Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Well, here's chapter three of Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles! But before you start reading, please look at this Author's Note for me.

First off, Mayu and Yasmine/Yasume is not based off me or my friends. They both are strictly fictional characters that I made up in my mind.

Second, I was reading the reviews for the last chapter and one of you said: "I'm loving this AU..." I realized that Sench is right. This is a alternate universe! Because Sasuke is back and Sakura isn't going to be a main character like she was in the original series. Sorry Sakura fans! But it's okay. Sakura will appear in this story and she won't be bashed as much as she was in the last two stories. She will also had great medical skills, but I'll explain that later on in the story. Sakura will not be pathetic... I promise. So Sakura fans are happy... kinda and non-Sakura fans are happy! I don't exactly hate Sakura, I just don't like her.

Third.... I would very much appreciate your reviews!

I don't own Naruto... sadly...


"And you told me how you feeling, but I don't believe it's true anymore, anymore..." -Maroon 5

All of the ninja jumped from the roof and on to the ground without making a sound. Mayu and Sasuke were still rolling on the ground, trying to gain the upper hand. Each time one would come out on top, the other would roll over and the wrestling would begin again. "Who the hell is that?! And why is she attacking Sasuke-kun?!" Sakura asked, pointing a finger at the two, who were still fighting like two wild dogs.

"Kakashi, you want to explain?" Tsunade said, glancing at the silver-haired jounin.

"Uh... Not really..." he answered, rubbing the back of his head.

"Those two have a history, of course," Hinata stated, causing almost everyone's heads to turn.

"OW! YOU FUCKING BITCH!" a shout came; everyone turned back to the two. They were now separated and Sasuke was holding his arm; Mayu had bit him hard. "Who the hell are you?!"

"Your worst fucking nightmare!" Mayu yelled, and then charged at Sasuke again.

"Yes... As I thought, she's still very bitter towards Sasuke-san..." Hinata said, watching as Mayu threw punches and kicks, and Sasuke dodged and blocked them all.

"But why is she attacking Sasuke? Hinata-chan, do you know?" Tsunade asked; Hinata nodded her head, and then frowned.

"Anger... maybe even hatred," she said; Kakashi sighed softly.

"I didn't think she'd be so forgiving..." he said.

Naruto looked as confused as everyone else, and then realization flashed through his eyes. "You mean that's her?!" he exclaimed as he pointed to Mayu. "She looks so different!" Yasmine decided to jump down from the roof, thinking that since Yasume jumped from a tree, she had a chance to jump from the roof. It wasn't as high as one would think. Yasmine landed next to Naruto with a grunt of pain. Landing one your knees is not fun at all.

"I don't have a clue what's going on, but she has always look like that," Yasmine said, wincing a little as she stood up.

"And who are you?" Naruto asked. "You look really different, too!"

"My name is Yasmine, I'm Mayu's friend," Yasmine answered. "She doesn't usually cuss so much unless she's really angry. What's Sasuke relationship with her?"

"It's really complicated..." Kakashi said. "And I'm guessing Sasuke doesn't realize who he's fighting..."

Meanwhile, Sasuke had had enough! He had just gotten back to the village this morning and someone was already was trying to kill him! "Just who the hell is this girl?" he thought, dodging another kick from black and blue-haired girl. "And such strange clothing... She must be a foreigner." Sasuke jumped back on to the roof of a small building. Mayu only looked up at him, causing Sasuke to smirk. "Whoever she is, she's definitely not a ninja. She can't reach me up here..."

He watched the girl below him for a few moments; she had stopped moving completely, her head bowed and her fist clenched at her sides. Sasuke's gaze then traveled to the others, who were all watching the girl below. "Why aren't they doing anything?" he thought, staring at each face. "They seem surprised..." he muttered out loud. He looked back to the girl to see that she still hadn't moved. He couldn't imagine why this girl was attacking him, after all, he'd never seen her before.

Sasuke stood up, and then jumped from the roof, landing soundlessly on the ground. "She has become a nuisance. I'll subdue her now," he thought as he walked towards her. As he got closer, he heard her chanting.

"I'm not ready... I'm not ready... too soon..."

"Strange one," Sasuke thought, now standing in front of her; she had not lift her head. He raised his hand to her neck, fully intending on knocking the girl unconsciously, but her quick movement interrupted. Mayu had wrapped her fingers around Sasuke's wrist and squeezed tightly.

