Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Good Party ❯ Wake Up Call ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter #2
Wake Up Call
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the Naruto characters! So just sit down, shut up and read the fic will ya?
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Sunlight bled through a small gap in Sakura's bedroom curtains hitting right across her closed eyes making her eyes crinkle up a bit. She muttered something as she tossed and turned in her bed before she got up the nerve to open her eyes.
Sakura yawned and stretched in her bed burying her face in her still warm pillow when she realized she was home. Normally that was no big surprise, but the problem was that last she remembered she was at the party. She had no memories of how she got home or even leaving the party that night …
Quickly she sat up in bed, but her head began to pound hard against her temples clearly telling her she had gotten up much too quickly. Sakura quickly fell back down on her bed again clutching her head in pain.
What is wrong with me, Sakura wondered before realizing what must have happened, those bottles by the bowl were not just random empties they were the ingredients in the goddamn punch! Damn it I knew it tasted funny but why did I keep on drinking?
Slowly this time she got up and threw the covers off the bed to find quite the surprise, she wasn't wearing anything. Sakura was stark naked, no pajamas, none of the cloths she was wearing the night before, nothing at all.
What the, before Sakura could do much else a quick wave of nausea surface and she had to make the mad dash to the bathroom before whatever was in her stomach was on her floor. It was only lucky that she had ninja speed otherwise there was no way she would have made it to the bathroom just in time to have the contents of her stomach empty into the toilet bowl.
Sakura continued to throw up until there was nothing left in her stomach to come up, even though the sickly feeling didn't go away. She sat beside the toilet for long minutes trying to clear her mind again to think clearly.
Damn this sucks. I don't see how alcoholics can do this every time they drink its awful, Sakura thought bitterly then her attention turned to another matter, why exactly am I sore down … oh no … no way I didn't!
The hysterical girl let out a choke up sob, who would have done this to me? Why the hell did it happen to me? What did I do to deserve this!
Suddenly Sakura was brought out of her own thoughts when she heard knocking at the door, and voices. They were female voices she recognized, they were her friends Ino and Hinita, but she wasn't sure whether she should be thrilled about seeing them at this particular time of panic and an emotional breakdown. Sakura had no idea whether to tell them, lie or just plain pretend she was not home. Any of them would have been a good option, but she was not sure she wanted people to know she had gotten herself drunk and lost her virginity in the last 24 hours. What would they think?
Ino knocked on the apartment door again, harder, “Sakura! Sakura are you home?!”
“I just got out of the shower,” Sakura yelled back trying to calm her voice, “Just a second I'm coming!”
Moving quickly Sakura grabbed her pink robe; put her hair up in a towel and for extra good measure splash a little warm water on her face and hands to make her look like she had just gotten out of her shower. Then ran off to answer the door.
“What are you two doing here,” Sakura asked quickly.
“We didn't see you leave the party last night and we were worried about you,” Ino said disbelieving as she walked into the apartment with Hinita, “We were afraid that some goon lured you from the party and raped you. You know it was a good thing Kakashi was there, he warned us all that someone had slipped some strong ass liquor into the punch.”
Sakura frowned, “Ya I found that out the hard way.”
Hinita looked worried, “Exactly how much did you drink?”
“I only had one before I realized it tasted funny,” Sakura lied, “It was no big; I got quite the rush though. I saw you two with the boys and just decided I would head home because the drink made me tired after a while.”
“Thank Kami you made it home ok,” Hinita sighed with relief, “We thought for sure something bad had happened.”
Ino looked slightly annoyed, “You should have told us you were leaving Sakura we were looking for you for a while.”
“I'm really sorry guys; I know I should have told you I guess I just wasn't thinking. See I am not much of a drinker and I guess I couldn't handle it,” Sakura gave a fake smile, “My head is pounding from it already so do you mind if I meet you guys later?”
“Sure,” Hinita nodded, “We were just going to go downtown with the guys for a while so just come find us when you're ready.”
“Ok sure,” Sakura said giving the most genuine smile she could muster even though she felt like crying and her head was hurting more than she let on.
After her friends left Sakura collapsed herself on a kitchen chair, I-I can't believe just lied to my two best friends in the entire world. What am I going to do about this? I can keep denying anything happened to my friends but I will always know, or not really know…what the hell am I supposed to do in this situation?
To clear her mind Sakura decided to have an actual show and just get out of the house for a while. It would do her no use to just sit around and get everyone suspicious of her; the best way for her to forget would be to do something to get her mind off it. Like going downtown for a while with her good friends.
Last night never happened, Sakura kept telling herself as she brushed her teeth in the bathroom mirror, You didn't freak out and get drunk on spiked punch, you were happy for your friends having relationships and you went home because you were tired. You walked on your own and just forgot to put on pajamas last night…that is what happened. It was not what you think happened it was just you not remembering you walked home on your own last night…
Sighing deeply Sakura got some of her regular cloths and put them on, the same type of things she wore way back when. Then she combed out her long pink hair in the bathroom mirror and put on a little bit of makeup.
Looking at herself right then Sakura could see the baggage she had under her eyes from staying up late the night before and how her eyes seemed to sunken in and sad. She was depressed about the fact that she had made the biggest mistake of her life and decided to go on like it had never happened. Sakura tried practicing her most natural smile for this, knowing no amount of make up would cover it up.
Sakura was just about to head out the door when she realized she had forgotten her purse and ran back to her room to get it.
She picked it up and turned to leave but something caught her attention out of the corner of her eye. It was something very out of place on her bedside table; it was a small single rose.
