Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"Big shit poppin' and little shit stoppin..." -T.I./T.I.P.

"I'm starting to get really annoyed!" I thought, staring at the ceiling. It feels like I've been here for four fucking hours! I was now in the living room of the Ishikari family. As soon as we got here, all three Ishikaris went up the stairs. You'd think they would be overjoyed seeing each other again. But that car ride--I mean, it was so much tension! After Mayu had asked those weird ass questions, her father whispered something in her ear.

She looked at both her parents in surprise, and then she nodded her head. We all got in the car, silence was the only thing I could hear. When we got to their house, Mayu tells me to wait in the living room, and then follows her parents upstairs. And that was hours ago!

Yasmine: Actually, it has only been about twenty minutes...

I'm going to ignore you, Yasmine, so stop talking!

Anyway, I was really starting to get bored down here all by myself. "Fuck being ignorant!" I thought, standing. Imagining the Mission Impossible theme in my head, I stealthily climbed the stairs.

Yasmine: Dumb... I'm stuck with a dumb person.

Shut up, I said!

I noticed that there were three doors on this floor. I peered inside one of them and saw that it was a bedroom. Wasn't really interesting... Beside, it wasn't Mayu's room. She told me that she loved anime, so I'm assuming her room is filled with posters. I walked to the door on the opposite wall and pressed my ear against it.

"... sorry we couldn't tell you sooner, Mayu-chan," that sounded like Mayu's dad.

"Yes, you were far too young to know the truth," another voice said; I could tell it was Ishikari Sheena talking.

"How come you didn't tell me when I came here the second time?" Mayu's voice asked.

"The second time...?" I thought, confused. Mayu has only left Japan once, right? I wonder what she meant...

"Like we said before, you were too young," Mayu's dad answered. "We didn't want you to hate us!"

"That's understandable..." Mayu said. "Without my memories and the mind of a thirteen-year-old, I most likely would have despised you for lying. But... that is not the case."

"Really...?" Chinoutori asked. "You really don't mind?"

"No, in fact... I'm grateful that you have taken care of me when I had no one," Mayu answered. "My real mother would be very happy for the way I've turned out. Thank you for raising me as your own." What?! If I'm hearing correctly, that means Mayu's adopted!

Holy shit...! How can she remain so calm about it?! I would be yelling my head off by now!

Yasmine: That's the difference between you and Mayu.

Didn't I tell you to be quiet?!

Yasmine: You're not the boss of me!

You little brat...! Just shut up!

Yasmine: I don't have to listen to you!

If you don't shut up right now... I'll fucking annoy you while you're in control...

Yasmine: I'll be good...

That's a good girl!

Now, as I was saying... I suppose I should have realized earlier. I was expecting for Mayu's dad to have blue eyes, but he doesn't. Mayu must get her eyes from one of her real parents. After all, blue eyes aren't very common for Asians or African Americans. I wonder if Mayu will try to find her real parents now that she's knows she's adopted. "Mayu really is like Sesshomaru... not showing emotions and all!" I thought, frowning.

"... I must leave," Mayu's voice caught my attention.

"But you just got here!" Mayu's dad exclaimed.

"I'm very sorry, but I can't stay here..." Mayu said. "Now that I have all my memories, I realize that I don't belong here... therefore I can not stay." What the hell is that supposed to mean?

"She's not gonna leave me, is she?!" I thought. But she can't! I need her!

"Because I have my memories, that means that my mother's jutsu is about to wear off completely," Mayu continued. "I must leave now!"

"Her mother's jutsu...?" I thought. "What the hell?!"

"We... we understand," I heard Mayu's dad mutter.

"Please don't cry, momz!" Mayu said. "I promise... I won't ever forget what you two have done for me!"

"... Mayu," a whimper was heard. "Uh... W-What about your friend?"

"Oh, you mean her... Hopefully, she will understand the situation," Mayu answered, causing my eyes to widen. She's... she's planning on leaving me... isn't she? "I'm going to do it right now. Good bye, mom... dad..." I heard footsteps, and they sound like they were getting close to the door! I hurriedly pulled away and made a mad dash to the top of the stairs.

I was going to pretend I was just coming up the stairs, so it will look as if I didn't hear anything. "Yasume...! What are you doing up here?" Mayu's voice questioned.

"Um... I wanted to know what was taking so long!" I answered quickly. "I'm getting bored all by myself!" Mayu nodded, and then sighed.

"Get your things and come with me," she said as she walked right passed me. I suddenly felt sad at her words.

"As I thought... she's sending me back to America," I thought, and then followed Mayu down the stairs.

Mayu and I were now standing in her backyard. I found it fucking annoying that Mayu wasn't speaking. She was pacing back and forth, looking deep in thought. She had been doing this for the past four minutes and I was beginning to get pissed her at actions! I wish she would just send me away instead of just walking around! "Oi, Mayu! Why did you bring me out here? And why did you ask me to get my things?" I finally asked, although I already knew the reason.