Sasuke's eye twitched, but that's the only reaction he had... even though it hurt like hell. "I'm not weak... I'm ready!" she said softly as her grip on Sasuke's wrist got much stronger. Sasuke tried his best to release himself, but that proved to be hard. The girl reached behind Sasuke and pulled out one of his swords. One being the one he had trained with when he was with Orochimaru, the other was a gift from one of his many senseis. Sasuke hadn't even used his gift yet and this girl had just took it from him. Mayu raised the long sword slowly. "Now doesn't this seem familiar... Sasuke-teme?"

Sasuke's eyes widen as he saw the blade come down. This girl was planning on killing him! Sasuke would have dodged it, but before he could, a fist came out of nowhere, knocking the girl away. Mayu rolled a few feet away from Sasuke. "S-Sakura...?" he said in surprise.

"I don't know who the hell you are, but I won't let you attack Sasuke-kun!" Sakura declared. Mayu stood up slowly, wiping the blood from the corner of her mouth.

"You know something..." she began, staring at the ground. "I don't want to kill you. You're not worth the trouble. So step aside..."

"No!" was Sakura's response. "I'm not going to just stand by and let you--" She stopped her speech when she saw the look on Mayu's face. "Her face..." she thought with wide eyes. "... So empty..." She shook her head to rid herself of those thoughts and began to walk towards Mayu. "I may only be a medic nin, but I'm a very skilled one! I can cause you stop moving completely if I wanted to!"

Mayu smiled lightly, causing Sakura to stop in surprise. Mayu walked right passed her. "I don't know why I waste my time," she said as she walked passed Sasuke. "I have more important things to do." Sasuke, not liking her attitude one bit, grabbed her forearm as she walked by.

"You almost broke my wrist, took my sword, and tried to kill me..." he said with a calm voice; Mayu's eyes narrowed. "Do you really think you're off the hook? Do you really know who I am?"

"Uchiha Sasuke... born July 23rd... age 15... last member of the Uchiha clan," Mayu said; Sasuke's eyes narrowed slightly. "Favorite food: Yakitori... Wants revenge... Can't stand the screech of fan girl. Betrayed his village at age 12... just like his brother did at age 13. Uchiha Sasuke, a mini version of his elder brother, Uchiha Itachi." Sasuke's grip became stronger on Mayu's arm.

"Who are you? How do you know so much about me?" he asked, glaring. "The only people who would possibly know that my favorite food is Yakitori is Kakashi and..." Sasuke voice trailed off, his grip loosen as his eyes widen. "I-Ishikari... Mayu...?"

Mayu grinned lightly, and then pulled her arm away from Sasuke. "That's right!" she said. "I look a lot different, don't I? Last time you so me, I looked like Jirobo!" Suddenly, Sasuke wrapped his arms around Mayu in a hug, causing the spectators to gasp; Sakura's gasp was the loudest.

"I... I should have known it was you," Sasuke muttered, his nose buried in Mayu's neck. "You told me you had blue eyes..."

"Sasuke..." Mayu muttered with closed eyes, forehead pressed against Sasuke's chest. "I knew some thing's different. He's not wearing that buttbow," she thought, opening her eyes and frowning.(A/N:Thank you, Taisho-Arashi!) "Did he not go to Oro-bastard?"

Yasmine was truly shocked at the scene in front of her! "What the heck?!" she thought, confused. "I thought Mayu hated every thing about Naruto, and now she's hugging one of the main characters?!" In reality, Mayu wasn't hugging Sasuke, her arms were still at her sides. "First she attacks him, and then she hugs him? That's insane!"

Yasume: Yeah, it's pretty fucked up!

Sasuke released Mayu from his hug, but still had his arms around her. "You... look good," he said. "I couldn't recognize you at all." Mayu didn't look him in the eye, causing Sasuke to frown. "Mayu..." he said, lifting her chin, making her look him in the eyes. "I really missed you. You're still angry... Is that why you attacked me?" For a moment, Mayu didn't speak. "Mayu--"

"I'm not angry. The killing intent I had is gone," she interrupted; her glare was no longer on her face.

"So... I'm forgiven?" Sasuke asked slowly.

"... Yes, I forgive you..." Mayu answered.

"I'm glad to hear you say it," Sasuke said, pressing his forehead against Mayu's. And then he kissed her on the lips!

Tsunade: WTF?!?!

Hinata: -blushes-

Naruto: O.o

Kakashi: -.-'

Yasmine: I'm confused again...

Shizune: You're not the only one...

Sakura: -faints-

Jiraiya: Now rip her clothes off...

Sasuke pulled back, unaware of the small frown on Mayu's face. By the time he did realize, it was too late... Mayu had grabbed a handful of Sasuke's hair, pulled his head down and brought up knee up. His face bounced right off her knee and he fell back, clutching his nose. "Aaahh!" was the sound that came from Sasuke's mouth. Mayu hopped on Sasuke, causing him to groan, but Mayu really didn't care. She moved Sasuke's hands from his nose and pinned them both to the ground. "What the hell?!" he yelled.

