Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Maxout ❯ The Exam ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Chapter 6
Chunnin exam

Kyo and Maiya caught up with Kameko who was resting on a tree. “Some Hokage-to-be you are!. Getting scared off by a bug.” Kyo laughed. Kameko made a face as she looked to Kyo. Kameko looked around after that. “So we find our scroll and head for the middle. Now to find someone to beat the crap out of” Kameko said deviously. “It’s not going to be that easy” Maiya said as the three jumped up to a tree to look around.

“When is anything we need to do ever easy?” Kyo said as he crossed his arms. “Don’t take my hopes away” Kameko growled. Only to see a smirk on Kyo’s face. “Shall we move on” Maiya asked as she adjusted her summoning scroll. The three began to move forward.


Deiya hung from a branch upside down next to Chase. “Anything?” Deiya asked. Chase made a face at him. “No quit asking every 5 seconds” Chase grumble. Kuro looked around. “How hard is it to find some brats” Kuro grumble. He lifted his hand and bit down on his thumb. He let the blood drip down his hand, from his thumb and onto the ground. He let it pool a little before quickly doing a jutsu.

“Crimson Blood Life no Jutsu” Kuro said quickly. A Blood clone formed from the puddle of blood. Slowly the Blood clones colors formed and he looked human. “Go out and find any trace of those kids” Kuro ordered the clone as it nodded and took off.


Kameko sighed as she stopped. “Break please!” She groaned as she flopped to the ground near a tree. Kyo nodded and disappeared to use a tree somewhere. Maiya opened her water bottle and took a sip before passing it to Kameko.


Kyo did his business on a tree. Kyo finished and turned to walk away when he heard something. He quickly jumped out of the way when a huge tail swung at him. He slid to a stop and ducked as the head of the snake came at him. “I hate snakes!” Kyo growled. He never dealt with huge ones before. But just the stories of Orochimaru and his lust for an Uchiha.

Kyo moved one hand in a jutsu and slam it down on the snake. The cold blooded creature didn’t get a chance with the ice it got shot with. It didn’t take much to kill off a cold blooded thing with ice. Kyo kick the head somewhat after he had frozen it. “Stupid snake” he muttered. He barely jumped out of the way when a hidden snake’s mouth snapped shut. “DAMNIT” Kyo yelled. “Would you all just leave me the hell alone. I’m not a snack” Kyo growled as he got his ice touch ready again. He let out a yelp when a dagger hit him in the shoulder. He turned to see who did it while trying to stay ahead of the snake.

A man he never saw before stood there. His gray hair came a little past his shoulders. One eye was creepily formed. He wore a purple top and long black pants. “So you’re the Uchiha heir. And so far everything about you is simply wonderful. At such a young age you have your Takingan fully under control along with your lovely ice jutsu. And those other hidden jutsu you have. You make Itachi’s Sharigan look like childs play” the person said as he stepped forward. “My, I wonder what your father will think when he finally meets you again” he added.

Kyo eyes narrowed. ‘How the hell does he know so much’ he thought as he jumped up a tree. ‘Wait if they’re attacking me, are they’re attacking Kameko and Maiya?’ Kyo thought as he looked back the way he had came.


Kameko had barely missed the sword. It had scrapped her arm. Maiya was pinned below the attackers. These guys weren’t the pushovers they were wishing for. And the thing is they didn’t seem to be out for the scroll that they had. They just seemed out to kill them. Kameko pulled out her sword and swung at the guy pinning Maiya. He caught it and rolled away.

Kameko blinked as Kyo ran in and then by. “Watch out for the damn snake” Kyo yelled as he jump up a tree. The huge snake slammed into the ground coming very close to landing on Kameko. “What the hell?” Kameko yelped. “You’re telling me” Kyo grumble annoyed. He went to do his ice touch when arms wrapped around him holding him tightly. “Powerful yet you seem to care too much. Trying to help friend means letting your own guard down.” Kabumaru laughed. “This time I will have a Uchiha body. Even if I have to train you more.” he added.

Kabumaru blinked as something dropped down onto his arm. He let go of Kyo as he grabbed it only to have the small animal blow up in his face. Kyo quickly jumped back. Kabumaru growled as he looked up the tree.

“Oops…” Deiya mumble. “That was meant to blow your arm off” Deiya said with a smirk. “You…. But your dead, you blew yourself up” Kabumaru growled. Deiya jumped down now to face Kabumaru.

