Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Oh, Mr. Sex-ed Teacher! ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

AN: pwaha. I don't know if I should make a continuation of this. And this is the loongest chapter I have ever done. I'm tired and someone please correct the grammar. I'm off to plotting. REVIEWS! They make me orgasm. If you want a continuation, I'm for it.
Chapter 2
The silent alarms… the small things that had his skin crawl… his intense anxiety … the paranoia that clawed at him like a cat being forced into water… All those signs! And he had ignored them, pushed them away from the recess of his mind and actually gave into helping the boy… Who in hell consents to tutor a blonde, blue eyed suspicious boy? Who? Especially blonde, blue eyed ones that stare at you all day? Ones who initiates the beginning arguments and verbal wars with insulting words as ammunition?
Sasuke was beyond mortified. He had let his guard down, forced down his suspicions... He had walked into the trap. And he agreed to help him; not just anybody, but him.
Naruto had craned his neck forward, his lips a hairs way from Sasuke's, and the pale boy could feel that idiotic, self-satisfied smirk on the other boy's lips. Hot breath ghosted over his face, and the boy felt the raised goose-bumps on his flesh, all over his arms, his legs, his chest…
“What the fuck do you think you are doing?” The raven-haired boy hissed, attempting to move his face as far as possible away.
“I asked you to help me understand the concepts…” The boy replied in a murmured hush, his face following the other, preventing the targeted lips to escape, “and you agreed… so why don't you teach me…? I'm a better learner when it comes to participation and visuals…”
“You lied, you son of a--" Sasuke was cut off as lips assaulted his, blocking and muffling his accusations.
He was soft… lips worked against his, and he couldn't respond, could not think, could not breathe. The wet skim of a tongue against his bottom lip caused a sudden intake of breath, a reminder that he indeed needed some oxygen. He had made the mistake of opening his mouth, only to have it invaded.
`Breathe through the nose! The nose!' his mind screeched.
The soft, spongy, yet somewhat rough appendage rubbed against his, explored his wet, hot cavern, attempted to coax a response… only to receive a stupefied reaction. The attack came to a slowing halt, and the boy drew back.
“Mr. Sex-ed Teacher”, the boy began, and Sasuke noticed how swollen his lips looked, “For this lesson, I noticed that it's awkward to have your eyes opened wide when another person is trying to induce some kind of reaction--”
“Reaction?” the boy sputtered indignantly, “Is this what you planned, you sick bastard? Use me as a guinea pig so you can experiment?”
“Of course not, Sensei”, Naruto leered down at the other boy. “This is not an experiment. I'm trying to grasp the concepts of the different methods of sex, especially between…”
He leaned down to the pale boy's ear, causing him to gulp.
“…Two males… two boys… one that I can't stop thinking about…”
Those words sent a chill down the Uchiha's spine, yet he wanted to believe it was the cold, kitchen tile floors' doings…
The blonde took the stunned boy's ear between his lips, his teeth nipping and massaging at the sensitive skin and cartilage, finally receiving a sound from the teen below him. Sasuke gave a shuddered, soft moan, mentally punching himself for it. The boy became more encouraged and teased the opening with his tongue, ripping another noise from the boy.
Sasuke bit his bottom lip to prevent any other noises. He felt the lips move to the side of his face, tracing his jaws, making their way back to his lips. He could not deny that the blonde did have skillful lips and a tongue… Somehow, all he could do was focus on the attacks and the invasions. He did not notice the hands that had left his wrists and were now currently working on his shirt… until the cold air hit his hot skin.
The boy was torn on choosing how to take action. He could knock Naruto out, leave his apartment, and never speak of the event, or he could let him continue in his `quest for knowledge'… he, too, was curious and he had never experienced these feelings that the blonde created.
The soft nips, licks and suction were now at his neck, continuing lower. Teeth grazed at his collar bone, and he gave a soft hiss, his own hand flying to his mouth to muffle his sounds. Naruto grinned in amusement. The boy had abandoned all thoughts of attempting to deny and prevent him from obtaining what he wanted.
