Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Naruto Sister Sequel ❯ All the things that follow ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Of all the times the village had experienced tragedy all of her members had been affected to a different degree and with vary cooping techniques, with the defeat of the Kyuubi came great sadness but instead of mourning as many wished a celebration was initiated for the Fourth Hokage who died protecting all of them. This victory came at great personal loss to all concerned because not one family had escaped the attack whole.
The next event to affect the whole village was the Uchiha clan's obliteration at the hands of one of its own, this was to be the beginning of a series of events set in motion by Orochimaru and Akatsuki. All of which lead to the death of the Third Hokage Sarutobi and Uchiha Sasuke's desertion, which though unplanned by Akatsuki, set the young Jinchuurik in a tailspin making him vulnerable and forced the young man to leave the village he had grown up in for several years to learn from Jiriyia one of the legendary Sannin. Many where pleased at the boys departure and a few even hoped the boy would be killed only to be shocked at the young mans return and his altered appearance.
Things moved rapidly from that point and the teens difficulties with the villagers all but evaporated and public opinion went from hating him to worry and some love, as the Uchiha prodigy was coming under fire especially after the blonde refused to give up on his brother.
Then came the death of Sarutobi Asumi, the last son of the Sadiame Hokage and Konohamaru's father. Team Ten Sought revenge and with hard work and determination achieved their goal, news came not long after of Orochimaru's death at Sasuke's hands. This set Naruto and Sakura chasing after their friend and teammate with renewed vigor, what finally brought the Uchiha home was rather shocking, Naruto had faced off against Itachi. Refusing to let the man leave and take his last chance of saving his friend and brother with him the blonde used the Kyuubi's chakra to hold onto the other placing himself in harms way to allow Sasuke the one thing he wanted most, Itachi's blood. The blade passed through the teens chest piercing the older Uchiha missing the mans heart by a mere centimeter, it was as he crumpled swearing at his lousy aim before loosing consciousness he had grinned at the raven and patted his cheek with a bloody hand,
“If you stay…with me…he'll come looking for me…again…he wants…Kyuubi…after all.” that brought Sasuke back. In all the years he had known Naruto he had never once expected the blonde to knowingly give his life for Sasuke's goal. That was why he had distanced himself from them his new companions he could and would willingly sacrifice but not these two. He held Naruto in his arms, blood soaking his clothes and the blondes and shouted for Sakura.
Now after all these things had taken place, lost friends and lovers Kakashi had dealt with each differently, with the loss of first Obito then his sensei he had been too busy to mourn taking missions one after another making a name for himself, unknowingly, and through each subsequent occurrence that came closer and closer to him personally he found it harder and harder to distance himself from it.
Arashia's disappearance he had long accepted as a result of the Kyuubi's attack, now he knew it not to be true. As a matter of fact he was currently adapting to that facet of his new mission, and cooping in his usual manner wasn't working. His poor Ichi Ichi Paradise was about to be set on fire by a hormonally charged very pregnant woman all because he had suggested eating something other than Ramen with (shudder) glazed donuts at 5 in the morning.
A heavy pot made its way towards his head, how she managed to heft the object was a feet in and of itself. Dodging the projectile he dove out the door into the hallway, rolling several feet he came to a stop in front of a another Uzumaki this one hopefully, less temperamental.
“Kakai-sensei what are you doing?” the blonde asked. A high pitched whistling could be heard forcing both men to jump back as several shuriken and kunai impacted with the wall, looking up they spotted Arashia in a haze of fiery chakra.
“Don't run dear,” the smile that graced her lips made both shiver. “I haven't had a chance to prefect my aim in a while.”
“Ja!” Kakashi called to his student before disappearing, Naruto meanwhile stood facing a blonde whirlwind. Sighing in resignation he held up a plain brown paper bag towards the advancing Kunichi and gave his best puppy eyed grin. The distraction worked, the slight breeze wafted the meal's scent into the woman's face and the murderous intent vanished as if it had never been there. She skipped/waddled up to him and took the pro-offered bag smiling innocently up at him and looped her arm through his.
