Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Maxout ❯ Demon Blood ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 5
Demon Blood


Enigma : Yes it is hope there ok ^_^

Okami-No-Rina: thanks


When the smoke had cleared Tsunade, Sakura and even the Third Kazekage/Chase were shocked at what stood before them.

A dark purple chakra began to form around Kameko. The Kazekage’s arms were destroyed. Kameko’s arm had reached out to her side from where she had moved them, to cut off the arms. Demon claws were extending. Deep purple/silver demon eyes glared into the puppets eyes. She had moved fast enough to cut off all the arms before they were all crushed.


Chase growled. “That stupid bitch!” he spat. “Don’t forget you can’t kill the Uchiha or the newly found Uzumaki brat.” Kuro warned his partner. Chase hated to lose, if it meant his dolls or his reanimated beings got hurt or destroyed. Kuro become quiet once Chase looked at him with glowing red eyes. Which meant he was very pissed off. It meant the demon deep within Chase was beginning to awaken.

This demon wasn’t something that was sealed inside him. This was something Chase had created himself. It manifested from the darkness that grew inside a quiet boy’s heart. Chase’s entire family was killed when he was only 5 years old. His father was on a mission, and his mother wasn’t much of a ninja. They were traveling to his grandparent’s home. When they got there they found nothing but a bloody mess. Chases’ grandparents were dead and the murders will still there, his mother was killed and he was taken as a slave.

His father was killed in the mission so he never came to save Chase from a hellish life of beatings and reapeated rapings. After being a slave for a couple of years he had learned how to bring dolls to life, the only way he could have friends. Every time a doll of his was hurt, the darkness inside him grew until it took over and the demon was born. That demon killed all that took him as a slave.


Kyo and Maiya stared at their partner. “What the hell?” Kyo said.

Kameko looked back at her friends. “I tell ya after all this” she explained.

The puppets arms twitched as sharp blades protruded out. Sakura appeared in front of Kameko.

“This isn’t a fight for you” Sakura said quickly.

“Aunt Sakura don’t worry” Kameko said as she walked around Sakura.

“The wolf is in control.” Kameko added with a smirk. Sakura had fought this puppet before. But there was something different about it this time. It looked a bit was more alive.

But stopped when Sakura grabbed her arm. “Even with the wolf, it’s not something you can fight. Even with the demon’s powers it doesn’t make you unstoppable. Naruto was the same way” Sakura said quickly.

“I will not lose you like I did him….” Sakura said quietly. Kameko looked over to her. “I will not lose you like your father. I can’t stand the fact I lost Naruto and Sasuke. And I will not lose there children” Sakura cried. Kameko’s eyes widen.

“What?” she whispers. Sakura looked to the puppet that was moving erratically. “You, Kameko Uzumaki. Your Naruto’s daughter.” Sakura simply told her. Kameko’s eyes widen more as the purple faded from her eyes.

The puppet quickly moved, only to get his left arm cut off. Kyo glared as he held his sword. The left arm of the puppet was immedietly encased in ice from his sword..


“Chase, just get him back here we’ll kick their asses later!” Kuro said setting his hand on Chase’s shoulder. He held on tightly when Chase growled. Kuro’s eyes faded to black, nothing showing in his eyes except an empty void. “Just relax” Kuro said calmly. “It’s still alive, you can always bring it back” Kuro said in the same tone. Chase’s eyes faded away and he nodded. Kuro had a useful jutsu he used with his blood. He was able to perform a jutsu called Kuroi Tama or Black Soul. Where it would take over your soul to control it or in Chase’s case to relax his.


The Third Kazekage’s puppet mouth dropped open and a black grainy substance slipped out of it. Sakura quickly looked back.

“Iron Sand” the puppet’s voice whispered eeriely. The sand quickly formed into a huge boulder, and flew at the teens and Sakura. Sakura went to hit it but Maiya moved forward crushing the Iron Sand in an instant. Unlike Sakura, Maiya was able to break the boulder into pieces.