“Sensei...” The blonde whiskered face boy leaned away and brought his face back up to the other. His eyes were questioning the pale boy.
Sasuke turned his face away and let his tongue run over the bottom of his lips, his gaze focused on the chair legs.
“…What?” the question came out strangled, breathless, and the boy mentally smacked himself and cleared his throat, repeating the question again.
“Aren't you curious? Don't you want to know how it feels?” The boy's lips were on his skin again, draining all logical thoughts away. “I can make you feel good…”
Sasuke's breathing quickened again. This had suddenly turned too tempting. He was curious. He did want to feel good. He did want something
He nodded, embarrassment evident on his face. Naruto ignored it and grinned softly, his lips on the boy's jaw again. He lifted a hand to the boy's chin, catching it between his thumb and index finger, and forced the Uchiha to face him. When the boy finally gave eye contact, Naruto smiled and pressed his lips softly against the other boy's lips. This time, Sasuke kissed back.
“Ground rules. I want ground rules.”
The blonde raised a brow and shook his head. “Why? This is a lesson! We have to explore and go through everything, even--”
“Ground rules or nothing.” The boy demanded. He was staring up at the blonde hovering over him, his hands settled on each side of his head. The boy shifted, causing the bed springs to squeak.
They had decided to move their `tutoring session' into Naruto's room. He would have died of embarrassment if Naruto's father had decided to come home and find them in such a compromising position on the kitchen floor, not to mention that the floor had been uncomfortable and wasn't such a great place to... demonstrate such things.
The first thing that Sasuke had noticed when he entered Naruto's room was the color. Orange. It was the slightly gold orange, but orange nonetheless. Also, the posters of half naked women posing made Sasuke wonder if Naruto was really just curious and wanted to experiment… But somehow, wasn't Sasuke the same? He was doing this out of curiosity as well…
They had ended up on his bed, Sasuke under the noisy blonde again.
“How do you lay down ground rules?” the boy started, “I mean, for the sake of kno--”
“If I say stop, we stop.”
“Trust me, you won't wanna say stop.”
The pale boy wanted to smack the confidence out of the boy's grin.
“Nothing over the extreme…”
“Like shitting on your chest? But that's just the best part…”
“That's it. Get off.” The raven haired boy shoved at the tan boy's chest, yelling at himself mentally as to why he agreed to tutor the boy, then agreed again to experiment and challenge their sexualities. No. The great Uchiha was not a homosexual. He had watched porn. Straight porn.
`Once or twice…' his mind snorted, `and you didn't even enjoy it…'
Naruto caught the hands and forced them down again.
“I was kidding. Okay. If you want to stop, we'll… stop. And if you don't want to get shitted on, then you wont get shitted on.” He quickly added. “Is that it, Sensei?”
Sasuke paused and thought over some other actions that might cause him humiliation and discomfort. When finding none, he nodded.
“Then let's continue, shall we?”
Naruto made quick work of discarding clothes, surprising Sasuke at how eager the boy was. Soon, both were down to their boxers, and Naruto made a quick grab for the Uchiha's. Then stopped when the other boy made a noise of protest.
“Not yet.” There was a flush on the boy's pale face and the other boy had to just smile. And of course, tease.
“You're blushing! Is the great Uchiha a virgin? Oh my…” Naruto crowed out, mercilessly teasing the other boy.
“I am not!”
The boy glared at him. “And it seems like we have an experience homo here?”
The blonde made a clucking noise with his tongue and smirked. “More experienced than you'll ever be, Sensei.”
This earned the blonde another scalding glower.
“Can we get this thing over with? Unlike some people, I have other things to be doing…”
“Of course, of course, Sensei.” The whiskered face boy drawled out, satisfied that he could cause the usual aloof Uchiha to react in such an irritated manner.
He shifted his tanned frame over the pale one, bending forward to ghost his lips over Sasuke's. His hands found their way into raven locks, slowly massaging the boy's scalp, earning a content grunt from the boy.
“Wait,” the black eyed boy abruptly halted the progressing activity, earning an impatient growl from the blonde.
“What now?”
