Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Sister Sequel ❯ Lets Make a deal ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Arashia woke groggy, hungry and to the incessant beeping of the heart monitor she was hooked to. Her hands moved over her stomach rubbing the bump, more calmly then when she first woke she sat up forming the seals she focused chakra and spoke softly. “Kai!” when she opened her eyes again the Hospitals white walls greeted her as did the slight laughter from the direction of the door.
“Arashia-san I'm glad your awake maybe now we can get Naruto to stop scaring the nurses.” The blonde blinked.
”Naruto?” Pink hair whipped around Sakura's head slapping her in the face with the edges the few feet from the door to the bed where covered in less time than Arashia thought possible her chin was grabbed in a firm grip her face tilted up. Her reaction was instinct more then anything, one arm cover her belly while the other raised shoving the pink haired girl back with a powerful surge of chakra sending the pink haired medic nin through the door and into the hall. Sakura barely had time to gather her own chakra to stop her backward movement, feet skidding on the linolium floor she looked up at the blonde on the bed tears running silent down her face. She hadn't even regained her footing when spiky blonde hair and a broad back obscured her view.
“Nee-chan?” blue meet blue, Naruto approached the bed cautiously taking one step at a time.
“I'm not going to bit you, baka.” Watery red rimmed eyes glared at the male making him laugh nervously. Raising one hand to him blushing Arashia gave the impression of strength while at the same time looking like a broken doll. Naruto moved to sit on the bed and wrapped his arms around her it took a moment for the older woman to relax but when she did she rested all 120lbs on the teen leaning on him and closing her eyes for the moment letting the strain and fear bleed away to the back of her mind.
“ `I'm here I wont ever leave you again.'” Arashia snorted into the chest her face was pressed against. Sakura choose that moment to return to the room.
“Sakura-chan?” Arashia looked up blushing crimson.
“Gomennisa Sakura-san.” The pink haired medic nodded her head giving the other a faint smile of reassurance as she dusted her clothes off it wasn't the first time she had been slammed through a door and she doubted it would be the last she was just embarrassed of her behavior. Grabbing the other womans face like that she should have remembered from her studies the reaction she would get from that rash mistake. While Sakura chastised herself for the lack of professionalism Arashia and Naruto were holding a quiet yet intense conversation.
“…Here!” the blonde male growled holding his sister tighter she pushed back slightly to look up into his agitated face gently placing a hand on his cheek she tilted her head to the side raising blonde brows at him.
“I'm fine but I want out of this hospital I want to go home.” Naruto held her hand to his cheek meeting her gaze evenly and shook his head his tone and expression that of the hokage and not her brother.
“You've been missing for over 4 months and malnuritioned. Sakura-chan says you need to replace vitamins and…elcto-thingies,” He grinned sheepishly as she widened her eyes.
“Regardless you have to be here for at least another week.” Arashia sat back leaning on the head board of the bed and folded her arms over her chest.
“24 hours.”
“4 days” he countered
“2 days.” She narrowed her eyes daring him.
“3 days.” He responded.
“2 and a half or I jump out the window right now.” Naruto pondered for a moment before answering her.
“Alright..but you have to do everthing Sakura-chan tells you and pass all the health tests.” He stuck out his hand to seal the deal, Arashia hesitanted they had yet to disscuss anything of a more intimate nature and she wasn't sure of his reaction. Instead she grinned at him and took his hand to shake.
“Any one looking at you both would have no doubt your blood related.”
“Baa-chan!” the blonde greeted the Godaime she glared at him a vein throbbing in her temple.
“Oi Brat I need to talk to your sister.” She hitched a finger over her shoulder pointing out the door that was being replaced. Naruto squeezed Arashia's fingers asking her silently if she was alright with that, the blonde in the bed smiled lopsidedly making a shooing gesture.
Once the teen was out of the room and the door was back in place Tsunade pulled the chair up next to the bed after looking over the chart in her hands and the monitor screen she gave her full attention to the younger Kunichi.
“So?” she began, Arashia leaned back resting on the pillows.
“So.” Tsunade sighed this could go many ways, but she suspected that Arashia, being the strong shinobi she was, might have escaped the worst of her imprisionment but that still left the question of who's child it was she was carring. The worst possible canidate for that would be Itachi not only would it finish off Sasuke's tenuious hold on sanity thanks to his team but it would have disstourous conscquences for the mother. Tsunade was heging her bets on the one person she hoped it was.
