Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Prologue ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Transfer Minds... Transfer Bodies... Transfer Souls!
Forbidden Technique: Transportation of Ishikari!

"Because of you, I try my hardest just to forget everything. Because of you, I don't know how to let anyone else in! Because of you, I'm ashamed of my life because it's empty. Because of you... I am... afraid..." -Kelly Clarkson

My principle looked annoyed. Not that I cared... Being in the principle's office was normal for us. By us... I meant my friend and I. Yasmine Dalton was her name and she had serious problems. Only two weeks after we met, we always ended up in the principle's office together. My parents would be so disappointed if they knew what I was doing here in America.

Oh well... Summer Break's coming anyway...

As I was saying, my principle looked annoyed. She stared at us through her black framed glasses. She kinda reminded me of a stern librarian. She opened her mouth to speak. "Tell me again... how you two ended up here... this time, Yasmine Dalton and Mayu Ishikari."

"It's Yasume!" the girl sitting next to me responded. I glanced at her and grinned.

As far as anyone else was concerned, this 16-year-old girl was crazy. Her dull brown eyes held a look of annoyance as well. Her normally dark brown, mid-back length hair was now in disarray. Her arms had dried blood and bite marks on them, her shirt was tore. Her caramel-colored skin now was sporting bruises all over. Preps got some lucky shots in I see. Though my current appearance wasn't any better.

I had several bite marks of my own, a busted lip, and a bruised cheek. Not to mention a bruised pride. I can't believe that girl hit my lip! Then again, those girls were fighting like Neanderthals... They were extremely lucky that Yasmine and I held back.

"Right..." the principle said, massaging her temples. "So why were you fighting this time?"

"I didn't like what they were saying," Yasume muttered. "So I told them to go fuck themselves."

"Language, Yasmine!" the principle said.

"Mrs. Peterson, my name is Yasume," Yasume stated. Oh right, I guess I forgot to mention. Yasmine has Multiple Personality Disorder. Yasume is Yasmine's other half.

Everyone in the entire school believed that Yasmine was just faking, but they're ignorant. Yasmine is nice, kind, and fun to be around. Yasume, on the other hand, is loud, rude, proud, and... just plain crazy. And get this! Yasume only comes out when Yasmine is hit in the head two times, yet it takes three hits to the head to bring back Yasmine. Strange I know, but it's cool with me. Oh, and Yasmine is also Granny Theresa's adopted daughter. She had adopted her a year after I came to live with her. I think she just wanted someone else to torture besides me...

"Well, I'm going to call you by the name on your birth certificate," Mrs. Peterson said calmly. She was used to this also. "Mayu, could you please enlighten me on what happened?"

"She threw the first punch, I acted in self-defense," I answered. "She ran and got her buddies, I got Yasume. Simple as that."

"No it is not as simple as that, Miss Ishikari!" Mrs. Peterson said. "What you and Yasmine--"


"Did was unacceptable," she finished, throwing an annoyed look at Yasume. "I know that you two are very smart young girls, but the violence in school will not go unpunished. I'm going to have to suspend you two."

"I'm sorry to tell you this, but..." Yasume began; I knew exactly what she was getting at.

"Summer Break starts... tomorrow. After this, there's no school..." I finished. Mrs. Peterson blinked... then blinked again, she looked over at the wall, and then sighed loudly.

"You're right..." she muttered. "Well, I guess I can't do a thing to you... I'll just call your--"

"FOR THE LOVE OF GOD--DON'T!" Yasume yelled, startling our principle.

I can understand why she yelled like that. Granny wasn't exactly a saint. Any time we had gotten into trouble at school, she would always make us do laps around the block, and then she would take us to the Statue of Liberty and make us climb the stairs about ten times. Living in New York did have it's disadvantages... "Ma'am, there is really no reason to call Granny," I said, standing up from my chair. "How about you give us detention for the rest of the day?"

"Well... I guess," Mrs. Peterson said, and then sighed. "Since there's nothing else I can do..."

"Great! Let's go, Mayu!" Yasume cheered, also standing up.

"Thank you," I said, nodding my head; Mrs. Peterson just waved her hand at us.

"Yeah, yeah... just send the other girls in," she grumbled. "I'm seriously getting too old for this job..." Yasume and I quickly left her office and turned to the girls sitting outside. They were beaten pretty badly, all four of them. Seniors... think they're so high and mighty just because they're a year ahead of us.

