Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Love There Blood ❯ Hated And Beaten, Lost And Found ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Lena: hello everyone I'm giving you chapter one now. There some keys you need to know
“talking”- Kakashi' words are in blue, the OC words are in redand everyone else's is in purple
“thinking”- Kakashi' words are in blueand are underlined; the OC words are in redand are underlined and everyone else's is in purple. They only change until I say so okay. I'll put them there in every chapter
<<Flashback>> these are in italics
Lena: anyways HERESTHE STORY ENJOY!!!!
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MY LOVE, THERE BLOOD: An Uchiha Itachi story
By: hellsdevilchild
Chapter: one
Title: Hated and Beaten Lost And Found
Walking in the forest behind my house I came to a lake with a cascading waterfall. Taking off my tattered wooden slippers I dipped my feet into the cool water of the lake. I looked on my reflection in the crystal clear water with enigmatic eyes. My hair was in a braid and need to be washed it smelled of fish and had dirt in it, my hand were all prune from washing and my skin pale. I sighed and looked away. A small Koi fish came up to me. I stuck out my tongue and smiled faintly.
TROQ!!” I heard my mother shout. I quickly put on my shoes and ran to her. Reaching her I bowed. “I want you to go to the market so go get cleaned up…and after your going to clean the house it's filthy now get going” she said harshly I nodded and ran to the hot springs and took a quick shower and put on some clean clothes and went back to her for the list.
Walking through town I kept my head down. I had no self-esteem since I was always put down. Because my head was down I couldn't see where I was going then I hit into something and it threw me down. I looked up and saw a man with silver hair and gray eyes. “Oh sorry I wasn't looking where I was going” he said and held out a hand for me. I ignored the hand and quickly got up and bowed and shook my head. I quickly moved out of the way and went on my way. I went quickly to the store and picked up the groceries.
Heading back to the house with my head hung once again. I past the man, who I bumped into this morning. He smiled and waved. I gave him an introverted smile and walked on. “That man he looks like the same one held the search when those Uchiha brothers disappeared.” I thought to myself.
The Uchiha brothers, four years ago there was a huge commotion. An Anbu member and a little boy broke out of the Uchiha compound and ran off. There names where Uchiha Itachi and Uchiha Sasuke. Itachi was the leader of the Anbu at the age of 12 and his little brother Sasuke so cute. I smiled remembering them.
What are smiling about troq?” I looked up and saw my father. I shook my head. “Still can't talk. Eh? Your sister could talk by the age of one,” He said and smirked. “You are nothing like your sister… your worthless” I looked down but didn't cry. He walked off. Walking slowly toward the kitchen and unpacked the food. I went outside and looked around sadly.
This is the life I live. “One of hate and loathing” I thought and looked up to the sky. It was going to rain.
What are you doing troq? Are you suppose to be cleaning?a voice saidnastilybehind me.
It was my sister. I turned around grabbed the broom and went inside.
Sweeping the kitchen she came in. “hmm?” she said and picked up a glass and then smirked. I ignored her, if only I hadn't. There was a smash. I looked around and saw that she broke two glasses.
My eyes widened, there was a slam and my mother entered
looking irate. “What the hell did you do?” she said seeing the broken glasses. I hadn't move from where I was. She came up to me and slaps me in the face. I fell to the ground. “DO YOU THINK THOSES WHERE FREE…? AFTER WE CARED FOR YOUYOU TURN AROUND AND BREAK OUR THINGS!!!!She screamed. She took a leather strap from behind the door. My eyes widened.
Sounds of leather on flesh where heard through the house but no screams.
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Running-through the town in the forest- can't breathe but too afraid to stop-Fast as I could- Not sure where I was going- Needed to get away- heard there footsteps behind me- THWAK.I was thrown to the ground.
Oh hello again” I looked up.
Agony and vulnerability etched on my face. He bent down andlooked at me.
What wrong?” he asked and helped me up, I winced as he touched the wails on my arm and tore it away from him.
Come on troq were not done.” I heard my face father shout.
I whipped around and looked back. There silhouette shown on the trees. A snap of leather was heard from them. I ran passed the man and deeper into the forest.
Hey wait!!!” I heard him shout but continued running.
Skidding to a halt I looked forward in fear. There stood my father, leaning on the tree. “Took you long enough” hesaid, the leather strap dangling by his side. I turned around to run but couldn't because my mother and sister cornered me. I step back and hit into a tree, sinking to the ground, I looked up at them. More slapping sounds where heard.
What the hell is going on here!?!?” a voice shouted.
Icouldn't tell what was happening, my hands covered my head and I was facing the tree. I could here the sounds.
Who are you people?” the voice said.
HN well we caught this girl stealing form our home.” Said my father.
And this is the way you deal with thieves?” the voice asked.
As a matter of fact yes” my mothersaid.
I put my hand sin my eyes and blocked out there voices. I closing my eyes tightly, I laid there.
Every time we lie awake, after every hit we take. Every feeling that I get, but I haven't missed you yet. Every roommate kept awake, by every sigh and scream we make. All the feeling that I get, but I still don't miss you yet, only when I stop to think about it.
I hate everything about you. Why do I love you? I hate everything about you. Why do I love you?
Every time we lie awake, after every hit we take. Every feeling that I get, I haven't missed you yet, only when I stop to think about it.
I hate everything about you. Why do I love you? I hate everything about you. Why do I love you?
Only when I stop to think about you I know, only when stop to think about, me do you know.
I hate everything about you. Why do I love you? You hate everything about me. Why do you love me?
I hate you hate I hate you (love me). I hate everything about you. Why do I love you?I sang in my head, drowning out all the thoughts.
No tears came to my eyes after everything no sound was made either. Iopened my eyes and looked over toward the forest, that's when I saw them a pair of blood red eyes and another pair of black ones. Each of them looking me dead in the eye. I gasp slightly then they disappeared.
A hand grasped me and tried to pull me up but I wouldn't move. I tensed and held my breath.
Its okay.” a voice said behind me. I looked slowly behind me and noted that it was the silver haired guy and that my mother, father and sister were gone. I relaxed somewhat but still tensed.
It's okay they aren't here” he said to me again. This time I relaxed total my intuition telling me it was okay. He picked my pick and put me on his back. I groaned as his shirt rubbed against my wails and cuts.
Sorry” he said and began walking away. I looked back to where I had seen the eyes. There they were looking at me again, but this time it was just the blood red ones. I kept looking on them until they where out of sight.
I turned back and rested my head on his back and let the dark void of catalepsy take over.
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Lena: okay that was chapter one please review. I might not post of awhile cuz I got EXAMS BLUES -.-0 Anyways bye I gots to go and tape a certain red-eyed-long-hair-nail polish-wearing idiot to a chair. Ja ne