“I heard the bargain you and Naruto made and I can see no reason not to abide by it I may even be able to help you there, get you out sooner than later.” The Hokage pursed her lips as the other blonde regarded her.
“In exchange for what?” Arashia wasn't conviced that the woman wasn't looking for something in exchange for her help she herself would be the same if their positions where reversed. Tsunade smirked she knew she had the girl where she wanted her, now it was just a matter of arranging things…to the betterment of her shinobi.
“Your tests this morning all came back your are in excellent condition and can leave tomorrow.” Arashia narrowed light blue eyes as the Godiame read over her cart again waiting for the perverbale bottom to drop, when it did she felt sick.
“You'll need to stay with someone for the time being however, he'll help you out with the next,” she glanced at the cart again then back up at Arashia, “5 and a half months.” So far nothing seemed too untoward but Arashia had been around long enough to know the Hokage was enjoying this far to much to make the `him' her brother since Naruto's apartment was by far to small. She was running through the list of people in her head when Tsunade without preamble or warning droped the hammer.
“Kakashi-san will be your care taker since you both have somethings to talk about.” Arashia's face paled her jaw dropped and her eyes widened followed closely by a mental shaft aimed at her brother who unexpectedly blocked confirming at the same time that he had known about this before hand.
“ `Bingo.'” Tsunade thought, “ `it is Kakashi.'”
Arashia moved from shock to anger, she was old enough to take care of herself but that wasn't the point taking a firm grip on the bed sheets she glared at the Hokage.
“Fine.” Bitting her tongue she grinned to herself as the Hokage stood up to leave she paused at the door her back to the younger woman Arashia held her breath.
“Its an order!” A scream and the sound of the vase of flowers crashing as it went sailing into the closed door followed, Tsuande chuckled she had seen though Arashia's sudden complance, Naruto had already been informed and agreed with the decision the only one to oppose the idea had been surprisingly Sasuke. Sighting that Arashia would undoubtly fight the idea and by no means appericate the intrusion, the argument didn't last long as it quickly diterated to a shouting match or more precisely Naruto shouted while the Uchiha snorted his indifference. Things would undoubtedly get more complicated for the young mother to be, but Tsunade reasoned, it would be for the better of both father and mother. Kakashi would have the family he wanted and Arashi's children would start the process of settleing down rearing the next generation of shinobi to protect the Leaf village to inherit its fire.
In an apartment facing the Hokage monument Hatake Kakashi sat on his faded grey couch staring blankly into space his hands rested on his knees the fingers lax but in his mind he was a wreck. Since Arashia had woken up and tried to climb the wall to escape him he hadn't been able to think of anything else, her reaction while he could understand it still hurt. He played it over and over in his head each time the fear in her eyes stung digging deeper and deeper. Leaning forward he rested his head in his hands gripping his silver hair, this wasn't how it was supposed to work she was supposed to come back whole and healthy not with some one else's child. He growled, shoving up from his seat he stalked to his front door resolved to act this time and not let this chance slip away when he was interupted by a knock on his door. He didn't have to wonder who it was only one person knew where he lived.
“Genma.” He greeted the other man. Dark hair cut short he had taken to wearing his hieta-eta covering his right ear two jagged scars criss-crossed his face making him look sinister both still pink and some what swollen. His eyes no longer matched one blue the other brown, thanks to Sakura's skill and the donation of an eye from a fallen comrade. His mid-section was still heavily bandaged and he was sweating lightly, trying to unabtrusivly catch his breath he grinned at the Copy nin around the tooth pick in his mouth.
“So you escaped the hospital again.” Kakashi opened his door wider gestureing the man inside and to a chair once he was seated he disappeared into his kitchen returning with a glass of water which he hand to the grateful jounin.
“Yeah there's only so much poking and proding I can take. I hear you're going to have a house guest?” Kakashi blinked his visable eye the only sign of his surprise but Genma was to busy drinking water to notice. A shiver tingled on his skin, he wanted to deny what the other man was saying but he knew even with out talking the Hokage that it was true and he could guess who that guest would be. Looking around his apartment he knew it to be to small already and the Hokage would inverable order a move to something larger but where. Then an idea struck him there was nowhere she could make him move to what with the construction of the village under way there just wasn't room enough he was so obsorbed in contemplation he missed most of the rest of Genma's report.
