Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Sakura ❯ With Sasori - 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of its characters and I'm not making any money out of this…unfortunately.
Also this is an alternative universe story where I've kind of made up bits to fit in, especially involving Sasuke. Credit has to go to Illusion Aura's fantastic story “Broken Doll” which this is kind of based on. But I was really fascinated by this type of story and I only hope it will be a fraction as good, also like the pairing. But I want the story take it a slightly different direction and not just be a carbon copy.
My Name is Sakura
By Sleepless Dream
I saw her there, standing over by the tree, picking fruit off the nearest branch. Bathed in sunlight shone down through the trees and leaves, reflecting brightly against her soft pink hair.
I saw her there, soft hair blowing in the gentle breeze; she got down on her knees and gave some of her fruit to a small animal nearby. She smiled. I loved the way she smiled. It was so perfect. I loved not just her smile but everything about her.
I watched her from above, from the highest point in the whole forest looking down from a dizzying height. My eyes, razor sharp, I could make out her slight frame taking a bite of her fruit, each crunch sending a chill down my spine.
I knew very little about her, all I knew was how beautiful she was. I had seen her only a week before and fell in love at first sight. We bumped into each other in the street by accident. She fell to the floor and I helped her up. Was it accidental? Or was it fate? I didn't really believe in fate, not until now.
Her majesty, magically moving through the forest, swinging her hips and pursing her lips, I could almost taste them. I could taste them: her sweet lips against mine as I watched her walk and skip, humming a little tune. I reached out, almost touching her, but I was far too high up to get anywhere near her. It had to be that way, for the moment, at least.
I hid behind a thick trunk, peering down to see another figure walk towards the young girl. The figure was male, with jet-black hair, tall and well built, could he be a threat to the young girl alone in the forest? I continued watching from above making sure to stay completely silent but ready to dash out at any sign of trouble. I didn't like the look of this guy.
The pink haired girl opened her arms out wide and gave the young man a huge hug, basically just jumping into him, wrapping her arms around his neck tightly. They started talking. I turned my ear closer to the ground and could only just make out what they were saying.
“Hey Sasuke, how have you been?” she asked, releasing her hug. “I haven't seen you all week. What have you been up to?”

“Hey Sakura,” he replied. “I just went to train, that's all. It's great to be back. You look beautiful today.”
Sasuke brushed her hair back. “Oh stop,” she said blushing. “I look terrible. I've got all leaves in my hair.”
Sasuke tried to hold back his laughter. “Oh, but I think it looks cute.”
I couldn't hear any more. Their voices became blurred out by the rustling of leaves and the whistling of the breeze and I watched them as they walked out of view out of the shadow of the forest and out into the bright sun of day. I jumped down from the tree and made my way back home.
Back in my small hut, buried beneath the forest, I walked in and turned on the light. My collection stood all around me, small figurines, mostly female standing on shelves covering the entire wall. I liked female figurines better, their shapely curves and long hair and their elegance. In a way, they are all very doll like. I took one off the shelf and caressed it in my palm; it was so delicate and fragile, just how I liked girls to be.
There was a half made doll on the sitting on the table, pieces scattered about. I picked it up; it was pretty heavy, made from pure oak from the forest. I grabbed my chisel and continued work, carving and shaping the beautiful girl. These were just tiny dolls though, I always wanted a life size doll, maybe even a real girl I could shape and control. No, I thought. These were just silly fantasies.
This tiny little room was crammed full of dolls, there was barely any room left for a bed and myself in the half-lit darkness. There were bodies, dead bodies lying on the ground next to me. Those were the useless ones. Why did I always find useless puppets that broke so easily? I looked at them with distain. Most of them were males and all the girls I captured weren't really that pretty and were definitely not what I was looking for.
I could never find the perfect one. I had been in recluse for quite sometime and making wooden dolls is all that occupied my time. I was just waiting for the right one to come along. I was hoping it wouldn't be too long.
I kicked one of them. It fell to its side; dust scattered and swarmed. They had no faces. Their faces had corroded away as I moulded them into shape and skin had now grown over their eyes and their mouths. They weren't people anymore. They were just dolls.
I clambered back over all the bodies and sat down in my wicker chair. I tried to get back to work on my wooden doll, but soon found my eyelids getting heavy and myself drifting into a nice, peaceful sleep.
I dreamed she was in front of me.
It was her, the girl of my dreams.
I knew her. I had seen her before. It was the girl I watched in the forest.
She wore a beautiful silk pink dress, which flowed as she spun and smiled back at me. She extended her hand and I took it and we walked out into the light.
Suddenly I was in a ballroom, masked dancers all around. I was dressed to the nine in a tuxedo and my girl in her pink dress, which matched her pink hair perfectly. She led me to the dance floor. I was nervous, but her smile gave me reassurance and when the music hit I suddenly felt alive. The rhythm was strong and the dancing was wild. The girl attached herself to me with her arms round my neck.
I tapped my feet to the beat, and then grasped my muscular arms round her slim waist. I had complete control over her. I could move her, manipulate her and she trusted me. She had complete faith in me and I could feel her relax and let go, surrendering herself to my strength. I enjoyed this feeling of power. It made me feel so alive. She was truly my little puppet.
-Tonight I'm going to make you mine.
I dipped her down and swung her round.
All the lights swirling, all people blurred as I spun with the girl cradled in my arms. I spun faster and faster and flipped her back on her feet. We were both dizzy, too dizzy and we both fell into each other. I landed into her slight frame and toppled her over and we both fell hard on the ballroom floor.
She didn't say a word but instead but her arms around my neck and took me in to a deep, passionate kiss. So soft and sweet, her lips were like sugar. We didn't care that everyone was staring at us. We made love all night long.
“Oh Sasori,” she whispered in my ear. “You're amazing, Sasori.”
The sound of this beautiful girl saying my name was ringing in my ears. It just kept repeating over and over again. Sasori. Sasori. Sasori. Sasori. Sasori. Sasori….
“Sasori, get your ass up!!”
The voice startled me out of sleep. I turned to see Deidara standing at the doorway. I was slightly annoyed. I was having a wonderful dream.
“Sorry disturb your little daydream, but just saying I'm going away for a week, I'll leave you with your little dolls. Now you play nice.”
How could this pathetic girly man insult me? His blonde locks and feminine figure could easily mistake him for a female. Not me though, I wouldn't make a doll out of his pathetic carcass.
-Fine, I don't care. Do whatever you like. I don't need you round here anyway; you only make a mess of things with your stupid clay making. You break more things than you make.
“Sasori, you're still just a child. You'll learn one day.”
With that, he turned and left. What on earth did he mean?
I should have stopped thinking about him though. I closed my eyes and began to picture that girl again. Her name was Sakura; it was definitely the girl I had seen in the forest earlier. She was perfect; almost too perfect.
I continued to chisel away at my wooden doll.