I don't remember this, Sakura thought to herself as she picked up the small rose, I wonder… who would have known pink roses were my favourite? Must have just been a lucky guess, I have pink hair after all.
Before she left Sakura found herself a small vas and put the rose in it so it would last longer. She did not know why she did it; she knew it was most likely from whoever she was with last night, but she couldn't bring herself to throw out such a nice flower.
This is going to be a long day, Sakura thought harshly as she locked her apartment and left, I can just tell…
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Sakura walked down the main street for quite a while looking for her friends. Looking into the shops she could see none of them were there, she had checked all the obvious places. She even made sure to check the ramen stand more than once because knowing Naruto they would be there at least once in a day.
“I wish they had been more specific,” Sakura muttered glancing into more and more shops and double checking the ones she had already come by a few times.
“Morning Sakura,” a male voice said from behind her.
Sakura turned around, “Good morning Kakashi.”
“So did you enjoy the party last night, it got quiet rowdy didn't it,” he asked casually walking along side his former student.
“I got tired after a while so I left for home early,” Sakura lied, “I guess I'm just not much of a party person.”
“Me either,” Kakashi said before sighing deeply, “So what are you doing today?”
“I am looking for Ino, Hinita, Sasuke and Naruto have you seen them today? They told me to meet them downtown but they did not specify exactly where. Believe me I have been up and down this street three times and I still can't find them.”
“I didn't see them but I was sure I heard Naruto when I was down by the grocery store, you know now that I think of it Naruto hasn't really changed much over the years…”
“No reason to expect Naruto will be any different even when he is eighty.”
Kakashi laughed, “True. Hey I'm heading back by the grocery store anyway so why don't I just walk with you?”
“Sure,” Sakura shrugged not thinking much of it and just tried to make conversation. “Anything been happening mission wise lately? Naruto and Sasuke never feel like talking about missions after they get back.”
“I am actually going to be heading out of town on one this afternoon. I have to escort some rich guy around the countries, he is carrying a lot of gold with him so he is paying for all of the best Jounin to guard him and his daughters. For the life of me I can't figure out why he would want to carry so much around just on a `vacation' of sorts. It is much more than he needs.”
“How long will it take to do all of that?”
“Well apparently he has some relatives he is staying with for a while so my team will be leaving him in the village hidden in the mist. So if all goes well I will be back in…three four weeks at the most.”
Sakura smiled, “Ya I remember that place, not all of them are pleasant memories mind you but it was sure different.”
“Ya I'm just heading over to meet them now.”
“Good luck then.”
“Thanks Sakura.”
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
“I am going to murder you guys,” Sakura laughed, “Next time you ask me to meet you somewhere be specific not general will ya?”
Naruto laughed, “We weren't expecting to come here but Hinita saw my fridge and decided I needed fresh food. We have been here the best of an hour looking through all of this stuff.”
“All you have that hasn't expired is ramen Naruto,” Hinita countered, “You can't go the rest of your life eating nothing but instant noodles and expired milk all your life.”
“Hinita you are starting to sound like a wife already I thought you two were just dating,” Sakura whispered in her ear so Naruto and the others couldn't hear. Not that Naruto would have noticed anyway, he was to busy slipping a few bowls of chicken ramen into the cart while Hinita was not looking.
Hinita turned bright red at the statement in the deepest blush ever. She knew she was acting like a wife but she did not want Naruto to get sick from food poisoning.
Sakura giggled, “I guess you're right Hinita, I mean when was the last time any of us saw Naruto eat a vegetable? Or anything other than ramen for that matter. I have seen if fridge before I a swear I saw something fuzzy in there that moved, I am still not sure whether the damn thing was an apple or an orange.”
“Cut it out,” Naruto muttered.
“Well if you don't want someone to say something about it Naruto learn that after cheddar cheese turns green it needs to be thrown out baka,” Sasuke smirked.
Naruto growled, “Ok pick on Naruto time is over how about a change of subject?”
“Ya Naruto we can change the subject to the fact that you haven't cleaned the whole apartment in like three years,” Ino laughed.
After the gang had their fun picking on Naruto's house cleaning skills they headed to the counter to pay for the food and headed back to his apartment to replace the spoiled food that was already there. Then once there they made a few more cracks about his tidy home before heading out again for ramen. (I wonder who came up with that one)
Most of the time was rather uncomfortable for Sakura to be around two different couples. She found that Ino was a rather fussy girlfriend around Sasuke who really didn't seem to mind at all and Naruto spend his time coming up behind Hinita, surprising her, and then hissing her.
“Will all of you get a room,” Sakura said in a joking voice, “All this sugar is starting to make me sick.”
Hinita giggled as Naruto ticked her neck by gently running his canine teeth along it, and blushed when she found people in were beginning to look up from their bowls of ramen to see why she was laughing all of the time.
“Naruto cut it out,” Hinita giggled.
“Cut what out,” Naruto laughed.
“You know what I mean, just cut it out people are staring.”
And vomiting, Sakura thought bitterly looking over seeing Ino was sitting on Sasuke's lap and snuggling up against him, but despite feeling like a total outcast in a group made up almost entirely of couples she kept laughing and smiling.
Right at that moment Sakura remembered what she knew had happened the night before, I just want to crawl under a rock so much right now…
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Poor Sakura…maybe things will start looking up in the next chapter. Review please and tell me how I'm doing. Remember this is my first Naruto fic so sudjestions are welcome!