When they looked up the puppet along with Chase and Kuro were gone.


Yuri leant back in his chair. Chase had left heading back to his own room. “Why do I feel that he’s going to turn on us one day” Yuri asked. Kuro glared back at him. “More than likely it would be you that would end up turning on us.” Kuro retorted back. Yuri returned the look.

“He’s not the only one to have a hard life you jackass. He can’t just act like a baby every time one of his toys break” Yuri muttered. Kuro rolled his eyes. Yuri had a marked as being cursed since before he was born.

The very moment he was born they carved a symbol into his head not caring for the babies cries. The only one to care for Yuri was his own mother. Yuri shifted in his seat, closing his eyes after Kuro rolled his own eyes at him.

***flash back***

In the Village Hidden in the Sand, Yuri wasn’t aloud to go outside most of the time. For his mother feared of her child being beaten. Yuri, age 8 stood in the doorway. The closest thing he ever got to being outside. Where he lived he could see his village.

The graduation at the school’s academy was happening that day. The new Genin were getting there headbands that day. Kuro watched quietly from his house. He wanted to be a genin. He wanted a headband to cover up his curse mark on his forehead. His eyes dimmed as he sighed. He was a very pale child. His hands tightened on the door frame. What did he ever do to this village to be called cursed?

Yuri turned back when his mother walked up to him quietly. She set her hands on his shoulder. “Soon you’ll be old enough to leave this village and find one that won’t judge you by your mark or your soul” Yuri mother whispers as she bent down to come eye to eye with Yuri. She gently ran her hand though his hair. “To me my son you are the ray of light to this village. You’ll show them someday that you’re good” Yuri mother whispered as she kissed his forehead.

Yuri watched his mother walk back into the house. Yuri looked back outside. He was stronger then the little brats that became ninja today. He should have been given a headband the year before. Yuri looked back again seeing his mother gone from sight, deciding to step out. The wind picked up as he walked further away from his home.

Some of the kids noticed the wind picking up. “What's going on?” One asked looking to his friend only to have his friend’s head fall into his arms. The young boy let out a scream only to be silenced as the wind blasted though his chest, killing him instantly. The other kids looked up along with the parents. Their parents didn’t get a chance to save their children as a bloody twister started up. The new ninja of the village had just become the fallen.

Yuri smirked from where he sat on the edge of his yard. He picked up a headband that had blown over to him. “There, now I’m a true ninja and they’re not” he said as he stood up heading back in as if nothing had happened. He tied the bloodied headband to his head.

“Momma look I’m a ninja now” he said as he ran over to his mother. She stared at him in horror. She had heard the screams and now finding her son with a bloodied headband.

“Please say you didn’t go outside” she cried. Yuri head leant to the side. “Only to the gates of the yard. I just wanted the curse mark covered up” Yuri explained. His mother started to cry as she wrapped her arms around him. She would have to do what they told her to do when he was born. To kill the boy that meant so much to her. The child that she believed was good and not evil.

“Yuri sweetie, come with me” She whispered as she took his hand and walked into another room. She gently pulled Yuri into her arms and held him. Telling him to close his eyes and to think of good things. She pulled out a small dagger she always carried with and aimed it at Yuri’s heart.

But before she could kill him his eyes shot wide open. “You’re just like them!” he whispered to her. “You’re just as bad as them” he said, horror in his voice. She started to cry again. “No I’m not, I love you Yuri” she said as she began to cry. And went to stab the boy only to be slammed into the wall by an axe, killing her right away. Yuri stared at his mother. He slowly got up and walked over to his mother and began pulling on her arms. “Sorry about that mother….you can get up now” Yuri said calmly as if nothing had even happened.

****end of flash back****

Yuri’s eyes reopened. After he had killed his own mother, he ran away and made his own life. Trying his best to get stronger and to simply live. He never meant to kill his mother, but it was either his life or hers.