“Such a good little brother.” She huffed over her shoulder at the spot the silver haired ninja had once occupied then blushed, cringing at the damage to the hall corridor.
“I'll fix that before Sasuke-san gets home.” She whispered tears filled her light blue eyes. Naruto hugged her close, of all the people having to deal with Arashia's mood swings he had adapted the most rather unexpectedly, having the least experience in the matter he hadn't really remembered anything Sakura had told him to expect but had responded mostly through instinct.
“Don't worry about it Sasuke-teme knew this would happen.” The comment earned him a glare and a pinch to his under arm making him yelp.
“Its not like I like being this out of whack, thank your sensei for that!” her face turned scarlet and she glared ahead avoiding his eyes.
Naruto wanted to laugh, Arashia's return to health hadn't taken that long and though she couldn't train or do much of anything else the last 3 months had been somewhat pleasant. She and Kakashi had taken residence in the old Uchiha district in the main house, it had been Sasuke's idea to allow Arashia the run of the main house and Kakashi took one of the many empty rooms near, Arashia's, his opinion remained that any damage done to the property of one said bastard then he deserved it.
Not long after Naruto had been pressured into taking up residence in the district as well, its selection was far more of a political mind field. Both Uzumaki's had celebrated the move with an impromptu fireworks display from the top of the fourth's head, all of the rookie nine not on a mission came as did both Hyuuga's minus one green clad jounin team mate.
“Sooo, any news?” Arashia slid into a chair with a little effort and waited for her brother to sit in the chair across from her, once seated she took one of the two bowls in the bag out placing it in front of him with chopsticks, she took the other out for her self.
“Itaidikamas.” They said in unison, Arashia took her first bit and looked expectantly at him.
“Not really, the borders quiet and no word of their were abouts or any threats.” Naruto smiled into the steam rising from his bowl. Raising his chopsticks to his lips laden with thick noodles and dripping in broth he came up short as an invaders sticks blocked him. Looking up he came face to face with his Onee-chans skeptical gaze, both fine blonde brows where raised and her lips where pursed in the `You-know-exactly-what-I-am-asking-so-don't-dodge-the-question' look. He blinked innocently at her and when that didn't work he relented.
“The Counsel isn't satisfied with the seal as is and are even less pleased that his chakra merged with mine at all.”
“Bastards.” She growled releasing his captive chopsticks. The teen sighed in relief and shoveled several mouthfuls in before speaking again.
“Yeah, well the Oba-chan is doing her best so I have to as well. Its just…” he trailed off shrugging his shoulders. He had taken up Kiba's offer on training the more physical aspects such as the claws and heightened sense of smell, which the Inuzuka promptly paid him back for when he farted in the others face during the first chunnin exam. It was the mood swings that where giving him the most trouble, it made things difficult in the worst possible situations. One such incident taking place during a council meeting Tsunade required him to attended, it wouldn't have been so bad if Jiroha, an older man with no hair on top of his and long in the back tied in a top knot reminiscent of the old Samurai class, brought up the same question about Arashia's identity.
The blonde gritted his teeth, the muscles in his jaw tensing, at the memory. He hadn't exactly attacked the man but he left them in doubt as to what he would do if they tried anything, which earned him a hard punch from the Godamie immediately after the meeting.
“Brat if you don't control yourself better then that I Will withdraw my recommendation for Hokage!” pale brown eyes narrowed on the young man in warning.
“OI, she's my family I will not let anything happen to her again! I will choose her over the village” A hand clamped over his mouth and he gave an indignant squawk, and nearly stumbled over as Tsunade pushed her face so close to his own that her sake laden breath moved the finer hairs on his face.
“Uzumaki Naruto you are a shinobi of Konohakaru, this village and All of her people are your family!” She stepped back her face and voice devoid of emotion as she regarded the angry youth. His cheeks flushed scarlet, he knew without asking why she had stopped him even he wouldn't be immune to retribution if the council suspected him of treason. Instead of acknowledging the whispered warning he glared harder then turning on a heel stomping off finding little relief in the action. Tsunade didn't call him back but her muttered worry reached him all the same.
