bed. The lights were out, she couldn’t see very well, and her legs were paralyzed with fear. ‘If it is a murderer I could let him kill me, so I won’t have to go thru with this…’ she thought, but it was brushed aside when her intruder started to lick her face.

“Ak-Akamaru? Why are you-” she started, but found a note beneath the collar around Akamaru’s neck. Taking it, she read it out loud to herself:

Dear Hinata,

I sent Akamaru to give you this letter, I hope he didn’t scare you. I just wanted to let you know we will wake you up early, for a light breakfast, and then head out. Sweet dreams, and good-night.


Smiling, she put the note on the table and tucked herself back into the bed. Akamaru curled himself into a small ball next to her and started to lazily lick her hand. Giggling slightly, she started to drift off into a dreamless sleep.


Thank you! Thank you! I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. Review please! I love feedback, good and bad!