Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ On the Wrong Path ❯ Chapter 4

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 4
by DARKMizuSasuke
He woke up that morning like there was glass in his throat. Strangely, he was back in hospital, and still attached to a drip. He raised his head, expecting to see Hinata, but he was alone.
What happened last night?
He was in Tsunade's office, and he remembered her anger and surprise when he leaped onto her table.
“Naruto, get off my desk THIS INSTANT!”
He stood, gazing at her.
“Granny Tsunade! Huh!”
He suddenly grabbed his head and screamed out, “Gyaaaaahhhh!! Don't let them take me again! Don't le me go back! I don't want to go back! I'm falling! I'm broken! Mend me! Help me!”
He crashed off the desk and skidded before coming to a halt in the middle of the room.
The next moment she knelt before him and grabbed his collar. She cursed her impulsive and dangerous reaction. Without yelling at him she said, “I won't let them take you Naruto.”
“Liar!” he recovered quickly and clasped her wrist, “LIAR! They're coming! He says someone will die!”
He? You don't mean?”
“Please! PLEASE!”
She should have knocked him out but instead she smothered him in her bosom. He gasped at her warmth. She felt Naruto's hot tears on her bare skin.
What had the organisation done to him? She felt her skin crawl at the mere thought.
“So warm… is this how my mother held me?”
“Sshh, Naruto… Rest, please.” After a long moment as she let him calm down and her mind calculated, she signalled to the concerned ANBU's who had obviously come after all the noise. They backed off and left back to their posts. After spending another quick moment agressivly thinking, she took Naruto's shoulders and looked him in the eye, “Honestly Naruto, you don't think I haven't prepared for that yet?”
His eyes widened in realisation.
“As we speak,” she continued, “extra ANBU and jounin are stationed around the village. They won't take you or anybody else ever again. I am here to protect you!”
A soft voice suddenly interrupted the warm silence from the doorway, “Tsunade-sama?”
It was Hinata. She was worried.
“Hinata,” Tsunade got up and Naruto would have whimpered in disapproval if he was still a kid. But he wasn't. He kept it inside. He vaguely heard Tsuade give the girl clear instructions about getting proper sleep and her Byakugan was an essential asset to them… and then the shy girl insisted on calling the medics to take care of Naruto before Tsunade raised her eyebrow, “I am a medic.” She smiled.
She took Naruto's arm and slung it over her shoulder. Naruto felt himself quickly slip into unconsciousness. She was about to take him back to his room when two familiar people stopped her in her tracks, panting and their faces white in fear,
“We heard all the screaming,” Shizune said, “Let me take him, he's fast asleep. Sakura-chan, I'm fine, I'll do it.”
Oh yeah: he remembered clearly now. He remembered Tsunade protesting their help, but then they insisted that she needed sleep and that he was out-cold anyway. Then…
Naruto was out-cold. But briefly. When he awoke, they were running down the hallway on the 7th floor. He was dizzy, but he managed to count three people he didn't know. Shizune… she was gone… But Sakura. She was still there. She was in front of him. He vaguely remembered what the medics where saying: “This boy's insane! He's lost so much blood, that, and he got out of the anaesthesia!” He noticed how quickly she had dressed herself.
Then he heard her crossly mumble about giving him too much, and that they weren't operating on him for Christ's sake…
He noticed of course. How could he not notice? Not just the way she was quickly dressed - no bra, hair ruffled - but the sheer fact that Kiba's scent was so strong on her, it was like it had saturated every cell on her skin. She had come close enough for him to smell her, stupid girl. But before he could respond to the sudden betrayal, the darkness surrounded him.
Naruto huffed at the memory of last night's events. He jumped out of bed. Need to get dressed. Need to get ready. They might get here today!
The demon torturers were on the move.
They wore long, jet-black cloaks, large hoods and masks made from bone, each painted crimson. The masks had a terrifying face, an ancient technique used by their Samurai ancestors. Each had its own distinct feature; extra long yellow canine teeth, fuzzier black eyebrows, an ancient symbol. They had once been a large group, but over the long years their numbers dwindled until there were only twelve of them. Twelve very powerful, and very pissed off killers.