“Brat I will do what I can you know that I just hope it will be enough, if not…” She had already turned and was heading down the hall when he stopped around the corner to lean on the wall that was where Hintia found several minutes later knocking his head against the wall in dejection.
She reached out a hesitant hand out to him touching his arm and removing it almost immediately.
“Naruto-kun?” she smiled hesitant. Shaking his he returned the smile brightly straightening up.
“I'm fine Hinita-chan.” The Hyuuga heiress took a deep breath closing her eyes then opening them again to regard the blonde.
“We will stand behind you Naruto-kun and Arashia-san.” The Rokudaime felt a weight lift from his heart and he gave her a true heart felt smile hugging her. Hinita epped her face flushing bright red, she would never get used to Naruto's affectionate responses.
Naruto watched as Arashia finished her bowl off and moved onto the donuts remaining in the bag, he couldn't tell her the promises he had made to make life for her the way it was. It was best that she never find out just what he had agreed to.
“WHATS SO SURPRISING ABOUT A BENTO?!” the shout was followed by the sound of a heavy object crashing to the ground along with shattering glass.
“I SPENT ALL MORNING ON THAT YOU…” the voice trailed off and an ominous silence took its place.
Sakura pressed against the door trying to hear into the room, she had recognized Arashia's voice immediately. It wasn't unexpected to hear the other woman shouting but the particular target this time was. The medic pressed harder to the door snickering and biting her lip to try and contain her mirth and fell into the room quite suddenly as the door she was leaning on was jerked open with enough force to make the hinges groan in protest.
“And You!”
A finger was aimed at the pinkette's prone form, Sakura looked up at the swollen belly above her then had to crane her neck further to meet the seething Blonde's blue eyes. Her jaw hung to the floor as the realization hit her that she had just been caught eve's dropping, damn she would have to work at her stealth skills if she made it out of this alive. Meanwhile Naruto was attempting to slide unobserved to the closest window only to be forced to jump back as a shruiken buried its self hilt deep in the wall.
“OI, I'm not done with you yet.”
The blonde laughed nervously and rubbed the back of his head while his sister rubbed her lower back. Sakura coming out of her daze noticed the movement of both siblings then her surroundings, the kitchen sparkled, every surface shown with a brightness that could have blinded, the errant thought that Sasuke was going to be pleased that he didn't have to clean his home flittered through her mind. The Kunichi suspected that the entire home would be equally as clean pushing that aside she stood from the floor to address Arashia at a more respectable height.
“Arashia-san how long has your back been bothering you?” she smiled pleasantly at the other woman. The change in topic's didn't slow her down she narrowed her eyes turning just enough as not to be rude and keep an eye on her younger brother incase he attempted to flee again.
“Since yesterday evening.” The words had barely left her mouth and Naruto was already dodging to the open window his foot made the sill when Arashia sucked her breath in sharply the kunai fell short of her target and she took a shaking step forward holding her stomach. The blonde grimaced in discomfort and grabbed for the nearest solid object, which turned out to be her brothers' arm, clutching it his free hand went around her waist taking some of the weight. It was in that moment that Kakashi returned from whatever errand he had undertaken to find the trio in the kitchen shattered glass under foot. He smiled jovially through his mask his visible gray eye twinkling.
Arashia's face went tomato red and she glared at him cross-eyed as he walked towards them. He slipped his right arm around her waist pulling slightly away from Naruto then grinned at his two former pupils.
And with that he and Arashia vanished, leaves now occupying the spot where they stood. Naruto was not long after them a few choice words filling the air, Sakura blinked. She had been so preoccupied that she missed Kakashi's arrival, it wasn't like she hadn't ever delivered a baby before, this was just the first time it would be family.
