Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ My Own Tutor ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
My Own Tutor
Author: Dagger Stiletto
Pairing: SasuNaru
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, but I do own this fanfic, so back off.
Dagger: Sorry if the first few paragraphs seem a little stilted and short, but I lost the paper that had the beginning written on it, and I had to wing it. I hope you enjoy it all the same anyhow.

Chapter Three
The rest of the month went slowly but pleasantly. The more time he spent with Naruto, the more Sasuke liked the boy. No one tried anything serious as long as he was under Shikamaru’s, Kiba’s, and the Uchihas’ protection. He soon found that Naruto was quite hyper only when around people that he was comfortable with. His past was broken and unclear, but that didn’t matter to Sasuke very much. He liked the Naruto that he spent so much time with right now, and he didn’t care how he was in the past as long as he got to spend that time in his presence. He also found, courtesy of Gaara, that Naruto liked to hold hands and piggyback a lot.

After the middle of the third week of their “acquaintance,” Sasuke realized something else….

He had a crush on Naruto.

He didn’t know how to react to it. He had never in all his seventeen years had feelings in the romantic sense towards another person. Of course, he may have felt slight attraction, but never something as deep as he felt for Naruto. He didn’t know what to do. Neji was absolutely ecstatic when he told him and encouraged the relationship. Surprisingly, Gaara approved of it, having been near when the Uchiha told his best friend Neji. He too said it was a good idea, especially since Sasuke was so protective of the blonde.

He asked his brother on what to do since he was completely new to the idea and didn‘t know how relationships workedhe was lucky if he knew how a friendship workedbut the older raven was too busy with his job at his father’s business or trying to appease his pregnant boyfriend. He was too afraid to ask his parents, and Gaara wasn’t exactly open with his ideas. And he was getting really tired of his friends’ constant barrage of “advice.”

“Maybe you should try to learn how on your own,” Gaara said quietly during Trig, which class they shared. “Naruto’s just as bad if not worse at the same thing. He was never given a chance at it, so you’d be learning together.”

Sasuke took that into consideration for all of two minutes before he had to focus on the work assigned in class.

After Trigonometry, he walked alongside Gaara to French, which was shared by him, Naruto, the redhead, and Shikamaru. Halfway there, Sasuke felt the tiny, invisible hairs on the back of his neck raise, alerting to him that something wrong was going to happen.

“You go ahead, Gaara,” he said quietly, feeling urgent. “I forgot something.” He turned and hurried down the hall. Passing the restrooms on the way to his locker, warning bells went off in his head. He dropped his things, knowing his many fan girls would probably confiscate every damn thing and hold it for ransom.

The raven slammed into the men’s restroom and found little Naruto trapped against the wall with his pants shoved down, his feet dangling in the air while Orochimaru molested him through his underwear. The blonde wept and pounded small, ineffectual fists against the shoulders in front of him, straining to get away.

The fear in deep blue eyes propelled Sasuke forward. He gripped long black tresses and used them as leverage to tear him away form hishisblonde. Naruto slid to the floor, quickly pulling his pants up as he stared wide-eyed.

Sasuke shot a quick jab to the other raven’s throat, then kicked him hard in the stomach. He drove a fist brutally into ribs, then shoved the snake back. “Get the fuck out!”

Orochimaru scrambled out like a beaten dog. Sasuke waited. After a few moments, the raven relaxed and turned to Naruto.

The blonde looked like he wanted to cry, or like he was going to break. His arms reached out imploringly. The Uchiha jumped to embrace the smaller body. It shuddered with relief against him. He rubbed the trembling back and murmured reassuring words. In the distance, the tardy bell rang, lockers slammed shut, and yells sounded.

Unconcerned, Sasuke continued to hold the little blonde.

Finally, Sasuke pulled away to survey what damage, if any, had been done. Hair was mussed, skin flushed, a bruise on the boy’s collarbone, and hickeys marked flesh. They could easily be hidden, however, which appeased the raven only slightly.

“Why weren’t you with Shikamaru?” Sasuke questioned as he rearranged the blonde’s shirt to his slightly-oversized school uniform to conceal the strawberry marks on his neck.

“He had to leave early,” was the answer. It was slightly breathless.

“You should have found one of us so you weren’t alone.”

“I had to use the lavatory.”

Ignoring the odd choice of words, Sasuke picked up the blonde’s dropped bag. “C’mon, little one, we’re late for class.” He held out his arm.

