Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Sakura ❯ With Saosi 8 ( Chapter 8 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Once I put the pink dress back on Sakura, I went and sat down in the kitchen and had a drink with Deidara. He sipped his sake slowly and delicately. He seemed to have something on his mind, after each sip, he swirled his drink around and stared into the glass; he barely looked at me at all.
-So how was your trip, Deidara?
“It wasn't that great. I flew over by the mountains, but couldn't find any fun. I ended up just killing time by making some clay figurines and then letting them explode at a nearby village.”
-That was your idea of killing time?
“No, I was looking for one of the young ninjas, who perhaps could have given me a good fight.”
I laughed. -Oh Deidara, I've already captured one of them.
“Oh yes I saw. You really had control over her. She would have escaped if I hadn't come back. I told you your stupid dolls were useless. You should be more like me. I make real art. I could make you a lovely Sakura doll.”
-But it'd also kill me.
“Death is art too and all art is beauty.”
-No, I wanted a lovely living doll. Sakura is a beautiful specimen.
“Well have your fun. But I'm not sure this place is big enough for three of us. It was pretty crowded as it was.”
I took another sip of my sake, swallowing hard. It really hit the spot, I felt warmth wash over me and sink deep inside. Deidara didn't actually live with me, but he stayed over so often that it felt like it. I didn't know how it would be with three people around the place. Sakura always had to have top priority. She was special.
-I think I'm in love with her.
Deidara spat out his drink.
“In love? Sasori, you can't be. I mean, I know you like your kinky games, but you don't love anyone.
-Well, I think she's the one.
“And these bandages on your head. Are these accidental?”
I put my hand on my bandaged head. The blood was still visible and seeping through.
-Yes, of course. I think she slipped whilst holding the chisel. It was just unfortunate. It's all settled now though.
“Slipped? Look, don't be ashamed that that little girl in there beat you up and tied you to the bed. Actually for a moment, I thought you were her puppet.”
-Listen, why do you think she never tried to escape whilst I was unconscious? She stayed because she needs me; she loves me. She put these bandages on me. Our love is pure and unbreakable.
“Believe what you like, Sasori. I just think you would be better off, you know, with someone not so free thinking.”
-Her mind is not so powerful. She kept talking about love helped her block my chakra, but that must be the love she has for me.
“When's the wedding, then?”
-Well, I don't really believe in marriage. But don't rule anything out. If that's what she wishes, then that's the way it will be.
“You're still a fool, Sasori.”
Deidara got up from his chair and went back into the bedroom and looked at Sakura, still unconscious on the bed. Her pink dress was a little crumpled now whilst her other clothes were strewn across the bathroom. Deidara walked over to Sakura and touched her face.
“She's pretty.”
Deidara looked at her pink dress. He could see that the stitching was coming out of the white lining and the pink colour had faded slightly.
“I think she needs a new dress though.”
-Her dress is perfect. I have a black one too, but this one is better. This one makes her look like a perfect doll.
Deidara looked back at Sakura's face. He brushed her pink hair out of her eyes. She started to stir.
“Looks like she's coming round.”
Sakura opened her eyes and stared back at Deidara. She immediately jumped back and clambered to the edge of the bed to try and get away from him. But she was cornered against the wall. Deidara towered over her.
“Who are you?” she asked.
“Sorry, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Deidara; I'm an associate of Sasori. It seems you already know him quite well. And who might you be, young lady?”
“My name is Sakura.”
“Sakura, such a pretty name. I have to say despite everything, Sasori certainly has good taste. You are very pretty indeed.”
“What do you want with me?”
I looked on from the distance of the kitchen. Even from there I could see the fear in her eyes. She seemed even more scared of Deidara than she did of me. I finished washing the glasses and hoped Deidara didn't do anything too rash.
Deidara moved closer to Sakura and grabbed her wrist. She screamed out. Deidara then held out his palm in front of her. A mouth appeared, its tongue extending, twisting and turning. Sakura screamed louder tried to pull away from him but he simply pulled her even closer, their bodies now connecting.
“Yes, Sakura, you are very pretty. I think you'd make a lovely clay model.”
Sakura's eyes widened.
Deidara brought is palm down on Sakura's head. The tongue licked Sakura's cheek. Tears streamed down her face, she knew that she couldn't reason with this guy. I saw what was happening and quickly raced into the room and yanked Deidara's hand away from Sakura.
-What do you think you're doing, Deidara?
“Just having a little fun. I haven't had any fun in a long time, it's not fair that you should have it all.”
-You were planning to blow up my sweet little Sakura, weren't you? She mustn't be harmed at all. She must be kept in perfect condition.
I looked over to Sakura who was sobbing uncontrollably.
“Never mind.” Deidara said. “I'm going out for a while then. I think I might suffocate in here. Have fun with your dolly. I'll be back later tonight.”
