Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Sakura ❯ With Sasori 10 ( Chapter 10 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

I opened the door holding the kunai in my right hand.
The door creaked as I peeked inside and saw my lovely Sakura still sitting on the bed, her wrists bound to the bedpost. She sat staring at me, those little bright eyes shining bright, I could just get lost in them.
I held the kunai out in front of me but she didn't flinch, not even one inch. I took a deep breath and moved closer towards her. I was surprised she wasn't more scared, if scared at all. How could she not be afraid of me?
I knelt down in front of her and smoothed the blade under her chin.
-Are you ready, Sakura?
“What are you doing Sasori? You won't hurt me, you promised and I know, if nothing else, you're a man of your word.”
-A friend of mine just gave some advice that's all. After all, dolls are just dolls and after you're tired of playing with them you just discard them for a newer and better one.
“It's that Deidara guy, isn't it? I told you he's not really your friend, he's just using you.”
-Please, don't make this harder than this needs to be. I still love you and always will but I guess I have to put priorities first and my allegiance is with the Akatsuki.
I moved the blade across her pink hair and cut a lock off. I held it in my hand; it almost brought a tear to my eye.
“You are so precious, Sakura. I've been a lonely man all these years but now I've finally found you, I feel so complete. You are the reason my life means something. For that, I give you my thanks.”
I moved the blade down and held in front of her, my hand nervously twitching, sweating pouring from my forehead. I couldn't do it - I just couldn't do it, I couldn't kill my baby, Sakura.
I cut the ropes around her wrists and pulled her to her feet.
“I know you made the right choice.” Sakura said, kissing me on the cheek.
It was the first sign of affection she had truly shown me and I knew that it meant a lot. I pulled her closer into my embrace. I held her chin to see the look on her face. There was no anger there anymore, nothing like what was before, no hate nor spite, no pain nor fight.
So I held her right there, our lips trembling moving closer and closer together.
“It's ok, Sasori, I won't fight you this time.”
Could this be real?
-But I enjoy your fight. A bit of struggle would make this so much more erotic.
I could feel Sakura try to push against me. This was more like it: a bit of excitement in my playmate. I thrust her against the wall, grabbed her, and then lifted her up, caressing my hand all down her thigh. I began kissing her neck, smothering her with love bites and smoothing my tongue over her soft skin. I held her up with just one arm whilst I used the other to fondle her breasts. Sakura moaned and whimpered. I could feel some of my power come back, my control and aggression. This is what I craved.
Sakura struggled against me. It felt so good overpowering her. Her little squirming body held down by my muscular, powerful body. She tried to hit me but I caught her wrists and pinned them to the wall.
-What are you going to do now, little dolly?
Sakura writhed under my grip but it was completely useless. I had complete control over her. I knew deep down, she wanted it this way too. Sakura, like all girls, was weak and easy to manipulate. That was the appeal to me. Lifting her lightweight body again, it really was like playing with a toy.
I swung her around so I know had Sakura cradled in my arms as if she were my bride. She kicked her legs and beat on my chest. I ignored her protests and her moans and jolted her body up so our eye lines were level.
-Oh Sakura, you've made me very happy.
“Please…. Sasori…” is all Sakura could whimper out before I silenced her with a kiss, our lips locked.
I closed my eyes and sunk into the deep passionate kiss. Sakura stopped struggling. I had done it. I was in heaven and if I knew Sakura right, I believed she was as well.
Time seemed to stop.
Our love was limitless.
Passion boundless.
Our tongue intertwined and her sugary sweet lips melted over mine.
Then our one moment of happiness, our one moment of bliss, was ruined by a complete can of piss.
A cough.
An interruption.
I turned my head to see Deidara standing at the doorway.
Deidara usually chose good times to show up. This wasn't one of them.
“Well this is a turn up for the books, isn't it?” he said. “Sakura really looks dead to me.”
-What the hell are you doing here, Deidara?
“Well I just wanted to come and make sure that you did the right thing. Clearly I can see that you can't be trusted.”
-I am doing the right thing.
“Yes, holding the traitorous, manipulative bitch in your arms, lovingly. How very romantic. I've told you before this girl is not right for you.”
I put Sakura down on her feet and told her to step aside for a moment. She promptly hid behind me. Deidara struck fear into her heart. The kind of fear I always wanted out of her, I was a little jealous.
Deidara moved over to the table and picked up the kunai that he gave me.
“You have two options, Sasori. Either you kill her or I kill her.”
-No way. I've made my decision.
“Then you leave me no other choice.”
Deidara threw the kunai at me, but I managed to duck out of the way. Behind me, I saw it stuck in the wall. That could have been my head; it only missed by a fraction of an itch, skimming my hair.
-It's personal now, Deidara.
I took off my vest revealing my bare chest; still with the scar that Sakura cut me with. It was a scar of love though; I took it as a token of her affection. When she was angry with me, I knew that she was just suppressing her love.
