Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ Heated Situations and Assassination Plans ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 10
Heated Situations and Assassination Plans
For the next three days, mother and baby spent their time in a peaceful sleep. Kumiko only waking to feed her daughter or to use the restroom. For the few times Hinata spent talking to her, Kumiko would often refer to her lengthy sleep as a healing rest and would reassure her she would be up and at it in no time at all. Hinata would just smile and resume her duties as protector.
Kumiko rose from her healing slumber on the fourth day and Hinata admitted to herself that the house felt less gloomy. Yet, when the sweltering days of August came upon them, the sun and hot dry winds made a virtual oven of the castle. Even the usually unruffled Midori broke into a sweat, but Kumiko knew how to deal with the heat. She went to wearing light sleeveless Kimonos and went about her affairs of motherhood and Princess.
Hinata and Naruto were not unaffected by the blistering heat. Hinata went from wearing her heavy lavender jacket and pants to wearing a few of Naruto's T-shirts, tied in a knot to fit her and the sleeves rolled up, and some shorts she brought with her. She also took to tieing her hair up in a sloppy bun with some chopsticks Kumiko gave her.
Naruto decided to just were his fishnet under shirt and his orange pants.
They spent their as any other day, taking shifts of patrolling the castle grounds and keeping guard over the princess and her baby. But now every time Naruto and Hinata found a private moment during watch shifts or in a dark hallway, those moments would be filled with brief but passionate embraces that would leave both breathless and their faces painted with broad smiles. Hinata no longer slept in her room either but rather with Naruto.
Kumiko wondered if it was her imagination or if the two had become closer since the birth of her daughter. It wasn't long until she caught on and confronted Hinata about it. Earning a heavy blush and broad smile from the girl.
Hinata confessed that the two were actually quite close now and Kumiko smiled and congratulated her. Hinata confessed to Kumiko that she was sleeping in Naruto's room and not her own. She nearly fainted from the look she received from the princess in which she hurriedly explained that they only slept and not took part in any sexual activities.
Kumiko sighed in mock relief but said that she would gladly have Hinata's things moved to Naruto's room. Hinata sighed and thanked the princess.

Hinata walked out of the princesses room with a tired sigh. She was in fact very tired and wanted nothing more than to curl up with her beloved Naruto and go to sleep.
She trudged into the room next to the princesses and walked straight to her armoire which was moved in there upon her request. In fact, the princess moved most of all her belongings from her old room and into Naruto's room. The only thing she did not move was the bed because she didn't need it. Hinata looked around the room in mild fascination.
Everything was there, the chaise before the window, the mirror in the corner, her armoire beside Naruto's and the clock on the mantel as if it had always been their. Even the bare floor that had chilled her feet only this morning was covered by the soft carpet that had been in her bedroom for these many weeks.
She turned and saw Aiko nestled in the window staring at her with big amber eyes and she smiled and patted the little fox's head. Pausing briefly to select a nightgown from her armoire she retired to the bathing chamber intending to have a bath before she retired to bed.

Naruto walked into his room, removed his jacket and threw in onto one of the chairs facing the window. His ears perked as he heard the shower turn on and he blushed as a picture of Hinata soaked into his mind.
He went and sat on the large four poster bed and removed his shoes and threw them somewhere near the door. He then reached up and removed his shirt and walked over to his armoire. He briefly patted Aiko on her head and removed a pair a blue pajama pants. He quickly changed and a wicked smile crossed his features as he heard the water turn of in the bathroom. He silently tip-toed to one of the dark corners of the room and waited.
He decided he would have some fun with Hinata tonight.