"Mrs. Peterson will see you now," I told them.

"You crazy ass, bitches!" one of them cried, nursing a busted lip; the other three were just whimpering in pain.

"I wasn't the one who started it, Marsha..." I said, not even blinking at her insult. Marsha Thompson... I don't know why she was known as the popular girl of high school. Blond curls, bright smile, annoying laugh, thinks she can get away with anything just because she's pretty. To me, she was just another Kagome.

"But we sure as hell finished it!" Yasume proclaimed, sticking her middle finger up at the four of them.

Wanting to avoid another conflict, I quickly linked my arm with Yasume's and dragged her down the hall. "Yasume is a little too violent..." I thought as she got away and walked by my side.

"Hellz yeah! I've been itching to kick their asses!" she exclaimed, punching the air. "I guess Granny's training wasn't so bad after all!" I sighed loudly, and then stopped walking. "Hey, what's the matter with you?" Yasume asked, stopping her actions.


I had hit Yasume three times in the head. "Did you have to hit her that hard?" Yasmine asked, rubbing the spot where my fist had made contact.

"Yasume was getting annoying..." I muttered, and then continued down the hallway as if nothing happened. Yasmine skipped after me.

"So, Mayu, what are we doing for the summer?" she asked. "Is Theresa-san planning on making us get a job?" I turn my head to glance at her, and then focused on walking again.

"No, no... we're going to Japan for the summer," I told her. After my answer, the hall was completely silent. I think my friend has forgotten to breathe...

"WE'RE GOING WHERE?!" she shouted, clinging to my waist. I quickly pried her off me, so that I could breathe.

"My parents want me to spend the summer with them," I said. "As you already know, they live in Japan. They sent me two tickets, I got them yesterday in the mail. So you wanna come?"

"Are you kidding me?!" Yasmine asked, over dramatically if you ask me. "Ever since I spoke my first Japanese word, I've wanted to go!"

"It's just Japan..." I muttered in a bored tone.

"Well, of course you wouldn't feel the same as I!" Yasmine said, sighing; I just shook my head. "You've lived in Japan for most of your life, so you're not so excited." Most of my life, huh...? I wish I could say that with confidence...

"We pack as soon as we're done getting their blood off of us," I told Yasmine; she looked down at herself, and then nodded. "Granny is going to drop us off at nine."

"I'm going to Tokyo, Japan! Yeah! I wonder if I'll meet Kishimoto-san! I could die happy!" Yasmine exclaimed, doing a little twirl. "I wonder if you know how they live in Tokyo. If you see me then you mean it then you know you have to go! Fast and Furious!"

"Be quiet..."

"Ahh, come on, Mayu! Lighten up, summer's here!" Yasmine said. "You're always so gloomy and cold, and you never smile! You're like... Sesshomaru reincarnated!"

"I have no reason to smile..." I said, narrowing my eyes at my friend. "And neither do you."

Not wanting to see her reaction to my harsh words, I turned and walked away. Considering that her past is worst than mine, I shouldn't have said that. I heard her footsteps, she was following me. I know I most likely brought up unwanted memories for her, but she did the same to be. I don't want to remember. That's why I came here, to forget. That's why Yasmine stays with me... to forget. I felt her intertwine her fingers with mine; I squeezed her hand and muttered a 'sorry'.

We are alike, and that is why I'm friends with her. We help each other to forget. Because we do not want to remember. Yasmine reminds me of how I used to be... that's why I stay with her, hoping to get back how I was before... That has yet to happen, but I will still stay by her side. She needs me and I need her. I never want to leave her side, after all...

If it wasn't for Yasmine... I'd be dead.

"Have a safe trip," Granny Theresa said, waving. Yasmine waved back, and then followed me on to the ship; our bags had already been taken on the ship. For some strange reason, my father decided to send me to him by sea. I swear when I see him, he's getting hit. He knows I don't like being near water. Anything could happen when water is near... and I didn't want it to! But I couldn't do anything about it now; the ship was about to leave the harbor.

"Hey, Mayu, Mayu!" Yasmine's voice got my attention.

"Hm...?" I said, turning, only to be grabbed and dragged away.

"Let's go to the front!" she squealed. Well, it wasn't like I had a choice in the matter. When we reached the front, Yasmine let go of my hand and held on to the railing. "Wow, the water looks black!"

