Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My ninja way ❯ Trouble among the Takemina and Aburame clan! ( Chapter 7 )

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Disclaimer: I do not own naruto. All credit goes to Masashi Kishimoto.
Thank you very much Ghostreader_Meep for giving me Ocs. I really love the pictures. They were so adorable that it was hard to describe! But I'll do my very best!
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Last time: Naruto: Upon leaving the land of waves we came across the Great Naruto Bridge, we came across a young looking man and an old looking lady! Ah! Sorry! Did I say old? I mean young!!
Marie: You should no better than to insult the enemy, Naruto! Especially if it's a women!
Neji: Get on with it already or do I have to do it?
Shino: These two are after us. They must be two more from the band of assassins.
Naruto: That creepy lady sure likes to play…but she does look cute, despite her age.
Hinata: n-Naruto.
Marie: Get your tongue off the floor Naruto. We got business to attend to!
Next time:
Trouble among the Takemina and Aburame clan!
Today on My Ninja Way: Trouble among the Takemina and Aburame clan!
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Do you all remember that creepy and poorly described mansion? That's where the scene is setting now.)
Still inside that dark ominous, Gennosuke was focusing on the crystal ball for anything new about the band of assassins. Rin and ryuu were sparring and waiting for either new orders or for the awaited assassins to show up.
Rin Got into her defense position and looked at Gennosuke. “Hey, anything new?”
Gennosuke placed his hands over the ball again. “Yes…we're doomed, yet saved.”
Ryuu and rin walked over and sat around the ball. “What's wrong?”
“The good thing is that Renji has been resurrected…”
Rin tried to hold in her laughter, but failed completely.
“Renji Bakakami?!! Ahahahahahaha!!!! The God of idiots?!!!”
(Please don't let god strike me down!!!)
Ryuu “Don't make fun of him. He might have a ridicules last name but he's an excellent assassin; much better than you in combat and strategy.”
Rin made an arrow appear out of nowhere with her chakra and poked him.
Gennosuke continued “…unfortunately…Youko Yuki is alive as well.”
Rin immediately sat up. “That old lady that tries to act young?! Why was she brought back? She fools around with her opponent more than me. I bet she came back to mess with Shoga.”
Ryuu shushed her. “She may fool around, but she's also a powerful assassin.”
Rin feel back with her hands behind her head. “Yeah. Whatever. Let's hope the others get here soon, I'm itching to destroy some villages and wreck peoples lives.”
Ryuu “We'll get our chance eventually… until then we wait.”
Rin sighed and went to sleep. “Waiting sucks. I bet we won't even attack until chapter who-knows - when.”
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
“SECRET JUTSU: ICY BLAST!” A female voiced yelled.
Exploding balls of ice hurtled at the fallen Shino and Naruto. Marie jumped in and blocked most of the ice with her pole but still got hurt by the remaining blasts hit her in the shoulder and leg. She nearly collapsed all together if it wasn't for her chakra pole.
“On your feet guys!” she ordered as she struggled to stand up herself.
Shino didn't waste anytime getting back up and neither did Naruto. Shino would've unleashed his insects but he feared that with being surrounded by water his insects will only be washed away so he pulled out his kunai and shuriken.
(I don't know if it's a weakness, but it is now in my book…oh…story…)
Naruto used his shadow clone jutsu to try and ambush her while shino and marie sneak up and get through her defense.
“You silly ninjas, stop jumping to your deaths when I want to play with you some more.”
Marie swung her chakra pole at her head. “You sound just like Shoga!”
Youko blocked her pole with her katana and smiled happily “You saw Shoga!?”
Youko pushed her pole back and marie fell into one of naruto's shadow clones before landing in the water. Youko looked over to Renji, who was fighting neji and Hinata.
“Renji, this girl said she knew Shoga. I guess your little theory was right. We were resurrected with that voodoo crystal ball.”
