Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Sister Sequel ❯ Moments ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A thin stream of dust rose from the ground above a spinning top its red and blue colors flashing so rapidly that they appeared to bleed into one another, the child that had set his top in motion laughed uproariously as it crashed into the marbles knocking several out of the circle the top twitched and tilted then giving an almost desperate lurch, it fell over. The boy and his playmates groaned as they noticed a large orange and green marble still in the center of the circle, the little girl whose marble escaped crowed her triumph.
“Beat That Bast/I mean rookie!” she hastily amended noting her mothers' disapproval. The other mothers tutted at their children, more than half of them where slotted to enter the academy in the spring, a blonde woman sat at the end of the park listening to the parents as they expounded on how much better their child's chances where of becoming top rank.
Standing she moved past the heated argument held in hushed tones by the group of youngsters and almost tripped laughing as the little girl using a particularly vicious vocabulary in letting the dark haired little boy know just what she thought of his ability to play their game. Once she was well past the group and the sounds had faded to silence she took stock of her surroundings, she was near one of the natural cold-water springs one of the few that could be located in Konoha that you didn't have to pay to enter. She smiled pleased. Taking a moment to relax she kicked off her sandals and stepped in, the cold water burned briefly on her over heated skin. Her shirt and pants followed her sandals leaving her in a sports bra and black shorts, sinking into the water slowly she dropped the henge she had used to sneak out of the house revealing a well rounded belly and longer brighter blonde hair. Light blue eyes rolled skyward as she let out a gusty sigh,
`Damn it feels good to be in cold water…water period for that matter.' She slapped the surface with her open palm for emphasis as the thought crossed her mind making her grin.
It had already been 2 months since her return and adjusting to her new life back in the village was proving to be a little strenuous. If it wasn't Naruto getting his hackles up over nothing it was Kakashi antagonizing him, it seemed to have turned into a sport of sorts. Since the copy nin discovered Naruto's reactions were more animalistic in nature he took to baiting his former student when ever the three of them were together which was almost all the time.
Arashia groaned absently rubbing her belly, she thought back to days before things had been so complicated at least for her. Being the Yodaime's oldest child had presented its own challenges, to relieve that harassed feeling she had followed his most gifted student like a puppy. Even at the tender age of 4 she had understood the implications of her fathers job as well as her own position, then the great shinobi war had been her play ground so really nothing had been that uncomplicated.
Pushing wet bangs up, she shielded her eyes from the glare off the water, wading further in she made her way to the improvised whirlpool in the middle of the stream. Settling down so her back was to the rushing water she reviewed her current living arrangement. Kakashi, she would admit only to herself, served as eye-candy and she was in no doubt certain he knew she watched him. Grimacing she sunk further into the icy water letting her hands float to the top watching the swirls and trails they made in the current, occasionally a leaf or twig floated past snagging in the rocks briefly before being carried away.
`Lucky.' She thought, it was so easy to give up and leave but she had too much to take care of now. To add to all these burdens was the fact that she was pregnant and not with just anyone's child, that one night played in her mind vividly and she felt her face flame it was about that same time she felt a shift in the air and a faint brush of chakra again.
If there was one thing she learned from dealing with her Nii-chan these past few weeks was that no matter where she went he or someone always followed. She had long since felt the familiar chakra `scent', in large part due to the Kyuubi's donations. Naruto knew that she had talked to the Kyuubi though not in the same way Sasuke had, she had only been able to `hear' his voice though it was a deception in part to Naruto it was best he didn't know that she was bleeding chakra from the demon, at a rate that could kill her. She had to hand her solution to their late father the man had been a genius at seals and though she didn't remember to much about what had taken place when she was used as medium, she could read his old scrolls some of which contained little more then the daily going's on of their house-hold or reports on local unease for the surrounding territories. The one she had taken with her when she left was long since memorized then destroyed, it had also been where she learned the Rasengan.
She chuckled, Naruto had told her just how long it had taken him to master the technique, the corner of her lips tilted slightly as she remembered what his reaction had been when he found out it had taken her almost 2 years to master it then another 5 to get to where she had been able to catch his stopping it. He informed her that the only reason it had taken her so long was because she was doing so in secret while with Akatsuki. She didn't have the self-confidence to tell him it was because she wasn't near as good as he believed her to be.
Sighing she stood from her private whirlpool, maneuvering back to the bank, once there she found a large boulder in the sun and stretched out to wait for her companion to make his appearance, he didn't make her wait long.
“Yo.” Kakashi smiled behind his mask waving a negligent hand before sitting just above her head.
“Busy?” The copy nin shook his head in answer.
“You?” he asked, Arashia swallowed the groan of frustration she felt, so often they had come close to making progress only to fall back on these one-syllable conversations. Glancing at him out the corner of her eye she studied his profile, it had been a long time since she had last seen him with out his mask. Not since all those months ago in Hidden Mist village had she seen his face, she could clearly recall the tan line she remembered from her imprisonment meshing with the man in front of her. It sent a shiver down her spin making her wince and look away, Kakashi turned his head to her a question in his visible eye.
Sitting up she pulled her legs up to sit Indian style, she only wished she could pull her knees up to her chest like she wanted but her belly didn't permit it.
“I'm fine just a little tired.” She smiled absently and almost jumped out of her skin when his hand landed on her upper back and began rubbing small circles. She didn't protest, it was rare enough that they were alone, rarer still for him to touch her voluntarily, the blonde leaned unconsciously into the touch savoring the warmth of his hand on her back.
“Naruto must be at the tower.”