“I refuse to be on the receiving end.”
The blonde gawped at the boy, narrowing his eyes into slits. This was somewhat expected from the great, composed, Uchiha. He was too full of pride.
“Mr. Sex-ed teacher,” The boy began, raising an eyebrow.
“Stop calling me that, dobe.”
“Do you even know what to--”
“Don't even bring that up. You're the one who asked me to `teach' you, and I want to be top. I'm entitled to it.”
“But I can't learn that way.”
“You asked me. I'm doing you the favor here.”
Naruto shook his head. This wasn't getting him closer to what he wanted.
“Wanna settle this over `Rock, Paper, Scissor?”
“No. I. Want. Tops.”
Plan B
Cerulean eyes shifted downwards, pink lips pursed forward in contemplation. The devilish grin resurfaced and Naruto stooped in again, his lips brushing against Sasuke's.
“I promised to make you feel good…” he murmured against the other boy, nipping at the bottom lip and soothing it with his warm tongue, earning a soft groan, “I'll make you feel real good first…”
Experienced hands were suddenly in the Uchiha's boxers, teasing the coarse curls that nestled something precious. The pale boy gave a loud yelp in surprise, trying to make another sound of protest only to produce a noise more akin to a pleasant moan. The proficient lips and tongue were working their way downwards now, suckling and laving a dusky nipple. The abrupt sharp pain of a nip followed by a soothing lick tore another desired noise from the raven haired boy. The lips were moving again, lower and lower. The anxious feeling crept up into the pit of Sasuke's stomach. Thoughts of stopping this immediately and leaving began to slither into his mind, indecisive of what he really wanted…
The pink soft muscle was already at his hips, hands gripped at the material that separated both boys from all skin to skin contact. Sasuke could not talk; he could only focus on the top of the blonde head as it made its way lower to its goal. All rational thoughts were nearly gone, especially his refusal of being bottom. The harsh tug on his boxers and a swift swipe of the tongue made his hips rise, and suddenly, the boxers were now gone, thrown across the floor along with the other forgotten garments.
Naruto grinned as he finally got an eyeful of what was once hidden. The boy was well endowed, his member stiff and saluting. He intentionally let his breath puff over the sensitive head as he passed over it, only to have his lips land on Sasuke's inner thighs. The boy beneath him gave a suppressed growl.
“Am I doing something wrong, teacher?” the boy looked up innocently at the other; deep, lusty azure colliding into inky black. The boy nipped at the vulnerable, hypersensitive soft flesh, cutting off the retort the other boy was ready to throw. Hands suddenly flew into golden tresses, gripping them with a harsh force, causing the teasing to come to a temporary halt.
“Naruto…” The hands were trembling.
The blue eyed boy smiled in amusement and satisfaction. The soft tug made his grin wider.
“Yes, sensei?” The question was only teasing, trying to gain the reaction the other boy wanted. Sasuke refused to beg. And so, he demanded.
“Suck it.”
“Suck what?”
“It? Why, teacher, you'll have to be more--”
“My dick, you dip shit!” He growled, tugging at the hair more urgently.
Naruto looked up and eyed the erection the boy was sporting. He licked his lips and watched as the member twitched under his gaze, the slit at the top oozing with arousal.
Ooh. You should have said so earlier…”
Sasuke was ready to open his mouth to voice out the boy's intended stupidity, and suddenly the words died in his throat, only to be replaced with a startled, breathy whimper.
That tongue!
It was working on him, massaging and sliding against the underside of his cock, making their way to the top and dipping into the slit, gathering the beaded precum into the boy's waiting mouth. Then that glorious mouth… it engulfed him, tearing a muffled shout from the boy. Those hands were on him, rolling his balls between fingers. It was too much.
Sasuke's whole body twitched from the pleasure. One hand had blonde locks in a death grip while the other was trying desperately to stifle the noises his vocals were producing. His jaw was clenched against the sounds that tried to escape.
Cerulean eyes looked up, watching the boy squirm and writhe with over-induced pleasure. The sharp tug on his head caused him to groan, which then triggered a sharp, violent twitch from the other boy.