Mayu stopped her pacing, and then looked over to me with this worried expression. Not exactly Mayu type behavior, but I wasn't about to question it. "Okay, fine...!" I heard her mutter. "I hate beating around the bush anyway!"

"Finally...!" I thought as Mayu walked over to me; she put her hands on my shoulders and breathed deeply.

"What I'm about to tell you will sound crazy, but I assure you it's true," she said, looking serious. I don't think being adopted would be under the categorized as crazy, but I only nodded. "Okay... Everything you know about Naruto is real."

Wow, I never thought I'd see the day when Mayu went crazy...! I gave her a look that said I didn't believe what she was saying. Mayu frowned at the look on my face. "It's true! All true!" she exclaimed.

"And they call me crazy..." I muttered pushing her away. I mean, come on! I may be a big fan of anime, but saying that it's real?! I'm not a fucking little kid anymore!

"I'm serious, Yasume!" Mayu said, crossing her arms. "And my real home is there. To get back, I must release my real mom's jutsu."

"Mmm hmm..." I said, not believing a word coming from my friends mouth. "I guess next you'll tell me that you had a clan, but they were slaughtered."

"Hey, that's exactly right!" Mayu exclaimed, causing me to roll my eyes. What ever happened to the calm, cold, and non-speaking Mayu?

Yasmine: My guess is that she's having a temporary moment of insanity...

I grabbed Mayu by the shoulders and shook her a few times. "Get a hold of yourself, girl!" I told her. "Being adopted isn't all that bad. I mean, I should know!"

"Adopted...?" Mayu said, and then she pushed me away. "You idiot! I'm not adopted! This just isn't my real home!"

"Right..." I mumbled, rolling my eyes again. The last time I checked not being at your real home means you're adopted.

"Fine, whatever, don't believe me! That's not why I'm telling you anyway!" Mayu said.


"Yes... I want ask you something... Both of you," she continued. There was a pause, and then she continued in a whisper. "Would you... follow me anywhere?"

Well, I don't that was a pretty dumb question. Even though Mayu and I have only known each other for about a year and a half, we were very close. The thought of us separating is... scary for me, especially Yasmine. "Yeah, so?" I answered.

Yasmine: I would never abandon Mayu!

"Why?" Mayu asked.

"What do you mean why?" I asked. "Because you're my friend."

Mayu only shook her head at my statement. "I had friends before... They turned their backs on me just because I had a personality change," she said, closing her eyes. "What they did really hurt me. When I needed them the most, they just left."

"Is there a point to this story? Are you trying to fucking imply that I would do something like that?!" I asked. "After all we've been through?!" Mayu grinned at me, although it was very weird of her to do that... it was still nice.

"If that's how you feel, then there's no point in answering my question," she said. "You are my true friend and I want you with me. I don't want to leave you behind."

I didn't know the heck she meant by that, so I just shrugged. "Fine, take me with you," I said.

"Great! I'm glad you want to come with me!" Mayu said, smiling. Weird as hell, but like Yasmine said: she's having a temporary moment of insanity. "Get behind me put your hands on my shoulders."

"What?!" I asked. "What for?"

"Just do it!" Mayu said. "We're leaving now!"

"Now?!" I asked. Mayu sighed, and then grabbed my arm and forced me behind her. "What the hell are you doing?!"

"Just hang on to me," Mayu instructed. I shrugged again before placing my hands on her shoulders, it was kinda hard to do because she still had that guitar strapped to her back.

"Might as well play along with her weird little fantasy," I thought, rolling my eyes. I noticed that she was doing something with her hands, very fast movements.

"My chakra level should have increased during the past few years," I heard Mayu say.

Oh, she thought she was a ninja! Okay, okay... that's why she was talking about Naruto! Never did I think Mayu would start acting like a ninja. Whenever Yasmine or I said anything about Naruto or anything having to do with Naruto, Mayu would give us this really angry glare. Instead of having a shiver, like her normal glares give me, that certain glare gave me this hot feeling... like I was surrounded by lava! Didn't like that feeling at all, so Naruto was never mentioned in her presence. And going all ninja on me causes me to believe that Mayu has lost her mind.

"Libere la Técnica: ¡Suelte Ishikari Jutsu!" Mayu exclaimed. Okay... now she's speaking in tongues!

Yasmine: Uh... that's Spanish... Mayu's speaking Spanish.

Shut up! I knew that! I just can't understand her!

My question is why was she speaking it? And it sounded as if her surname was in it as well. Suddenly, a very bright light filled my vision; it caused my head to start hurting. I closed my eyes, but not that did not stop the pain in my head.

