Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My lovely sakura ❯ feelings and a call ( Chapter 3 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]
Chapter Three: Feelings and a Call
He can’t take his eyes off her. He was sitting at her bedside, inclined, facing her, holding her hand tightly since they’ve laid her down in this infirmary nearby. She fainted a while ago which seems hours for him and still unconscious. He assumed it was just over fatigue because of their previous activities and shrugged it off.
Even though, he was still anxious. Examining her immobile form, his worried gaze landed on her pale face. She didn’t held the cheery smile on her face anymore, but still… His free hand unconsciously crept to her cheeks, searching for warmth. At the initial contact of her skin, memories plagued trough his mind, soothing as he reminisce their past together.
Oh - thinkin' about all our younger yearsThere was only you and meWe were young and wild and free
His tensed onyx orbs softened as he relaxed. He adjusted his position and laid her head gently on his lap. Raking his hand through her hair as soft as satin ever so softly and gaze never detached.
‘I never felt so light like this before…’
Now nothin' can take you away from meWe've been down that road beforeBut that's over nowYou keep me comin' back for more
Then it struck him. He finally realized that the thing he feels whenever she’s with him, the voice annoying him at night, talking about some unknown feeling he never felt before, the thing lurking behind deep inside his heart, the foreign feeling he never felt before, was love. It’s not the love given to a friend. It was a love for something greater than that. It was the wonderful sensation that makes him crave for her.
You’ve changed me… into something, someone better…’
Baby you're all that I wantWhen you're lyin' here in my armsI'm findin' it hard to believeWe're in heaven
‘All my life I’ve wondered what love felt like,’ he chuckled a bit, remembering the list they’ve made earlier. ‘I should’ve included it in my list, but it’s no use now. All I need is you…’
And love is all that I needAnd I found it here in your heartIt isn't too hard to seeWe're in heaven
Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Vision still a little blurred, all she saw was a face, smiling down on her. She felt her head laid down on something else, not a pillow and a soft hand caressing a side of her face.
“Sleep more, you need rest.”
‘That voice, no other than Sasuke’s’ she thought.
And her suspicions were confirmed when her sight cleared. Judging by the surroundings, she was in an infirmary, lying down on a hospital bed, Sasuke’s lap serving as her head pillow.
“What happened?” she asked.
“You didn’t remember? You fainted a while ago and I brought you here.” he replied as-a-matter-of-factly.
‘Oh yeah, my head went aching and everything went blurred. Hm, must be it.’
“No more questions. Go back to sleep. When you wake up, we eat lunch,” he continued. It was more of an order, really.
“Hmph, fine…” she was disappointed. Frown turned into a sly smile as an idea popped, “On one condition,”
He raised an eyebrow to that, “What condition?” She carefully removed her head on his lap to avoid dizziness as she sat straight.
“I’ll go back to sleep if you also lie down beside me.” She grinned and lay down on the right side of the bed, making sure there’s still some space for Sasuke to lie down on.
“And why is that?” he asked.
Sakura closed her eyes. “So that you won't do anything,”
Now this is getting nowhere.
“Like what?”
Irritated, Sakura opened one eye to see Sasuke glaring questionably at her. Also seeing Sasuke’s one arm supporting his body leaning on the bed, she grabbed it which caught Sasuke off-guard and made him fall down on the bed beside her. Well, not in a comfortable way.
She laughed at him. “Ouch.” Seeing Sasuke’s face made her giggled some more. “That’s what you get! You should see your face!” And then laughed some more. After minutes of rubbing it in his face, she finally composed herself, “No more questions.” She imitated his statement earlier. “Just sleep or relax there will ya?” and she turned her back to him.
How he wished he could smack Sakura on the head…
Seeing no other choice, he simply obeyed and relaxed. Simple it seem, but hard for him. How could you relax if things plagued right thru your head, especially if the ‘things’ are about a certain girl lying beside you? He raised his head using his arm as support, only to see Sakura’s face from above.
‘Hn, she fell asleep so fast.’ Little did he know that Sakura just closed her eyes.
‘Let’s see what this little idiot would do while I’m asleep.’ Little did she know what would happen next…
Minutes passed. He didn’t budge a bit and she grew bored. She heard him sigh and felt him move. Since the bed was for one person only, their bodies are in contact with each other. He finally lay down properly, his folded left arm serving as his pillow. He stared at the ceiling.
He sighed once more. “You don’t know how much you mean to me,”
Is he talking to me? What is he talking about? Does he know I’m awake?’ Sakura started to panic, at the same time, curious. Very curious.
