Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ One Short Story ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A/N: Sorry for the long wait, but I warn you, this is how I am with all my stories. It takes time to update sometimes, merely because I write when the mood strikes and when I have enough time to write undisturbed.
Anyway, I hope you like the story so far. Sorry for any typos(I have a lot of them) or grammar mistakes. English isn't my first language and I'm still learning. Oh, yeah, and this is my first time writing a threesome. Which reminds me….
This chapter contains lime, or, a beginning to a lemon. It is between three people, whereof two of them are brothers. So there is a threesome, shounen-ai, incest and sexual activities.The third party, who is a girl, will be slightly unwilling but not enough for it to be counted as rape. She is attracted to both of them, but does not like her position as a concubine. However, if you're sensitive about this matter, do not proceed.If you do not like, do not read. Thank you.
One Short Story
Chapter 3
It suddenly occurred to him that he had no idea how to pleasure a woman. As it was, he barely knew how they looked like completely naked; it had never interested him before this moment. But now, such ignorance annoyed him, and he wished, briefly, that he had followed through with the offers he had been given outside of Itachi's knowledge. Sighing in reluctant defeat, Sasuke took a few steps closer to their bed, kneeling just by the end of it, and bowed slightly. It was submissive, and he peered up at his brother through the same thick lashes that framed the elder's beautiful eyes. Another shaky breath and he looked at the woman lying against the familiar, lean frame of his brother. Her back was pressed against him; her long, smooth legs sprawled between Itachi's strong limbs. Even his arms were around her; resting comfortably around her slightly bared stomach and keeping her in place as she squirmed. In short, he had her bared for him, waiting for the younger's move, and Sasuke did not know what to do.
A flush of shame coloured his pale cheeks, but his determination strengthened. It was obvious Itachi had meant every word he'd spoken; he wanted to share, and she was his as much as he was. The thought made his slight arousal heighten; the knot in his stomach twisting in an uncomfortable, but pleasurable, way. He wondered if this smug, content feeling was what his brother felt whenever he possessed him, because if it was, he couldn't blame him for being so dominant.
“Aniki,” he finally said, breaking the silence with a steady, but low, voice. “Show me what to do.”
Itachi's eyes darkened, and Sasuke gulped. The stirring sensation in his stomach was made worse by the intense look he was receiving but he did not mind.
“It seems, Sakura, that my foolish little brother knows little of the art to pleasure a woman,” he replied, lowering his eyes to stare at the delicate face of the female resting in his lap. He briefly nuzzled her neck, breathing in the sweet scent that made him flick out his tongue for a taste. She gasped and stiffened in his grip, but he merely grinned before speaking up again. “I would like you to demonstrate to him, how he shall touch you, kiss you; possess you.”
The young girl trembled, breathing shallow as his large hands closed around her smaller ones and brought them up to her covered breasts. Sasuke watched, transfixed and with slightly hooded eyes, as her nimble hands closed around twin globes of soft flesh. Moving closer, in a slight crawl, he took a hold of her legs and placed them on either side of his hips before settling down. Itachi's hold of the pink-haired beauty kept her in place when she subconsciously tried to shy away. The hard look in her emerald eyes was betrayed by her trembling lips and red blush, which dusted her soft cheeks and pert nose.
His breath hitched as she started to caress herself. Her small hands massaged her breasts shyly, softly, and she had closed her eyes in an act of mortification. He was slightly disappointed to not be able to see the green in her eyes, but since his eyes were now occupied elsewhere he figured it was alright. The slow, shy motion of her massaging hands held his whole attention, and he hardly noticed when his brother's hands snuck down the sides of her arms to gently caress her hips. However, it seemed to relax her and he had to swallow in his excitement as her movements became more confident. When her eyes flashed open to regard him, he smirked at the determination he found. She seemed to have decided on something, and he could only guess that it had something to do with getting this over with as quickly as possible.
He was going to take his time.
Even if the hands on her chest were her own, it didn't make Sakura less uncomfortable. She had prepared for this moment ever since she had dined with the brothers, and had had it confirmed that she was to serve them in bed as well. She hadn't been surprised when Itachi-sama had requested her presence tonight, but that did little to soothe her nerves. Had it not been for the pep-talk she had been giving herself since she left the dining room, she would've been a wreck by the time she was to enter the Uchiha brothers' rooms.
So she supposed she was lucky to possess the mental strength she did, even if that strength made itself apparent through an almost separate personality that lurked in the depth of her mind. Yet she had no doubt it would not be appreciated if the noble brothers ever discovered her fiery temper and sharp tongue; she was here to play the part of a docile, submissive slave and so far, she was doing beyond expectations. It was, however, only the first day - an already was she fighting to keep her feelings under control. The passion that teased her “inner self”, as she had come to call it, was building inside of her in a way she had never experienced. The anger, the fright, was all there. But the warmth of a deliciously male body behind her, the eyes of two powerful men upon her; the hunger she saw, felt and almost tasted in the air - it was doing strange things to her. She should be disgusted, but these men were the Empress' closest allies; the noble woman had put her maid in their care, and the maid felt obliged to repay her in any way. Besides, they were both good looking. She should be honored, with their high position. So her hands slipped lower, finally, leaving her chest to gently ghost the soft planes of her stomach. She kept her eyes on her hands, studying her fingers and biting her lip in concentration. Her nails scraped the skin, and she traced the lined of her hipbones absently.