"What the fuck?!" I shouted. That's when I blacked out completely.

"Hey, hey, come on! Wake up, already!" an annoyed voice made me groan. Let me sleep! My brain feels like its slamming against my skull! Suddenly, I feel like someone is lightly tapping my cheek. "Wake up! Please wake up!" I let out another grunt before I slowly opened my eyes, trying to adjust to the light. When my eyes finally adjusted, I saw blue eyes staring back at me.

"M-Mayu...?" I said uncertain. This person's eyes weren't at all like Mayu's. Yes, there were blue like Mayu's eyes, but... they were, I don't really know, more excited... less dull.

"Finally, I thought you'd never wake up!" the person said. I sat up in surprise.

"Mayu...!" I exclaimed, staring at her, and then I looked around and noticed that we were in a... forest? "Where are we?"

"Um... I'm not really sure," Mayu answered, sounding quite nervous. I've never heard her speak with nervousness before... "But I'm pretty sure we're already in Konoha."

"What...? Konoha? What the fuck are you talking about, Mayu?" I questioned.

"Before I answer your questions, I want to know..." Mayu began. "Will you leave me because of the change in my personality, Yasume?"

"No fucking way!" I answered without hesitation. "I would never leave you! Not even if you turn into Yasmine on me."

Yasmine: Hey! What's wrong with acting like me?! I'm perfectly fine!

Mayu giggled lightly, causing me to smile a little. It really was nice seeing Mayu's like this. "That's good to know," she said, helping me stand. Mayu looked around, and then turned her attention back to me. "You can ask your questions now. I'll answer them to the best of my ability."

"Where's my stuff?" I asked.

"Uh... well, the release thing didn't work out as well as I thought it would," Mayu said. "Our things weren't transfered with us..."

"But you got your fucking guitar!" I pointed out.

"I suppose that because it was on me, it was transfered with me... like you were..." Mayu answered.

"So I'm just a thing?!" I asked, suddenly angered.

"O-Of course not!" Mayu said, holding her hands up in defense. "Calm down! I didn't want to leave you, so in my haste to leave quickly... I guess I did the release wrong... But then again, I'm not a master of that forbidden jutsu or the release."

"That's a lame ass excuse!"

"Don't hate me! And besides... I'm weak from losing so much chakra do that release!" Mayu said.

"What does fucking chakra have to do with anything?!"


That doesn't even matter. I can always get new things. "That's fine, just don't be dramatical about it!" I said.

"Dramatical doesn't sound like a word..." Mayu muttered.

"Whatever... just tell me what the hell is going on!" I demanded to know. "I hate being ignorant!"

"Yes, yes... I know," Mayu said, and then began walking. "Come on, I'll explain while we walk."

"Walk...? Do we have to?!" I questioned, frowning slightly.

"Yes, we do!" Mayu said. "Now start walking!" I sighed loudly, and then followed behind her with my arms crossed.

"So... Ishikari Mayu, start talking..." I said.

"Well, I guess I can start off by saying that my real home is in Konoha," Mayu began. "I did have a clan, but they were all killed. During the attack, my mother sent me somewhere else to avoid being killed. I was only nine at the time." I watched Mayu's face as she said this; her face was calm like always, but her eyes showed everything.

Sadness... It's no wonder. If what Mayu says is true and she did just get those kinda memories. It would most definitely suck to remember your family getting killed. She must know what Sasuke feels like. "Why was your clan killed?" I asked. "And do you have the urge to have revenge?"

"Well, last time I was here, Kakashi-san told me that no one knew why..." Mayu began. "I still don't know. I thought everything was fine... Guess it wasn't after all."

"And do you have the urge to get revenge?"

"Revenge is for the weak-minded! Whoever feels the need to have revenge are idiots, morons, and fuckers!"

Okay... I guess she doesn't know what Sasuke feels like...

"So did your clan have an advanced bloodline?" I asked.

"Nope! My clan weren't even considered as ninja," Mayu said, grinning. "But we did have some pretty cool techniques!"

"Like what?"

"Well, not everyone had them, but my mother was a master at the techniques," Mayu answered. "... I think my uncle was a master at the techniques, too..."

"I asked you what the techniques were, not who were masters at it!" I stated. "What were the techniques?!"

"Now... that's a secret," Mayu said, winking at me.

"Okay, Xelloss..." I muttered, sarcastically.

"Well, I just don't wanna talk about it..."

"Um... so... What's Kakashi like?" I asked, trying to change the subject.

"He's such an open pervert!" Mayu said. "One time... he even tried reading his book to me!"

"What?!" I asked in disbelief.
"Yes! And I was only thirteen!" Mayu said, rolling her eyes. "But he's pretty cool."

"Oh, did you meet Gaara or Lee-kun?" I asked, excited.