"What do you expect? It's night time," I muttered, looking down at the sea.

Even though the water was dark, I could still see my reflection. I touched my face as I gazed at my reflection, deep in thought. Wow, I never realized how much I've changed over the years. My eyes have become harder, my face looked... frozen. Even my light brown skin looked pale... Not even the blue highlights in my hair brought out the blue in my eyes. It was like I was dead. "Kami-sama... I have become Sesshomaru reincarnated," I muttered.

"You say something, Mayu?" Yasmine's voice startled me.

"Uh... no, I didn't say anything," I answered, dropping my hand and setting it on the cold railing.

"Mayu, tell me something," Yasmine whispered; I almost didn't hear her.


"Were you... always like this?" she asked.

"Did I always act this way...?" I asked myself; I paused before answering. "No, I used to be a care-free idiot. Kind, loving, and fun to be around. Now... I'm just Sesshomaru."


"Really, really..." I muttered. "This is not how I wanted to be."

"You're not Sesshomaru. If you were, I'd have a crush on you..." Yasmine said, patting my back in a comforting way; I rolled my eyes. "Besides... What do you call an Italian hooker?"

"What...?" I asked, looking at my friend like she was insane.

"A pasta-tute," Yasmine continued, staring at me with a serious expression on her face. We stared at each other for a long period of time. "You smiled..."

"Huh...?" I didn't know what else to say.

"You gave me a small smile!" Yasmine cheered, clapping her hands. "Mayu smiled, Mayu smiled! That proves you're not Sesshomaru!"

"Please stop," I told her, stopping her clapping by putting my hands over hers. "I haven't smiled in two years. There's no way I--"

"But you did! You still have your sense of humor!" Yasmine interrupted me, causing me to sigh. "I guess going back home is a good thing for you!"

"Perhaps..." I muttered, turning back to look at the sea. Maybe going back home will be good for me.

"Anyway, I can't wait to meet your parents! Especially your mother!" Yasmine squealed. "You think she'd let me spar with her?"

"Why do you and Yasume always wanna fight someone?" I questioned.

"Because..." Yasmine began, bowing her head, and then she looked up at the night sky. "I don't ever want to be weak again. If I do, I might develop another personality and kill someone else."

I put my arm around her shoulders and held her close to me. "You shouldn't think about that," I told her. "It's best just to forget the past."

"Thanks, Mayu!" Yasmine said, she turned and positioned herself to hug me. "I'm... glad I met you."

"Yeah, me too," I said, running my fingers through her dark brown hair. "Remember... try not to think about it."

I felt her nod, before I released her. I began walking away. "Where are you going?" Yasmine asked. I turned back slightly, and then frowned.

"I'm tired, so I'm going to our room," I told her as I continued to walk away. "Our room number is on the ticket, so try not to get lost."

"Hey, I'm coming too!" Yasmine exclaimed, her footsteps were coming closer and closer.

Suddenly, a sharp pain coursed through my body, causing me to fall to my knees. "Wh-What the heck?" I muttered, now feeling the pain in my head.

"Mayu, what's the matter with you?!" I heard Yasmine ask me, her voice was frantic. I didn't understand it at all! Why was his face flashing in my head?!

"No, no, no, no!" I screamed. "I don't want to remember!"

That stupid picture was in my head...! Why... why is it in my head now?! I've suppressed thoughts from that place for almost three years! Why are they showing up now? I don't understand!

"Are you okay?" Yasmine asked, helping me stand. I clutched my head, taking notice of the other passengers looking our way.

"I-I'm fine..." I muttered. "I'll just lay down for a while." Even though I said this... I wasn't fine. Unwanted memories are starting to haunt me again.

"I'll help you," Yasmine said. She's probably the only one I would allow to help me after what happened.

"I hope that remembering doesn't mean what I think it does..." I thought, frowning. "I pray that it doesn't happen!"

"Stop, that's enough!" he shouted, annoyed. The eighteen-year-old crossed his arms and frowned at his opponent.

"I can keep going!" a fifteen-year-old said, still in an attacking stance.

"Well, some people aren't as strong as your crazy self!" the male retorted.

"You're being unreasonable, Haku! I know you can go another round!"

"I'm tired of fighting you, okay!" Haku stated. "You're obviously stronger than me. Go fight Zabuza and leave me alone! You're are so annoying, Sasuke..."

