Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Good Party ❯ SURPRISE!! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter #6
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or any of the Naruto Characters
With the more stories I write you'll find mine aren't all that long. I have about two or three more chapters clearly in my head so as you can tell I'm not exactly a novel writer. Personally I think I need to use more description and better vocab so I am trying to change it bit by bit.
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“I think we should get her this,” Ino picked up a rather fat and fluffy teddy bear.
Just looking at the bear gave Hinita goose bumps, there was a limit to how girly a teddy should be and that particular plush toy passed it only about two miles back. Its eyes were large red hearts and the fluff that made up the fur was a slight shade of pink. It had a great big teddy smile stitched on with bright pink thread and it had a heart on each paw. It was like Valentines Day imploded into one object of pure over cute and creepiness.
“Is there nothing else,” Hinita said biting her lip.
“How about this,” Naruto chuckled grabbing a shirt that said baby on board with large blue letters and an arrow pointing down.
“Baka,” Sasuke shook his head and put the shirt back, “That is the last thing she would want to wear! You know how sensitive she is about that kind of thing.”
Naruto mocked Sasuke behind his back by moving his lips in an over exaggerated manner along with his words before actually giving his own lip, “I was only trying to help.”
Hinita sighed in exasperation, “None of this seems right guys, it all too cute or to stupid.”
“What have you got against cute,” Ino whined giving puppy dog eyes alongside the teddy bear.
“Well first of all it might not even be a girl, it might be a boy,” stated Hinita, “We need to find something that will work for a boy or a girl and not have it be a joke gift unless we think it's appropriate.”
“Speaking of appropriate are we absolutely sure any of this is a good idea,” asked Sasuke.

”Well she is starting to take this becoming a mom seriously,” Naruto said looking at a shirt that had a `preggers' joke on it, “though I am starting to think maybe my gift should be coming with my mouth taped shut. That way I won't get anymore vinegar in my food, I swear it is starting to make me sick of ramen! Do you know how traumatizing that is for me?”
“Very funny Naruto,” Ino laughed throwing the love on paws bear at him.
“What about this,” Sasuke held up one of the baby carriers that you put on your back or chest.
Hinita nodded taking it from him and looking it over, “This is good Sasuke. This seems like something she would like. Ok this can be from you and Ino, now come on Naruto we need to find something.”
“This looks promising,” Naruto threw Hinita a fleecy baby blanket and a pair of baby pajamas, “Baby is going to need something for those cold nights. This can be in his bed and he can were these.”
“Yes but what colour do we get,” Hinita said referring to the fact that Naruto had just handed her blue everything, “Like I said we don't know the gender, for all we know it will turn out to be a girl.”
“Yes but I'm still betting it's a guy,” Naruto said with a smirk.
Sasuke grinned, “How much are you willing to bet?”
Naruto's foxy grin had not gone away, “I don't know how about ten?”
“Fine then,” Sasuke stated, “If it's a girl you give me ten bucks, if it's a guy I'll give you ten.”
“You are so on,” Naruto said giving Sasuke a firm handshake to seal the deal, “It's a bet.”
“Boys,” Ino snapped, “Come on we need to get going Sakura's shift ends at four. Hinita just grab that stuff in green and let's go. I already have the card picked out.”
“Tell me why we didn't do this sooner,” Hinita grumbled grabbing the things, “We won't be able to make it in time, someone has to go stall Sakura or we will never be ready in time.”
“I'll go,” Ino said quickly handing Hinita the card, “I'll stall her but you need to move quickly or I swear I will so murder you guys.”
“That makes me feel loved Ino thanks,” Naruto muttered as he helped his girlfriend with the gifts.
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“Excuse me, pardon me, out of the way,” Ino said quickly dashing through the rush hour crowd on the street. She had always been good at making her way through crowds; it was like an untapped skill that came in handy when the time called for it.
“Whoa watch it,” but it was too late, Ino had not paid attention and crashed right into Kakashi.
Ino fell backwards in shock landing hard on the street, “Ouch!”
“Ino what on earth are you doing trying to shoot down anyone in your way,” Kakashi muttered picking up his latest book of Come Come Paradise that he had just started, “How many others have you run down today?”
“Funny,” Ino snapped sarcastically, “I have to get going.”
“What on earth are you late for?”
“Well actually the others are late,” explained Ino, “We are throwing Sakura a baby shower, we were planning on surprising her after she got home from work, but we put off buying the presents for too long. I am heading to Tsunade's to stall for them while they head over to her apartment.”
“Baby shower,” Kakashi whispered to himself.
“Ya if you want to come then come but please try and be there on time. I have to get going excuse me.”
As quickly as she could Ino dodged her way through the crowd.
That's right, Kakashi thought to himself, slipping his book into his vest pocket, Sakura is eight months pregnant now, she will be due to deliver in a few short weeks. I should go but I would have to arrive fashionably late.