“You can say I’m Deidara jr. That was my father that blew himself up. I’m part of the new Akatsuki team. And a hell of a lot stronger then the original!” Deiya said, an evil grin crossed his face. The other two sound ninja went to go to their master’s side but didn’t get a chance. One found his legs were being held by a jack-in-the-box. Kuro put the other in a headlock. “Heh you see these kids are ours. So get Lost Orochimaru” Kuro grumbled.

Kameko had moved near Kyo, being Kyo’s shoulder was bleeding pretty good now. Maiya had also moved near him and was trying to heal it.

“So we let them deal with each other?” Kameko whispers. As the three disappeared. Kuro looked back and sweatdropped. “Ummm…Guys the brats got away” he said flatly. “WHAT!?” Deiya yelled looking back giving Kabumaru a chance to run himself. Deiya looked back. “Hey I wasn’t done blowing you up yet” Deiya yelled. “Forget him Deiya we need to go after the brats” Chase demanded.


Kameko and the others finally stopped as they came to a river finally far away. Maiya slowly healed Kyo’s shoulder. “What the hell was that all about?” Kameko groaned as she sat down and took off her jacket. Kyo looked to her not saying much at first. He was kind of staring at her. Kyo sometimes forgot Kameko was a girl. And boy, nowadays with out her jacket on you could tell. Kyo blushed a bit.

‘What the hell am I thinking. And at a time like this?’ he thought shaking his head. “The scroll most likely” Kyo whispers. Kameko shook her head. “They had a good chance to get the scroll. They were all after us.” Kameko whispers.

“That’s weird” Maiya said quietly. “One was from the Akatsuki from the sound of it” Maiya add. “The guys that killed Kango with the puppet?” Kameko whispers. Maiya nodded. Kyo sighed. “And the other they called him Orochimaru. HE’S SUPPOSED TO BE DEAD” Kyo yelled out of nowhere. Making Maiya and Kameko fall over.

Kameko moved near Kyo. “Heh more reason to hate the Uchihas. Because you got a guy that likes little boys thats after you. He wants your body….oops I mean powers” Kameko said with a grin. Kyo’s hair went up on the back of his neck. “Stop it” he hissed. Kameko grinned even more. “Don’t let him bite you” Kameko mumble. Kyo looked at her this time not with anger but fear. “Quit it you’re freaking me out” Kyo grumble.

“Oi you two stop it. I’m going to look for an herb I think I saw some growing back a little bit” Maiya said as she stood up. “Maiya be careful” Kameko mumbled, she would go but Maiya didn’t like to have help. She didn’t like to be thought of as weak.

Kyo looked back at Kameko. “Must you talk like that to me?. It’s bad enough Orochimaru is alive. He’s as powerful as Jiraiya and Hokage-sama” Kyo mumbled. Kameko sighed. “Yeah yeah I know” she grumble as she pulled her sleeve up to fit her own gash. She blinked as Kyo push her hand away and started to clean it himself. “If I let you do it. Your arm would fall off” Kyo grumble.

“Emo jackass know it all” Kameko grumble as Kyo fixed it. Kyo just sighed. He blinked when Kameko put a hand to his forehead before resting her forehead on his. “Hmmm you don’t feel warm.” she mumble as she pulled back. “Oh boy your bright red too.” she said giggling. Kyo was blushing bright red. “I’m not sick” he said quickly.

“But you didn’t say dumbass or loser” Kameko said. “You loser, I’m not sick. For once I didn’t feel like saying that” Kyo grumble trying to quit blushing like crazy. ‘Why am I feeling like this and for Kameko. She’s like a sister to me’ Kyo though as he wrapped Kameko’s arm. And turned away. Kameko blinked.

“Kyo, really what’s wrong. You know I was joking about the whole Orochimaru thing. He’s not going to get you” Kameko said. Kyo nodded as he stood up. “Yeah haha” he mumble as he looked in the water. “Not even in here for an hour and this all happens jeez” Kyo said to himself.

“Your telling me.” Kameko said. Maiya returned with what she had went to find. Mashed it up then bandaged Kyo’s shoulder. “You know I saw some grass ninja. I was listing in on them. They have the scroll we need.” Maiya said with a smirk. Kyo and Kameko looked at one another before a grin crossed there faces. “Fastest team to get a scroll. WOO HOO!” Kameko laughed, as she stood up. Her teammates followed her.

