Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Sister Sequel ❯ Arashia's Past ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Blood flowed over the ground in rivers spilling and pooling then over flowing again to pool again a little ways away feet shuffling sliding and slipping in the debris of human body parts, broken saw blades, discarded needles and other miscellaneous tools dropped in hast as another experiment went berserk tearing into the assistants with zeal. The two remaining occupants in the room where leaning heavily and with no small amount of relief on the far wall by the exit panting and sucking in lungs full of air that had suddenly become very precious.
Adjusting his thin glasses up the bridge of his nose Kabuto stared at the disarray of his lab beside him a young woman with red hair now shoulder length from having to cut it to free herself from the monsters grasp. Wide dull green eyes meeting his own and for a moment he envisioned another in her stead looking at him with the same expression of disapproval. He blinked and the expression was gone making him shake his head and wonder if he had suffered a concussion during the fight, rubbing his head he addressed the woman.
“Ayuchi-san please clean this mess and proceed with the next appointment.” The meaning of her name was not lost on him pushing his glasses back up he spared a glance as the woman set to work cleaning and setting the table for the next patient. Apart from the sweat and blood covering her, the expression she wore was blank dull green eyes swept the room as she moved about he paused at the doorway.
“Have you ever been to Suna Ayuchi-san?” she looked up meeting his gaze and blinked several times before nodding her head affirmative. Her answer held him in place making him actually turn around, the fluorescent light reflected off the lens temporally hiding his eyes. He had never taken the time to speak to the woman she had escaped his notice it wasn't until this recent experiment that her presence touched his awareness. Thinking carefully over his words he watched her moving around the room, as far as he could remember she had never spoken. That didn't both him really an assistant that spoke was more of a bother, what concerned him now was the fact she had survived where 3 other competent trained shinobi had not. Making his decision on what he wanted first he spoke again.
“Where you born there?” She shook her head stopping at the same time to face him. “Where were you born Ayuchi-san?” This time her expression showed distress and she motioned him forward to the table she had just cleaned off, confident in his skills as a shinobi he moved to the table. She pointed to her mouth and shook her head then down to the table picking up a grease stick she wrote on the table hesitating every few words the result was sloppy kaji sever misspellings and one or two completely unrecognizable words. What he could read was rather pathetic she had been born without a tongue in Konoha of all places, her parents where dead she had no living relatives and once she turned 12 had been kicked out of the orphanage. He read or attempted to before reaching up and taking a hold of her face pried her mouth open to see the stump of tongue she tried to hold still either in embarrassment or fear he didn't know but guessed it to be the latter because her face flushed and tears traveled down her cheeks while she clenched her shirt front. He released her looking down into the frightened eyes he smiled the same smile he had used on Naruto and Sakura during the chunin exam.
“Well Ayuchi-san you where very smart to hide from Jurrjio he can be very scary.” She beamed up at him oblivious to the thoughts he was entertaining. “Continue your cleaning you're a very good girl.” He smiled again before turning around and leaving the room before Orochimaru-sama had to wait any longer for him, He would be in the middle of training Sasuke-kun right about now.
4 Hours later and the room was spotless waiting for its next set of experiments, the red head strode around the room one last time gathering seemingly useless objects and pocketing them. Kabuto returned once he was notified that the room was ready again for Jurrjio, the medic nin smiled benevolently at the red head who blushed and smiled hugely back at him as he entered. In the time he had been away he had done some investigating of his own with Karen's help. Finding an interesting gem of chakra coming from the red head if his hypothesis bore fruit than the woman could be trained and used. He estimated the small amount of kindness he showed her would sway her loyalties in his favor if she managed to survive this next test.
Kabuto brushed his palms on his pants leg, bodies where once again being removed from the room Jurrjio's response had been far more violent then the previous one, though Karen's prediction was confirmed the flare of chakra from the red head was surprising in its intensity but nothing truly remarkable. The only regrettable disadvantage in this whole situation was the loss of a blindly loyal cleaning lady; at that moment her body or what was left passed him in a black bag. Shaking his head he sighed, grafting the abilities of another shinobi was proving more difficult especially when he was attempting it without the Sharingan.