"He already left this morning," Sasuke said. "And I only have two days left before Naruto and that old man meet me here." Over the years, plans changed with the journey. Sasuke had trained with Naruto and Jiraiya for almost a year and a half, but he left and started to train on his own. Naruto wasn't too happy with Sasuke leaving, luckily... the parting didn't involve a big ass fight like last time. Jiraiya didn't seem to mind Sasuke leaving, after all, he didn't trust him. In Jiraiya's mind, Sasuke was another Orochimaru.

Sasuke knew that Jiraiya felt that way, and realized that he wasn't being taught as much as Naruto was. In the end, that's why he left to train on his own, leaving a note to telling them: after everything was over to meet him in the Village Hidden in the Mist. Sasuke was fortunate enough to be trained under many ninja as well as samurai. He had learned many different things on his journey. Sasuke had came to this village two weeks ago, and in those two weeks, he had trained and spared with both Zabuza and Haku. He had been lucky to catch Zabuza in the village; Zabuza liked to travel a lot. Oh yeah, it should be said...

Thanks to Mayu's interference with the original storyline, both Haku and Zabuza survived the battle on the bridge. In fact, here's a flashback of what happened after Mayu left Sakura's body!

"I'm sorry... I didn't know you cared," Mayu whispered.

"I don't... idiot," Sasuke said.

"Whatever... bird brain," Mayu muttered, and then her eyes closed.

"M-Mayu...! S-Stop playing around!" Sasuke shouted. "Open your eyes!"

Because of his shouting, several heads turned in his direction; Naruto woke and looked over as well. Suddenly, Mayu/Sakura's chest stopped moving completely, causing Sasuke's eyes to widen. "Sasuke...! What happened to Sakura-chan?!" Sasuke hadn't even noticed that Naruto was right next to him.

"You... bastard!" Sasuke muttered as he stood with Sakura's body in his arms. "I... I won't let you live!"

"S-Sasuke! She's not dead... is she?" Naruto asked.

He didn't answer, instead he handed Sakura's body to Naruto. "I'll take care of him," Sasuke proclaimed. "I'll make him pay for what he did to her!"

"Mmm... this is interesting. His chakra level has increased," Haku thought. "I see... so she was your precious person?" he said out loud. Without a word, Sasuke ran towards Haku with extreme speed, his Sharingan was activated. Haku didn't have his jutsu out anymore, so he couldn't dodge Sasuke's rapid punches; Haku tried attacking, but in Sasuke's eyes, Haku was just too slow.

A kick to the face sent Haku flying across the bridge. A flying fifteen-year-old caught Kakashi as well as Zabuza off guard, so they both jumped out of the way. Haku crashed into the bridge builder. Kakashi stared at his student in amazement as he rushed by him to finish his assault on Haku. "What has happened to him?" he thought, eyes wide in shock. "It's like he's received a power boost!" That's when his eyes landed on Naruto; his eyes widen even more. "S-Sakura...?"

He watched as Naruto sat Sakura's body on the ground, and then dashed over to the two. Naruto was still staring at Sakura's body in total shock. "T-This wasn't supposed t-t-to happen..." he muttered. "Sakura-chan wasn't supposed to..." Kakashi quickly glanced at Sakura's body and frown. He kneeled down, and then flicked her nose.

"OW! What the--hey!" the girl suddenly sat up. "W-Why does my body hurt?!"

"SAKURA-CHAN! YOU'RE ALRIGHT!" Naruto shouted at the top of his lungs. Meanwhile, Sasuke had heard his teammate's shout and stopped mid-punch, his grip on Haku clothes loosened a little. He turned his head a little to see Sakura punching Naruto in the head for shouting.

"She's okay..." Sasuke muttered.

"Of course... she is," Haku panted. Sasuke turned back to Haku and glared. "I did not wish to kill her. I only wished to stop her from using my ability."

Sasuke's face returned to normal, and then he dropped Haku to the ground. "Your death would be pointless..." he muttered, and then ran over to his team.

"My death would be pointless...?" Haku muttered as he sat up, frowning; his mask had already been broken by Sasuke's fist. He watched as Sasuke wrapped his arms around Sakura, the girl looked confused, and then she said something Haku couldn't hear. Sasuke pulled back and said something with a confused look; Sakura responded with a confused look of her own. What could they be talking about? "Pointless...?"

"Haku..." a deep voice caused the young boy to jump slightly.