If the boy's mouth wasn't so preoccupied, he would have given one of his shit-eating grins.
He hummed and watched the boy's reaction. The deep vibrations reverberating against Sasuke's cock drove him insane, drove him closer to completion. The warm, wet feeling left him and he felt rough hands stroke and pump him, fingers rubbing over the slit, while the mouth was suddenly on the sensitive sacks, lips testing and teasing. the blonde slid his mouth over the raven haired teen's cock again and worked him, lips tightened, the tongue rubbed harder against him and he couldn't help but thrust into that warm, inviting mouth. Naruto slightly leaned back, the stiff wet member sliding out of his mouth with an audible 'pop', his eyes darting up to the pale boy… then he felt something else.
Naruto's fingers had skillfully snuck their way under the Uchiha, prodding at his entrance. This caused the other boy to squirm, the grip on his hair getting impossibly tighter. The blonde grunted and once again took the stiff member in his mouth, successfully distracting the boy for the few seconds he needed. His index finger slipped in, eliciting a shuddering whimper and more fidgeting. His efforts on distracting the boy with his mouth doubled, forcing his mouth deeper onto the cock until his nose was buried into Sasuke's hair. Sasuke gave a muffled yelp, amazed at how the blonde didn't even gag… and also wondered how the boy managed to control his gag reflexes. Without doubt this wasn't his first time…
Naruto grinned as he took his time stretching the boy. Sasuke did not even notice when he inserted the second finger, slowly and deliberately withdrawing the digits and sliding them back in. Inflicting the boy with this much pleasure was starting to take a toll on his own body and he had to ignore his own weeping erection. When he scissored them, Sasuke gave an involuntary twitch and groaned, his breaths came out in harsh, short pants, and he scrutinized Naruto's every movement with hazy, lusty onyx eyes. The blonde head bobbed up and down on his cock, occasionally stopping to suckle at the head. Naruto's fingers dug deeper, finally jabbing at that one pleasure spot deep inside.
“Naruto… ah… please…” The raven haired boy heard himself whisper, jerking his hips forward.
Sasuke didn't want it to stop, even if he had to resort to begging. He suddenly wanted it deeper, he wanted more. This felt extremely good. Ridiculously good. He was seeing white, his vision was becoming fuzzy as the coil in the pit of his stomach continued to tighten and tighten.
“Oh god… oh… hnnn…”
He couldn't voice out his desires, and opted to urge the boy with actions. He thrust against the invading fingers, his fingers still in a death-grip in the boy's hair as the blonde continued to suck him. The odd sensation of being filled down there had grown uncomfortable when Naruto took the cue and began inserting the third finger. Then the lips tightened once more and Sasuke couldn't resist plunging through those sweet, swollen lips into the moist heat. The blonde shoved his fingers deep, successfully hitting his sweet spot again.
“Naruto!” the whisper was urgent now, warning the boy.
A few more swift sucks and the coil burst. Sasuke came, unaware of his loud yell, his attempts to keep quiet failed. Naruto swallowed frantically, some of the opaque liquid dribbling down the sides of his mouth down his chin.
His body finally went limp and the muscles uncoiled. Naruto removed his fingers, earning a soft groan, and leaned over the bed, reaching for the nightstand drawer and pulling something out. Sasuke sighed and watched the boy, exhausted and basking in his comedown.
“I'm not finished, Sensei…” The blonde uncapped the tube he had grabbed from the drawer, squeezing until it produced some sort of goop. Sasuke narrowed his eyes.
When Naruto coated his own dripping cock and lifted the pale boy's legs over his shoulders, Sasuke's eyes widened and he gave a yelp of protest.
“What the fuck do you think you're doing?” The boy gripped the bed sheets, trying to squirm away from the blue eyed teen. Naruto furrowed his brows together and his grip on the boy intensified.
“I'm not done.” He replied. “If you thought the fingers felt good…”
“I said I didn't want to be bottom!”
The blonde growled and pushed his hips forward, his erection rubbing against the boy's puckered entrance. Sasuke stilled and glowered at the boy.