Out side the Hiden Base Dessert.
The clear blue sky held not a cloud in sight, a group of men turned the rocky sandy ground. The ding of their shovels rang off the walls of the ravine loose rocks and gravel fell from the mud colored walls over head a hawk screamed its hunt in the distance. The only other living creatures in sight where the buzzards that circled the little group, one man looked up groaning.
“ `s deep nough.” Looking at his companions to agree the others nodded mopping sweat from broad foreheads they began throwing bodies into the shallow hole.
“ Por Bastards.” One man growled shaking his head, the man to his right snorted.
“Better them then me!”
“STOP UR YAKKEN!” came the shout from the man who had spoken first. The last to be dumped into the hole was the black bag.
“Had me eye on `er.” The man who had lamented the deaths said, his fellows laughed.
“Fancied `er ey?” He was nudged from behind; no one saw the seals his fingers slid though. None noticed the subtle creeping of chakra into the ground surrounding the grave as they piled earth and rocks on the bodies. The small group filed out of the ravine leaving the buzzards and dessert beasts to their meal.
It didn't take long when the first black buzzard landed and hop stepped towards the grave only to launch into the sky in fright squawking indignation at its meal that should have been dead and remained so. What emerged from the hole in the ground was barely human; fingers digging into the ground pulling up hunched over and breathing hard the figure vomited the contents of her stomach until nothing was left. Spitting to get the taste out she stumbled to the pack that had been dropped for her as the group left she dug a small vile from a side pocket, quickly downing the contents she took another deep breath before throwing the pack on her shoulders and setting off. AS much as she may have wanted to give the bodies she had escaped with a proper burial she didn't have time and if the buzzards didn't land soon and start their work they would began to suspect.
The woman cursed mentally, she was several miles into rice countries northern boarder another 6 hours to the nearest village resigning herself to bathing in a river she trekked on leaving the arid climate of the dessert mountains behind. Thanking the sand nin's assistance in her escape.
Misalowe Town Rice Country
A young man stood in front of a shop window as the setting sun glittered off the necklace he was looking at, his Ayame-chan would love it. Shielding his eyes he caught the reflection of blonde hair and blue eyes looking at the same necklace.
“Ohayo, miss.” He smiled at her; the girl returned the smile with a foxy grin, which made him blush and fidget.
“Domo, would you happen to know where the Osen is?” she smiled at him making his face heat even more and he pointed up the street without looking away from the beauty before him.
“Arigato!” she called brightly to him as she walked away following the sidewalk, Necklace forgotten he rushed after the girl. He didn't know what possessed him to chase after her but he just knew she needed his help when he caught up to where she had stopped waiting for him the smile was gone a wary glint in her blue eyes.
“Miss the Osen wouldn't be a good place to stay I know a better…uh I mean….the foods warmer…well..uh…” She quirked blonde eyebrows at him and gave him a look that said she was older then her appearance. The blonde sagged slightly leaning against a near building wrapping one arm protectively around her middle.
“Miss?” He reached out a hand cautiously when she didn't snap or run he grasped her elbow.
“You better not be an enemy.” She laughed hoarsely before pulling her hood up over her head and allowing his arm to circle her waist, his blush grew to cover his face and she laughed. “Good thing its dark.” The hand on her side felt wet and he looked down into her face noting the sweat beading on her upper lip.
“Miss?” He asked again. The blonde grinned at him as they passed groups of people he kept his head down and stumbled a bit a group of young men across the way called out.
“OI SHIN WHO YA BEEN DRINKING WITH?” The group laughed shouting indiscernible comments. Shin grinned back and waved calling out his answer.
“GUESS HE CAN'T HOLD HIS LIQUIOR!” came the response and they continued down the road, Shin made a right then stepped into the first house on the right. Easing the blonde into a chair he closed the door and drew the curtains.
“Cousin?” He blushed crimson and nodded his head adding, “Yeah I do they meet Ukai last summer.”
“Arashia.” Shin stood baffled for a moment then he glanced at his hand, it was coated in blood, her dark shirt hid the fact that she was bleeding quite well.