"Sorry, I hope I didn't break your nose..." Mayu muttered.

"I thought you said you forgave me!" Sasuke exclaimed, struggling to get free, but Mayu had refused to loosen her grip. Blood came flowing out of his nose. Because of his position, the blood ran down the side of his face.

"I do forgive you, but... the little crush I had on you is over. I've moved on," she said. "It's time for your crush to end. And it's time for you to move on as well..."


"Yes..." Mayu said; she leaned down until her mouth was near Sasuke's left ear. "Never again... will you kiss me. I'm already taken..."

Sasuke's eyes grew wide when her words processed in his brain. "Already taken...?" he thought as Mayu got off him. He watched her back as she walked back to the group, who were stilling looking surprised. "No... you're supposed to be mine... My wife..." he muttered as he stood up slowly.

"Hokage-sama," Mayu said, standing in front of the Fifth; Tsunade stared with the girl in front of her, the surprised look still evident in her eyes. "I'm sorry for my behavior. It was very... wrong of me. I apologize... I assure you it will never happen again," she continued, bowing her head. "Please forgive me!"

Tsunade placed a hand on Mayu's head, making her look up. "Now, now... There's no need for that," she said. "By watching you and Uchiha Sasuke interact, I think I know what the situation is... Besides, you seem to be a friend of my student. Hinata-chan knows whose good and whose bad."

"I'm still confused..." Yasmine muttered as Tsunade took her hand from Mayu's head. "I don't like being confused, Mayu."

"No worries, I'll explain later!" Mayu said, and then turned back to Tsunade. "Hokage-sama, I want to make a request."

"A request...?" the Fifth Hokage repeated; Mayu nodded.

"I... I want to become a ninja..."
Mayu's POV

I am such a nervous wreck! Here I was, outside of the Hokage's office, wearing a hole in the floor because I was pacing. I noticed that Yasmine had given me annoyed looks as I kept passing her, but I didn't stop. I was way too nervous to stop! Okay, here's the situation: After I said I wanted to be a ninja, the Hokage gave me a questioning look, and then she looked deep in thought.

After several minutes, she said she had to think about it. She ordered me to wait outside her office while she talked with Kakashi-san, Hinata, Naruto, and Sasuke. Why she felt the need to talk to all of them at once, I didn't know. So here I was, pacing back and forth in the hallway. The only reason I'm so nervous is because Tsunade might say no. And I absolutely must become a ninja!

"Why are you so nervous?" I heard Yasmine ask me when I walked past her again. "I've never seen you this way before..."

"There's a lot of things you haven't seen," I told her, continuing to pace. "And I have to become a ninja."

"Why?" came her curious response. I stopped pacing and looked back at her. Smiling, I walked back over to her.

"I'll tell you when we're settled," I told her. Yasmine crossed her arms and sighed loudly.

"Settled, huh?" she said, leaning against the wall. "Is that mean we're going to live here?"

"Yeah, it does..." I replied.

"So we'll never see Granny Theresa or your parents again?" Yasmine asked.

"No, we're in a different time," I answered. "It's going to be impossible to see them."


"Time, universe... what's the difference?" I asked, shrugging my shoulders; Yasmine shook her head. "Besides, I'm not really good at my mother's advanced jutsus. I'm surprised we got back in one piece actually."

"I could have came here in pieces...?" Yasmine said, glaring at me.

"Now, now... You shouldn't dwell on the past! I'll play a song for you to help you forget!" I said quickly as I unstrapped my precious guitar from my back.

"LIKE A FRIGGIN' SONG IS GONNA HELP ME FORGET THAT I ALMOST DIED!" Yasmine yelled. Oh crap! I could have sworn that would work! Yasmine likes it when I play.

Before I got the chance to try calming her down, the door to the Hokage's office door opened and Kakashi-san's head popped out. "Is there a problem?" he asked.

"No, no problem!" I answered. Yasmine looked like she was calming down anyway. Yasmine acts like Yasume when she wants to. Just what I need, two Yasumes. I shuddered at the thought.

"Okay... you may come in now," Kakashi continued, gesturing for me to come. I quickly followed behind him, Yasmine not too far behind.

"This is it... the moment of truth," I thought as I walked toward the desk. "If she doesn't allow me to become a ninja now... coming back here was pointless..." I looked at the faces of the three younger people in the room.

