Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Good Party ❯ The Truth Comes Out ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter #3
The Truth Comes Out
Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or any of the Naruto characters!
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Sakura had only been slipping in and out of consciousness for quite some time but she always felt secure and safe because those same strong arms never stopped holding her close. It always calmed her mind to feel his warmth and to hear his heartbeat along with hers.
She could hear soft murmuring of the man but her mind failed to recognize any words until he said her name, “Sakura…”
“What is happening,” she whispered, but the answer seemed too distant for her to hear.
She felt a gentle hand caress her cheek in a comforting manner making her stomach do back flips. Sakura had never felt so happy in her life and she never wanted the night to end, she wanted him to keep her in his embrace forever…
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Sakura's eyes opened to the loud annoying sound of the alarm and her morning reflex quickly went for the snooze button. It was four weeks later and despite everything life had gone on so normal it was like clockwork.
It was Monday and she had to head down to her job as a medical nin like every other weekday, she woke up at seven to get ready like every other day, and she knew she would be out the door by eight just like every other day. She had in fact done what she had set out to do and it was almost as though she had completely erased the little she knew of that night.
Almost being the main word. Nothing would actually change it and she knew that but she would try for all she was worth. In the morning she would wake up, usually after the dreams that slowly were becoming nightmares, and put on a happy smile that was the fakest thing she had ever been able to come up with.
Sakura threw off the covers and went into the shower, making sure to clean herself well. Then she brushed her teeth, put on her uniform and skipped makeup altogether like she usually did on a work day. There was not much point for her to wear any while treating patients so she saved the time by not doing it at all.
These dreams are coming almost every night, Sakura sighed as she looked at her reflection in the mirror, and it's always the same thing every time too. I'm in his arms, I feel like the happiest girl in the world…too bad I was not in my right mind or I would have smacked the ass right there and then.
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
Sakura arrived at 8:15 to find Tsunade tending to a patient.
Sakura had trained with Tsunade who was a medical specialist and had learned quite a bit from her. She was still counted as a junior but with experience she hoped to be as good as Tsunade was now.
“Morning Sakura,” Tsunade greeted sending the patient away with some medicine for an infection, “Hey kid how much sleep did you get last night? You look like you were up all night.”
“Is it that obvious,” Sakura yawned.
“Yes,” Tsunade said flatly, “Are you going to be ok for work today or what?”
“No, no I'll be fine I just had a hard time sleeping last night. I am just going to have a bit of coffee and start going to bed a bit earlier,” Sakura gave another sweet smile, “So how are things today?”
“Slow, but hey maybe you can catch up with your sleep between patients.”
“Very funny Tsunade.”
Tsunade was not kidding when she said the day was slow, it was a god thing, but Sakura was starting to get fairly bored. A few people came asking for stuff for small infections, cuts, and small cases of the flu. All considering it was a good day for the townspeople.
“Kakashi you're back,” Tsunade's voice snapped Sakura out of a daze when she realize that Kakashi was indeed back.
“Hey girls,” Kakashi said warmly, “Hey Sakura your looking a bit tired there, not sleeping well.”
“It's like I have a sign on my forehead,” Sakura muttered before noticing that Kakashi had a blood stained cloth tied to his right shoulder, “What in hell did you do to your arm Kakashi? I thought you said it was an easy mission, no hassles, no problems?”
“Well its part of the reason I took so long, a large gang attacked our group on the way back expecting we had been rewarded with gold so they attacked,” Kakashi motioned to the cut on his shoulder, “One of them tripped and got lucky with his weapon, I though I would just ask one of you two to take a quick look at it.”
Sakura smirked and sighed, “Come on lets see it the wound. It doesn't look to serious, if your lucky you won't need stitches.”
Kakashi sat down and removed the cloth that had stopped the bleeding and Sakura cleaned it.
“It doesn't look like you need stitches, you were lucky Kakashi,” Sakura muttered.
“Hey I have survived worse things than just a wimpy little cut Sakura.”
“I know it's just,” Sakura stopped in mid sentence feeling the contents of her stomach churn around and a wave of nausea hit her. It felt like the hang over all over again as she dropped what she was doing and made a dash for the bathroom.
“Sakura,” Kakashi said quickly getting up quickly to follow the girl just in time to see her spill her guts into the toilet.
“Damn it,” Sakura muttered spitting the last bits of bile out of her mouth, “I must be coming down with something…”
Kakashi rubbed her back, “Are you sure you're ok Sakura? Do you want me to go get Tsunade to take a look at you?”
Sakura shook her head and took her face away from the bowl, wiping her lips with her sleeve. After bringing her breakfast up she felt somewhat better, if she had anything else in her stomach it would have probably been coming up too but at least that was out of the way. She hoped she didn't catch something from a patient, this was all she needed.
“I think you should go home and rest,” Kakashi murmured to her putting his arm around her in a friendly gesture, “or at least talk to Tsunade, you don't want it to get worse than it is now.”
“Speaking of getting worse,” Sakura pointed to Kakashi's shoulder, “You're bleeding. You must have reopened the wound when you rush over to me.”
The wound looked almost fresh but not serious even though it had a steady trickle of blood coming from it and staining his vest and shirt.
“Shit you're right,” he cursed grabbing the cloth he had on it before.
“Here,” Sakura said quickly taking the cloth from the Jounin and tying it around the wound, “You will only make it worse if you keep doing that you will just open it more and then you will need stitches. You should know better Kakashi.”