“…Uchiha district. You have a great team Kakashi I envy you those kids. You must be proud of Naruto what with making Rokudaime.” The man chuckled holding his stomach. “To think of all those years of hollering he would make Hokage!” Kakashi twitched nodding his head a chill settled over his body, Genma had mentioned the Uchiha district. It wasn't possible that area was run down with evidence of the massucure still apparent Sasuke would never agree to that would he?
Another knock sounded on his door this time the chakra signature was one of the medic nins from the hospital, Genma groaned as he too recognized the chakra.
“Damn found again and here at that. Well Kakashi it was nice visiting I have to say though Sakura is worse then Tsunade-sama she already threatened to tie me to the bed not that I would mind.” Kakashi laughed dispite himself and opened the door and nearly jumped out of his skin. It wasn't just a random medic nin there to collect Genma behind the female medic pink hair swayed a foot tapping on the floor. Kakashi's eye shot open wide giving the impression of a fish as his mouth hung open underneath his mask. He hadn't even felt Sakura's chakra when had she gotten so good, surpressing it where even he couldn't sense it.
“I heard that.” Sakura arched her brows stepping out from behind her assitant glaring at both men. She pointed a stiff finger at Genma, “Genma-san you should be in bed resting this is exactly why your wounds don't heal.” Though she used the honorific her tone was sharp with displeasure making the older shinobi flinch.
“Hai hai Sakura-chan I was just heading back.” He moved somewhat stiffly towards the silent medic with Sakura, Kakashi was about to close his door when Sakura stopped him.
“Kakii-sensi, Tsunade-sama wants word with you.” The girl smiled all the while watching him closely with her hands folding in front of her. So she was going to wait and walk with him, damn to think the Hokage had such little faith in him.
“Alright Sakura let me get my keys and lock up.” The smile she gave him this time was full of understanding, she already knew what the new arrangement was and guessed that from Genma's visit he may have found out more, that was why Tsunade asked her to come get him left alone he might try to run off on some obscure mission from the stack sitting on his side table. True to form he picked up the pile stuffing them into his vest pockets for different reasons then what the pink haired kunchi thought.
The journey to Tsunades office was quiet and over before the silver haired jounin registered it, he already knew to whom he would suggest the missions he held went to. The heavy oak doors where pushed open two ANBU standing on either side, in front of the Hokages desk where team 8, Hinata was giving the report of there teams mission she paused in her speech to look over her shoulder and wave at the two then continued on. Kakashi couldn't help the small up turning of his lips, Hinata had come a long way from the shy girl who blushed every time she saw Naruto to the confidante young woman giving the report for her team. If he remembered correctly then the blonde was working up his courage to ask her out again, their pervious date ended rather aburtly when Neji spotted them. The older man had followed the two around and no further progress was made as a matter of fact the date had ended in a spar between the three. He had sighed at the time when Naruto told him about it.
The conversation came to an end and the Hokage dismissed the group giving them a week before their next mission, grinning Kiba threw his arm around Hinata's shoulders and directed the girl out the door while at the same time declaring he was famished and how they should all go get Barbque for lunch. Kakashi didn't miss when the young man dropped his arm from her shoulders to take her hand and run down the wall dragging her behind him. At least his own love life wouldn't be the only thing happening around here.
“Well glad to see you could take time out of your busy schduel to meet with me.” Heavy sarcasm laced her tone and if that wasn't enough to convence him of her displeasure her pursed lips and the vein throbbing in her temple just screamed it. Rubbing the back of his head he began his explaination, “Well..haha… you see a black crossed over my roof and a shaman,” brown eyes narrowed dangerously and he trailed off, he didn't want to be on the reseciving end of her fist. Sakura closed her eyes and bowed her head, and they wondered where Naruto got it from.
“Save it, Hatake I don't want to repeat myself late. The Uchiha brat has agreed to let you and your charge move into the old district. As we speak your things and Arashia's are being moved in, now this is important.” Her light tone, if one had even been present, became serious. “I understand and sympathize with both of you…But, as the leader of this village it is my business to Lead her people in the right the direction so…get your ass down to the hospital before that idiot tries to leave Again.” When he didn't immediately act she shouted, “NOW!” He was gone in a poof of smoke and leaves, Sakura felt her eye twitch sometimes the Godaime could be very scary.