"Zabuza-san!" Haku exclaimed. "I'm sorry... I've failed you..."

"I'm disappointed in you, Zabuza," a voice made everyone's head to turn to see Gatou and all of his men. The fog had let up, so everyone could see.

"Gatou, why are you here?" Zabuza asked, turning to face the man. Blood ran down his arms from his fight with Kakashi. "And what's with all these men?"

"Sorry, Zabuza, but... I'm going to have to kill you and that brat of yours," Gatou said.

"What?" Zabuza couldn't believe what he had just heard; he narrowed his eyes. "Then that means... I have no reason to go after Tazuna."

"I guess it will be easier to kill you now that you're injured quite a bit!" Gatou said, and then pointed his cane. "Get 'em boys!" Zabuza growled when Gatou's men began charging.

He picked up his zanbato, and then charged at the men. Some of them stopped in fear, but were quickly sliced in half by Zabuza's deadly weapon. He moved towards Gatou, slashing through anyone who dared get in his way, but unlike in the original plot, he was injured only a little bit. Zabuza never lost his nerves in his arms in his fight with Kakashi, so he moved through the henchmen like a bowling ball through pins. He punch, kicked, slashed, and head-butted his way through, never slowing down his speed. When Zabuza finally reached Gatou, who had back up to the edge of the bridge, he cut at Gatou, causing him to fall over the edge. Zabuza slowly turned, and then began walking back towards Haku; the rest of Gatou's men made a way for him because they were still afraid.

Team 7 watched Zabuza's actions intently. "Haku," he began, narrowing his eyes.

"Yes, Zabuza-san?" Haku asked, looking up.

"Live your life according to you."

Haku's eyes widen at his companion's words. "What?!" he asked. "B-But my life belongs to you! My purpose is to serve you!"

Zabuza sighed, and then closed his eyes. "No, that is not your purpose," he said. "Do not be a tool to me or to anyone. I will try to the same." He then opened his eyes to see Haku giving him a confused look. "It is best if we go our separate ways, but I will visit... I promise you," Zabuza said, and then disappeared in a swirl of water.

"Zabuza-san...!" Haku exclaimed, tears fell from his eyes. "Is this really what you want from me?"

Well, there you have it! The reason why both Haku and Zabuza are still alive. Because of Mayu, they never got the chance to die. Now, back to the conversation between Haku and Sasuke!

"Then can we at least take a break?!" Haku asked. "I haven't even eaten yet!"

"That's probably why you seem so weak, or you were just holding back," Sasuke said, walking over to a tree. He was a little annoyed that his spared had ended so soon.

He had gotten so much stronger than he was two and a half years, so it was only naturally that he wanted to fight someone that he knew was strong. Sasuke sighed softly, and then glared at Haku, who glared right back. "I suppose you have to wait for Naruto-kun to return," he called to Sasuke.

"No, I'm going to wait for you to eat, and then we'll resume our fight!" Sasuke called back. Over the time that Sasuke had been in the village, he had developed same relationship he had with Naruto, except he could talk more openly with Haku. They were rivals, yet friends. "I don't want to have to wait two days, anyway..." Sasuke continued, picking up his water jug; he then started drinking.

"Hey, Sasuke... I have a questioned," Haku said, walking over to the younger male. Sasuke only grunted lightly, since he was still drinking his water. "Who is Mayu?" This questioned surprised Sasuke so much that he spit out all the water in his mouth... right in Haku's face! "Yeah... thanks for that, Sasuke..." he grumbled, wiping the water, and most likely spit, from his face. Sasuke started coughing, because water had went down the wrong pipe. When he finally cleared his throat, Sasuke looked at Haku in shock.

"H-How do you know t-that name?" he questioned.

"I heard you say it in your sleep last night," Haku answered. "Is she a precious person you've come across on your journey?"

"... You can say that," Sasuke answered. "What else did you hear?"

"Not much..." Haku lied. In truth, he knew that this Mayu person was someone who Uchiha Sasuke thought about constantly. "He must love this Mayu..." he thought.

"She's going to be my wife," Sasuke suddenly mentioned, causing Haku to choke on his own spit. He was not prepared for that straight forward comment. Haku usually had to keep bugging Sasuke to get him to talk about anything! "But I have to find her first," Sasuke continued as if Haku hadn't been choking to death.

"Find her...?"