Deidara walked out leaving me alone with Sakura. I respected her true identity now. She didn't need my doll name, she was a perfect doll just the way she was. More importantly, she respected me.
I sat down on the bed next to Sakura and put an arm round her. She didn't struggle against me but she continued crying.
-It's ok, Sakura, he's gone now.
“Why me? What did I ever do to deserve this?”
-What do you mean? I've given you everything here you could possibly want: food, shelter, clean water.
“You haven't given me anything that I want!”
-Then tell me. I will do anything for you, Sakura. I want you to be happy, that's all I want. Tell me what you want and I will get it for you.
“I want love.”
-But I give you love. I love you more than any man could possibly love you. No other man would cherish you the way I do. I will hold you and protect you forever.
“You've got it all wrong, Sasori. You can't love using control or force. It has to be natural. You've got a lot to learn.”
-I have not harmed you at all. I just wanted you to realise how much you needed me. I mean what would you have done if I hadn't fed you everyday. From where would you have got the food?
“I didn't need you at all. I am in love but not with you. You see, Sasuke is more of a man than you'll ever be.”
Something inside of me snapped, hearing those words brought rage.
I slapped Sakura across the face.
-Silence! Do as I say. You love me.
“No, I don't!”
I raised my hand to strike her again and she recoiled. But at the last second I held back and decided not to hit her. I couldn't bring myself to, I could see how much pain it brought her. I didn't like to see her cry. Sakura had the best smile. I loved to see her smile.
I put my arm around her once more, once again, she didn't resist.
-I'm sorry. I'm not a violent person. I can show you tenderness and love.
“Just last week I can remember being so happy. Sasuke and I were picking wild berries. We had such a fun time, tasting and throwing them at each other. We went back to our house. Sasuke proposed to me. He said that I was the most beautiful woman in the whole world and that it would be an honour for him for me to be his wife. I looked into his blue eyes and my heart melted. I said yes. He wrapped his arms around me, lifted me off the ground in his strong, muscular arms and then spun me round and round in the air until we both got dizzy and fell over. I felt so beautiful that day, so perfect. I was so in love. I knew who I was and who I wanted to be. Now, just one week later, I don't see that person anymore. I look in the mirror and I can't see Sakura anymore. I don't have that warm, fuzzy feeling inside that I only got when Sasuke kissed me. It's only been a week but he seems like a distant memory now. Now, I'm all alone. I guess I have no choice but to stay here for the rest of my life, it must be fate. I promise I won't try to escape again, but you have to make promises too and you can't break them.
-Just name them.
“You can't hurt me in any way. You have to let me see the outside world at least twice a week. I haven't had any fresh air stuck in this dank pit.
-It's not a dank pit. This is my home.
“And you can never try to take over my mind again.”
I paused. Could I really allow her to make such demands over me? What choice did I have? I had to prove to her that I could love her like a real man, so I had to respect her wishes.
-Very well. I will do everything I can to make you happy. But you will not be allowed outside without either Deidara or myself with you.
“Deidara? Oh yes, your sick friend. What is it with you people?”
-I have to apologise for him. His definition of art isn't really the true definition. You see, great art should be preserved for all time. He likes to destroy his art.
“So he was planning to kill me?”
-Yes, but I would never let him hurt you. I hate him sometimes; he's nothing but a cold-hearted killer.
“And he's your friend?”
-Yes, we've done a lot together. We get on each other's nerves occasionally but he's always there for me when I need him most.
“Ok, I want to go outside now.”
“Yes. Come on, you promised me fresh air and I need it now.”
-Ok, as you wish.
I took Sakura's hand and guided her outside.
It was nighttime. There wasn't much to see and we were miles from anything. I wondered what she wanted to go out for. She took a deep breath of the fresh air and a smile came across her face. I could see she was happy and that made me happy as well. We looked up at the stars above, all twinkling, shining radiant beauty. They all seemed to form shapes and patterns. Perhaps they were art as well.
Out of the darkness, I could see Deidara's tall figure approach us.
“Sasori,” he said. “You've let the girl get out again.”
-No, Deidara, I let her come out here. She needed the fresh air.
“Hey, pretty girlie, did you miss me?”
Deidara grabbed the Sakura's dress trying to pull her towards him, but it ripped. Sakura slapped him in the face and then covered up behind me. I could see Deidara was about to strike her back.
-Don't you dare, Deidara!
“She slapped me! You can't let her get away with that. What happened to your ruthless spirit?”
-Well, you deserved to be slapped. You can't treat a lady like that.
“Fine. I'm going back to my place. I guess I'll see you when I see you.”
Deidara walked back into the darkness.
I turned around and could see Sakura shaking. She must have been cold and frightened. I took off my robe and placed it round her shoulders. It was really big on her, but at least it would keep her warm.
-Come on; let's go back inside.
She agreed and she came back with me. She didn't say a word even when I held her close. I guess she had finally come round to my way of thinking. I was only doing what was best for her.
It's what I was doing all along.