Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Short Story ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Now the story is getting started. I'm gonna try and keep it short (lol thus the name), since I have quite a lot of stories to work on (they're all on though haha). Anyway, I've just written one more chapter and I don't know when this'll get finished, or how often the updated will be. Depends on how people like this XD
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One Short Story
Chapter 1
This was not something he enjoyed. In fact, it was something he despised. It made him growl in displeasure, something he rarely, if ever, did otherwise. But getting up from a warm, comfortable bed when your lover is draped lazily over you like a second blanket currently nuzzling the curve of your neck, then you're not overly enthusiastic about the situation. Especially if you know what awaits once you're up and dressed.
Being the Uchiha clan leader of not just two family members, but also a ruler of a thousand Lords, servants and different pieces of land and villages was not exactly a dance on roses. He had worked himself to exhaustion and sickness when the role was forced upon him at the age of thirteen. It took several years before he found something remotely akin to stability in his life, making him stop coughing up blood as the stress decreased somewhat. Getting trustworthy advisors and steady help from the Empress had played a huge part of his recovery too of course, and at the age of twenty the name of his clan had not been forgotten in the least, despite the few members still alive.
“Aniki, get back to bed,” was mumbled from the bundle of naked skin, dark, spiky hair and rumpled bed sheets he'd gracefully moved away from. Sighing, he bent down to closer inspect the face of his baby brother, so alike yet unlike his own, and placed a warm kiss on his forehead. The younger boy made a pleased noise before turning to lie on his back and pull at his aniki's long hair; reaching to kiss lips and not cheeks. The Aniki sighed before giving in; keeping the exchange soft and slow. He didn't have the time to engage in further activities.
Although, compromises could be made…
“Sasuke,” he addressed the overheated body insisting to keep distance at a minimum, “I need to rise and prepare for the day. Need I also remind you of the importance of my punctuality and actual presence at a meeting solely called for to discuss the future of the clan I am leader of?”
Years of practise had taught him to remain remotely cool and collected when Sasuke tried to distract him from whatever ridiculously long sentence he was set on delivering to the younger boy. However, that did not mean he went unaffected by the soft kisses placed along his jaw, or the teasing caresses of his stomach and narrow hips. If fact, he barely caught himself purring in delight as thin fingers massaged his scalp and successfully messed up his long hair even further. It could not be helped though; a hot bath would soak and undo the tangles created. Which reminded him of the reason he bothered to speak in the first place; compromises.
“Itachi-niisama, if the meeting is indeed called for to discuss clan business then you, of all people, should be able to postpone it a few minutes,” Sasuke spoke with a slight pout before he could withdraw from the boy's grasp. He was horrified to realize how spoiled he'd made his baby brother over the years, but just like after each other realization of this in the past, he pushed it out of his mind and focused on the issue at hand.
“No, foolish little brother,” he scolded, narrowing his eyes at the lazy smirk grazing said boy's lips. “I cannot postpone the meeting; the mere notion is ridiculous. And as you have kept me from rising from bed for as long as you have, I even might have to skip my morning bath to be on time.”
Sasuke frowned, not at all pleased by his brother's scolding this early in the morning. The slight twinge of guilt was another reason for his discomfort, because he knew clan matters could not be ignored and his brother loved the hot, relaxing baths he had each morning. The playful smirk on his Aniki's lips came as a surprise then, and he barely managed to hide the furious blush creeping up his neck at the words slipping past lips bruised by kisses.
“You will have to make amends, foolish little brother, and assist me in my bath or I might be late on your account.”
No matter how many times he had been to meetings similar to the one this morning, Itachi was convinced he would never grow used to them. As boring as ever, he had sat through the whole thing and just barely managed to acknowledge some of the men who had been present. He might be a powerful clan leader, but that was no reason to show disrespect for those who could possibly be his future or even present foe no matter how pitiful and disgustingly slimy most of them were. He had after all learned to be neutral and cool as ice at an age where most children still chased butterflies and made the servants' lives hard with their games. He found this to be extremely useful, and did not view it as a loss of childhood he most likely would not have had anyway. He had gained the skill of observing and solving what could become great conflicts, and his intellect and the calculating and cunning way his brain worked had saved more than just his little brother and himself many times. It was no surprise he was the Empress' most trusted ally and advisor in many matters. This evening, he would most likely carry out both of those roles once again, according to the messenger bowing deeply before him.
