Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Sakura ❯ With Sasori -2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
I went to go and spy on her twice that week. Spying is such a dirty word. It wasn't really spying and there was nothing perverted in what I was doing. I was simply checking her out to see if she would be suitable for my next project much the same way, as you would do if you were in a shop. If you walked into a pet store and looked at all the animals to see which was the cutest and which would best suit your home and family, no one would think you strange or perverted. I was doing nothing wrong, so I went about my business.

Every time I went to see her though she seemed to get more and more beautiful. This girl was only 15 years of age but had the maturity of someone twice that. Sometimes I would look at her with her fully developed physique and not think of her a girl at all, but as a woman.

She was going to be the one, I could tell. She was kind and gentle. I saw the way she cared for people. She always treated injured patients and she was exactly what I needed. It had been several weeks since I last made physical contact with her and that was only by accident and I was already drooling over her like a slobbering schoolboy.

I would watch her where she lived, in a small wooden house not too far away from the forest. I always saw that man, Sasuke come in. I think they were in love, but those were just minor details. I wasn't interested in this man and he had no part of my plan and he certainly wasn't going to get in the way.

I had to come up with a good scheme though to get the girl to come to my little hole. I doubted she would come willingly; force would have to be the answer. This Sasuke, ninja, would no doubt try and protect her.

I watched everyday after that to find the exact times Sasuke would leave the house and all the times she would be left alone and unprotected. The time was perfect. He left the house usually in the morning at 8am; they would always kiss on separating and then go their different ways. This had to be my time.

I ran back to my little hole and started making last minute preparations. Without Deidara here, there was certainly a lot more room but this place needed more clearing out. I decided to get rid all my other useless dead dolls that I never played with anymore. I lugged them back up to the forest and buried them underground. No one would ever know a thing.

My little hole seemed huge now with all those dead bodies out the way. I laid down a carpet and even put an extra futon on the floor ready for her arrival. My home was made up of three small rooms: my bedroom, which was also my work area, the kitchen and a dining area. I was thinking she could sleep in the same room as me; there would be no problem with that.

After cleaning up nice, it looked like a true palace fit for a princess. I was exhausted from all that cleaning and I went to sleep that night knowing that the following day would be a great one. I dreamt of her again. It was the same dream, only stronger. The control I had over her, that much greater.

I woke up early the next day, at 6am, which would give me plenty of time to get everything sorted ready for my attack. This was something I had done many times before, but I couldn't help feeling a little nervous this time. I expected to get this done quick. I was hoping not to be too violent and have to damage her beautiful body. What chance did she have against me anyway? She was a delicate little flower and I was a sturdy craftsman. I had never even seen her fight before and I don't believe such a cute girl could ever be a ninja. I clambered up the ladder, leading to the forest in complete confidence.

When I arrived, I saw Sasuke leave the house bang on schedule. I sneaked up using perfect stealth so I wouldn't be spotted. She was in there, in the house, alone. She was brushing up and tidying making sure everything was nice and neat. She was a perfectionist, just like myself.

I was thinking I could nab her from behind, render her unconscious with some chloroform and be off with her in no time at all. I had to be quiet though or this plan wouldn't work. I tried the door handle; it was unlocked and opened it very slowly and very gently. I heard it creek and I cringed. It didn't look like Sakura heard it though.

I then tiptoed across the hall, with wooden floorboards creaking at every second step. There she was, in the kitchen now getting ready to prepare a meal. This had to be the time. I could feel butterflies in my stomach. I was so close. I could smell her sweet scent. I couldn't go back, she so close to being mine. I had to be strong
I was behind her now. No turning back now, that was for sure. I towered over her and I extended my arms out wide ready to grab her.

I was literally shaking, the sweat pouring off my brow. I brought my hands down, ready to grasp her shoulders when I felt a sharp pain in my abdomen. I looked down and saw Sakura had landed a hard elbow to my gut. I doubled over, air rushing out of my body.

"Who the hell are you?" she screamed. "What the hell do you think you're doing?"

She didn't give me time to respond though as a hard kick caught me square in the jaw knocking me to the ground.

"You can't just break into people's houses, ya know. You're gonna be in so much trouble. I'm gonna teach you a lesson."

Sakura came flying with a punch but this time I managed to catch her hand and restrain her. But she kept pushing through me; I couldn't believe it. I wasn't expecting any kind of fight. Maybe a little struggle, but I didn't think she could actually fight.

This girl, so slender and feminine couldn't have weighed much more than 50kg was somehow gathering the chakra to overpower my strong body. It was almost as if I was fighting two Sakuras.