Arriving rather suddenly in the middle of the Labor and Delivery ward of the hospital, the silver haired jounin looked down into the face of the woman he had come to love more than life it's self, her lips were pinched and white and sweat was beading her forehead. Though he had presented a calm front to his students he was worried, his arm tightened around her waist and she leaned into him. Nurses gathered around them almost at once used to expectant fathers, their first attempt to separate the two ended rather abruptly with Arashia thrusting a kunai under the closest nurses chin and though she didn't have the Kyuubi's power Kakashi would tease her later that he had seen her eyes flash red briefly.
“I think its best if you tell me what to do.” He smiled sheepishly at the affronted nurse and the pair was ushered into a room, a petite blonde nurse followed them in giving Kakashi directions on what needed to be done.
“Well sir she'll need to change into a gown first, after that we will place her on the monitor to listen to the babies heart beat.” The blonde paused in her explanation to smile sweetly at him her tone sugar sweet and perky, when he returned the smile with an acknowledging grin he felt a chill run down his spine. Arashia was strangely silent, turning slowly fearing the inevitable he came face to face with…a disarming smile?! The young nurse walked towards Arashia an excited smile plastered on her face, Kakashi panicked he had seen that smile before, even been on the receiving end of it. Doing the only thing that came to mind to spare the nurse he jumped between them or would have if the Godaime had not chosen that moment to walk in. The older blondes arrival succeeding in distracting Arashia.
“Well proud papa looks like you managed to get here early.” Tsunade looked down at her watch meaningfully then addressed the nurse.
“Thank you Mamori-chan I'll take it from here.” The nurse blushed, bowing.
“Hai Hokage-sama.” She glanced one last time towards Kakashi before beating a hasty retreat. Tsunade rolled her eyes then directed her attention on Arashia.
“Well brat you and your brother never cease to entertain. I see you waited until the last moment to get here, I'll say this once so don't forget it. That was a very dangerous thing to do, its one thing to hold off on leaving because of false labor quit another to do what you did.” Kakashi listened dumbfounded, he wasn't sure what was going on he had been on a mission until recently out side the village it had been unavoidable requiring his particular talents and so Naruto, Sakura, Hinita and Shikamiru had become temporary live in body guards.
Tsunade caught his eye while she spoke to Arashia silently telling him to step out side for a moment doing so as Naruto and Sakura entered the room.
“OI Neee-chaaaaan you shou..” the door slide shut on the Blonde Rokudiame's whining and Sakura's instructions.
“I take it you didn't notice the flow of chakra she was using.” Tsunade cut right to the heart of the matter. His face paled what did she mean was there a threat to his family? The Hokage held up her hand.
“No its stopped now she did it herself just now.”
“Hokage-sama?” Tsuande ran a frustrated hand over her face tapping her foot on the floor.
“Damn Kyuubi,” she growled low enough to where only he could hear. “I don't know how long she's been doing it but it can't be for more than 48 hrs. It looks like she found a way to siphoned some of the extra chakra from Naruto that the Kyuubi gifted him when they merged, to control her contractions.” Kakashi could feel the ground shift and hear the sound of someone not to far away typing, Tsunade continued.
“It's dangerous enough to share chakra that type of energy transfer is normally done in a controlled setting with skilled medic's what she did could have killed not only her but the baby as well and I intend to find out why after the child is delivered and been checked out side the womb. I should have realized something was wrong when she didn't go into labor 2 days ago.” Her words left a raw empty feeling in the pit of his stomach, why? Why would she put herself in harms way in the safety of the village?
“ in the village?” He blinked, he had missed whatever it was that the Hokage had been asking him so he answered with what he hoped she was expecting.
“Just a now actually.” He laughed nervously.
“Well that narrows it down a lot.” Tsunade pointed to the door they had just exited from.
“Get back in there I'm sure by now she'll be wondering what's taking you so long and I would rather not lose a good nurse.”
He laughed again sliding the door open and stepping in to be confronted by Sakura of all people. Her arms where crossed over her breasts, one eyebrow arched while her left foot tapped an irritated rhythm on the floor.
“I hope you are ready for fatherhood.” He meet Sakura's green eyes in confusion, why was She mad at him?
Ok so how was it sorry for the delay but I now know where I want to go with this so I hope ya'll like it.R&R >_<