Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Name is Sakura ❯ Deidara's Lucky Day ( Chapter 11 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

A/N: Hi guys! I don't do a lot of author notes or anything but I just wanna say thank you so much for reading and reviewing my story so far, it means a lot to me!!!!! A bit of a change for this chapter which focuses mainly on Deidara and his attempts to regain Sasori's favour. I hope this chapter's ok, not sure it really fits in well with the rest but consider it a half-time interlude.
Deidara flew high above riding his clay bird. The weather had started out well that day, bright sunshine - perfect for flying, but now, a strong wind had developed and Deidara had to work hard to keep himself from falling off to his certain death. He clung tightly and kept his head down going at a fair speed to race across the plains before nightfall.
He looked around to see where he was. He saw that he was long past the plains and was now entering a mountainous region. Deidara ascended higher on his clay bird, trying hard to get a decent speed fighting back the strong current of the wind.
As he reached the top of the mountains, the air was calmer and he went up a little further to get a better view of the ground below. He was well hidden amongst the rocky mountains and that was just the way Deidara liked it. A plan of attack entered his mind and he knew he had to be sneaky.
Deidara brushed back his long blonde hair and readied the scope in his left eye. He looked down far beyond the mountains and far beyond the plains. There, he saw Sand Village buried deep within the desert several miles away. The swirling dust and sand caused by the harsh winds made visibility quite poor, but he was able to locate it quite easily using his scope. Deidara always used it to hunt out his prey.
Deidara must have been crazy going into Sand Village on his own and for what? Deidara was a strong fighter but a stubborn fool. He'd be killed for sure. Deidara zoomed in and pinpointed the village. He saw the village was mostly deserted - most people were indoors. Just one solitary figure stood outside, drenched in sand, staring outwards into oblivion.
Deidara zoomed in closer so he could get a closer look at the figure. He saw red hair and a large bag on his back. He definitely recognized him. It was Gaara - Gaara of the Sand. Deidara readied himself to go down. Deidara had planned to make it up to me but I really had no idea what he had in mind. To be honest, I didn't really put much thought into it. Whatever he did was his business and I didn't have time to care about him anymore.
He swooped down the mountains on his clay bird and headed straight for Sand Village. He attracted Gaara's attention immediately. He sensed danger and knew he had to protect the village. Gaara saw a shadowy figure float down to the ground. He couldn't quite make him out yet until he moved nearer.
As soon as he saw it was Deidara, Gaara got ready to attack.
“What are you doing here?”
“I have to regain faith with the Akatsuki. Please understand, it's nothing personal.”
“You're not welcome here, Deidara.”
“I don't need your welcome. I promised Master Sasori that I would make everything all right. I have to show him some of my work, some of my best work.”
Deidara then formed a ball of clay in his hand and threw it at Gaara. However Gaara was able to block it using a sand barrier and as it exploded it merely was caught in the whirlwind of sand and was directed back at Deidara.
Deidara shielded his face as the blast took him by surprise.
“You'll pay for that!”
His face turned full-flush red as he charged at Gaara and grabbled with him. Deidara was a fair bit stronger physically and was on top until he was suddenly hit by another gush of sand. He flew backwards then looked at what had hit him.
There, jumping down from high above was a blonde girl holding a giant fan. Her skin was light and fair and she moved with such elegance in the air whilst her attire of a short blue dress and fish net stockings was certainly unconventional for a fighter.
“Gaara, are you all right?” asked the girl.
“I'm fine, Temari. Picked a good time to join the fight.”
“Well I heard a ruckus. I couldn't let my baby brother fight alone, could I?”
Deidara laughed. “Hey Gaara, need a girl to help fight your battles for you? You're pathetic. But two against one, this is the way I like it. I like my back against the wall. Remember, the cornered fox is more dangerous than the jackal.”

