Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love for You ❯ Birth of a Princess ( Chapter 9 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Chapter 9
Birth of a Princess
Hinata walked briskly into the room as Midori closed the door behind her. She rushed over to the princesses bed and said soothing words to help calm her.
She yanked of her coat and forehead protector, which was tied about her neck and threw them aside. She then rolled up her sleeves and pulled out a hair tie and proceeded to tie her hair back with it. She turned to Midori and said "I'll be needing fresh linens and hot water." Midori nodded and rushed to retrieve them.
Kumiko bit her bottom lip as her belly hardened and contracted, then a moment later a small sigh of relief escaped her lips as the pain ebbed. Hinata reached out and caressed her cheek. "It'll be over soon" she whispered before going to the foot of the bed.
Hinata proceeded with the best of her knowledge and experience. She remembered when she delivered her cousin Amaya's child just last year. She was no medical ninja but she had studied the basic medical skills needed for a housewife. That was the main reason she was sent on this mission and not sakura, Tsunade needed as many medical ninja as she could gets her hands on. Her reasons were unclear but apparently there was some kind of sickness going around and Tsunade needed to round up a cure.
Hinata shook her head to rid herself of the memories and focused on the task at hand.
Hinata felt she could not detach her emotion from loving woman who labored and strained, silently gritted her teeth at the pain and came through each one to smile reassuringly up at her. While Midori and the other maids busied themselves about the room in preparation for the birth, Hinata gripped the slender hands, unaware of the sky lightening to a dusty blue ot the mantel clock striking an early morning hour.
As the grinding agony cut through her once again, Kumiko the twisted spindles of the headboard and bore down as Hinata gently directed. Her face contorted in a grimace of victory as she at last felt the baby's head slide from her, and she panted, relaxing, waiting for another spasm to come so she could push the child fully from her. There was a weak, snuffled, cry from a voice she had never heard before and she thrilled from the knowledge that it came from her firstborn.
Hinata's hand pressed down on her belly as the other held the child's head. "Your doing fine now Kumiko. Bear down hard now, it's coming."
As the pain washed from her with the birth of her child she herd Midori's exhilarated cry. "It's a girl!"
"She's beautiful!" one of the maids exclaimed in awe.
Hinata cradled the baby in two hands and grinned broadly as she placed the child on her mother's belly.
Kumiko smiled down at her daughter with pure joy. She raised a hand hesitantly and touched her loudly squalling child, blinking tears away from her eyes. "What will you name her?" Hinata asked smiling down at her. Kumiko looked down at her daughter and said with a broad smile"I shall name you Michiko Hinata Kikuchi" She smiled up at Hinata. "After my very brave friend here."
Hinata felt the tears gather in her eyes and she kissed the princess on her cheek. "Thank you." She whispered before taking Michiko and wrapping her in a soft blanket and laying her in a cradle.
The next few hours were spent cleaning the room and the princess. When they finished the princess fed her baby and retired for a much desired rest.
Naruto sat out in the hallway, still on guard. He had been listening intently until the early morning hours and was much relieved when he heard the loud squalling of the newborn infant's cries. It had been a few hours now and everything had quieted down and now he was merely waiting for Hinata.
Slowly he felt his eyes droop. It had been a long night of high alert and he needed some well deserved rest. He decided he would ask Hinata to stay with him tonight for nothing more than to sleep.
His eyes snapped open when he heard the door open. He raised his head and saw the most beautiful sight he had ever seen. Hinata stood before him with the newborn babe wrapped in a bundle of soft fabrics and cradled to her chest. He stood as she approached him. She smiled up at him as she presented the child to him. He stared in awe at the little infant sleeping peacefully in her arms and for just a moment he imagined that Hinata was his wife and this was their child. Hinata's giggle at his antics snapped him out of his little daydream and he brought up a hand and gently caressed the child's head. "It's a girl." she said smiling at him.
"What's her name?" He asked still staring in wonder at the baby girl.
Hinata smiled and placed her forehead against him. "Michiko Hinata Kikuchi. She named her after me for being her dear friend." Naruto chuckled and kissed her forehead. "I bet she'll grow up to be just as pretty as you are." Hinata blushed and sighed laying her head on his shoulder. "Do you want to hold her?" She asked him.
Naruto looked shocked for a moment but then his look softened when he looked into her eyes. "Sure."
Hinata smiled even wider and layed Michiko in his arms, kissing his cheek. She kissed the child's forehead and together they stood there for what seemed like hours, both dreaming of what their own future as a family would be like. Finally Naruto placed the babe in her arms and said "We should get some rest." She nodded and went to put the Michiko in her crib.
She came back out of the room and Naruto pulled her into his warm embrace. "Will you sleep with me tonight? Just to sleep?" She blushed but nodded her head anyway and together they headed towards his room.
They stepped inside and laughed at Aiko who was curled in Naruto's bed. "Naruto I have to get something to change into." He frowned and started rummaging through his drawers. He handed her one of his shirts and a pair of shorts. She thanked him and went into the bathroom to change. Naruto changed in to a baggy T-shirt and boxer shorts.
Hinata came out of the bathroom and Naruto hugged her kissing her forehead and together they layed down for some well-deserved rest with Aiko nestled between them.
Well there's chapter 9. I must say I am especially proud of this chapter.
Let me know what you think.