I love Gaara and Lee-kun! They are so fucking awesome! Out of the two, I like Lee-kun better. "I didn't really get introduced to Lee, but I was Gaara-kun's friend!" Mayu said, smiling. "You remember the chunin exams when he transformed, right?" I nodded my head to answer her question. "Well, with just a few words, I got him to transform back to his cute little Panda-chan self!"

"No fucking way...!" I said in disbelief.

"Yes! I was pretty shocked myself when his arm and face reverted back to normal," Mayu said, grinning. "Kudos to me!" Oh, I thought she meant when Gaara fully transform into Shukaku.

Yasmine: I want to see Lee-kun!

"I want to see Lee-kun!" I said, agreeing with my other half.

"Well, it's not like I knew Lee personally..." Mayu muttered. "And anyway... we need to find town, and we might have to talk to the Hokage."

"If this is a dream, I don't ever wanna wake up!" I declared. "Meeting Lee-kun as well as Tsunade is like a dream come true!"

"Calm down, Yasume!" Mayu said. "It's not that serious!"

"Well, since you've already been here, I won't expect you to be as excited as I am!" I said. "Being here is a dream come true to any Naruto fan."

"Yeah, yeah..."

"KONOHA SENPUU!" a shout rang in my ears. I gasped as realization dawned on me. There's only one person that would shout that out!

"Uh... calm down, Yasume. Now is not the time to go all fan girl on me," Mayu told me as she grabbed my shoulder.

"Are you crazy?!" I yelled. "That was fucking Lee-kun!" I hurriedly released myself from Mayu's grip and ran off in a random direction that I thought I heard Lee-kun's attack.

"Hey, wait a minute!" I heard Mayu call to me, but it was too late. I was already too far to turn back now. I could actually hear the sounds of battle, and they sounded close! Yay! I get to see Lee-kun! Suddenly, it feels like I'm running on air--I didn't feel the ground under me! I looked around and saw that I had ran right off a cliff! Now I was falling to my death!

I would have screamed, but the feeling of being grabbed startled me. I was still falling though! The tops of the trees were closing in pretty fast. So I die before I get the chance to meet Lee-kun...? THIS IS NOT FUCKING RIGHT! So unfair! I shut my eyes and waited for the dreaded impact... only it never came... "Well, that's weird," I thought, opening my eyes.

I noticed that I wasn't even on the ground. It felt as if I was being carried, too! I looked up and my savior and saw an annoyed looking Mayu. "What the hell was that?!" she asked, her eyebrow was twitching. Anime is so cool...! "Didn't anyone teach you to watch where you're running?"

"Uh... whoops...?" I said.

Suddenly, Mayu dropped me and my back hit the tree branch she was standing on. Wait a minute...! How in the heck did she land perfectly?! I didn't even hear a grunt or anything when she landed! I glared up at her. Don't tell me Mayu knows how to use chakra! "Uh... whoops...?" Mayu was mocking me, but I decided to ignore that for now.

"You landed so perfectly," I stated. "How?"

"Well, I've been here before. Sharing a body with Hinata-chan did have its advantages," Mayu said. Did she just say she shared a body with Hinata? You know what? I'm not going to even respond to that. I hate being ignorant, but I hate being confused even more! "Anyway, you wanted to see him... there he is." I looked over to where Mayu was pointing; my eyes lit up with in excitement.

"Lee-kun...!" I muttered, standing up. There he was, fighting with Neji Hyuga. I saw that Tenten was sparing with Gai, but my attention was focused on Lee-kun's fight. "His taijutsu is amazing! I think I'm in love!" I think they were about a few yards away from where we were. I heard Mayu sigh, and then grumble something about 'the green beast and the rapid fan girl unite'. I'm going to ignore that, too. "He's probably my age now!"

"Uh... have you forgotten his crush on Sakura?" I heard Mayu ask.

"Puh-leaze! As soon as I lay one on him, he's little crush for that pink-haired wench will surely disappear!" I proclaimed, I held up my fist in determination. "Lee-kun will like me, not her!" I really didn't like Sakura at all. I didn't care how strong they made her in the second part, I still didn't like her her ass!

"I'm sure Lee will fall madly in love with you!" Mayu's voice was laced with sarcasm. This new Mayu is about to get punched!

"He will! And you know what?" I asked, watching Lee intently; he and Neji were now taking a break.


"I'm going to lay one on him right now!" I exclaimed as I jumped right out of the tree.

"Wha...?!" I could tell she was a little shocked that I jumped out of the tree. I landed on the ground soundlessly on all fours.

"Wow, taking those weights off made me lighter," I thought, examining my legs.

"Are you insane?!" Mayu shouted, landing right beside me on her feet. She thinks she so cool just because she can land on her feet! "You could have been hurt!"

"Yeah, I guess that was a risk," I said, standing up. "Luckily, I took those weights off!"