*** A couple days later***

“Still pissed off about that puppet getting away?” Kameko asked as she plopped in a chair in front of Tsunade’s desk. The Hokage sighed in discontent. This was the first time Kameko had come out of her room in days.

“So how long were you going to hide the fact that I’m Naruto’s daughter?” Kameko asked with a dull face. Tsunade leant forward on her desk. “Naruto said it would be best if you didn’t know.” she answered. Kameko made a face.
“So I do have a last name” Kameko stated. Tsunade nodded. “Yes.” she answered her.

“I’m not going to get into it too much, not with the Chunnin exams coming up very soon. But after that, you and the pervy sage got some explaining to do” Kameko grumbled. Tsunade nodded. “Listen, Naruto loves you. He left you with Jiraiya to keep you safe” she whispers. Kameko shifted. “I guess so.” she said as she stood up.


Kuro walked in with a smirk. “Yo Deiya, you free for the next couple weeks?” he asked. Chase followed in behind him. “Maybe, why?” Deiya asked looking up.

“We’re going to mess up a certain exam” Kuro said with a smirk. “Huh?” Deiya turned. “Konoha’s Annual Chunnin exams, we’re going as a team of kids trying to become chunin” Chase answered.

Deiya smiled. “Oooo sounds fun, count me in” Deiya laughed as he stood up. He caught the headband thrown at him. It was a Hidden Waterfall headband. “Oh yeah I guess we have to change headbands” he mumble taking his real one off and putting it in his clay pouch. He would put it in a bag later.


Sai stared at Kameko, Kyo and Maiya. “You were one of the last to know Naruto and Sasuke, did you know that we were their kids?” Kameko asked. Sai sweatdropped.

“I don’t really know what to say to that. Never read a book on it neither” Sai mumble. “Dad, don’t act like you don’t know anything anymore.” Miki mumble she sat near by drawing. Sai looked to his daughter.

“Hey you’re not supposed to say that to your father” Sai mumble. Sai looked back at Kameko. “Well Naruto acted like he had no penis when I first met him. But I guess he proved he had one later on” Sai said with a laugh. “DAD!!” Miki yelled. “Jeez so that’s where Raiden gets it from” she commented. Sai laughed.

“Yes I knew that you were their kids. But they said not to tell you guys. First it was because you were too young to understand. And plus Kyo’s hatred for the Uchiha clan. And Kameko weirdness too.” Sai said lightly. The three made a face at Sai. “What? It’s the truth” Sai mumble.

*** Couple days later the Chunin exam has started*** and to pass most were simply skipping the first exam which seemed to be the boring part. And onto the forest of death***

Kameko looked around at the ninja around her little group. “Jeez there’s still so many” she groaned. “And some creepy ones” Maiya whispered making sure to stay near her team. Kyo noticed that a team seemed to be watching them. Kyo narrowed his eyes somewhat and looked back at his team.

Kameko was now bent down on her knees. “Hey at least there’s no Orochimaru in there.” Kameko mumble. Kyo looked to her. “We still need to be careful. Remember the guys that attacked me?. They were talking about Orochimaru still being alive” Kyo whispers.

“I don’t think Tsunade would let that happen again. I think each team really checks out these days” Kameko whispers. Kameko looked up.

“Daze!” Kameko called out seeing the sand team. Daze looked very much like his father but for the eyes. He had gently brown eyes. Daze was Gaara’s son. His cousin was Cross Nara who was on his own team there in Konoha. Daze’s other cousin was Max who was Kankuro’s son. Daze looked back seeing the group.

“Hey Kameko” Daze said. Like his father he could control sand along with fire. So if he had to he could turn his sand into glass. “Long time no see. You haven’t visited the sand village in a while” Daze said as his team walked up.

Max wasn’t one to talk much. He could fight well with his puppet but he was still learning. He was only 10 and already a genin, trying to become a chunin. Daze’s other teammate was Kate. She was very hot tempered and the fact she had a crush on Daze didn’t help when other girls talked to Daze. So she didn’t like Kameko much.