It took her by complete surprise when another pair of hands closed around her recently abounded chest; molding the soft mound together in a mimic of her previous display. The sensation sent a spark of electricity down her spine and she arched her back in response; pushing away from the warm body behind her as she subconsciously sought more contact with those strong hands. Her gasp was choked by a moan, and she twisted in the older man's lap when rough thumbs flicked over her clothed nipples. She had made herself sensitive with her thorough caressing of her own breasts, and she almost regretted it as the younger brother seemed to take full advantage.
Nothing could have prepared her for the tongue that soaked the fabric concealing her chest, and when teeth closed around her already stiff nipples she barely resisted crying out. A pleased growl sounded from the man behind her, and she didn't think twice as she welcomed the distraction of his nose nuzzling her neck.
She absently wondered if a person could die from overstimulation, because she certainly would if they continued to focus their attention solely on her. It worried her that they hadn't even gotten further than her upper body, and that she was still fully dressed.
The unease her discovery of their incest relationship had stirred was now completely gone, and she found herself hoping they would divide their intense attention between each other as well. If she was lucky, she wouldn't need to do anything to make that happen. If not, then she would have to take an initiative she wasn't sure she had the nerves to do.
Coward, she told herself, before rational thinking became too exhausting.
Itachi had to admire the two youths before him. They made an incredibly arousing sight; Sasuke in his eager, undivided attention to the lesson he had the girl teaching him, and Sakura for her beautiful body's sweet surrender to their touch combined with her mental determination to keep herself unattached to something he didn't doubt she thought was disgracing. He was going to teach her to enjoy it the way her body did, because gracing his bed was nothing to be looked down upon. He was second in power to the Empress, and had the riches and ranks to prove it. He wasn't sure why he wanted to assure the girl of such things, but he suspected it had something to do with her close association to the Empress. Although the girl had been given without any order of what her position should be, Itachi knew better than to mistreat her. The Empress had a mean right hook.
“Aniki,” his brother called softly, starling him from his reverie. He had titled his head upwards, having suckled, nibbled and licked the young woman's breasts until she was a boneless heap in his arm, so Sasuke's face was now close to his where he had rested it on her dainty shoulder. Grinning, he leaned forward and captured the boy's lips before he could speak. He could feel his hands still caressing the girl, and nibbled his lower lip in award for not forgetting her pleasure. He doubted his foolish little brother understood though, but he didn't mind as he broke the kiss and licked his lips.
“Yes?” he inquired, letting his own hand resume their travelling that had stopped the moment the girl had arched away from him in pleasure. He left them rest on her curvy hips, tracing circles and the name of his clan. Sasuke grinned, obviously pleased about something. Raising a brow, he waited for the boy to explain.
“She's put her legs around my waist. If I didn't know better, I'd say she really enjoys this, right, Aniki?”
It fascinated her how Sasuke could so steadily possess her senses, when he clearly succumbed to his brother's touch without complaint. She couldn't help but think Itachi was clearly the one who possessed both of them; his two younger lovers, a concubine and a brother, completely at his mercy. She bristled at the thought, knowing how much the dominance must stroke his ego, probably making him all the more insufferable. His smirks of pure male satisfaction when she withered under his younger brother's touch fed the fire of defiance that she had so ruthlessly tried to kill when she had left the Empress' palace. She didn't know how clearly her gem orbs displayed her inner passion, or how it captured both of the brothers' attentions. Itachi's murmured “Interesting” and Sasuke's grin were lost on her as she struggled to choke down the moans threatening to spill. So far, she had merely uttered whimpers and gasps; she had no desire to present them with the wanton noises their action provoked. Especially not after Sasuke's comment, that'd practically dripped with smugness. She had merely wanted thing to speed up; clinging to the hope that after this was done, they would be bored, and return to having just each other in their bed. She had uncomfortable with the idea, but her first impression had been right; these brothers shared everything. It was just her luck that she had to be one of those things.
“Perhaps she is getting impatient, little brother,” Itachi spoke, the vibrations in his chest against her back combined with his mouth brushing her ear made her shiver and try to shift away from the stimulation, with little success. She was stuck between them; her legs secured around the younger one's waist and her body steadied by the frame of the elder. She could feel the latter's excitement poking her lower back, and the warmth it omitted was almost uncomfortable, yet he showed no discomfort or impatience. A noise of dismay left her throat and the breathy chuckle from behind almost made her pout, but it was interrupted by her cry of surprise when her thin dress was ripped open.”Let's get her out of these clothes, foolish little brother. She must be very…hot by now.”