"You took off the weights?!"

"Yeah, as soon as you went to bed on the ship," I said. "Don't tell me you never took those things off..."

"Of course not! Unlike some people--" I glared at her. "--I want to be fast!"

"Whatever...!" I muttered, rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes at me!"

"Just did! What cha gonna do about it?!"

"You little twit!"

Heh... It was pretty fun arguing with Mayu. When I used to argue with her, she didn't argue back. When I said something she didn't like, she would just hit me three times. Man, I hate when she does that. Well, I hope she stays this way!

"Whatever..." I said.

"Hey, you two...!" a voice made the both of us turn. "Who are you?"

My eyes widen when I realized who it was. "Hyuga Neji..." Mayu said; I noticed that she grinned. "And--"

Yasmine: LEE-KUN!
"Lee-kun!" I squealed, running over to him. At least I would have if Neji hadn't gotten in my way. "What the hell?! Get the fuck out of my way!"

"No..." Neji replied, causing me to glare at him. "What do you want? Are you foreigners? What strange clothes are those?"

"You ask way too many goddamn questions!" I exploded. "Now outta my way, girlie man!"

"Girlie man...?" Neji repeated.

"Oh, Kami-sama... why do I get the feeling this will end badly?" I heard Mayu ask herself.

"How could you possibly think of me as a girlie man?" Neji directed his question at me.

"Dude, you're wearing a fucking skirt and some pants..." I stated as I gazed at his attire. "That makes you... a girlie man!"

"How dare you?! This is not a skirt! These are traditional Hyuga robes!" Neji said, pointing to his clothes.

I could tell he was getting quite angry with me. His Byakugan eyes were activated after all. Perhaps, Neji is a little angry that I'm making fun of the Hyuga ways? Oh yeah, I forgot he got all different after his fight with Naruto. But I won't let that scare me! "What? You wanna start something?" I asked, cracking my knuckles, and then I smirked. "Bring it on, girlie man!" I don't care if he is a fucking genius! I'll still kick his ass!

Yasmine: I don't think that's wise...

That's because you're too soft!

Yasmine: But he's really strong...

He's blocking our way to Lee-kun! That deserves punishment!

"Um... Yasume, you're taking this a little too far..." Mayu told me, putting a hand on my shoulder; I only shrugged her off.

"Well, tell him to step aside!"

"I don't know Neji like that!" Mayu hissed. "Just calm down!"

"Well, who do you know?!" I questioned, glancing back at her.


"That's enough!" Neji's voice interrupted. "Now tell us why you were watching us! What village are you from?"

"I don't have to tell you shi--"


Damn it, Mayu!
Yasmine's POV

Finally, I was waiting for Mayu to hit her. She's such a nuisance sometimes! I quickly gave Neji a small bow. "I'm very sorry, Neji-san!" I said. "I don't know what came over me. I'm not usually so rude." I saw that Neji had deactivated his Byakugan, and then give me a small nod. I'm surprised he's so forgiving.

Other guys would have attacked. That's the problem with having an alter ego, especially one as brash as Yasume.

Yasume: I heard that!

"It's fine..." Neji said. "Just tell us what we want to know. And how do you know my name?"

"Oh, come on, Hyuga! Don't tell me you forgot about me!" Mayu said, stepping forward.

"You know this girl, Neji?" Lee-kun asked his teammate.

"Lee-kun...! How I adore him!" I thought, trying to stop the squeal that was threatening to come out.

"I have never seen you before," Neji told Mayu. "And I can assure you, I wouldn't forget a face such as yours..." Was he flirting?! "Your skin is darker than any person's I have come across, both of you." Oh, I guess he wasn't flirting...

"Yes, I admit I look different. After all, it's been almost three years since we had a conversation," Mayu said.

"Enough...! Tell me who you are," Neji said, looking at both Mayu and I.

"Ishikari Mayu," Mayu said. Surprise showed on Neji's face for a moment. "This is what I really look like. Last time you saw me, I looked like your cousin, Hinata."

"I remember, Ishikari-san. You were quite... amusing," Neji said, nodding.

"Hey, I thought you said you didn't know Neji-san!" I said; Mayu looked back and me and grinned.

"I meant we didn't know each other well!" she said, and then turned back to Neji and Lee-kun. "If it's not too much trouble, could you possible take us to the Hokage?" she asked.

Neji nodded his head. "Hinata-sama will be glad to see you again," he said, and then turned to Lee-kun. "Go back and tell the others I'll be back later. It's fine, I know this one. She's not a threat."

"Hai!" Lee said, and then jumped away.

"I didn't even get to hug him!" I thought, sadly as I watched my idol disappear into the trees. How cool would it be to hug Rock friggin' Lee?! "I would be in heaven!"

"Ishikari-san, who is your friend?" Neji's voice brought me back to reality. A reality without Lee-kun...