“Sasori, don't do this,” Sakura pleaded. “Deidara's a madman. He might kill you.”
-Stay out of this, Sakura. This is our fight.
“Don't you dare fight over me, you arrogant jerks! This is my fight too now.”
-Don't worry Sakura, if it is a fight for your love, then I cannot lose as I love you more than anything.
Sakura tried to stop me approaching Deidara but I pushed her back down onto the bed.
-Let's rock.
“Let's do this, Master Sasori.”
Deidara held out his hand. That disgusting hand with the face, it was so creepy. Clay shot out and formed a ball. He threw it at me like a baseball and I had to dodge and roll as it exploded upon hitting the wall. I could hear Sakura scream in the background. I looked over but luckily she wasn't hurt.
I took the opportunity to charge at Deidara and I rammed him into the wall, which cracked on impact. I punched him twice in the jaw, enough to know him down and then stood off again. Deidara didn't stay down for long. He was a strong and capable fighter.
I smirked at him. He smirked back.
I then raised my arms in the air and then all my wooden dolls began to float upwards.
-Eat this!
I commanded the wooden dolls to attack Deidara but he swotted them away one by one. I then charged at Deidara again but he managed to grab me and flip me over sending me crashing into the table. I hit my head hard, but I wasn't too phased. It was nothing, a trickle of blood, not enough to stop me.
Suddenly the blinding flash and then smoke filled the room. Deidara must have let off a smoke bomb. The room cleared just a few seconds later but Deidara was nowhere to be seen.
I looked over to the bed. Sakura was still sitting there, coughing a little, but still unharmed.
-Sakura, are you okay?
I could then hear Deidara's voice.
“Oh yes, you wouldn't want anything to happen to your precious Sakura now, would you?”
Where was he?
I turned my attention back to Sakura.
“Don't worry, baby, we'll get through this.”
I bent down to kiss Sakura on the cheek.
Then without warning Sakura suddenly exploded in a ball of fire sending me flying backwards, hurt and disorientated.
What the hell just happened?
My Sakura?
I looked over to see the bed burning, the flames reaching outwards, setting fire to the wooden table and the wooden dolls.
I then heard Deidara laugh.
“Such a gullible fool you are, Master Sasori. Master Sasori? Ha! How foolish I was to but my faith in a child who played with dolls.”
I looked up and saw Deidara hovering above on a platform made of clay. He was holding Sakura in his arms. She was unconscious, helpless against his evil. I couldn't allow Deidara to have his way with her.
“Now let's see if this girl is as good as you say she is, Sasori.”
I tried to get up but I was seriously injured. My arms were deeply cut, blood pouring from my body. My right eye was all swollen up, I could barely see, but I wasn't going to let that stop me, I couldn't let that stop me. My knees buckled and I collapsed back down again.
I watched Deidara float down to the ground and then carry Sakura gently and tenderly, placing her on the floor. Deidara then extinguished the flames surrounding the bed and table.
He began slowly removing her little pink dress. I continued to watch on as he touched her breasts and kissed her. I couldn't watch anymore. I had to stop him. I clawed my way to my feet, using the half burnt table to support my self and then stumbled over to Deidara. Watching him take advantage of Sakura just filled me with a rage I had never experienced before.
I then kicked him so hard in the face, which knocked him away from Sakura. I ignored the pain. Sakura's love meant too much to me, I couldn't let that go, not that easily. I grabbled with Deidara again, head butting him and throwing him in the bathroom.
There, I held him down and sprayed the shower full blast into his mouth. He choked but I released him before he suffocated to death.
-Sakura is mine, Deidara. Mine alone.
I must have underestimated Deidara though as he was still willing to fight. He caught me with a left hook; felt it knocked one of my teeth out.
Deidara brought out another kunai and threatened me with it.
“You'll have Sakura, alright, you can both die together.”
Deidara was about to stab me when another kunai came flying in and hit Deidara in the shoulder. He recoiled and dropped his weapon to the floor. I looked behind me and saw Sakura standing there, her lovely little pink dress, half ripped. She had come to save me. I knew our love was true.
Deidara pulled the kunai out of his shoulder and the blood started gushing out. I quickly rushed over and picked up the kunai before he had the chance and pointed it at his throat.
-Looks like I win, Deidara.
“Very good, Master Sasori.”
-Now I think I'll take some compassion on you since we were old teammates. Just get out and I never want to see you back here again.
Deidara got up slowly and limped out of my home. He made a passing glance at Sakura as he left, he smiled but he knew he was beaten.
-Sakura, you sure picked the right time to wake up and join the party.
The fight was over but now my adrenaline had worn off. I felt the pain in my arms, my eye, cuts and bruises all over my body. Blood streaming down my face.
I blacked out.
I woke up to see Sakura standing over me.