Hinata turned the shower knob until the warm water stopped. Then grabbing a towel, she wrapped it around herself and stepped out of the shower. She stood in front of the large sing and mirror and dried herself off. She then dressed in her silken nightgown and walked out of the bathroom and into her and Naruto's room.
However she failed to notice the dark shadow that lingered near the bathroom door. She also failed to notice the portal close behind her with a soft click. She went to the window and, grabbing a brush from the bedside table, proceeded to brush her hair to a soft, silky sheen.
The shadow crept up behind her and slid strong arms around her middle.
She tensed and the brush fell to the floor with a soft 'thunk'. "Didn't scare you did I?" Naruto asked in a husky voice that sent shivers down her spine.
She relaxed some as he brushed her hair aside and started brushing soft kisses down her neck and across her collar bone. Hinata moaned softly and turned in his arms so that she was facing him. She reached up and kissed him with all the passion that burned inside her. He pressed fevered kisses along her throat and the beggining swell of her breast and Hinata moaned in pleasure.
Suddenly a flash of her father's angry face popped into her mind and she gasped pushing him away from her with weak arms.
He stared at her in question as she clutched a hand to her breast, breathing heavily. "Naruto we can't! N...Not yet at least! F..Father would..." She trailed off and Naruto pulled her to him in a tight embrace and kissed her forehead in understanding.
"I understand Hinata. It's OK. We'll wait for now." He whispered into her hair. Hinata nodded into her chest as the tears fell freely from her eyes. He leaned back and wiped the tears away with the pads of his thumbs and kissed her tenderly. "C'mon, you need your rest." He said swooping her up in his arms and laying her in the bed before sliding in beside her.
Hinata sighed before snuggling into his chest and falling into a peaceful sleep.

Vitani walked down the dark, damp, hallway to the sanctified chamber where her mother resided. She held the look of pure hatred on her features and she walked with a stiff demeanor. In the past few moments she had just got word that the captured ninja had returned, unharmed, but none the less frightened out of his whits mumbling about scary women and vicious blond men.
Then the spy they sent sent word back that the princess had her baby three days ago and was nearing full recovery.
"Damn it!" Vitani yelled as she slammed her fist into the wall beside her, hearing a resounding crack as bits of stone crumbled to the floor. What she wouldn't give for something or someone to vent her rage on right now. But she had a larger task at hand at the moment. She had to tell the lady of the castle and her mother about the birth of the new princess.
She knew it would not go well with her hot tempered mother, and it would probably end badly for the newly returned rain ninja. She smiled a bittersweet smile and continued on her way. She had come up with her own plan for the termination of the princess and her wretched baby. She only hoped her mother would go along with.
Vitani reached the large oak doors of the chamber and rapped her knuckles against the hard wood. A stoic 'Enter' resounded from inside and she obeyed, pushing her weight against the door to open it. Once inside she bowed low to her mother's back and never rising said, "Forgive me Milady, but the missing rain ninja has returned and our spy has sent word that the Princess Kumiko has had her child." She flinched slightly as the sound of glass breaking on the door next to her. Tiny fragments flew onto her face and hair and she squinted her eyes shut to keep the fragments out.
Her mother's yell resounded off the chamber walls. "Imbaciles! Can you not follow a simple task?!"
Vitani raised and stared at her mother's bent form. Her hair was mussed from the sudden movement and she breathed harshly, glaring at her daughter with cold eyes.
Vitani brushed the glass fragments from her body and straightened her form. Glaring equally back at her mother she said. "It is not my fault the rain ninjas failed in their duty just as it is also not my fault Kumiko decided to have her whelp so soon. You need not take you anger out on me mother or have you forgotten I am only doing as you ordered!"
In blinding speed Vitani's mother crossed the distance between them and a resounding 'slap' was herd as her hand came in contact with her daughter's face. Vitani's head whipped sideways the red imprint of her mother's hand flares on her cheek but she still maintains her smug look. Her hair plastered to her face she smiles wickedly and straightens to glare at her mother.
"You will not talk to me in that manner Vitani do you hear me?!" Her mother yells in her face then as if all her anger melted away, she placed a cool hand on her daughter's cheek. "I'm sorry. I've just been very stressed lately. Did you need something dear?" She whispered.
Vitani's glare diminished but she still held the hard glint of hate in her eyes.
"I merely came to deliver the message and suggest another spy. One more qualified for the deed." Her mother straightened at this and looked suspiciously at her daughter. "Oh. Who?"
Vitani smiled evily and said "Send me."
"No" Her mother said turning around.
Vitani's frown returned and she stepped forward saying. "You know I'm am the only one qualified, with all my training I'm perfect for this mission."
Vitani's mother sighed and turned toward her daughter. "Fine! Prepare yourself. You leave in two days. You will be disguised as a maid to the princess. You will get in, gain their trust, kill the princess and return here with the baby. Is that clear?"
"Crystal" Vitani said before turning and walking out the door.

OK this chapter is longer and in my opinion more exciting.
Let me know what you think.