Naruto was grinning! "That's a good sign, right?!" then again... he's always grinning. I looked at Sasuke; he refused to look me in the eye. Well, that's to be expected. I did cause his nose to bleed, after all. Well, at least he gotten his nose taken care of, most likely by Sakura. Speaking of which, I didn't see her... Anyway, I looked at Hinata; she had a slight frown on her face. "Oh no, I'm screwed!" I thought, clutching the guitar in my hand.

"Ishikari Mayu," Tsunade's voice startled me out of my thoughts.

"Hai!" I said, standing straight up. Much like the military that I saw on television that one time...

"I have talked with your friends, and I believe what they told me," Tsunade continued, lacing her fingers together. "Staying in the body of another for a long period of time isn't possible... unless you're an Ishikari."

"You know of my clan?" I asked.

"Yes, my grandfather told me about it when I was young. He said that your clan was our last line of defense. Because your clan wasn't classified as ninja, it would be like a surprise to our enemies in times of war," Tsunade answered, closing. "Too bad there's only one of you left now..."

"Actually..." I said, making Tsunade open her eyes in surprise. "There's me... and then there's my uncle."

"Your uncle...?"

"Yes, during the... attack... I remember he was away," I said. "Away on a mission. He was the only certified ninja in my clan."

"Really?" Tsunade asked, and then she closed her eyes. "Shizune, go bring me the Ishikari file!"

I am so glad I put that file back after I stole when I was thirteen. "Which one, Tsunade-sama? The small one or the big one?" Shizune asked. Wait a minute...!

"Big one?!" I thought with wide eyes. "So there were two files?!"

"The big one, of course," Tsunade answered. I watched Shizune as she left the room.

Two files... I never would have thought of that! I wonder which one I took... I wonder why there are two files. "Why are there two files?" I asked.

"The small file is just a decoy," Tsunade answered. "So if an enemy invades and tries to steal the files, they'll have little to no information." I fell to the ground after I heard that, anime style of course.

"I can't believe I fell for that!" I thought.

So it was a fake?! No wonder the file I took was so little... "Mayu-san are you alright?" I heard Hinata ask. I lift my head up from the ground and gave her a nervous grin.

"Yeah, just peachy!" I answered, standing up.

"Still a moron..." I heard Sasuke muttered; I looked at him with a glare on my face. "Probably took the wrong one, didn't you?" he whispered, causing me to give him the finger; he only grinned.

"I have it!" Shizune's voice made me look at the door. She came into the room with this huge file in her arms! That is definitely not the file I took! "There are also some scrolls... I'll get those next." She walked over and placed the file on Tsunade's desk, and then left the room again. I watched as Tsunade took out a few papers from the file, her eyes scanned over the papers. A frown spread across her face and her eye brows furrowed together.

"Uh... is there something wrong?" I asked. "That look on your face is kinda scaring me..."

"According to this... your uncle, a jounin, went on a mission--"

"Seven years ago, I know," I interrupted. "I remember that day quite clearly. It was right after my ninth birthday. He didn't want to miss it so it postponed his own mission."

"Yes, well... Konoha lost all contact with him six years ago," Tsunade stated, causing me to stare with wide eyes. "After his mission, he came home to find that his entire clan was killed. He disappeared soon after he found out who killed his family..."

"Are you serious?! Does he really know?!" I asked, frantically.

"Why do you ask as if you're scared?" Kakashi-san asked; I glanced at him, and then turned my attention to the floor.

"I just wanted to know if he knew, that's all..." I said in a quiet voice.

"Yes, your uncle really does know," Tsunade said.

"Oh no... this is really bad..." I thought, gripping the handle of my guitar. "If Uncle Mori is out for revenge, I might be screwed whether or not I do become a ninja!"

"Mayu, what's up with you?" Yasmine whispered to me.

"Nothing, nothing!" I said quickly.

"Ishikari Mayu!" Tsunade caught my attention. She definitely knew how to use her authority! I stood up straight again. "It's believe that your uncle sought revenge on the person who killed your clan. Do you also seek revenge towards the person?"

"... No, I don't seek revenge for what happened to my clan," I answered. "What happened to my clan was... unfortunate, but vengeance is not necessary."

"... Very well," Tsunade said, placing the papers back in the folder. After she said that, the whole room was quiet.


"Um... Hokage-sama..." I muttered.


"What about me becoming a ninja?" I asked.

"Oh, yes, yes!" Tsunade said. You've got to be kidding me! "I will allow you to become a ninja."

"Yes!" I celebrated in thought.

"Under one condition..." she continued.

"Oooh...!" I thought, frowning.