Deidara then let off a bomb that rocked both Gaara and Temari back.
“We can't let this guy win!” Gaara shouted. “We have to defend the village.”
Deidara jumped back on his clay bird and began circling higher and higher. However Temari and Gaara weren't about to let him get away. Gaara gave Temari a boost and threw her upwards as she used her fan to get higher to reach Deidara. A timely backhand from Deidara quickly sent Temari hurtling towards the ground though. Gaara couldn't get to her fast enough to catch her and she hit the ground hard.
Gaara went to see if she was all right and that's when Deidara struck. He dragged him up to his clay bird and dazed him with a right hook to the side of the jaw. The bird flew round as the two continued to fight.
Deidara was about to throw Gaara off the bird onto the ground below, but Gaara caught him with a blast of sand right to the face. Deidara reeled and Gaara pushed him off the clay bird and he landed hard on the ground below.
He was pretty beaten up, not quite unconscious, as he slowly pulled himself to his feet. Gaara steadied the clay bird and brought it down and immediately went over to Deidara.
“This is what you get for trying to invade Sand Village.”
Gaara sent a swift kick to Deidara's ribs and then ripped the top half of his robes. It revealed a skinny, but well toned body. Gaara was surprised.
“Hey, you are a man after all. I was sure you were female with all that girly blonde hair.”
“I'm more of a man than you'll ever be.”
In the background, Temari staggered to her feet too.
“Get the hell out of here!” she shouted.
She then threw her fan like a Frisbee but Deidara saw it coming and grabbed Gaara by his shirt and pulled him in front of him. The edge of the fan sliced across Gaara's neck. Blood spewed outwards as Gaara's body collapsed. Temari froze. Gaara lay motionless.
She ran over to him and knelt beside him.
“Gaara, speak to me, wake up, please.”
Gaara didn't respond.
Temari put her hand on his neck and then looked back at it. Her hand was red with her brother's blood and tears began to swell in her eyes.
“You bastard, Deidara! Look what you've done!”
“I did nothing, young lady. You are the one who killed your own brother.”

“He's not dead, no. He's still alive!”
Temari shook Gaara praying for some response but got none. She couldn't stop the blood seeping from her brother and returning to the sand. She held Gaara close for some time as Deidara stood in the distance watching on.
“Baby brother, you can't be gone.”
“But he is, Temari. Just accept it.”
Temari clutched Gaara harder and cried into him. She couldn't stop the tears falling from her eyes any more than she could stop the blood gushing out the side of his neck.
Temari wiped away the tears calmly stood and reached for her fan.
“I will kill you now, Deidara.”
“No, no, I still have work to do for Master Sasori.
Temari charged at Deidara, screaming and cursing his name but Deidara was able to dodge out of the way of her attacks. She summoned a wind spell but he was back on his clay bird quickly circling high above her.
He dived down at her but Temari slashed the fan against him knocking him off the bird. Deidara got up quickly as Temari charged at him again. She swung the fan at him but he caught it as the two struggled for possession.
Deidara proved his superior strength and wrestled the fan out of Temari's grip. He then pushed her back and struck her with the butt end of the fan in the stomach. Temari doubled over then fell and Deidara caught her. She was knocked out cold.
Deidara looked at her and had a plan in his mind. It may or not been his original plan but seeing this pretty kunoichi unconscious gave him a great idea. He thought he could use the girl to help me. I didn't know how at the time. How could a sand girl help me? I didn't care about Sand Village at all.
Deidara somehow thought it would be a great idea to bring Gaara back with him too. He placed Temari gently on the ground for a moment and then slung Gaara's dead body onto the clay bird. He then went back over to Temari and scooped her up into his arms, cradle style.
Deidara carried Temari over to his clay bird and got on. He rose high up into the air leaving Sand Village behind with the dead Gaara slumped over the back of the bird and Temari still unconscious in his arms.
He had a plan - a plan that couldn't fail.
“Master Sasori would be so proud of me!” he said. “I've found a new puppet for him to play with.”
As they ascended into the mountains, with the sun setting and Sand Village getting further and further away, there was nothing Temari could do to stop the fate worse than death that was about to be bestowed upon her.
“We're going to have some fun with you little girly. You have a powerful yet gentle spirit. Sasori is going to really like you. He likes them pretty too and you're just right.”
Deidara flew off into the distance with Temari, helpless and captured in his arms.