Naruto latched onto it with both arms, pressing as close as he could without becoming one with the raven’s flesh. Sasuke escorted the tiny blonde to French, and when he entered the class room, Gaara immediately leapt to the trembling blonde’s side, demanding to know what had transpired.

Sasuke explained it all very quietly, and Gaara hissed like a raging tanuki demon and looking read to maim and kill.

The classroom was a raging chaos without Ibiki-sensei’s supervision. He was uncharacteristically late for class. Gaara and Sasuke guided Naruto to a seat and dragged their own close to crowd him. Naruto appreciated the closeness, which lasted even when a disheveled Ibiki came to class and gave a hasty assignment that would tie the class over, after which he hurried back out again. The assignment thankfully gave a much-needed distraction.

The bell rang, and Sasuke and Gaara held both of Naruto’s hands until they’d successfully escorted him safely to the art room, the last class of the day for the blonde. They briefly informed Neji of the previous ordeal, who immediately caught Naruto in a hug. Satisfied, Gaara went on to his English class, and Sasuke went to the main office to inform Shizune that his backpack had been kidnapped again. Then he headed for History.

Neji and Sasuke went across the soccer field to where Naruto and Gaara were. Gaara left one their positions were secured and drove away to attend his job at Ichiraku’s. Naruto then began to take out his things.

“Not today, Naruto,” Sasuke said, sitting down on the soft grass instead of the bench.

“Huh?” Naruto questioned, blinking in bewilderment.

“Let’s take a rest from tutoring and just hang out, okay?” The raven stared at him, silently hoping that he would agree.

“I have to go on a date with Kiba in an hour-and-a-half, so I’ll see you two later. Ja ne.”

“Bye, Neji! Have a nice time.” Naruto waved. Then he dropped to the ground, settling himself beside Sasuke comfortably.

They sat companionably, softly talking about things unimportant, and Naruto shyly shoved Sasuke his drawing in his well-worn and well-used sketchbook. Sasuke admired the sketches and happily agreed to allow the blonde to draw him.

Finally, they fell silent. Through the whole time, Sauske had been unnoticeably building up his courage and bracing himself for the possible outcome. He clasped his hands and took several deep breaths.

“Naruto….” he began, trailing slightly.

The blonde turned and looked at him intently.

“I have a really important question for you, and I would like for you to think about it before you say no, okay?”

Naruto blinked, then nodded slowly, though his eyes were curious and slightly eager.

“I would like for you” another deep breath“to go out with me.”

There was a long pause in which Sasuke’s eyes stayed angled diagonally down, and Naruto stared long and hard at the raven before him. Finally, after about ten minutes of just sitting, staring, and breathing, Naruto spoke.

“I-I’ve thought about it,” he said softly. He paused again, and Sauske felt his heart squeeze. “And I think….that I would really like it if I went out with you.”

Sasuke’s gaze shot up to Naruto’s. “Really?”

Naruto nodded, smiling gently.

The raven was motionless for all of five seconds before he shot forward and caught Naruto in a tight hug. “Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you….” he chanted softly in the tanned, quickly-turning-to-pink ear. Then, unable to contain himself, he kissed the boy’s cheek. “I promise not to force you into anything, and I’ll try not to make you uncomfortable. We’ll take it slow.”

Even if it kills me.

Naruto pulled away and smiled, cupping Sasuke’s cheek. “Thank you, Sasuke,” he whispered.

Sasuke blinked. “For what?”

“For asking me and giving me a choice. I don’t get many choices in what I do. You and your brother are the only ones outside of Temari and Gaara who give me choices.”

Sasuke smiled softly. “It’s not that hard,” he answered, leaning his head into the blonde’s palm. “When do you wanna go out on our first date?”

“Friday. Temari has a date, Gaara’s sleeping over with a friend, and Kankuro doesn’t care. I’d be free all night.” Naruto smiled a little less shyly than before. “You can pick the place.”

Sasuke smiled again, nodding. “What time do you want to leave? We won’t be having tutoring that day.”

“Six to early?”

“No….six would be just fine.”

Dagger: There. I’m immensely proud of myself, even if the first three or four paragraphs are less-than-satisfactory in my opinion. I really can’t believe I lost the beginning to the friggin chapter. Oh well.
Knives: You’re a klutz.
Dagger: And you’re a fat cow.
Knives: I am not FAT!! 182 for my height and stature is perfectly normal!!
Dagger: Did anyone notice that he didn’t protest to the “cow” part of that??? Anyhow, I hope you thought this was okay, and I promise that Chapter 4 will be a lot better and longer.