“Don't you dare…”
Naruto continued to push until the bulb like head invaded the boy's tight ringed hole. He gave a soft groan and Sasuke sucked in a sharp breath.
“Relax. Shit, I promised I'd make you feel good…”
Sasuke gave a soft whimper as the tanned boy continued to slowly push forward, the slickness the lube provided made it easy for the penetration.
`Relax.' The pale boy focused on his breathing and willed his body to relax as the other boy continued. Finally, the boy was buried to the hilt, his breath was harsh and sweat glistened on his tanned body. Sasuke gave another whimper at the feeling. The other boy's girth was more than three fingers and he was unaccustomed to feeling this full. Naruto finally wiggled a bit, then gradually withdrew and slid back in.
“You're… fucking tight…”
Sasuke couldn't believe it. It felt good. He moved against the boy, imploring him to make another move. Naruto grunted and slid back out and slammed back in.
“Ah!” Sasuke couldn't keep it quiet any longer, and he had long given up on stifling his voiced out pleasures. Naruto repeated, angling his hips until he found the boy's prostate, stabbing it dead on. He kept his hips at that angle, making sure he kept jabbing at that spot.
“Haaannnn…Na…ruto!” the boy gave a shuddering whimper.
“Sa…suke… shit…” the boy was breathing heavily against the Uchiha's ear, his tongue darting out to swipe at his lobe before drawing into his mouth for a brief suck.
The pace gradually increased until the blonde was pounding into the boy with such a force, ripping incoherent words from the black haired teen.
“Oh God! Naruto!” the boy rasped, his fingers digging into the boy's back as the boy continued to pound against him relentlessly.
Eyes locked.
“Faster… please, go faster!” Sasuke begged and Naruto began to slam into the boy with a more increased tempo.
“So fucking close… agh… Sa…Sasuke…”
Sauske could see black spots in the corner of his vision and screamed as the blonde boy grabbed at his neglected member, erect again and weeping. With a few harsh tugs, the boy came hard with a silent cry.
Naruto gritted his teeth as the muscles clamped down on him, giving a guttural moan as he thrust in a few more times and finally found his release, his whole body going rigid as he emptied himself.
He collapsed onto the boy, his breathing harsh and he tried to steady it. He felt fingers run through his sweat matted hair and he sighed. After few minutes of regaining their breaths, the blonde removed himself from the other boy and flopped onto his back beside him, his gaze suddenly turning contemplative.
“What now?” Sasuke grumbled, expecting the boy to comment the experience with negative criteria.
Soft blue eyes looked up at him, and the boy smiled.
“I don't know. I thought… I'd be satisfied with this…”
Sasuke groaned.
“You self-centered--”
“No, listen…” the boy cut in, shaking his head, “I mean… I thought doing this with you would… satisfy me and keep me from… wanting you even more.”
Sasuke's eye's slightly widened comically, and his jaw dropped.
“But I was wrong… now this just makes me want you all the more…” the boy continued, ignoring the Uchiha's expression. “The first time I really saw you, noticed you… I began to wonder… and I guess it led to wanting… and now I really don't want to stop…”
The boy sighed and threw his arm over his eyes.
“I'm sorry.”
Sasuke gulped. He sure as hell was not expecting this…
Then he smiled and leaned over, placing his lips over the blonde's in a chaste kiss.
“You idiot…”
Naruto looked over, confusion evident.
“I already knew something was up. And I still came…if I really didn't want this to happen, you'd be knocked out and you wouldn't be able to reproduce anymore.”
The blonde grinned and pecked the boy on the lips.
“So… this tutoring session helped a lot…”
Sasuke snorted and pushed the boy away, only to have arms wrap around him in an embrace.
“Sensei…” the boy said softly, smiling. “I think the next lesson should be on relationships…”
Sasuke's eyebrows quirked and he grunted. But he didn't voice out any opposition to the boy's comment.
“Ne, Naruto how was tutor--” the words died down and both head snapped to the bedroom door, eyes landing on the brunette with red markings on his face.
“Oh shit, dude…”