“How long till Konoha?” the newest and youngest member demanded. He was well built, extremely strong and 19 years old. He was also careless and part of the reason Naruto escaped. His mask only covered his mouth, a sign that he had not fully been accepted yet.
He had no choice but to redeem himself.
“We're nearly there,” and icy deep voice replied, “You see that mountain range? We'll be there by sunset.”
Fuck. About time. This time I'll tear off his legs and make sure he never runs away again!
He still remembered how he had seared the word die into Naruto's abdomen. Too bad it was only 7cm wide.
“How much of the demon's blood do we still need?”
“1 litres. That's the equivalent of,”
“Another week's of agony!!” he laughed insanely.
It was sunny and warm. Last night's events seemed to have disappeared as Naruto met up with Hinata the next morning. She smiled at him shyly, and picked up the courage to ask, “Are you okay, is there anything I can do?”
“Yeah, I'm fine!” and he gave her his wide, fox grin.
Naruto knew that she wanted to talk to him the moment he came back, but didn't have the courage to. Whenever he had spoken to her, she had this pain radiating in her eyes that he feared she'd burst into tears. Now, finally, she seemed more relaxed around him, but still avoided eye-contact.
They spent their day out together, visiting their childhood places - their school, the Chunnin exam fighting ring, the training grounds - enjoyed lunch at the ramen shop and spent the late afternoon walking around the market square. They were now on top of the Hokage's hill watching as the blue sky turned to murky grey and the sun shimmered slowly in the horizon. But there was nothing there: no feelings, no emotions, as much as Naruto tried to focus on the good time they were having. His mind would always linger on the pink-haired girl. The girl he loved and hated. He couldn't take what she had done out of his mind. Inside, his anger and hate could barely be contained. How could she? How could she?
“Naruto?” Hinata broke him out of his thoughts, “Hey, I-I asked if you still wanted me to take you t-tomorrow?”
“Or… do you have plans with… S-Sakura?”
At that very moment, ironically enough, a familiar bark rang in Naruto's ears. They turned round.
“Kiba!” Hinata smiled, happy to see him join them, and Akamaru barked, “Hey there boy!”
“Yo,” Kiba greeted back, and Naruto noticed the distant look in his face. He looked at Naruto and raised his eyebrow, “Hey, everything okay?”
“Hmn?” Naruto snapped back and realised he must have shown fleeting anger in his face, “Sorry,” and he quickly masked his feelings with a large grin, “Akamaru. Long time no see!”
Kiba looked at Hinata and she quickly turned away, blushing.
“Kiba! We haven't talked in a while!” Naruto said as soon as he noticed, “Join us, kay?”
“Hmm, I don't have much time. Need to be somewhere.”
Kiba raised his eyebrow, “That was a pathetic taunt Naruto.”
“Taunts always worked on you. So Kiba, are you scared?”
Scared that I'll rip you to shreds you son of a bitch.
Hinata suddenly shivered and rubbed her arms. An icy wind swept over Konoha. The evening lights suddenly came out as the afternoon dimmed.
“God it's getting late. I'll leave you guys alone. E…eh… bye!” she smiled and then hurried off, Akamaru chasing her for a while before he returned. As soon as she was gone Naruto said, “What was it like, fucking that whore?”
Kiba's heart froze. For a moment he heard Naruto say the unbelievable. He must have imagined it
“Wait, what?” he asked in disbelief.
Naruto's face suddenly turned more deceptive than ever his innocence all a big lie, “I said, “What you do that for?””
“Do what?”
There was a silence and Naruto sighed. Slowly his face turned into sadness and Kiba raised his eyebrow.
“Why did you do that Kiba? Why did you do that with Sakura-chan?”
Kiba's heart stopped and his eyes widened in shock. He couldn't speak. How did he find out? Then his face fell in guilt, genuinely looking sorry.