“And you should know not to come to work when you're sick.”
“I was feeling fine when I got up.”
Tsunade walked in then coming to investigate what was going on, “Are you two alright … or should I just leave right now…”
Sakura turned a bright shade of red when she realized what Tsunade was talking about. It was not what it looked like but the way Kakashi was holding Sakura was pretty accusing. He was holding her close to his chest by the shoulders firmly with both hands; it was as though he felt no pain at all in the wound on his shoulder.
“You might want to take a look at Sakura it looks like she has the flu or something,” Kakashi said like he was not embarrassed at all.
“Sure,” Tsunade said still sounding suspicious, “But first thing is first we better put some proper bandages on that cut before you get it infected.”
^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^
“Damn my stomach kills,” Ino complained sitting slumped over on Sakura's couch.
Hinita nodded, “I feel like if I retain any more water they could use me as a peer.”
It was three days later and Sakura was getting more and more worried. Normally all three girls had their period at the same time, it usually gave the men warning on when to go on missions that lasted at least four or five days so they could be clear of them. Ino always got rather irritated when the time came and snapped at the slightest thing, Hinita was never all that drastic but had absolutely terrible cramps, and Sakura usually ate all of the chocolate she could get her hands on.
Well the mind Sakura was currently freaking out and for one good reason. Normally her body went on like clockwork; she always knew when the time of the month came because her body had not been irregular in that way since she was twelve. Now though was reason to worry because her period had not come, and unlike before she was no longer a virgin.
This is a bigger problem than I thought, Sakura panicked as she cooked up the greasy meal her friends had requested, they are going to notice sooner or later and when they do they will demand answers.
“Hey Sakura do you have any of that medicine left my stomach kills,” Hinita said quietly.
“Check the medicine cabinet in the bathroom I always keep some handy,” Sakura said absently as she flipped the burgers.
“Thanks Sakura I owe you one.”
“You owe me five Hinita.”
Hinita laughed, “That is exactly why I brought that bag Sakura. It has a few really good sized chocolate bars and I shoved a bit of vanilla ice cream in the freezer for later. Knowing you it will all be gone within a few days.”
“Ya I guess it will,” Sakura said forcing a laugh, damn how am I going to eat all of that junk food so quickly? I am not hungry but if I don't suck it up and eat until I puke again then they will find out. This is such crap, why did this have to happen to me?
Ino shifted restlessly in her spot, “Hurry it up kid I am starving for some fries. You must be cooking the damn things on low if it takes you this long to cook burgers and fries!”
“It will be ready when it's ready Ino, if I cook it over much more heat I'll burn it,” Sakura snapped back.
Either way the food was almost done, it was a good helping of fries, onion rings and some large rather juicy burgers. She poor each of them into bowls and put the burgers on buns for her friends and placed it all out in front of them on the living room coffee table.
If I eat all of this I will be sick, how do I eat so much when I'm on my period this is ridicules. This is much to much grease for my liking right now, eating this will put me in a junk food induced coma, Sakura's mind cried as she took a bit of her burger and swallowed, trying to eat it as quickly as possible.
“Hey Sakura I'll let you have my onion rings if you give me the rest of your fries,” Ino said while she was still stealing fries off Sakura's plate.
“You can just have them I'm not all that-” Sakura just talked without even thinking and before she could stop herself she had already said too much, oh crap…
Both girls looked up at Sakura with suspicious eyes and Ino was the first to speak, “You don't have your period do you?”
“This wouldn't be related to the fact that you have been vomiting almost every morning for the last few days would it,” Hinita asked through bites of her burger.
“Who says I don't have my period? I just have been feeling sick the last few days and it has made me loose my normal appetite,” Sakura said calmly, “I work as a medical nin guys its not unheard of if I catch a cold treating a patient.”
“True,” admitted Hinita.
“Yes it is true but,” Ino paused, “You know Sakura if there is anything you want to tell us you know we are always here for you. It really hurts if you are keeping secrets from us.”
She had to go there; she just had to go there, Sakura thought as her eyes cast towards the floor.
“Sakura,” Hinita's voice was slightly nervous.
“Back at the party a few weeks back I drank more of that spiked drink than I told you, I must have had at least three or four cups plus a large gulp strait from the ladle. I drank it all pretty fast so I was really not my self,” explained Sakura as all the bad memories and dreams came back to her, “I could not see or walk strait so I didn't care that a guy carried me home. When I woke up the next morning I-I…I…” Sakura's voice broke off as a small sob surfaced.
Ino's jaw dropped, “Why did you not tell us about this! I swear if I find out who the asshole is I will castrate the ass and skin him for a rug!”
“That was a mood swing Ino,” Hinita said quietly, “Did Tsunade say anything when you saw her about being sick?”
“She doesn't know about what happened so she just assumed I caught something like the flu,” Sakura cried softly.
Ino growled, “I swear I will Sakura. I will find out the name of every guy that was at the party and hunt each one down. There is no way he will escape; I can tell when someone is lying to me! Then when we have the jerk we'll hang him from a tree by his-”
“Ino enough,” Hinita cut in before turning back to Sakura, “Sakura you are just going to be all stressed out until you find out for sure what is going on. We need to get a test done for this as soon as possible.”
Sakura gave a small sob, “I know it's just that I am scared of what I will find.”
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One word REVIEW!!
Anyway that is chapter 3 I hoped u like it. Please review tell me how I'm doing and maybe give me some pointers?
Luv Ya