“You may go,” he said, waving his hand dismissively at the servant and continuing on his way towards the main house of the Uchiha compound. He had made sure to make use of the many houses left deserted after the clan had almost been wiped out entirely, but could still not be sure if he had made the right choice of not tearing them down. As he passed his late aunt and uncle's house, now the smaller building used as a library for the many books he had acquired over the years, Itachi settled for that as long as they were useful, it would be a waste of time to remove them. Had he been in the company of his little brother, he might've listened to the quiet voice in his mind, whispering that he could not rid himself of the memories lingering on these grounds.
“Aniki!” the voice of his sibling greeted him as he slid the paper door open. Letting his gaze fall upon the boy getting up from his position on the floor by a desk covered in ridiculously thick volumes of books and scrolls, the tension in his shoulders eased a fraction before he raised his brow in silent question. His little brother stopped before him, dark hair untameable and wild as always.
“Kakashi-sensei left me to read; he said he had business to attend to,” he explained when he noted Itachi's questioning stare. The man closed his eyes as a wave of annoyance washed over him, but he gave no other visible reaction to Sasuke's statement.
“I see,” he answered, eyes narrowing as he looked over to the desk. He would have to speak with Kakashi yet again regarding the questionable way he taught his little brother. Itachi could not, however, deny that the man was remarkable and the best teacher he could ever assign to Sasuke's education; only Jiraiya-sama, the Empress' right hand, could compete in terms of ability. The latter was at the moment busy with an own apprentice, and it seemed both teachers suffered from an unhealthy proportion of perversity. But whenever he gave the indication he thought so, the subject of his little brother always emerged. He found himself slightly frustrated at risking sounding like a hypocrite, because it was, undeniably, both indecent and horribly perverse to bed your own brother. It was his status, power and subtleness that allowed the taboo relationship to continue. He had also found that most of the Lords and fellow clan leaders had similar activities, and had even been asked to perform should it ever please him to do so. The offer made him shudder in disgust and anger; he may love and lust for his brother, but that did not mean he engaged in such disgraceful sexual acts. The pleasure he shared with Sasuke was for only him, and no one else. He was content to let it stay that way, and from the complete adoration and worship Sasuke had for him, he was sure he needn't worry about any changes being made.
“Aniki? Aniki!” Sasuke's voice brought him out of his quiet musings, making him look away from the window he had previously stared blankly out of. Gazing down at the younger boy, he grunted an apology; receiving a growl of annoyance.
“I asked you what you have planned this evening,” Sasuke repeated, titling his head as he waited for a respond.
“I am to dine with the Empress; I received her invitation minutes ago. It seems like she has something to discuss.” At the disappointed but hopeful look on Sasuke's face, Itachi sighed. It was apparent he wanted him to stay, but knew Itachi could not refuse the Empress. But likewise, it was clear Sasuke wanted to go too. He had yet to attend any private meeting with the Empress concerning business, and knew from what Itachi had told him that they were very much more entertaining than the formal meetings he had sat through together with many other clan members in the past.
“I shall need assistance to find something suitable to wear,” Itachi observed after a few moments of silence. Sasuke grinned, his childish disappointment replaced by an equally childish look of mischief.