"Yeah... She's pain in the ass, running away like that!" Sasuke said, frowning. "I said I'd come back, and yet she still left..."

"I'm a bit confused," Haku muttered, making Sasuke glanced at him, and then glared at the ground.

"I messed up bad, and because of that... she left," he said.

"Um... it sounds as if this Mayu girl will be angry with you when you two meet again," Haku said.

"You have no idea," Sasuke muttered, sitting down on the grass. "You've met her before, though."


"Yeah, the first time we fought each other," Sasuke answered.

"I don't remember a Mayu..." Haku said, looking up at the sky.

"That's because every called her Sakura."

"Ahh...! The crazy, yet amusing one?" Haku said. "She was truly a character. Quite sarcastic... even in times of danger."

"Yeah, that's definitely Mayu..."

"Never thought you would fall for that type of girl."

"Neither did I."

"So... do you have any idea where she is?" Haku asked.

"Well, I'm only guessing, but she might be in Konoha," Sasuke answered. "I haven't been there in a long time..."

"Mmm, I hope you succeed in finding her," Haku said. "Everyone should have a precious person." Sasuke merely shrugged. "What do you want for lunch?"

"Don't care, just hurry so we can't get back to sparing," was his answer.

"You're very selfish, Sasuke..."

"THIS IS SO AWESOME!" Yasume yelled out as soon as her and Mayu got off the boat, causing the people of Japan to stare at the American teen. Yasmine had gotten hit by Mayu twice during the trip, so now she was Yasume.

"Would you please stop?" Mayu asked, flatly. "You're drawing attention to us!"

"So...?! Let 'em stare!" Yasume exclaimed, posing as if she was in front of a camera. Mayu sighed and shook her head at her friends actions.

"She really does have problems..." she thought, a small smile tugging at her lips.

"Hey, was that I smile I just saw?!" Yasume asked, getting real close to Mayu's face; Mayu just blinked.


"Yes it was! You smiled!" Yasume exclaimed, nodding her head rapidly. "I swear... ever since yesterday, you've been smiling!"

"I have not!"

In truth, Mayu has been smiling, however small they were, they were still smiles. You see, she had just gotten back a lot of memories. A part of Mayu was glad to get those memories back, but another part of her was angry. If those memories were correct, then her parents had a lot of explaining to do. "Mayu, Mayu-chan, over here!" a familiar voice called, causing both Mayu and Yasume to look. Well, speak of the devils, there her parents were... waving at her. Mayu grabbed her bags, and then began to walk over to the couple; Yasume followed close behind.

"Is that your mom and dad?" she asked.

"Sure," Mayu answered, causing Yasume to look at her strangely. That's when the smirk appeared on her face, and then she dropped her bags. "What the hell are you about to do?" Mayu asked. She had remembered the last time she saw that look on Yasume's face. Let's just say someone ended up in the hospital...

"PREPARE YOURSELF, ISHIKARI SHEENA!" Yasume declared, right before charging at Mayu's mother.

"What the hell...?" Sheena muttered as she watched Yasume throw a punch. She dodged Yasume's punch, and then blocked her kick. Sheena then grabbed Yasume's other leg, and then threw her to the ground. "Who the hell are you?!" Yasume quickly got on her feet and bowed politely.

"Forgive me, Ishikari-san. I was only testing to see if you were as good as Mayu told me," Yasume said, smiling lightly. "And you pass with flying colors."

"Ahh! You must be Yasmine, no, Yasume, right?" Ishikari Sheena asked.

"Yes, that's correct!" Yasume said. "I'm Yasume!"

"Yes, yes! Mayu-chan has told us a lot about you," Ishikari Chinoutori made himself known. "And don't worry, we're just fine with your split personality!"

"Good, cuz I'm the other half!" Yasume said, glaring at Mayu's father.

"Scary females... I'm surrounded!" he thought, smiling nervously.

Speaking of scary females, Sheena had turned her attention to her daughter. "Mayu, it's good to have you back!" she said. She went to hug her daughter, but stopped when she saw something attached to Mayu's back. "What's that?" she asked.

"Oh, I learned how to play guitar in America. I'm not that good yet, but I can copy some music," Mayu answered, turning slightly so that her parents see. "Now that I have your attention... I have something to say."

"What is it?" Chinoutori asked.

"Who are you?" Mayu asked, causing her parents' eyes to widen. "Why did you take care of me for five years? And more importantly... why do you have my surname?"