"Oh, her name is Yasmine Dalton," Mayu answered, grabbing my arm and pulling me forward, so now I was by her side. "She's cool, so no worries."

"Is she like you?" Neji questioned, looking me up and down. The way he was staring made me nervous as heck! Seriously, shivers were going through my body and I'm pretty sure my hair was standing on end.

"Unfortunately... no... She has never received ninja training," Mayu answered. "So she doesn't know how to control her chakra at all." Neji activated his Byakugan eyes again, causing me to back up in surprise.

"She's has as much chakra as an average ninja," he said.

"Well, yeah! She may not know how to control it, but she's had a lot of training," Mayu said. "Her taijutsu is top notch." Neji turned off his creepy eyes, and then turned to Mayu.

"You're wrong..." he said to her. "I can tell... she has had experience with controlling her chakra."

"What?!" both Mayu and I shouted in unison. Mayu gave me a questioning look. "I have no idea what he's talking about! I didn't have any training until I met Granny Theresa!"

"Yeah, that's what I thought," Mayu muttered.

"Neji-san, you must be mistaking," I said, turning to him again. "I barely know what chakra is!"

"Mmm..." was his response.

"Seriously, I thought chakra is basically like chi but much lamer," I began, "It can only be used through hand gestures and it combines body and soul... or something stupid like that... then crazy stuff happens. That's what I always thought chakra was..." When I finished my explanation, both Neji and Mayu was looking at me as if I were insane. "What?"

"Uh... it's okay, Neji, I'll carry her," Mayu said after throwing me an annoyed look; Neji nodded and then jumped up. She picked me up bridal style, and then jumped up and followed Neji. "Yasmine..."


"You have got to stop watching Naruto The Abridged Series," she told me, causing me to laugh; Yasume was laughing, too.

Yasume: But it's so fucking funny!

"The Hokage's office is up ahead," Neji stated. "Hinata-sama might be in there as well." We had made it to this building in no time at all! Mayu's really fast... even with the weights on. I'm so jealous!

"Wait a minute...!" Mayu said, stopping, causing me to stop as well. "Why would Hinata-chan be in the Hokage's office?"

"Oh, I guess you wouldn't know..." Neji said, he had also stopped walking. "The Hokage took Hinata-sama under her wing and she became her apprentice."

"Seriously...?!" Mayu exclaimed. "That must means she really strong!"

"You have no idea," Neji muttered. "She combines her inhumane strength with her Gentle Fist when she fights, damaging the insides and out."

Wait a minute! Didn't the Hokage take Sakura as her student? I could have sworn she did! "Neji-san..." I said, getting his attention. "Did the Hokage take someone else as her apprentice?"

"Yes, actually..." he answered.

"Was it Haruno Sakura?" Mayu asked.

"No," Neji answered. "It was Yamanaka Ino. Why do you ask?"

"Uh... no reason!" Mayu said, quickly. I wonder why she responded like that... It was very strange that Sakura didn't become Tsunade's student. That's what happened in the original story, right?

"I guess us coming here has interfered with the plot..." I thought. "So then... Ino is strong?"

"Oh, that's right! Wow, oh, wow! Now I really can't wait to see Ino and Hinata again!" Mayu said, jumping up and down. "I really want to spar with the students of the Hokage!"

I watched her actions with a smile on my face. I agree with Yasume. Seeing Mayu like this is quite nice. I wonder if coming here has changed her or if it was her memories. Speaking of which, I wonder why she just got them now. Neji began walking again, causing us to follow him. "Actually, Ino is on a mission in Suna... She's not here," he said, causing Mayu to pout a little. Eventually, Neji stopped again and knocked on a door.

"Yes...?" a voice came from the other side.

"It's Hyuga Neji. I have two girls that wish to see you," Neji said. I heard someone move their feet inside the room.

"You may come in," the same voice said. Neji opened the door, and then walked in, urging us to follow him. I first noticed that Tsunade was behind the desk, and then I saw Hinata and Shizune standing near the desk with books in their hands. The two quickly put the books down on the desk, and then looked towards us.

"Neji-nii-san...!" Hinata exclaimed, smiling.

"Hinata-sama," Neji said, giving a nod to his cousin. I looked over to Mayu to see that she was trying desperately to hold in her excitement... either that or she had to take a crap...

"Neji, who are these girls?" Tsunade asked, looking at both Mayu and I.

"Her name is Yasmine," Neji said, pointing to me. I walked forward and bowed.

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Tsunade-sama," I said, politely.

"It's nice to see another kid with manners," she responded, giving me a small nod.


Neji pointed to Mayu. "And this one is--" he began, but Mayu finally burst.

"HINATA-CHAN! YOU'VE GOTTEN SO CUTE!" she squealed, latching on to Hinata like she was a teddy bear.