Marie resurfaced and coughed up some water that she swallowed.
“Wait. What crystal ball are you talking about? Is it the crystal ball of life?”
Youko smiled evilly. “The very one that brought the band assassins back from the dead.”
Naruto helped marie out of the water. “What's he talking about?”
“It's a very valuable and dangerous item. At a first glance it's just a regular crystal ball, but it actually has the power to bring anything back to life. Given it's used for the right reasons or else the ball will break. But not only can it bring anything back to life, it can reverse the damage its brother did.”
Naruto “Its brother? A crystal ball has a brother?”
Shino jumped away from Youko and joined marie and Naruto. “Its brother is the ball of intense darkness. It's the crystal ball my family was guarding. The ball of intense darkness can turn anyone evil and control them. It can also increase anyone's chakra to an unlimited number.”
Naruto yelled “That's insane!! Someone actually got their hands on something that evil?! We're so dead!! We got to stop them!!”
Renji turned to Youko. “You've said too much. We're leaving.”
Neji picked himself up from the blow he received not that long ago. “What?”
Renji said coldly. “We didn't come here to fight weaklings. We came to find answers.”
Youko puts her katana back into its sheath. “What a bore and here I was about to kill them and you decide that you want to go home. Really, you never let me have any fun.”
Renji walked past neji and hinata on the opposite side of the bridge. Indicating that it's the end of the conversation and he doesn't want to hear anymore complaining. Neji was silently gritting his teeth and shaking his fists with rage. `How dare he call me weak none calls me weak and walks away.'
Hinata ran over to Naruto to check on him. Shino slightly relaxed and marie puts her chakra pole away. `If they really have the ball of life, then its possible something terrible happened back at home! What if mom and dad are in trouble right now?!'
Shino seemed to have read her mind. “We better get back to the village as soon as possible. If the 20 assassins have truly come back, then we're going to have problems.”
Everyone nodded in agreement and took off to the village as fast as they could without stopping too much and hopefully without any trouble.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(The village hidden in the leaves. The hokage tower. Get ready for a heated argument!
And when I said heated I mean nothing perverted.)
Inside the homage's council room, the Takemina clan and the Aburame clan were arguing about the missing objects that both clans swore to protect. The Aburame clan as we all know is trying to handle the situation calmly, while the Takemina clan was pinning the blame on them.
Lady Hokage “So, what you guys are telling me is that both crystal balls are stolen?”
Mr. Takemina pointed to the Aburame clan leader. “It was that damn clan! They destroyed our sacred room where the ball of life was held!”
Shibi said hotly. “What do you have to indicate that it was my clan that stole it?”
Mrs. Takemina. “Your clan left their disgusting insects behind in the ruins! For a clan that's an expert in incognito you've slipped up. So return the ball of life to us!”
Shibi's wife spoke up. “Why would we steal it? We had to guard the ball of intense darkness! We have no reason to steal it!”
Mrs. Takemina stood in front of her husband. “Don't you dare speak to my husband that way, you insect.”
Mrs. Aburame did the same. “Who said I was speaking to your bastard husband? Maybe I was talking to you, dirty b****”
It took everything they had to hold their wives back from killing each other. Both clans were behind them adding more fuel to the fire.
Lady Hokage was thinking about more pressing matters. With both crystal balls gone the village, if not the entire world, could be in trouble. If it really is the band of assassins it could take every ninja in the village and ninjas from other villages to take them down. She looked up at the two opposing clans who look as though they were getting ready to kill each other. These two clans go a lot father than just today. The Takemina clans do nothing but compete with other clans to prove they're better and look down on the Aburame clan. From what she read it has something to do with an old feud that happened a long time ago.
Shizune “Lady Tsunade. If we don't d something they'll start a fight in your office.”
“Yeah. And I'll probably have to pay the hospital bills.”
Everyone went silent when they heard the doors burst open. Shino and Marie were sweating and panting while using each other to support themselves.