The sun bled low in the sky when Itachi finally arrived at the Royal palace. It cast a light of red and yellows; contrasting with the silky blue of his kimono and making the red and white Uchiha symbol of a fan stand out on his back. The huge, heavy doors before him opened and he was greeted by several servants who stood bowing in respect on either side of the path he walked down. The mere size of everything within and around the Royal palace might awe and intimidate many great men, but Itachi found the cold echoes of his footsteps soothing, and the grotesque paintings on doors and walls were pleasing to the eye. How many times had he walked these halls? Too many for a young clan leader like himself, but favouritism was not a rare quality the Empress displayed. Rumours had it that she'd taken a mere slave - a dancer and entertainer at that - and made her a personal maid. Many had speculated if not the Empress preferred female company over male and since the beauty of this slave girl had seemed to amaze the few who had been allowed to view her, some suspected the speculation might be true. He would have to question the Empress tonight, if it suited the occasion. Some may see it as rude, but Itachi knew she despised those who could not speak their mind when entitled to do so. Arriving at the door leading him to where the Empress awaited with a feast made for their enjoyment, Itachi pushed the thought from his mind. It was of no importance at the moment; if the Empress preferred women, and saw beauty in a mere slave, then he saw no need to deny his ruler her wishes.
However, when he opened the door and registered a female squeal of surprise followed by a movement only provoked by reflex, Itachi was forced to focus on the present and gone was the slightly relaxed feeling he'd acquired on his walk through the silent halls of the palace. He caught the slim wrist of a pale arm before the attached palm could slam down on the side of his neck with a force that surprised him and almost made him take a step backwards to steady himself. Before he could make sense of the unsuspected action, the wrist was jerked out of his grip and in a blur of pink the female attacker fell down on her knees and bowed so deep her forehead was pressed against the floor before his feet with her small, but yet somehow powerful hands positioned on either side of her head. He looked down and felt the adrenaline she'd provoked disappear when it became apparent she posed no threat at the moment.
“Uchiha-sama! Forgive me, I meant not to insult you!” the soft voice of the small female exclaimed, sounding horrified at what she'd done. Had she been bowing while standing, he would've slapped her by now but he could not be bothered to reach down to the floor, just to satisfy his urge to put her in her place.
“Ah, Itachi, I see you have arrived,” the voice of the Empress interrupted, and he glanced up in time to see her sit down by the end of the table occupying the middle of the room. Dismissing the girl on the floor for now, he stepped past her bowed figure and started towards the table. The Empress' amused grin made him raise a brow and glance back, catching the girl as she was slowly rising to stand.
“You must forgive her, Itachi. She truly did not mean to insult you. She has been trained to protect herself, but it seems she has yet to learn how to control that skill,” the Empress spoke as he continued to observe the girl. She seemed unaware of his gaze, her back still facing him, and dusted the fine fabric of her gold and pink kimono with her hands; shoulders slumped in what he assumed was embarrassment.
“I see,” he said, agreeing to oversee the incident if only because the Empress seemed to wish so. Waiting for the girl to turn, Itachi titled his head and let his eyes stray from the back of her pink head. Aside from the complicated knot her hair was skilfully put into with hairpins and other typical decorations, her silky kimono and pale skin told him this was someone favoured by the Empress, although he had already guessed by the way she had subtly protected her. His eyes were at the hem of her dress when the fabric started to twist and slide across her skin as she finally turned to face the quiet room. He took his time to return his gaze to her head, and when he did, he was not disappointed by the beauty he had hinted from her voice, slim figure and pale skin. He found himself stunned, and could not help himself as he retraced his steps and returned to where she stood; slowly walking around her to further drink in the exotic sight. Heart-shaped face; rounded, slightly childish cheeks; elegant jaw and neck; pouty lips; large, doe-like eyes; small, but teasingly noticeable breasts; a hint of rounded hips hid underneath expensive fabric. That is what he saw as he finished the first walk around her stiff, nervous form. When he stopped before her and took her small chin between his fingers to raise her head up, he stilled once again. What had appeared to be green eyes now seemed like pure emeralds attached on the face of an expensive porcelain doll, and the red on her lips made them larger than he had assumed at first sight. She hastily looked down and he frowned, not done with his inspection of her strange eyes. But it melted away as he hummed his approval, making she visibly relax with a quiet sigh of relief he could not help but compare with the gust of a lukewarm wind.
