Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, Mr. Sex-ed Teacher! ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: ohkay. So I wanted to just create another story before I lost it. Aanndd this story only consists of 2 chapters… maybe a little more if I'm feeling it. =] I'm most certainly waiting on reviews. The next chapter depends on reviews!
Chapter 1
Uchiha Sasuke's eye twitched as he eyed the blonde suspiciously. The question had been ridiculous; surely the boy wasn't that stupid. The concepts of the subject had not been difficult. It was a topic that should be dealt with maturely and seriously… of course Naruto would give into his immature childish way and handle the subject with crude jokes. Maybe the blonde had not listened to any of the lectures, or maybe he was just there to make a complete fool out of himself… Maybe he was planning to somehow make a fool out of the Uchiha. Uzumaki Naruto --the blonde idiot who got on the school genius's nerves.
Both had attended the same schools—from preschool to highschool. But they had only acknowledged each other's existence and had not really made and effort to get to know each other well… Naruto, the blonde, blue-eyed teen, was known for his brash loudness, pranks, and his non-stop rambles. The boy did not know how to stay quiet. Sasuke, on the other hand, was the complete opposite of the boy in both physical appearance and in personality. He was known for his high IQ, his high grades, and his incisiveness. He was a boy of few words; few cold words. Not only that, but he also seemed to be distant, not fond of the other students, as to where Naruto was always surrounded by people. His black raven hair, ivory skin and onyx eyes deemed him as exotic. The two boys together were like yin and yang, day and night…
Neither had really talked to each other that much. Until the day Naruto had declared that he and Sasuke were rivals. That he would surpass Sasuke and finally conquer the hearts of all the Sasuke fan girls… of course, when the day came, hell would freeze over and pigs would learn how to fly. The two boys would then talk only in verbal assaults, ones that were usually started by the blue eyed boy. Usually, Sasuke would find the boy staring at him, and that would spark up an opportunity to start exchanging the insults…
So what was the boy up to now…?
“So? Can you help me? We have a midterm on this and I don't even know what's goin' on…” Naruto explained and scratched the back of his head, “Is Syphilis a clothing brand?”
Sasuke's eye twitched again in annoyance.
That idiot…
“You...” He ground out, “Is this a joke? It's not funny, dobe.”
“Hey, it's rare I ask you for help, teme. Do I ever ask you for anything? I'm desperate. I'm not about to ask Kakashi-sensei to give me a lecture on it. He'll just give me his dirty little novel… I just wanna run over the terms...” the blonde shot back, crossing his arms over his chest and turning away to hide the growing blush. “Besides… I'm uncomfortable asking anyone else…”
“Ask Kiba.”
“I just told you. I'm uncomfortable talking about it with him. He's gonna be a dickwad and he wont let me live this down.”
“He said it was troublesome.”
“She punched me and called me a pervert.”
Sasuke opened his mouth again, only to have Naruto cut in.
“Look. I said I'm desperate. So please, I cannot afford to fail this class. If I do, I won't graduate… and Dad's gonna kick my ass…” He had the pathetic, hopeless tone he always used to get his way. Sasuke glared at the boy and sighed in irritation.
Cerulean eyes beamed in relief and he grinned. “Tomorrow. At my house, `kay? I promise you won't regret this.”
`Great. Teaching the dobe sex-ed will be no problem…' the onyx eyed boy mulled over sarcastically as he watched the blonde walk away.
Dooms Day was here, and Sasuke was prepared to go to war. He grimaced and grumbled under his breath, his grip tightening on his notebook and the hardcover textbook. He could not shake off the feeling that something was off, that the blonde was plotting his demise… the boy was up to something! Then again… what would the blonde do? Use sex-ed against the tutor?
Sasuke snorted. He'd seen everything already. He was not innocent, prissy nor prude. Whatever Naruto was up to… if he was up to something, he'd make sure the boy would pay for underestimating him…
Then again… why would the blonde boy try something?