Kyo stood in a tree. These grass ninja weren’t pushovers. They looked to be about 19 or 20 years old. He smirked. And did a couple hand signs. “Black Ice Wolf No Jutsu” Kyo said quietly sending a wolf of ice at the group. The ninja quickly moved out of the way except for one that was bitten and dragged away. The two left turn to the tree Kyo was in only to find no one was there.

It was now Kameko’s turn. “Shadow Clone No Jutsu” Kameko yelled. About three clones appeared “Black Rasengan” Kamkeo yelled and slam it into one of them sending him flying through the trees. The last went to attack Kameko. “Stone Cage No Jutsu” Maiya yelled and went up around the ninja.

They had it to where they beat two and scared the crap out of the last one for the scroll. The last one stared at them. He gulp slightly. “Hand over the heaven scroll” Kameko said in a demanding tone. The guy shook his head. But quickly changed his mind when Kyo cracked his knuckles. The ninja gave the scroll up very fast.


“Woohoo” Kameko cheered. Kyo had one scroll with Ice jutsu on it if someone other then his team there arms would be freeze. Kameko had the other scroll. “Now to the tower!.” Maiya said lightly. “We’ll do that tomorrow” Kameko whispers. Maiya and Kyo nodded. Maiya liked her rock jutsu for this at least. She was able to create a makeshift home using her Rock Jutsu. For when they were out on a mission. She also had a summoning scroll that had mats and pillows.

** Next day**

Kyo yawed as he step outside. But for some reason the hair on the back of his neck stuck up. And he soon found out why.

“Did you really think you could run from me. I’m the one that made sure you were born. Along with your little friend Kameko” Kabumaru said from were he leant on a tree.

Kyo stared at him. His guard was up. “What do you mean Kameko too?” Kyo grumble.

Kabumaru smirked. “Haven’t you ever wondered why the two of the greatest ninja, both so young, just happened to have kids around the same time” Kabumaru asked.

Kyo stood there. Yeah it was weird, Naruto meets someone on his journey to find Sasuke.

“I was the one that made both of your mothers go after Sasuke and Naruto. And use a jutsu so they would sleep together.” Kabumaru laughed.

“What?!” Kyo grumble. “You sick bastard why would you do that” Kyo yelled. So far Kameko and Maiya weren’t awake.

“Because later on I wanted there bloodlines to mix and make the strongest body ever for me. Just meaning when I do take your body over. I’ll just sleep with Kameko. Of course it looks like you may do it on your own anyways!.” Kabumaru laughed.

Inside Kameko sat, quietly listening. The only reason she was born was for this bastard to be a baby machine. “No wonder father left me. He didn’t want me.” Kameko said sadly.


“Awww did I hit a sore spot. As I said before you have hate, yet you care too much” Kabumaru said.

“Hate and love are what makes one strong” Kyo stated. “Most people try to say ninja shouldn’t have feeling and shouldn’t show emotions. But feelings let you know that your alive and that you’re human.” Kyo explained

“My my, such a smart child too. And you’ll be unstoppable once you have the curse mark.” Kabumaru said with a raise eyebrow. He was studying the boy looking for a opening. He could feel the cold air now. If he did something stupid. He would get a part of himself frozen and he knew the boy could do it to his insides too.

‘Just sever his spine for now so he can’t move. I can fix it later.” Kabuto’s voice echoed in Kabumaru’s mind.

Kabumaru smirked, it was a good idea. Kabumaru coughed up his sword and attacked Kyo head on. Kyo summoned his own white sword to block Kabumaru. Kyo didn’t notice that it was a clone until it was too late.

Kyo screamed as a chakra blade went into his back. He felt his legs go numb and cave out from under him. He fell to the ground. Kabumaru grinned as he picked the boy up. Only to drop the poor kid when a mace smashed into his back. Even in pain he re-picked up Kyo and turned to find Kameko and Maiya.

“Too late he’s mine. If I don’t take him he’ll die soon and right now I'm the only one that can fix him.” Kabumaru laughed. His eyes went to Kameko. “Don’t worry my dear I'll be back for you sometime” he said before taking off.

Kameko’s fist were tight if she wasn’t whining to herself. She could of gotten out here faster. Kameko took off after Kabumaru. Maiya right behind her.

“Hold on Kyo” Kameko whispers as they took off.