I got to my feet quickly and managed to twist her wrist round and behind her back. There wasn't much she could do now, she struggled and writhed desperately but she soon stopped. There, I had won. I loosened my grip a little; careful not to crush her but that was my mistake. She caught me with a backhand across my left cheek and then scratched across my face. I could feel blood. She had made three scars on my left cheek and the blood flowed quite rapidly.

I steadied myself, careful not to pass out. I looked at her, stared at her emerald eyes, she was angry. I had never seen anyone so angry in all my life. I had never encountered any problems with any of my dolls before. I was beginning to think she wasn't the right one for me.

She stood off from me for a moment, her eyes turned to fire. She ran at me fall speed, using all her weight and managed to knock me off balance. She didn't it again and I hit the wall. She then grabbed me by my hair and threw me straight through the window, glass shattering everywhere.

I lay on the dirty ground, blood all over my face. How could I lose to a girl? She stood over me, peering down with pity. I had shown weakness but I wasn't going to let myself be defeated. I staggered to my feet, wiped the blood out of my eyes and prepared for her next attack.

She came with a kick, but I blocked it and then blocked a punch. I spun her around and then wrapped my arm around her waist. I looked her again, the anger was gone and suddenly, there was shock and even fear. Time stopped for a moment. It was just like my dream. I had complete control over her. I dipped her down, but only to met with a hard slap.

She wriggled out of my grasp, but I hadn't lost control. I had to be rough with her now. I bent down and wrapped my arms around her thighs, lifting her over my shoulder in one quick motion. She kicked her legs and pounded her fists on my back, but I merely laughed at her struggles now.

I could still feeling the stinging gash across my face and the blood still poured but I was really mad now and determined not to be stopped by this little girl. It seemed like I would have to teach her a thing or two about respect and she would have to know that I was the boss, not her.

There was nothing she could do sprawled over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes or so I thought. I felt another sharp pain, this time in the back of my neck. I dropped Sakura to the floor. She had a stick in her hand; she must have pulled it off one of the nearby trees.

She came at me with the stick but I knocked it out of her hand and pushed her down on it. She staggered up. I was tired of playing games and I gathered all my chakra and string then shot out of my hands. It wrapped around Sakura's body, tying her up. She tried to escape her bonds, trying not to show how humiliated she felt in defeat, but I could see it in her eye. She would be thankful to me one day.

I approached her with caution, who knew what this crazy girl had up her sleeve? She had beaten me half senseless, but I finally had the upper hand now.

-So, my little cherry blossom. How does it feel to be with a real man now?

She spat at me. I wiped it off and shook her shoulders violently. I wasn't going to tolerate anything like that; she grimaced in pain and coughed. I released her. I should have learnt the first time only this time she surprised me even more. Sakura somehow managed to reach into her pocket and pull out a kunai and cut the strings, which restrained her.

Sakura slashed the kunai in front of me and I had to dodge backwards to make sure I didn't get cut again. She was like a wild beast with that kunai slash randomly in mid air waiting for a collision with my flesh.

She held it with both hands aiming for my heart. I grabbed her wrists and held her back. This girl had too much pride but I could feel my strength coming back. Her grip loosened and she dropped her kunai. I waited for her next attack, but it never came. Her eyes suddenly widened then rolled to the back of her head and fainted to the floor.

I caught her as she fell and lowered her to the ground. I looked over her, eyes closed, low breathing. She definitely wasn't faking it, I had beaten her and it seemed so easy in the end. It was such a relief that she was finally unconscious but I wondered what made her faint. She didn't seem hurt.

Her body was still in perfect condition ready for me to begin work. Then next to her I saw the stick that she used on me, broken in half. There were a few drops on the ground next to her. It wasn't me - my bleeding had stopped. I lifted up her red shirt and could see a small gash with blood trickling from it. It wasn't anything serious, but it would need a few stitches.

The girl wasn't so tough after all, fainting from such a small scratch. I should have been firmer with her from the start and just got the job done. I bent down and put one arms underneath her back and the other underneath her knees. I stood, lifting her limp, lifeless body into my arms, bridal style.

Her skin was so soft to touch. All my dreams of controlling this girl had come true, she was mine now and there wasn't anything she could do about it. I held her, cradled in my arms. She was so light and comfortable in my arms, carrying her didn't seem like a chore, more like a pleasure.

I was her knight in shining armour after all and was taking her to a better life. I stopped and admired her sleeping face for a moment. She was so angelic when she was sleeping. Light seemed to glisten across her face as if the heavens were shining down upon her.

I carried her into the darkness.