Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ The New Maid ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 11
The New Maid
Vitani pulled her cloaks hood tighter around her face as she neared the castle gates. She warily eyed the two guards standing at the entrance with spears in hand. As she approached, the guard on the right pulled his spear in front of him and yelled out, "Halt! Who goes there?" She bowed and said, "I am merely a humble village girl looking for work." He lowered his spear slightly but did not put it away. Turning to the other guard he said, "check her."
He nodded and walked toward her. She smiled and spread her arms for him. She had no weapons on her person except a small dagger tucked beneath her breast where she knew they would not check.
The finished checking her and finding nothing suspicious, nodded his head toward the other guard. He put his spear to his side and nodded back. "Very well, you may go in." She walked silently passed the guards and into the castle walls.
Once inside the castle, she was approached by a maid looking to about 24 or 25, with long dark hair tied into a tight braid like her mother's. Vitani held back her sneer and kept her face composed and passive.
The maid greeted her with an unwelcome and stern look. "And who might you be?" She asked crossing her arms. Vitani removed her hood and put on her best fake smile, bowing her head slightly to the woman. "My name is Katara. I am a girl from the village seeking for work. I need to support my sick mother." she said stressing the word sick slightly.
The maid regarded her suspiciously but shrugged it off and smiled slightly. "What type of work can you do?"
"Maids work." Vitani said.
The maid smiled and said, "My name is Midori and I am the head maid. Come with me and we'll see about hiring you." Vitani smiled and followed after the woman. Walking down the long hallway they passed an open room. Vitani caught a flash of movement out of the corner of her eye and she paused, looking inside the room.
The sight she saw made her heart beat heavily in her chest.
There inside she saw the most gorgeous man she had ever seen in her life. Well not a man. He looked to be about 16 or 17, but Vitani was awestruck none the less.
He was bent over a washing basin dressed in nothing more than a pair of orange pants. He seemed to be washing his face and hair.
As he raised the water dripped off his lean jaw line and sunshine yellow hair and running down his chisled chest. He had the clearest and most beautiful eyes she had ever seen and three whisker like marks on both cheeks.
The candle sitting on the table next to the basin made his tanned skin glow with a soft shine and Vitani swore she was looking at a god and no ordinary human.
He breathed in deep and stretched his lean arms above his head. He grabbed a towel on the rack beside him and went about drying his face and hair.
Vitani jumped when she herd Midori calling her blushed a deep crimson when the god-like stranger looked her way.
She winked at him seductively and hurried to catch up to the suspicious maid. "Who was that man with the yellow hair?" She asked innocently. Midori looked at her and said, "That is Naruto. He is one of the Nina's milady hired. But don't be gettin any ideas lass, I believe he is already taken."
Vitani pouted then smirked slightly. 'Taken huh. Well we'll just see about that!'
The next few hours was spent on questioning her and everything else that went along with signing her in for the job. She was then taken to the maids quarters and given a room and her uniform. And when all was said and done it was already nearing nightfall.
"You'll start tomorrow, I suggest you get a good night sleep. You have a long day ahead of you tomorrow." Midori said before leaving.
Vitani sighed and settled in. She decided she would get some rest before starting her spy work. After all what's one day going to hurt.
And as she fell asleep that night, the only visions in her head were those of that gorgeous ninja boy.
"Naruto." she whispered before heading off into her deep slumber.

Well I'm sorry it's so short but I am just too tired to right any more tonight.
I will update soon though so you needn't worry.
Review what you think.