"Uh..." Tsunade said, watching as Hinata tried to get Mayu off her, but all in vain. "What the hell?"

"And this... is Ishikari Mayu," Neji finished. "Just as crazy as I remember..."

I saw that Hinata had stopped struggling, most likely hearing Neji say Mayu's name. "M-Mayu-san...?" she whispered. Mayu had released Hinata and grinned.

"The one and only!" she said, giving a thumbs up. That reminded me of Lee-kun's nice guy pose!

"I-It's really you?" Hinata asked.

"Of course it's me! If it wasn't, how would I know that you and Naruto got together because of my doing!" Mayu said, pointing a finger at Hinata.

Hinata's face got so red, I could have sworn her head was a bomb that could explode at any second. I giggled lightly. Hinata really was cute. She had grown up quite a bit. Her hair was longer, she looked more confident and stronger. But I guess that's only natural. Having Tsunade as a teacher could give anyone a boost.

"Mayu-san! I'm so glad to see you again!" Hinata exclaimed, hugging Mayu. "It's been such a long time!"

"Please don't start the water works, Hinata-chan... or should I say Hinata-hime?" Mayu said as she released Hinata. "I see you've grown up a lot since the last time I saw you! Your hooters are even bigger than mine!"

"Mayu-san...!" Hinata squealed covering up her, as Mayu put it, hooters.

Yasume: Hinata's boobs are big! They're probably bigger than ours!

I could feel my face grow hot when Yasume said that. Why did I have to have such a brash alter ego? I swear Yasume's my own evil twin.

Yasume: I can hear you, ya know!

I could hear Mayu and Tsunade laughing at the now embarrassed Hinata. "I knew I should have worn my jacket today..." I heard Hinata muttered. "Anyway, Mayu-san, who is your friend?" Mayu turned her attention to me and smiled.

"She is my sister," she answered. If I had been drinking something, it would have been all over Mayu and Hinata. "Well, not really, but close enough! Her name is Yasmine, some know her as Yasume."

Hinata walked over to me, and then bowed. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Yasmine!" she said.

"You too, Hinata-san..." I said.

"Yasume...?" I turned to Neji when I heard that.

"What?" I asked. "What did you say?"

"N-No, I didn't say anything..." he answered, looking away.

Okay, so Neji coming into contact with Mayu has made him go insane... That's when Tsunade cleared her throat. "Excuse me, Mayu is it?" she asked. Mayu turned, and then walked over to the desk.

"Yes, that is my name," she answered.

"And what is your surname?" Tsunade asked.

"Ishikari!" she stated proudly.

What a coincidence that her name is also Ishikari. The same surname as her parents. Or she could be using the same last name because she doesn't know her real last name.

Yasume: Or maybe you're just thinking about it too much! Would you stop, already?! My fucking head hurts!

I shook my head, and then focused my attention on the others. "Would you happen to know Hatake Kakashi?" Tsunade asked.

"Yes...!" Mayu answered, nodding her head. "He's like the perverted, older brother I never had!"

Tsunade laughed a little, and then pointed towards the window. "What is it?" Mayu asked, looking towards where she was pointing.

"Go see for yourself," Tsunade answered; Mayu nodded and then began walking over to the window.

"Well, I shall take my leave now," Neji said, almost causing me to jump. I had forgot he was standing right next to me. "Bye, Hokage-sama, Hinata-sama... Yasume-san." I gave him a small wave as he left, closing the door behind him. I wonder why he called me Yasume...

I heard Mayu gasp, making me turn to see what was wrong. Mayu had opened up the window and had almost half of her body sticking out the window. "Kakashi-san...!" she exclaimed. I walked over to the window and looked out. I saw Kakashi sitting down on the roof reading that book of his. "Doesn't he look the same?" Mayu whispered to me. I nodded, and then smiled when Mayu giggled.

I guess coming here has made Mayu happy. I guess that means she doesn't want to go back to our world either. Not that I'm complaining... Is this what she meant when she asked Yasume and I would we follow her? Follow her into the Naruto world? "Ah, Mayu-chan, it's good to see you again," Kakashi's voice interrupted my thoughts. Mayu jumped out of the window and walked over to Kakashi with ease.

"Show off..." I muttered.

"Kakashi-san, it's good to see you again, too!" Mayu said.

"I see you've changed over the years," Kakashi said, not even looking away from his book. "No longer the cute, little Mayu I once knew. Now... you're practically a woman." Mayu laughed loudly after Kakashi said this.

"Yes, yes... I finally have curves!" she proclaimed.

"How nostalgic..." a soft voice made me jump; I saw that it was Hinata who had spoke. "Sorry for startling you, Yasmine."

"It's okay," I said, turning my attention back to Mayu and Kakashi.