Both clans looked at the exhausted couple and the exhausted couple looked at the clans.
Everyone asked at the same time. “WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!”
Lady Hokage giggled at the sight. “Well, well, I had no idea you two were dating.”
Mrs. Takemina shouted from her husbands grip. “Marie! What are you doing with him?”
Marie ignored her mother. “We're not dating! I don't date! He doesn't date!”
Mr. Takemina lets go of his wife and ran over to his daughter. “Answer your mother when she asks you a question! Why are you so dirty? And those cuts and bruises!”
He turned his gaze to shino. “You had better not done anything to my daughter!”
Shibi “My son wouldn't have done anything of the sort.”
Mr. Takemina snorted “That's hard to believe coming from a clan of liars.”
“Dad! How could you say something like that?! Shino has been very nice to me! He's done nothing but protected me on my mission!” she clamped a hand over her mouth.
Mrs. Takemina asked worriedly. “Mission? What mission?”
Mr. Takemina asked furiously. “Did you go on a mission without my permission?”
(Couldn't resist the rhyme)
Marie stuttered. She forgot that she kept it a secret that she went on a mission behind their backs. She had little brother transform in her place to take car of everything.
If she told the truth…well, she should avoid the truth `because it won't be pretty. Nonstop princess lessons!!! And if she lies…shino, neji, hinata, and Naruto might get in trouble later on if someone opens their big trap about them going to the land of waves. The only option would be to tell the truth.
“Mom…Dad…” she started.
“She had nothing to do with the mission, it was me.” Shino finished.
Everyone gasped when they heard shino, including Shizune and lady Hokage. Shino was never the one to take the blame or even lie about something like this. Marie quickly looked at shino. `What's he thinking?' Shino seemed unfazed.
Mr. Takemina grabbed his collar. “So you admit that you took my daughter?!”
Marie grabbed her father's arm in attempt to stop him. “It's not like that!! Shino's lying about the mission it was my idea!” she said as she puts one arm in front of shino's chest.
Shino cuts in front of her. “She's crazy. I was clearly the one who suggested.”
They continued to go back and forth trying to convince their parents whose fault it really is. Shibi and shino's mother as well as the clan were surprised at shino. Everyone knows that the Aburame clan keeps to themselves and is calm in any situation. None has ever seen shino act this way before. It's definitely out of character.
Lady Hokage had a vain popping out of her head. The noise was giving her a headache.
“Will you all take this somewhere else?! We have an important matter to discuss.”
Everyone went silent for a moment. Then marie broke the silence.
“Is it…about the crystal balls…and the band of assassins?”
Everyone turned their attention to her.
“How do you know about this?” Lady Hokage asked. `This could be helpful'
Shino continued for her. “We met four of them. We saw three but I believe that there was another one there. They all seem to be targeting us. One was interested in marie.”
Marie shivered at the thought of Shoga. “That stupid -perverted -cross dressing-Shoga.”
Mrs. Takemina smiled happily. “So, Shoga found you after all! Was he nice to you?”
Everyone but Mr. Takemina thought. `She doesn't realize that he was after her life?!'
Shizune “Um…Mrs. Takemina did you know that Shoga was one of the band of assassins? When you meet him didn't he do anything?”
Mrs. Takemina “Of course we knew. That band has been dead for a long time so it wouldn't have mattered either way. And it could've been possible that he has turned good for the better.”
Marie shouted. “Didn't you know he could've killed me?! That guy was after my life!”
Mr. Takemina “That shows that he wants to be with you.”
Lady Hokage finally spoke up. “It doesn't matter now. We're all in real trouble here and we gotta act fast. Shino, you said that you met four of the 20 assassins?”
“That's correct.”
“Lady Hokage puts her head down slightly. “Hm. That's pretty shaky. Who knows how many were resurrected since the balls were stolen. Our best option now is to play defense. Shizune send word to all anbu, junin, and special junin to prepare themselves. We're going to need everyone at the ready for anything. Also send the anbu to search every inch of this village.”