“She is quite the beauty, my Sakura-chan, is she not?” the Empress mused, having walked up to stand beside him without his immediate notice. He let go of the girl's chin, noting her flushed cheeks as he resisted the urge to snort at the mention of her name. How typical to name her of a flower she so obviously resembled, a flower whose beauty was so delicate and short lived. He wondered absently if it would be the same for her; if she would break when confronted with the cruelty outside protective palace walls and the Empress' presence. He felt almost disgusted and disappointed that she probably would; she was so small and delicate he would not be surprised if a mere shove would be enough to bring her to tears.
“She is indeed pleasant to look at, Empress,” he finally agreed, aware of the way she was grinning at him. He suspected she had something planned, probably something involving the girl still standing absolutely still and quiet before him; head bent and hands clasped. Slightly suspicious, he titled his head to meet the amber gaze of his ruler and waited for her to speak. Her grin did not fade as she reached over to the girl, placing her hand on her shoulder and leading her to stand beside her.
“I think it is time to return to the table, or else the food will get cold,” she said while turning and taking a still stiff and uncomfortable Sakura with her. Itachi followed, choosing a seat nearest to the Empress as she herself took the lone seat at the end of the table. Opposite of him sat Sakura, eyes carefully studying the plate before her and avoiding meeting anyone's gaze the best she could.
“What was it you wanted to discuss, Empress?” Itachi asked as she started to pick up her chopsticks, he himself doing the same. At his words she seemed to somber up; her grin fading into a thin line. He straightened in his seat.
“This will be an unusual request, Itachi,” she began, pausing to take a small bite of skilfully made fish. “It has nothing to do with my country, nor does it concern anyone but me. You will find it strange, for it would appear I have what I need to do this without your help.”
His suspicion rising, and interest spiked, Itachi chose to remain silent and met her amber gaze solemnly. A personal request? She continued with a small, sardonic smile; “I ask you to take Sakura under your care; to protect her from harm.”
Silence followed her statement, and he could not hide the frown marring his otherwise blank face. A quick glance towards the girl opposite of him told him she knew nothing of this, which made his frown deepen. “Empress, might I inquire why you deem this necessary?”
At his question, she ruefully smiled before continuing. “Ever since I acquired her, Sakura has been a victim of many men's jealousy and petty desires. That she is a gift to me from the Emperor of Wind makes her all the more desired, and there barely passes a month without someone trying to steal her from my grasp.”
His eyes narrowed as she paused, looking over to the girl staring helplessly confused back at her Empress. Continuing, the older woman turned meet his stare. “I find myself unable to protect her any longer without stirring some kind of political troubles among the Lords and clan leaders. Therefore, I shall officially give you Sakura as a gift, to show how much I appreciate your loyalty and help in the matter concerning Sound.” She gave another sardonic smile. “For what better gift could I offer than my protégée, to the man whose clan died protecting my country?”
“If that is what you wish,” Itachi replied smoothly, bowing his head, “then I will accept your generosity, my Empress.”
“I would have expected little else, Uchiha Itachi,” she said, nodding approvingly before glancing at the pink-haired girl. “I am sure Sakura-chan will be pleased to serve someone as powerful and handsome as you, aren't you, Sakura?”
The girl risked a glance at him, before blushing and bowing deeply once again. “Yes, Tsunade-sama, I am honoured! I shall not disappoint you; I will do anything to please Uchiha-sama in the future.”
“Good, Sakura-chan,” the Empress noted with a pleased smile. “Now, let's have some sake!”
Itachi sighed, observing the way the strong and powerful Empress gladly poured down her favourite drink in deep gulps; appearances and stiff formalities all but gone. He turned to observe the pink haired girl once more, pleased when he met her shy gaze. She was his now, whether he liked it or not, so he might as well turn the situation into something pleasant. Believing that he could twist any situation into something agreeable, he was not that worried and whatever displeasure he'd felt previously was melting away. The only problem that remained was how to break the news to Sasuke. The young boy was rather possessive, but Itachi knew he appreciated beauty as much as himself. Perhaps, he mused as he let his eyes roam freely over Sakura's face, breasts and neatly folded knees, he will accept this as a gift to us both.