She closed her eyes shut, hard. It was all she could do to not bolt straight up in panic, which would probably result in a tangle of limbs that she was sure, would not be for her benefit. Quickly, her body was revealed and she tried to comfort herself with the thought that the dress hadn't covered that much, so little needed to be revealed. Large hands returned to caress her now bare hips, and she felt herself relaxing.
Her simple kimono from earlier today had been changed to fit the occasion; meaning, it was easy to get off, and alluring in its design of soft, creamy silk, low neckline and teasing slits in the fabric for both her stomach and thighs. The fact that she had nothing underneath had been another constant reminder of what was expected of her tonight, so it came as little surprise when the cold air hit completely bare skin once the dress was successfully thrown away.
Peeking through dark, pink lashes, she observed the only face that was visible in her line of sight. Sasuke's blush, and focused interest of her body was as obvious as it was startling and, she had to admit, flattering. She had suspected he had no experience with women, and had entertained the idea that perhaps his brother was more than enough to keep such interest unwanted. She was starting to think that maybe he was, but for the moment, she was busy fidgeting underneath the intense, never-ceasing stare his younger brother held her under. She wondered what he would do, and had to suck in a breath once his hands and mouth returned to her chest.
It felt incredible without anything between. Her skin tingled at the bold contact and the soft silk and hard muscles of the body behind her heightened her sensitivity. The warm hands on her hips continued their soothing caress, but as they began to dip dangerously close to her inner thighs she felt her muscles clench in response; her legs strong enough to steal the breath out of the young man she had trapped between them. The sharp nip on the underside of her sensitive breast warned her, and she quickly loosened her grip.
“What did you do, Aniki?” he asked, working his way up her chest to taste the side of her neck that wasn't already occupied. The older brother had yet to remove his head form her shoulder, and she realized she had tried to match his breathing through her small panic attacks. Taking a shuddering breath, she tried to decide where to direct her attention. They were teasing so many of her senses; their touch warm, their smell mixing to a pleasant scent that had her head reeling when she breathed in too hard. Even their voices were so distracting, the silky note even present in the younger brother despite his awkward years of growth. She barely registered what they spoke of at the moment; too busy listening to the sound rather than the words. She did hear them mention thighs, and was forced to bite her lip hard to prevent herself from cutting off Sasuke-sama's air one again as his hands found their way to her legs.
“Ah!” she cried, his fingers ghosting across her skin so teasingly light that he might as well had stroked her with a feather. He was so close to the burning, aching center of her arousal, but seemed content with exploring the skin surrounding it. Focusing her hazy, green eyes on him once again, she became aware of the arms holding her close to the body behind her. Apparently, she had tried to move away again. Swallowing, and licking her lips, she watched as the young brother studied her chest, stomach and finally, where his hands were memorizing her. He had straightened up, no longer leaning close to hover above her. She squirmed; tightening her legs again, but froze when she felt her wet, soft flesh brush against the soft fabric of silk. It was a stimulation she didn't need to add on the growing list these two men provided her, but it seemed both of them were all too aware of her reactions. Was she so easy to read? Apparently, she was.
“Oh..oh god!”
Her exclamation pleased him more than he expected, and so did the cause of it. Clearly, his younger brother was catching on quite quickly; the youth was a natural in bed, and the ability of fast learning ran in their Uchiha blood. Grinding against the young woman, he had stimulated her most sensitive spot and finally loosened her tongue enough for her to emit the sweet, arousing noises of pleasure she had stubbornly tried to muffle up until now. Nuzzling his nose just behind her ear, he breathed in the pleasant scent of her and grinned. He observed his brother as he seemed transfixed by the movements of his grinding hips and the response it got him. It was incredibly erotic to watch, but even more so to feel. Every time the boy pushed forward, the small, warm body of their female would press back against him and her back would roughly caress his own arousal. He enjoyed the bursts of pleasure it caused him, and lazily allowed his hands to wander her naked body; caressing her breasts and stomach while gently kissing her neck. The gasps and moans from both his brother and the girl made a twinge of impatience settle in his stomach, but he ignored it. There was much left to be done, and to rush it would make it less enjoyable. He wanted them both to squirm underneath him, to reach for his touch even as they pleasured each other, for without him, it would not be complete.
With this in mind, he reached down to where she was connected to his foolish little brother, and gently stroked the hard nub peeking through slick, reddened folds. His caress was her undoing, and as she choked on her first scream of release, he smirked. Sasuke's slightly pained, but smug expression begged for attention. He decided that he had been idle long enough.
Watching as Sasuke licked his lips in response to his heated stare, Itachi smirked. Oh yes, now would be a good time to take over.
A/N: Well, that was part 1 of the lemon. I don't know when part 2 will be up, but hopefully, it won't disappoint.
I hope you liked this! Please review! :D