Shizune nods and left the room to relay the message. Lady Hokage turns to the remaining clans. “As for you guys…you can sort your little dispute any way you want. Just don't kill each other. You all can leave now. I have work to do.”
Mr. Takemina grabbed marie's arm forcefully. “Come on! You are in so much trouble when we get home.”
Mrs. Takemina “you have a lot of explaining to do! When we get home you are grounded until further notice.” She scolded.
Marie asked nervously “When you say grounded…”
The whole clan said, “Your room with no: TV, manga comics, drawling for fun, transformation jutsu, transportation jutsu, and no leaving unless you have permission.”
Marie growled and crossed her arms. “Dang…”
The Takemina clan left the room using teleportation jutsu.
Shino turned to where marie was previously standing. He felt a little sorry for her to be raised in such a clan that doesn't approve of anything that se wants to do. She seems to be the complete opposite of her family and that goes without saying. Still…to have all your dreams and desires to be rejected all the time to the point where you just get you and do it despite the consequences. `What kind of life is she living?' He turned to his clan. “Am I going to be punished too?”
Shibi “I don't see why. You didn't do anything wrong.”
“That's right, honey, you were just doing your mission so there's no reason for that. Although I feel slightly sorry about your friend, she's got a lot to worry about now.”
Shino turned towards the double doors and exited. “She's not my friend.”
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After filing the mission as a success shino decided to walk around the village in attempt to clear his head. `I wander what's she's doing right now…I bet she's in a lot of trouble now. Not that it will stop her; she seems like the kind of girl who wouldn't stay down that easily.' He stops for a moment. `Although…that has me worried.'
He shook his head and continued walking. He walked past a weapons shop and looked through the window. He saw something almost similar to marie's chakra pole. He remembered that her chakra pole is red; the one on display is purple with black streaks twisting along the sides. `Is this where she gets her weapons from?'
He shrugged his shoulders and continued walking. Three blocks later he begins to feel a little tense. He couldn't shake a bad feeling that something bad was happing right now. Following his ninja instincts he ran in the opposite direction in search to find what made him so uneasy.
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(At the Takemina mansion)
Guard pushed marie into her room. “In you go. We'll be checking up on you hourly. Don't forget that we're smart, we won't fall for your transformation jutsu and we had seals around your room so that you can't use your teleportation jutsu to escape.”
Marie flopped down in a crossed legged position and crossed her arms.
“Yeah. I know the drill. You don't have to tell me. Still…”
She looked at the guard with cute starry eyes. “This room is soooo dreary…could you bring me my puppy?”
The guard backed away slightly and blushed. “T-that can't be done.”
Marie pulled a hurtful face and faked tears. “H-how could you be so heartless? All that I asked is my little puppy…do you honestly want me to be all alone in here…” She turned her face away and hugged herself. “so…cruel…”
The guard staggered out of the room. “I'll see what I can do…” He closed the door.
Marie looked up and smirked. “Sucker.”
Moments later the door opened again and lil' brother came scampering inside barking happily and he tackled marie. She giggled and petted Lil' brother.
“Oh. Thank you, Mr. Guard. I feel a lot better now.” She yelled at the door.
Silence answered her. She had Lil brother check to make sure that the guard was completely gone. When the hall was clear she made one hand sign and tapped her dog with her index and middle finger to transfer her chakra to him, causing him to transform into her. The transformed `marie' was squatting in front of the original.
Marie held one finger. “Okay, you know what to do. You stay here in my place and stay active. Fall asleep or read.”
“Got it! Arf!”
“And no talking.” Marie turned towards the window to see it held down by seals. She pouted a little and then smiled. She reached into her shirt and pulled put her mini chakra pole. When none was looking she used her chakra to shrink it. She added her chakra to make it long enough to slip between the bars and peel the seals off one by one.