He resumed, “Funny, I’m talking to you while you’re sleeping. I just don’t know how to say or react to this to you when you’re awake. Knowing you through twelve years of friendship, you’d probably laugh at me, but still, I need to say this…” He shifted his position. Her back was now to him. One arm crept around her waist as he buried his face into her hair, drowning in her scent. She stiffened.
I'm weak, it's trueCause I'm afraid to know the answerDo you want me too?Cause my heart keeps falling faster
He took a deep breath before resuming. Muffling through her hair he softly spoke, “…Aishiteru, Sakura, more than just a friend, more than anything else. I don’t know why, I don’t know how, I don’t know when. All I know is that I love you. Simply that. For being you.”
I've waited all my life to cross this lineTo the only thing that's trueSo I will not hideIt's time to try anything to be with youAll my life I've waitedThis is true
He said this with so much passion; Sakura felt small drops of tears leak from her emerald orbs. Even though it was almost inaudible, she heard him clearly. She was in the state of shock. She couldn’t believe what she had heard. Is this really Sasuke talking to her? The Sasuke that kept on teasing and annoying her for twelve years? Feeling the urge to talk, she gave in.
“You know what Sasuke?”
Now it’s his turn to stiffen. Was she awake all those time?
This time I’m not gonna let you slip awayThis time I’m not gonna let another day go byWithout holding you so tight,Without treating you so right
She faced him, eyes brimmed with tears, she continued, “I love you too,”
His eyes widened, her tears freely streaming down her face. He blocked it with his thumb and held her closer to him. She’s still crying stifled sobs through his shirt.
This time I’m not gonna let go of your loveThis time I promise you that we'll rise above it alland I will never let you fall,I’m gonna give you my all,This time
He whispered a ‘thank you’ to her and embraced her lovingly, more like possessively, and so did she.
Minutes passed like seconds, seconds disappeared into nothingness. No one cared about time, all that matters that moment is theirs to cherish.
She broke their moment and spoke softly, “Sasuke, could we get out the hospital now? I want to spend the whole day out with you. Not in this immaculately white cage.”
Of course, Sasuke declined at first. He said she needs more rest, but because of Sakura insisting she’s already fine and seeing there was nothing fun in the infirmary, he carried out his girlfriend’s wish.
Time flies fast and so it was already 10 at night. He escorted her home up to her doorstep. ---a/n: do I really have to say that they were walking hands intertwined and sharing sweet moments? jeez!---
“Are you sure you don’t want company for the night? I mean, you’re all alone. Your parents won’t be back until next week right?”
He could really be overprotective sometimes, “I’m sure. No need to worry about anything m’kay?”
“Hn,” He kissed her for the third time of the day, but this time, shorter but sweeter, “G’night”
She giggled a little before replying, “Goodnight, sweet dreams,”
Their hands finally separated and he went on his way. The wind blew carrying cherry blossoms surrounding him. Soothing him, he whispered to the wind, “I love you, Sakura”
And as if the wind delivered his message, Sakura, who was leaning behind the closed front door, picked the cherry blossom petal that the wind blew to her nose. “Love you, Sasuke”
It was already 11:30. Even though she’s already in her comfy pj’s and tucked to bed, she still can’t sleep due to the previous event, she was still overwhelmed to be having forty winks. A ring from her phone beside her clock broke her reverie.
She picked it up and answered. The moment she recognized the voice, she smiled. At first, their conversation went smooth, actually boring, so she wandered around the room while talking.
“Have you found the note?” said the voice on the other line.
She raised an eyebrow to this as she stood beside her bed. “What note?”
“The one beside your clock. Read it” the person became suddenly became serious.
“Oh this…” she grabbed the paper and read it. Her face went blank. Eerie silence took over.
“Sakura?” the person seemed to expect the silence. When the silence went too long, the person snapped, “Sakura!”
The phone easily slipped from Sakura’s hands as she went limp, her legs gave up on her, a gallon of tears silently escaping her. No sobbing, no racking. Just silent tears.
The tears remained as she involuntary cried to sleep. Why do all of these happen to me?
To be continued…

Songs inserted are: ‘Heaven’ by Regine Velasquez, ‘True’ by Ryan Cabrera, and ‘This Time’ by Freestyle
If any of my dear readers are interested, see my other works and my schedule and announcements in my profile. Thanks.
And a big thanks to all my reviewers! This wouldn’t be updated if it weren’t for y’all. You’re greatly appreciated! A single review meant so much to me even if it only contains a single word. Flames are welcome. They’re important too y’know.