Sasuke blew out a breath, and stepped into the apartment building. The ride up the elevator had his mind wondering back to the possibilities of sabotage…
`You're being paranoid… What's wrong with you? Actually think the boy practically begged you for help only so that he can play some nasty trick on you? Grow up, Uchiha.' His mind scolded him for his ridiculous suspicion.
He finally found Naruto's door, the numbers 724 was gold, neatly displayed next to the door frame. He rang the door bell once. Twice. He was suddenly nervous. Why was he so nervous? This wasn't the first time he and Naruto had spoken. Hell, he was never nervous around Naruto! Maybe it was because he was finally seeing Naruto's living space? He shook the anxiousness off like how a dog shakes water off from its fur. He reached for the doorbell again and was halted by the door finally opening. The blonde was grinning like an idiot. Something was up.
`The blonde's always smiling like an idiot. Stop being so damn paranoid!' his mind snapped. Sasuke willed his obsessive beliefs of deceit and humiliation away, once again ashamed of his reaction.
“You gonna stand there all day or what?” the blonde raised a brow and cocked his head, moving to the side to let his guest enter.
Sasuke took a deep breath and entered his `rival's' domain.
`Please let's get this over with… I wanna be done and over with…' Sasuke complained silently, forgetting why he had agreed to tutor the boy…
He was led to the dining room and was seated at the table, placing all his reading and teaching material down. Naruto sat beside him and waited. Somehow… it unnerved the pale boy. The tanned boy's proximity set an alarm off in his head and his earlier paranoia was starting to resurface.
What was it about being alone with the blonde that made him sweat? It was absurd, completely ridiculous to be constantly worrying over something that was not likely to happen. The boy asked for help, and Sasuke was not going to back down.
“Okay, dobe”, he started, “What don't you understand about the whole chapter?”
Naruto's eyes rolled thoughtfully and he pursed his lips. “Hmm… just about… everything.”
Sasuke took a deep breath and re-run the material mentally.
`This is gonna be a long day…'
The small, wolfish grin the blonde was sporting went unnoticed.
Sasuke reached over and grabbed his notebook, flipping the pages and finally coming to a stop, his finger resting above the bold letters at the top.
“Okay. You do know where babies come from, right?”
“Of course, you bastard.”
“This white bird, you see, he flies and looks for a couple who want a ba--"
“You idiot!”
“I was just joking…” the boy mumbled, rolling his eyes, “Jeez. Don't be such a tight ass. If you'd pull that stick out of your ass--”
“And shove it up yours, maybe you'd at least finally pay attention to something.” The pale boy replied sharply. “And if I'm here just to listen to your jokes, then I am leaving and you--”
“Okay! Okay, sorry. Shit.” The boy apologized quickly and exhaled loudly.
“So you do know where babies come from.”
“Okay… do you know about the contraceptives? Stds? Well… obviously not.” Sasuke shook his head and leaned his elbow against the surface of the table, resting his cheeks against the flat of his palm.
Naruto looked at the boy beside him and mimicked his actions, grinning from ear to ear.
“Of course I do. The birth control pill, abstinence, Estradiol… Syphilis is a sexually transmitted disease caused by spirochaete bacterium. There are other ways to transmit the disease such as birth or an obstetrician getting infected just by an accidental cut in a procedure...”
The boy had presented the information in a bored, all-knowing tone… as if he memorized it already…
Sasuke had been looking straight ahead of him, his eyes slightly wide. Slowly, he turned to the boy.
`I knew it!' the suspicion… the paranoia… the antsy feelings… all along! The boy was certain the blonde, blue-eyed student was conspiring something against him!
“Sasuke,” the blonde boy was now nearer, a breaths away. His voice was different from than before… something that voice held made Sasuke all the more nervous and his breathing hitched.
“I didn't really want you to explain about the `birds and the bees'… what I really wanted was for you to give me a real demonstration…”
Sasuke froze. His reaction was too late.
The blonde had impressively pinned the taller boy to the kitchen floor, his weight acting as prison.
“So, Mr. Sex-ed Teacher,” Naruto drawled out in a velvety tone that caused the slightly older boy to shudder. “How about a lesson…?”
Naruto's neck bent forward towards the Uchiha's face.