“You can tell me. I'm not a kid anymore. It's not like I don't know what happens between a boy and a girl.”
“Naruto… Listen, I…”
“You know how I feel about Sakura.”
Kiba had never seen him like this. He was upset, clearly, but there was something dangerous in his voice that made his legs feel like rubber.
How would you like it if I fucked Hinata? he thought angrily, I'm sure she'd really enjoy it.
“I didn't want to!” Kiba snapped suddenly, “It just happened okay?”
It was sunset.
Akamaru wimpered as their voices grew louder.
“I trusted you Kiba, I thought you were my friend!”
“I am your friend, Naruto!”
They were here. Suddenly Naruto felt their powerful presence. Akamaru growled. The next second Kiba felt it too and they were suddenly back-to-back, kunai in hand and their argument forgotten.
Kiba cursed, “Shit, they're here!”
“I can't believe she was right!”
“Granny Tsunade better have prepared everything! This is gonna be one hell of a blood-bath!”
An explosion. That's what the fight literarily was. The organisation caused a huge ripple of fear through the whole village, and soon enough, bodies were falling and blood stained the earth.
Screaming, shouting, pleads of mercy, the clanging of swords, shuriken and kunai and battle cries.
In the midst of all the fighting, Naruto and Kiba fought together. Debris from buildings fell and crushed people beneath. Naruto couldn't help but wish one had fallen on Kiba instead. Chunnin led people to escape routes and many more fought to crush debris before they damaged homes.
Konoha would not give up.
Their Juunin forces, Sakura amongst them, managed to keep the damage to a minimum. Jutsu's flew in all directions. The organisation's was composed mainly of fire and water. It killed people in an instant. But despite their terrifying strength, four of the organization's members fell to their deaths.
Suddenly, amidst the chaos, Naruto knew he was surrounded. They had found him. Kiba… he couldn't see him. Sakura… he could hear her, she was no where to be seen. It was like that day… like that day
“HA HA HA! All this killing would stop if you just gave us the Jinchuuriki!”
Naruto's eyes widened. He knew that voice. He would never forget that voice. The voice that showed him so much hatred. The voice that tortured him so long. Unconsciously his hand went to his belly.
“HA HA HA! There you are!”
“No! NO! NO!” Naruto howled, and his eyes suddenly went red. Kyuubi was right. His power was close to bursting.
Four came at him at once and he cried out, slicing through their cloaks, piercing through their skin. Blood flew and splattered his face as his long nails split veins and tore off limbs. Two tails sprung and he could feel his blood bubble to the surface.
One shriek ended it all. One cry halted his world.
He turned his head, and from the high building he watched as Tsunade fell slowly, head first, ever so slowly, to the earth. His eyes widened in realisation as he watched her drift.
Kiba swore loudly and got onto Akamaru. Before her head split in two he grabbed her.
But Naruto already knew. The way she was, the way she lay in his arms, her chest as still as a rock… she was dead.
Naruto thought his heart popped. Tears streamed down his face. His chakra suddenly burst like a tornado and bodies that surrounded him flew into the sky and crashed into buildings. He got onto all fours as his third tail appeared and his eye was focused on one particular organisation member.
He was on the roof, but Naruto was there the next second and ripped out his arms. Then he slashed his chest and the man fell without realising what had happened.
The blood-bath continued until finally, like a miracle, Yamato sprang amidst the chaos, sensing that Naruto would return to that state back when he fought Orochimaru. He had ample time to get a hold of Naruto's hands and legs with the Mokuto No Jutsu. In a haze of seals he began performing the First's sealing technique.
And as Naruto calmed down in the darkness, as he heard the clear sounds of retreat, he felt the pain of losing someone again. His hot tears pained his eyes like lava. She was gone. She swore to protect him. She swore he she would be by his side.
But now she was gone.
Tsunade would never come back.
I hope that everyone understood that Kiba and Sakura don't love each other but unintentionally got each other's comfort.
And apologies for some typos in the previous chapters. I'll correct them at a later date. Maybe.