“Arashia-san….” Shin took a deep breath pushing dark bangs out of his eyes; “you're a shinobi…” another pause and he seemed to blurt out his next question.
“How old are you?” Arashia smiled.
“You live alone.” Her answer caught him off guard and he nodded before realizing his mistake and blushing more.
“Hai..don't worry I wont kill you…help me take this shirt off.”
Several muttered apologies and deep blushes later, Arashia was sitting at his table bandaged and feed explaining in as little detail and without names how she had come to be in the position she was in.
“Arashia-san don't you think it would have been better to return to your village and been seen to rather than coming here?” Shin's chocolate eyes regarded her solemnly and she had to laugh, the action made him grumble and she laughed harder cutting it short due to the discomfort in her side.
“I fail to see what is so funny.”
Wiping tears from her eyes Arashia smiled lightly.
“You reminded me of some one I knew a long time ago. He would have said the same thing I think.” Her voice dropped and she smiled sadly down at the tabletop, Shin reached a hand across brushing her fingertips.
“Well it's been more then 10 years since I saw him. That would make me….21 in 2 weeks.” She grinned at him the same foxy grin making him blush and fidget.
“There's a spare room in the back of the house it only has a window to the garden no one will disturb you.”
He stood as he spoke blushing and fidgeting, Arashia smiled relenting and followed behind as he led the way to the room.
After the first night the blonde spent two weeks recovering in Shin's back room in peace, he never told a soul not even his beloved Ayame-chan he was hiding a ninja. Arashia was grateful for the respite, and Shin's simple yet lived in home made it easy to relax.
At the end of the second week Arashia slung her pack over her shoulders once more, slipping into Shin's room silently she pulled out a small bag, it tinkled faintly as she placed it on his night stand, slipping out the window she took to the roofs headed in the direction the Leader of Akatsuki indicated.
Chocolate eyes opened slowly to the morning light, yawning Shin stretched, he glanced at his bedside table noting the time along with the small leather pouch; picking it up he opened the bag inside was the necklace he had been looking at for Ayame-chan a receipt lay folded at the bottom with another piece of paper containing a simple message.
“Gomen, Arigato.”
Shin smiled ninja where interesting people.
A certain blonde female kounichi lying in a hospital bed looking out at the village she had returned to again sighed, her current guardians prowled the roof thinking she was asleep. In all her life she had not experienced trouble sleeping but the last few days in this room with its clean white walls and antiseptic smell sleep was so far out of reach it might as well have been impossible.
Glancing out the window again she felt a tear make its way down her cheek and into her hair it was funny the things one recalls in the dead of night with no one to talk to. Just as she was making up her mind on her next course of action she felt her nii-chan brush her mind. Instead of pretending to sleep she waited for him to return to the room, within seconds the door slide open quietly and the blonde Rokudiame was smiling at her.
“You're awake.” His voice was soft barely above a whisper.
“Hai, I was about to go to the bathroom.” She smiled and yawned, he grinned offering her his arm as support.
“I have to leave in a few hours to take care of some paper work from O-Baa-chan it wont take long Konohamaru will stay with you.” Arashia smiled and nodded her head.
“That's fine.”
He stopped just shy of following her into the bathroom settling for pushing the door open. Little did he know she had stashed her supplies that she would need for her escape tomorrow, in the vent in the room. She slide the grate open silently with effort placed the red wig on top of the brown bag and shut it back in place. Naruto could hate her for the time being but she refused to place him or any of her other loved ones in danger. She shuffled back to the door after flushing, he was waiting for her on the other side and giving into the deep affection she felt and would soon be giving up she leaned into him savor the contact. He didn't question her actions taking it as fatigue from the pregnancy and held her close.
Once she was back in the bed she sighed again, yes it was funny the things one recalls in the middle of the night, she settled against the pillows and drifted to sleep to the sound of her brothers soft snores.
Well this is a peek of sorts into what Arashia was envolved in when she visited Oro-chan yes I realize that may come off as a little disgusting calling him that but hey I am the author after all…that and I just didn't feel like typing his whole name. As always read and review and I hope to have the next chapter out of editing and posted real soon.