Blonde hair piled on top of her head and stuffed under a cap Arashia looked her attire over in the public bathroom on the first floor. It had taken an hour to get enough chakra to make a clone, by the time she was done she was sweating and tired. Taking 10 minutes to rest she had changed into the over sized orange `moomoo' was the only way she could discribe the dress, and flipflops underneath her grab she had secured the change of close that Naruto had brought her along with a stash of kunai and shrukien. She did think she would be able to hold up a convensing henge so opted instead for the more traditional disguse, smudging dirt on her hands and under her nails she grimed her face. Statisfied with her altered appearnce she slouched out the bathroom and through the front doors she only bumped into one person and his hasty “Excuse me.” went unnoticed, she would have run at that point but begin pregnant takes a lot out of girl so she settled for a brisk walk. She found herself in the market district at the center of town an hour later, smiling at the attendant behind the stall she made her order.
“Pork ramen and one order of odan please.”
“Make that two.” Arashia sighed some much for getting away.
“When did you find out?” She turned around to face him.
“When you walked into me at the doors.” His voice was light but she could sense his displeasure.
“Kakashi you don't have to take care of me, I plan on getting an apartment maybe in one of the towns.” His visible eye toke on a hard edge surpising her.
“You'd leave the village become a missing nin.” She gave him a pained smile.
“I'm not a ninja of this village remember.” Turning back to the girl behind the counter she toke both of their orders while he payed the woman and made her way over to one of the empty benchs in the shade. He sat down next to her taking his food and began eating, the silence was almost comforting and Arashia could pretend for a short while that nothing had changed and this man was hers. The illiusion shattered with his next question however.
“What happened?” Arashia took the time to finish her odan, once done she looked him in the eye and asked him her own question first.
“Are you sure you want to know?” He nodded his head. “Everything?” again he nodded his head. She removed the hat from her head letting blonde hair spill around her shoulders and down her back while her bangs fell over her eyes shadowing them, swallowing hard she began. She told him everything from the time of their parting to the details of the genjutsu all the while keeping her head bowed, he had to have figured out by now who's child she carried. Once she was done the sun was already starting its descent and the after noon shadows had lengthened further putting the two in darkness.
“So who's the father?” She gapped at him her mouth fell open, both eyebrows jumping together. Her lips snapped close as her anger surfaced, clenching her fists she glared.
“Are you…” she crossed her eyes tring to calm down, “Nani?” she waited for him to speak when he didn't her face heated and her whole body flushed with heat making her light head and before she could stop the words she had already jumped up shouting at him.
“YOU,YOU BAKA!” the world tilted and she stumbled objects blurred and became hazy, the ground was coming to meet her at an alarming rate when strong firm arms wrapped around her stopping the movement and the scent of wood and fresh cut grass and `Kakashi' filled her nose. When the dizziness passed and her vision cleared she was sitting again this time on the ground her back pressed to a warm chest arms held her close. She felt moisture seep through the fabric covering her shoulder and turned her head to be meet by a pair of slightly chaped lips when he pulled back to smile at her, she blicked her eyes open.
“If a girl could faint twice.” She trailed off while the trade mark Uzumaki grin spread.
The sun had already set and street lamps where being lit and the pair was still sitting in the same spot, much discussion had taken place and many things resolved. Kakashi apologized for making her faint explain he had drawn the conclusion that he was the father but he had just wanted to hear her say it.
“That's a hell of a way to do it!” she huffed.
“Well you were planning on leaving the village and not telling me!” he pointed out. Arashia huffed again elbowing him in the ribs and rolling her eyes.
“You know I'm not a pillow you can reshape right?” she grinned before tring to elbow him again, this time he caught her eblow they both laughed. When things grew silent again Arashia burrowed deeper into the chest she rested against her fingers moved making the seals “kai” she whispered. Kakashi tightened his arms around her this wouldn't pass easily.
“They didn't know I was pregnant.” She whispered, he held her closer.
“They'll come back.” Reaching up he took hold of her chin, turning her head to face him.
“Then they'll die.”