"Mayu-san has been gone a long time," Hinata said. "It's nice to know she hasn't changed much."

"That's where you're wrong, Hinata..." I thought, not wanting to say that out loud. "But I'm glad Mayu has changed back."

"But I wonder..." Hinata continued in a whisper, causing me to look at her. "... what her reaction will be after she seems him after all this time."

I gave her a questioning glance, but she only closed her eyes, deep in thought. I turned back to see Kakashi had somehow gotten Mayu's guitar and was now teasing her with it, holding it out of her reach. I smiled lightly, but then frowned. "Him...?" thought. "Who is this 'him' Hinata was talking about?"

"Oh, hey, you three. Long time no see," I heard Tsunade say.

"Hey, give it back!" Mayu yelled, glaring at Kakashi.

"Alright... here ya go," he said, giving it back to her; Mayu sighed in bliss. She really did love that guitar. "What is it? I've never seen such a strange weapon before."

"It's not a weapon!" Mayu said.

"Then why did you hit me on the head with it?"

"Because you were being a jackass..."


"It's an instrument that plays music," Mayu said after a pause.

"Naruto-kun!" I heard Hinata whisper, and then she stuck her head back into the room, but I was more focused on Mayu. I hope she would play something! With extreme care, I went on to the roof.

"Oh, could you play something for me?" Kakashi asked.

"No... I don't think I will," Mayu muttered.

"Oh, come on, Mayu!" I said, crawling over to them. "You're really good!"

I sat down besides Kakashi. "Fine..." Mayu said. "Since you asked me." She sat down and faced us. "I've only been playing for a while... And my voice isn't that good." Her fingers ran over the strings several times before a familiar tune reached my ears. Wasn't exactly a guitar song, but somehow Mayu pulled it off.

They... say... don't... trust... you... me... we... us!
So we'll... fall... if we must.
Cuz it's you, me... And it's all about, it's all about... It's all about us!
All about us! It's all about... all about us! All about us.
There's a thing that they can't touch!
Cuz ya know ah ah... It's all about us!
All about us! It's all about us! All about us!
We'll run away if we must!
Cuz ya know... It's all about us...
It's all about us... It's all about love...
In you I can trust... It's all about us

Mayu did a small instrumental.

If... they.. hurt you
They... hurt... me too
So.. we'll rise up
Won't stop
And it's all about
It's all about

It's all about us!
All about us! It's all about... all about us! All about us.
There's a thing that they can't touch!
Cuz ya know ah ah... It's all about us!
All about us! It's all about us! All about us!
We'll run away if we must!
Cuz ya know... It's all about us...
It's all about us... It's all about love...
In you I can trust... It's all about us

Mayu's voice became softer and so did tunes from the guitar.

They don't know
They can't see
Who we are...
Fear is the enemy
Hold on tight
Hold... on to me
Cuz tonight...
It's all about us!

All about us!
It's all about... all about us! All about us.
There's a thing that they can't touch!
Cuz ya know ah ah... It's all about us!
All about us! It's all about us! All about us!
We'll run away if we must!
Cuz ya know... It's all about us...
It's all about us... It's all about love...
In you I can trust... It's all about us...

It's all about us

When Mayu completely stopped playing, she looked up with a smile on her face. "So... how was it?" she asked.

"It was..." I began.

"Amazing!" Kakashi finished. "And you even attracted an audience!"

"Huh...?" Mayu said, turning around; I looked beyond her to see everyone standing on the roof, they were clapping! "Holy fuck...!"

When I say everyone, I mean everyone! Tsunade, Shizune, Jiraiya, Naruto, Sakura, Hinata, and... Sasuke?! "Why is he here?!" thought in surprise.

"Wow! You have a pretty voice!" Naruto was the first to speak.

Yasume: I'm still tripping on Sasuke! What the hell is he doing here!

I have to agree with Yasume on this one... Wasn't he supposed to be with Orochimaru? I could have sworn he betrayed this village! What the hell is going on?!

"U...Uchiha Sas... uke..." Mayu muttered, standing, she had dropped her guitar.

"So that's it, huh?" I thought. "Mayu knows Sasuke and she convinced him to stay!"

"Who are you? How do you know my name?" Sasuke asked.

"Then again... maybe not..." I muttered.

Yasume: Ha! She said 'uke'!

"Heh... Uchiha Sasuke..." Mayu said, bowing her head a little.

"What?" was his response.

"You're dead..." she muttered.

"Excuse me...?"

"You're fucking dead!" And then she just... attacked him! Seriously, out of nowhere! This is one of those WTF moments! I watched as they both tumbled off the roof.

"SASUKE-KUN!" Sakura exclaimed.

"Well, so much for introductions..." I thought, sighing.

I can't believe I got so many reviews for the first chapter! I'd like to thank all... uh.. 3 reviews!