Kakashi's voice whispered close to her ear, blonde locks swayed as she nodded her head blue eyes closed. She was acutely conscious of the water running down her back and sides from before. A second hand joined the first and the small circles became kneading motions working the tension gently from her shoulders and back. Arashia shifted to get more comfortable on the stone her right hand dropped to her side and landing on something warm and firm her eyes cracked open and she looked down to find a black clothed leg on either side of her, closing her eyes again she let the other hand fall and land on the opposite leg. The slow deliberate massage fogging her brain, nothing had felt so good. Deciding not to analyze her good fortune too much she gave into her subconscious and allowed herself to just savor the closeness he was offering so unexpectedly freely.
Unaware of when she fell asleep or for how long, she opened her eyes the sun had long since set and instead of the rock they had been sitting on they lay on the deep lush grass of an incline she had climbed hours before. Her head was pillowed on his chest, which rose and fell evenly and one arm was wrapped around her waist loosely. So many reasons flitted though her brain on why she should get up but the warmth and comfort derived from the contact was more then she was willing to turn her back on. The blonde sighed contentedly and burrowed closer to Kakashi's side in response his arm tightened around her waist and the very girly part of her mind giggled like she was 5 again with her first crush on her father's 8-year-old protégé.
Light filtered through the leaves from the half moon dappling the grounds around them, it would be another six hours before the dew would fall and the duo showed no signs of moving. Finally Kakashi stirred, reaching into one of the pockets on his pants leg he retrieved two granola bars, pealing the wrapper back from the apple and cinnamon he made to take a bite, Arashia snatched it from his fingers and sat up to eat grinning as he worked on the other.
“Blahhhh, I'm starving!” Making eye contact with him she was barely aware of their surrounds. As cliché as her thoughts were she really did feel the spiraling sensation of being lost in his gaze, at some point one or both of them had moved and their faces where closer then before. His fingers ghosted over her cheek leaving in their wake heat and a tingling, those same fingers returned to his uncovered mouth it wasn't a second and she heard a distinct crunching.
“OI!” He had taken the opportunity at her distraction with his mouth to take the remaining portion of her snack. She would have attacked him but a pang from her mid-section brought her up short, not wanting to be found out she turned away from him huffing to covering her stomach with both arms.
“Are you alright?” the concern in his voice was tangible and cut deeply into her already wounded pride, she didn't want false concern.
“Hai,” she exhaled slowing. “I can't believe you would take a pregnant woman's food!” she growled. She could hear the sound of his chuckle and putting on an aggrieved front she turned around to face him again, when she did so she found he had leaned in closer so that not more than an inch separated them.
“I'll take you home, Naruto-kun has a stock of ramen and cheese we kept hidden from Sakura-chan and Tsunade-sama.” He was so close his breath stirred the little hairs around her face, making her blush. She breathed out slowly afraid that this might be a dream, his bare face was exposed showing the jagged scar that ran from the top of his forehead to the middle of his cheek. The faint tan line was there as well and his lips…she blinked trying to rein in emotions that threatened to swap her. Those full red lips she remembered from dreams and the henge Itachi had placed her under, where so close all it would take was to lean in those last few centimeters…
It took more effort then she would have thought to just try to sit back, she was in the process of forcing her muscles to listen and obey when his right hand touched her face, first only fingers playing along her cheek gently running down to sweep under her chin the action brought her response instinctively raising her face her eyelids fluttered down now half lidded she felt the back of his hand rest briefly on the opposite cheek. It disappeared momentarily only to return to cup the cheek, by now her eyes were completely closed and her lips were slightly parted.
“You are diffeninatly more trouble then any one else I know.” Blue eyes snapped open her face flamed crimson but before she could voice her anger retort those same wonderful lips stole her breath. It was the gentlest most enticing kiss she had ever had in her life, he didn't use force it was gentle light a barely connected touch that had her leaning forward to garner more, and before she knew it she was leaning on his chest. She could feel the strong pulse in her fingers where they brushed the point on his neck, it was faster then normal.
He was the first to pull back, looking up at his still exposed face she blushed, red dusting her cheeks and blinked. His lips twitched fighting the smile he knew was there and gently pushed her shoulders away helping her to sit up. Arashia watched, a small piece of her heart breaking, `Small steps, small steps.' Dusty her fingers on her legs she sighed making to stand she found his hand offered to her causing her to look up.
“I'm not an entirely bad guy ya know.” His mask was back in place and she could barely make out the faint blush on his cheeks. So he wasn't immune to what they had just shared, and if she thought about it he initiated the contact with no hint or pursuit from her until he kissed her.
“No…not entirely.” She took his hand to stand noting that her clothes where tucked under his left arm. Handing her shirt over he smiled under his mask.
“So still hunger we can go to the Oden shop I know the store owner personal.”
Arashia thought it over deciding Oden sounded perfect she nodded.
“As long as they give me sweet syrup.” Her words where muffled by her shirt as she pulled it over her head slipping her sandals on at the same time. Once the shirt was in place she motioned for him to lead the way, once they started walking their hands brushed together, she felt a shiver race up her arm when his fingers laced with her own and a new blush creep across her face.
`Yes small steps.'
Thanks for the support I am always happy to see people enjoy my attempts. I finally have a way to proceed now but I would like to know how many of you would like this to be fluffy lovey-dovey or more like my other stories. As you can tell this one is going much slower then the others that I cranked out mostly because the manga has taken a turn and I wasn't sure how to proceed with NSS. And I have to admit that I found others work far better in my own in my opinion, so it kinda affected my desire to write. This was the hardest to write and edit and I am sufficiently satisfied with how it has turned out so as always R&R! JA!