“Yeah since we became a real team. We’ve had a lot of missions. And there have been some weird things going on too” Kameko said as Daze walked up. Daze stopped in front of the team. “Father was saying something about that. A new Akatsuki I believe.” Daze whispered so others wouldn’t be able to listen in.

“Yeah, something like that. The weird thing is they some how brought a puppet back to life” Kameko said lightly. “A life jutsu. I heard that there was a clan at one time that could do that. But they were all killed off” Daze said lightly.


Deiya leant on a tree, they had to wait a little bit longer. While everyone filled out their papers and got their scrolls. Chase was sitting on the ground. Kuro stood with his arms crossed. “So, get the brats and take them back and hope it brings Naruto and Sasuke out.” Deiya grumble.

“Yes but doesn’t mean we can’t kick the crap out of them too” Kuro laughed. Chase grinned.

“Ok kiddies time to go” Anko said as she smirked. “You all know the rules” she added. “You’re stuck in here for 5 days. No one’s coming to save you. Not one person is your friend. It’s kill or be killed” Anko laughed.

“If your trying to scary us off you got to do better than that” Kameko yelled out as she stood up

Anko just looked annoyed. “You will be able to experience why this place is called The Forest of Death”

Kameko made a strange face. “You will be able to experience why this place is called The Forest of Death. There's no point in trying to scare us like that, I'm not scared at all!” Kameko said in a mocking tone.

“Really? You sure are the energetic one” Anko said as she quickly threw a kunai at the young girl and appeared behind her. She was surprised when the young girl caught the kunai and held it to Anko’s neck. Kyo also had pulled his sword half way out while Maiya had grabbed her summoning scroll. Kameko’s teammates were ready to help if need be.

Anko laughed. “My you’re so much better then your father. I scared the crap out of him” Anko mumble as she back off. Kameko sweatdropped. “DID EVERYONE KNOW WHO MY FATHER WAS?” she yelled.

“Kinda sorta, just the old people” Anko said lightly. Kameko growled.

“So you’re ready for this huh?” Anko added Kameko nodded.

“No she’s not ready, Hokage will just kick her ass if she didn’t try to take the exam” Kyo mumble. Kameko pulled his hair. Causing a small fight between the two. Maiya sighed. “Just go on, Examiner Anko. They’re listening” Maiya whispers.

Anko sweatdroped “Ok everyone to your gates” she called out.


Kameko kept jumping from foot to foot waiting for the gates to be open. Kyo was bored out of his mind. “Who should we look for?” he finally asked. “Someone other then sand or Konoha ninja. I don’t feel like beating up my friends.” Kameko answered. “What do you mean beat up, they beat you up. Don’t forget Toshio Hyuuga is out there. Daze is too. And I don’t feel like saving your ass” Kyo grumble.

Kameko grinned. “Oh come on, you like saving my ass” Kameko laugh. She laughed harder when Kyo looked away turning red.

“Hell man we’ll pass this exam and be sleeping by Day 3 at the most” Kameko said with a smirk. Maiya and Kyo also smirked.

“Were going to show this village that we’re going right to the top.” Maiya said with a smile as the gates opened and the three headed inside.

“Nothing’s going to stop us….” Kameko stopped abruptly as Kyo held up something. “BUG AHHH” Kameko took off into the forest. Kyo was on the ground laughing. “The mighty Kameko falls because of a bug” Kyo laughed he stood and went with Maiya to caught up with Kameko.


Chase smirked. His toy bird had already found the three. “We’re going to make this exam a bang” Deiya laughed as they stood on a branch of a tree.

A ninja stood quietly under a tree it’s teammates were in a tree. “Looks like there’s a lot of people after them this time. Are you sure you still want the Uchiha” one of its team mate asked. It looked up. Kabumaru looked up. “Trust me, I do. After seeing what he did to my last ninja.” he answered with a laugh.

Note (well it looks like the new Akatsuki’s plans may work. And just how many other people are out to get the new team 7?)