When the last seal was gone, she pulled her chakra pole and reduced it back to a small size and slipped it back into her shirt. She activated her one hand sign and disappeared into the village.
She looked around and figured she was in the shopping district of the village. Shrugging she walked into a random direction and stopped occasionally to looking into shops through the windows. She looked at the corner of her eye and immediately went inside.
Somewhere in the shadows there were four pairs of eyes looking at her entering and exiting the store with a smile on her face. They disappear further into shadow and waited for her to pass by.
Marie was singing a happy tune. `A great day like this I just can't help but smile! I really hope shino likes this spider keychain that I got for him. He saved my butt today and I want to give him something nice since he won't hold a conversation long enough. Hm. Valentine's Day is coming up soon…I better start saving up for chocolates…'
She walked past the alley where the lingering eyes were watching her and in a spilt second she was grabbed by four pairs of arms. She dropped her bag and was dragged away. She tried screaming but a cloth was shoved into her mouth. Two strong hands grabbed both her arms and held them above her head. Another two stayed at her thighs.
Tears started coming from her eyes. `I've never felt so powerless! I just need to get one hand free to get my chakra pole!!'
She could already feel them tearing at her clothes. She knew that the wrap that she wore was torn to shreds and her capris were cut into torn shorts. She had cuts on her legs because they were using kunai to cut her capris and now they were trying to get her shirt.
Her muscles were getting sore and tired from struggling for so long. Finally getting the energy she spits out the cloth in hopes to have one hand that was on her arm to be removed long enough for her to grab her pole. Her plan worked. `Good thing they're drunk!' not wasting anytime she reached for her chakra pole, enlarged it and swung it full forced at the drunken head that had her legs. Once he was out of the picture she aimed for the one at her head. She immediately stood up and backed into a corner, panting. `What's wrong? Did I use…too much energy? I shouldn't of…I didn't do very much…doesn't matter I have to hold on.'
She charged at them again in hopes to knock them out long enough for her to run.
Her attempts were in vain. One of them grabbed the end of her pole, stopping her dead in her tracks. She couldn't pull her pole back or loosen his grip. Then she felt a sharp pain in her stomach. The other man punched her in the stomach and knocked her out cold.
“That should keep my little angel quiet. Now sleep and try to enjoy it.”
Both men laughed evilly as they tore her shirt in half to reveal half her bra and ripped her capris even more. Both men were about to make their move but stopped dead. Literally.
“I really don't like it when people take advantage of my friends like that. Great job.”
Small insects poured out of the drunken men's bodies and returned to shino.
He kicked the dead men out of the way to see the damage they inflicted on marie.
Her chest was fully exposed. She had cuts everywhere and she barely had clothes at all.
His blood was boiling. No one should have done that to her. He took off his coat and covered her top. He pulled her into his arms and performed hand signs.
“W-wait…my…bag.” She moaned.
“I picked it up with I found you. Don't go into a deep sleep yet. I'm going to get you looked at to see if you're terribly injured.”
Marie smiled weakly. “Thank…you…”
Shino completed the jutsu and immediately went to his parents to seek help.
To be continued….
Marie: What the heck was that!!!??? What are you doing to me???!!!!
Shino puts down the bandages. : I'm treating your injuries. What does it look like I'm doing?”
Marie covers herself up. : It looks like you're taking advantage of me!!!
Shino: Will you please stop yelling? I'm not that kind of person!
Marie: Oh sure! You're not!
Shibi: is there something indecent going on in there?
Mrs. Aburame: oh! Honey! Don't give them any ideas.
Marie and shino: THIS STORY IS CURRUPTED!!!!!
Next time on My Ninja Way…
Part of the new family.
Read and review!! Thank you to….yer lil demon and Ghostreader_Meep for donating co's for me! I love them and the pictures rocked!! Thank you!