Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Of Sunsets and Scarecrows ❯ Ch 1: Of Blackmail and Giggles ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Hello! This is my first fanfic with any romance in it at all (and my first Naruto fanfic), so I really hope that it isn't too bad. This fanfic will most likely (as in without a doubt unless I am suddenly unable to write or I have a complete change of personality) be Kakashi/Kurenai. I think that there are simply not enough fics with that pairing out there, and I think that after a ton of searching, the count was something like four. If you don't like that pairing, then you don't have to read this. Of course, I may not get to any even semi romantic parts for awhile, and you can expect comedic situations and some Mary Sue bashing in later chapters. Ummm... I guess that's all I have to say for now.

I got the name idea from the fact the Kakashi means scarecrow and Yuuhi (Kurenai's last name) means something along the lines of setting sun or sunset.

Disclaimer: I wish I owned Naruto, but then it is most likely that no one would read/watch it since it wouldn't be near as good. -_-;;

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Chapter One:

Of Blackmail and Giggles

It was a typical, average, boring summer day, and it seemed like almost everyone except for her was busy for some reason, whether it be that they were on a mission or simply doing something else. Kiba had refused to come to training because he had wanted to go to a show that was being hosted by the Konoha Kennel Club, Shino was at some sort of convention boycotting the use of pesticides and bug spray, and Hinata was.... well she actually had no clue where Hinata was but had a strange suspicion that she was off watching that Naruto boy train from a distance or something like that.

Since it seemed that today was her one day off, Kurenai should have simply felt happy to just be able to relax the whole day but instead.... she merely felt a little bored. And of course, just a little annoyed that all of her students had decided to skip one whole day of training. But they would pay for that later. For now, Kurenai was just going to work on the things that she normally didn't have all that much time for, like shopping and chatting with friends and all of that other boredom-relieving stuff.

It was pretty early in the morning when she headed out, about Seven o'clock or so. There weren't many people out on the streets, and the silence was a rather welcome relief. A little stopping to talk to people for a few seconds here and there, and some shopping in a few stores. Of course, 'some shopping' soon turned into dragging around two bags full of random stuff.

' Damn.... should have eaten breakfast before I left the house.'

Sighing, and with a growling stomach, Kurenai checked her mental shopping list. 'Let's see, I already went grocery shopping, bought a few new weapons, replaced all the shuriken I lost in that last mission, yada yada. Okay, just need to stop at the book store, and then I can go home'. Thinking only of finishing her shopping and then heading straight home for a lonely day of relaxation, she headed towards the store. She had no clue that this day would turn out a little differently from what she had expected, and that it would effect the future of many, thanks to the 'annoyingness' of several genin (Yes, this is foreshadowing. It'll be explained in a few chapters. Isn't foreshadowing fun? Yay, let's all use foreshadowing to confuse people!)

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One hour later, Kurenai finally arrived at the book store. Now, you may be wondering why it took one whole hour to get to the book store, when it normally only takes less then fifteen minutes, even for the slowest of walkers. Since Kurenai is not one of those sluggish people, it should have only taken about 8 minutes or so. However, there is a simple explanation for this all. You see, the road on the way to the book store is a rather busy one, even at around 10:00 in the morning. And when a certain famous Genin named Uchiha Sasuke also happens to be walking on that road, you can expect it to become overcrowded with rabid fangirls in mere seconds. Which was exactly what happened.

Most likely aided by the evil Mary-Sues, thousands of them had simply appeared out of nowhere and mugged the poor boy, who screamed for help the whole time. Not that he got any, of course. No one in the village was stupid enough to get between the fangirls and their prey. It would have been certain death. Finally, after what seemed like an eternity of screaming, the fangirls left the village, carrying their kicking and screaming 'prize' with them. ANBU members were called, the incident was reported to the Hokage, and then life went back to normal for everyone but the poor kidnaped Uchiha boy .

Kurenai walked into the store and headed straight for the section full of books about training techniques. However, only two isles away from it, she heard a rather disturbing sound. A soft but high pitched giggle. Then several more. 'Hmmm.... for some reason that sounds kind of familiar.... but giggling?! Who the hell do I know that giggles?!'

Turning around the corner, she stopped as she saw a sign pointing to a certain perverted series written by a certain perverted Sennin. The words 'NEW! Itcha Itcha Paradise, Special Edition. Now on Sale' could be read easily due to the bright yellow and orange writing and flashing neon lights. With a nagging suspicion, she looked around the other corner, one half of her mind disturbed enough and not wanting to know, the other curious and already forming blackmail ideas.

Very unsurprisingly, Kakashi was the only person in site. And he seemed to not notice her, so intent on reading his book and in the middle of a fit of giggling. At least, that was until she put down the two bags she was carrying and kicked him in the shin to get his attention. Startled (and most likely in pain), he looked up quickly.

"What are you doing in here? Shouldn't you be out teaching your students or training or something?" Kurenai questioned, still a little shocked at finding the famous Copy Ninja giggling like a little schoolgirl.

"Well, I'm waiting an hour or so before I go to meet them at our training location. They're not very patient and need to work on their waiting skills" he replied, glancing around as if to make sure that none of his students were looking for him and in hearing range.

" And it's just a coincidence that a special volume of Jiraiya's book came out today?"

"Yup" was all that he said, already turning his attention back to the book.

"Well then, I guess I'll ask one more question before I leave. Why the hell were --you-- giggling?

He was obviously panicking now. "Well... ummm.... you see... umm..."

"I was also wondering...what would Gai think if he knew that his eternal rival giggled?"

"Don't worry, he does enough giggling on his own."

"What about Asuma then?"

"We all know that he's giggling on the inside."

"Uhhh...... Okay, then what if I told your students about this?"

That was apparently a good idea. For Kurenai to come up with at least. Kakashi didn't seem to agree. "No! Not that! I wasn't in here! And I wasn't giggling!" he yelled frantically.

"Well then, we'll just have to make a deal." she said, grinning like a jackal about to go for the kill. "How about you buy me breakfast everyday this week?" 'Hehehe.... that way he probably won't be able to buy his books, which would teach him a good lesson. Either that or he'll have to skimp on his rent or electricity bill, which would not be the intelligent choice.'

Kakashi thought. And thought. Then he thought some more. However, he always reached the same sad conclusion. He hadn't been making as much money as usual lately since he hadn't been sent on any really dangerous missions, so he would have to either not buy his books or not pay his electricity bill. Or he could simply lose his dignity and be made a laughing stock of in front of his students. Or maybe he could convince her to eat something cheap everyday, which he doubted would actually happen. Finally he decided. He could live without electricity. How hard could that possibly be? Most likely not nearly as hard as living with out his books.... or so he thought.

"Fine, I agree to this..... deal..."

Kurenai grinned. This was going to be a very interesting week.

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Well, that's all I have for now, but chapter two should be up soon. I think that this chapter was kinda slow and nothing much happened yet, but the next one should be far better. I've always been pretty bad at beginning a fic... I think it took me nearly two days to finally decide on how to write the first paragraph. Normally I just write and write until I get writers block. And it doesn't help that most of my work is done right after school or before it at six in the morning.... Yes, I am a weird little person. ^_^

Next chapter: After the week is over, how broke will Kakashi be? And who is this new man that every single woman in Konoha seems to be falling for? Could it be -gasp- the male version of a Mary Sue? Will the men just sit there crying or actually do something about it?

Next Update: Whenever I get a chance due to tremendous amount of homework and tennis practice. I'll try to update within two weeks, though.