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Sakura sighed as she walked down the street, her stomach had grown more than ever during the last few months and everyone was taking about it. That was the way it seemed for the last few months when her stomach looked as though it was about to burst. It sometimes felt like it, it back was forever aching now days, her feet hurt from carrying all the extra weight, she was always tired and could never get a good night's sleep.
She had people asking her all the time who the proud papa was and she could never answer. Most of the time she just walked away but when she knew the person she could only ever say was `I don't know.' Sakura could hear the way people talked behind her back and she was starting to get more and more cranky about it.
Her wardrobe seemed to have changed completely overnight to accommodate the baby, she had given up on her pants and any of even her loosest fitting cloths long ago. That day she had decided to wear the same type of kimono she had seen Juri wear when she saw her attending the toy stand. It was in dark purples, pinks and blues and fit her very well.
As she walked by a few children running circles around their mom laughing and playing together. It was the only thing that made walking around with a child that had no father bearable. She wanted to raise this kid to be kind and loving; there was no way she would let anything happen to it.
“Sakura,” someone in the crowd called.
Ino made her way past a group of academy kids panting from having run so far, “Sakura! Kami just hold up a second will ya I'm about to die here!”
“What is it Ino,” the tired mom to be asked.
“I was just wondering if you wanted to get some ice cream, my treat,” panted Ino, “or what ever else you feel like having today. You know I can't keep up with the day to day changes.”
“Ice cream sounds fine.”
Ino gave a concerned look, “How much sleep were you able to get last night?”
“Not much. I haven't bothered looking at my clock much at night anymore,” Sakura patted her belly, “Apparently Jr. is a night person unlike mommy.”
“You're in the home stretch now kido,” Ino reassured, “Just hang in there a few more weeks and it's done.”
“Ya but then I have to raise the child.”
Ino crossed her arms and plastered a smirk on her face, “Don't tell me you're still doing that `what if I'm not a good mom' thing? Sakura you are the most responsible and the one of the smartest people I know! If there is anyone better suited to raise this child I dare them to step up because there is no freaking way. We all know you will bring it up right, and through rough times we will be there.”
Sakura giggled, “You know that is the corniest thing I have ever heard.”
The blonde just shrugged, “Meh, I try.”
They both laughed and went for that ice cream, Ino tried to make as much conversation as she could so they would go as slow as possible. She always insisted on looking at different stands and glancing into shops once and a while just for those few extra minutes. Anything for time.
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“Naruto hurry up and sign the card,” Hinita whispered shoving the card and a pen into his hands, “They could be coming at any time we need to have everything set.”
“Ok, ok hold your horses I can only put a legible signature if I don't rush it,” the blonde took the card into the living room in search of a flat surface to write on.
Sasuke was the one stuck hanging streamers because he was the tallest and the only one that could reach the ceiling without the use of a chair. He still had to hand on his tip toes but it was much more convenient than dragging a chair around the room the whole time.
“We're done,” Sasuke sighed with relief, “Ino did a good job, she kept Sakura away for as long as we needed her to be. Next time we throw a surprise party she is going to be the distraction.”
“Permission to collapse,” Naruto muttered throwing himself onto the couch.
Sasuke shoved Naruto's feet off one end of the couch and sat himself down, “How about some room for the person that did all of the hard work you dork.”
“Whatever streamer ninja.”
“Watch it.”
Hinita sighed, “Guys you will never change will you?”
Naruto grabbed his chin like he was thinking then said, “Nope not planning on it any time in the near future.”
“Shut up I think I hear something,” Sasuke snapped.
The three of them went deadly silent, none of them even dared to breathe as they listened to the noises outside. They had done the same thing twice before and it had just turned out to be one of the neighbors going next door but this was different. The main voice they were hearing was definitely Ino; she was talking loud on purpose to warn her friends.
Without a word the friends scattered to find hiding places. Hinita hid in the kitchen just off the main entrance hallway, Sasuke pushed himself over the back of the couch to hide, and Naruto scrambled for the love seat.
The lock clicked as Sakura unlocked it and came in the door.
“SURPRISE,” they yelled, even Ino got her chance to yell.
Sakura staggered back slightly laughing, “What the hell? Ino I thought you were acting weird today.”
Hinita giggled, “Ino did a great job though. We only just finished decorating and getting everything together.”
Ino gave a small bow laughing, “I thank you!”
“You didn't to do all this guys,” Sakura smiled looking at the display the streamers.
“We didn't,” Naruto asked in a joking voice only to get whacked over the head by Sasuke. All of then had already had enough of Naruto's bad jokes and lousy puns, they had enough of it back when they were kids.
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Review or suffer my wrath! *Wooooooo!!* (Yes I have a lot of spare time can't you tell?)
Yo! I still need Japanese baby names if anyone knows some good ones just put them down in your reviews for me!
Thanks you that have reviewed and thanks for the great baby names.