I was still lying on the bathroom floor.
I sat up.
She wiped a cloth over my wounds.
“There,” she said. “Looks like you're better now. It'll take a while for those wounds to heal but they will. I think you're gonna be just fine.”
-Thank you so much, Sakura. Thank you for being there for me when I needed you the most. If there's anything I can do for you, just let me know. I just want you to be happy.
“Thank you, Sasori. You were there for me too. I know you mean well but I'm from a different world. Where I come from people don't treat each other like you do, especially their loved ones. You can't expect me to just accept your ways although now I understand them, a little.”
-That is what everyone says, that is why no one has ever truly loved me. That is why I thought you were different; I thought you really did care about me. I care about you so much.
“You can change, Sasori, I know you can.”
She continued to wipe my cuts with antiseptic. Stung like hell, a pain you just can't get used to but Sakura was so gentle with it, trying not to cause any discomfort. She was so precious.
-Change is for the weak. It takes a truly strong person to stick to their ways, to not be manipulated like a puppet.
“Change isn't for the weak. It is for the strong, it is for the fearless. I love you but please let me go, Sasori.”
-Let you go? I can't do that. You're still my puppet.
“Please, Sasori, I don't belong here. I have a life outside and a relationship with Sasuke who I care deeply for. Please don't destroy me love.”
-You could have escaped whilst I was unconscious.
“Your wounds were too bad. I couldn't leave you like that. Sorry I couldn't find you a comfortable place to lie but you're pretty heavy to drag around.”
-So, you really do care about me?
“I do, Sasori and if you care about me, you'll let me go.”
-But what will I do without you here? You're all I've got.
“You'll find someone else, someone else to share your life with. You will be happy because you're a good person and the good guys always get a happy ending.”
-But the good guys always get the girl too.
“I'm not you're girl though. My heart is with Sasuke.”
-This Sasuke. Does he love you the way I love you?”
“Yes he does, more so.”
-Impossible! I would love to meet this Sasuke some day.
“I'm sure you'll meet some day. But you're not going to meet anyone stuck in this dark pit all alone playing with your dolls. I hope you understand my decision.”
Tears swelled up in my eyes. -I do. And a promise is a promise and I'm a man of my word.
“Thank you.”
-But promise that you'll never forget me, Sakura, always keep me in your heart and I hope Sasuke's love can equal mine.
“Thank you, Sasori. I promise, I'll never forget you. I'll make sure no one gets revenge on you. You'll be safe.”
Sakura leaned down and kissed me on the cheek. I touched face and then ran my fingers down her soft pink hair one last time.
“Goodbye, Sasori.”
He voice echoed around my small dark pit of a home as I watched her walk of the darkness back into the light of day.
I didn't stop her though, why didn't I stop her? Why didn't I grab her and thrust her down and make love to her? Had I lost my edge?
I could have stopped her leaving.
I didn't do anything though.
I just cried.
I cried for hours.
I got up and punched a hole in the wall.
Damn it! Why didn't I stop her?
I ripped the handle clean off the bathroom door and kicked it until it was smashed, broken in a heap on the floor.
I was so angry with myself.
I tore the shower curtain down and stuck my head in the bath. I turned the shower on full blast, dousing my head in it, soaking myself all over.
I stayed there for an hour and let the water warmly wash across my skin. I stayed there giving back all my tears so I could cry them again.
After an hour I turned the shower off when I heard a noise coming from outside.
Had Sakura come back to me?
I walked into the other room and saw Deidara standing there. He was the last person I wanted to see.
-What are you doing here, Deidara? Didn't I tell you not to come here again?
“I just came to apologise.”
-It's a bit late for that, don't you think?
“I've heard that Sakura has left you from the other Akatsuki members I just wanted to see if you're okay.”
-Yeah I'm okay. What do you care?
“We're still team mates, Sasori. We have our disagreements but I still have the utmost respect for you.
-Well, I think I'm going to have to go it alone from now on.
“Look I know you're upset, but life goes on.”
-Like hell it does, my dream is over. Sakura was my life.
I picked up the chair and smashed it against the wall again and again until it was just a thin shard of wood in my hard.
“I promise I'll make it up to you.”
-I've heard promises before. I said, choking on my tears.
“Trust me, it's the least I can do. Just to let you know we're still on the same side after all. I'll give you something special.”
Deidara then turned and left.
Thank god he was gone. That turncoat bastard, he was the main reason why Sakura left me. How could I ever forgive him? If it weren't for him, Sakura would still be in my arms, madly in love with me.
I continued throwing stuff around my home until I found something interesting. It was a book. It was one of my notepads, one of the ones where I drew all the blueprints for my dolls. But there weren't any drawings inside. Inside, was writing, a diary log? It was.
Sakura must have written this.
What could she have said about me?
I was a little nervous now.
I turned to the first page and started reading.