"Uchiha Sasuke, this concerns you as well!" the Hokage stated, glancing at Sasuke. Huh...? "I will also allow your ninja status to return." So Sasuke's ninja status was taken from him? I guess that makes sense... I'm going to have to get the full story from someone later. "Uzumaki Naruto, Uchiha Sasuke, and Ishikari Mayu... I want you three to fight your former sensei!"

"Former sensei...?" I repeated. "Now who could that be?"

A hard punch was delivered to my head. "Itai! I was just joking, Kakashi-san!" I groaned as I rubbed my poor head. Kakashi-san sure was mean! Suddenly, there was a knock at the door.

"Come in!" Tsunade said. The door opened as everyone's attention went to the people who were now standing in the room.

"Hey," the male said.

"Temari-san! Shika-kun!" I exclaimed.

"What? Who are you?" Shikamaru asked. Well, that's to be expected.

"It's me, Mayu! Remember? I was the one that told you I'll byakugan your ass into next week when we were younger! And Temari-san, I know your brother! I was there when he transformed in Konoha!" I said; Shikamaru was silent while Temari nodded her head in realization.

"Ahh! That crazy girl from that mission!" Shikamaru stated. "You were very troublesome..."

"Neji said the same thing..." I muttered as I imagined a sweat drop going down the back of my head.

"Well, long time no see," Shikamaru said.

"Hey, hey! Look who else is back!" I exclaimed, pointing to Naruto and Sasuke.

"Well, if it isn't Naruto and Sasuke!" Shikamaru commented. "So you came back?"

"Yeah, we just got back this morning!" Naruto stated; Shikamaru chuckled lightly.

"You don't look like such an idiot anymore or..." he said. "How to say it? You've changed!" Naruto grinned, and then laughed loudly.

"No, Naruto hasn't changed one bit," Sasuke's comment made Naruto glare at him.

"Just as I thought..." Shikamaru muttered.

"Shut up, Sasuke-teme!" Naruto shouted, pointing a finger.

"So, Hokage-sama!" I said loudly, causing Tsunade to look at me. "I have to fight Kakashi-san in order to become a ninja."

"That's correct..." she answered.

"All three of you together will fight me," Kakashi stated, looking at each of us. "Just like old times eh, Mayu?"


"I'll decide how to deal with you depending on your battle with Kakashi," the Hokage said.

"Hai!" we said in unison.

"Well, we should get started then," Kakashi's voice got my attention. "At least, that's what I'd like to say. Naruto and Sasuke are probable tired after just getting back. I'll give you a bit of time to rest up."

"I'm not really tired!" Naruto protested.

"Yeah, but... I don't have any ninja weapons and these clothes aren't really the best things to fight in," I muttered.

"Then it's settled. I'll meet you at the third training ground," Kakashi said, making a hand sign. "Later..." and with that, he disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"I wonder what's wrong. He was in such a hurry," I heard Shizune say; she must have come in already.

"I have a pretty good guess," Tsunade said, crossing her arms.

"He's planning on reading that book," Sasuke said.

"Book...?" I said in confusion. I think I missed something.

"That look on his face... That has to be it!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Yeah, Naruto gave Kakashi one of those Make Out books," Sasuke said. "That pervert probably wanted to read it."

"Oooh!" I muttered. "Well, I best to get ready. Come on Yasmine!"

"Where are we going?" she asked.

"To my place! I'm pretty sure there's clothes there," I muttered. I just hope it hasn't been burned down...

"But shouldn't we make plans for us to beat Kakashi?" Sasuke asked.

"Yeah, yeah, but I really need to get some stuff," I said, pulling on Yasmine's arm. "I'll be there! Besides, Kakashi-san's always late!"

"You don't have to pull me!" Yasmine exclaimed.

"Why are we going to your house again?" Yasmine asked. I sighed loudly, and then rolled my eyes. That was about the fifth time she had asked since we left the Hokage's.

"I told you five minutes ago that we're going to look for some of my mom's old clothes," I answered, yet again.

"Okay... but why are we climbing up this long flight of stairs?" Yasmine asked. "I'm already tired!" I shot her an annoyed look before answering... again!

"As I said before, my clan was pretty much isolated from the village," I said. "The Hokage said that my clan was the last line of defense in case of war. My clan was basically kept secret."

"Your clan was crazy!" Yasmine exclaimed. "I hate stairs!"

"You should be used to it. After all, Yasume always got us into trouble during school... And you know what happened when we got into trouble!" I said.

"Yeah, yeah..." Yasmine muttered.

"Hey, at least we don't have to climb up by our hands and feet!" I said, trying to cheer up my friend.


"Well, when I was thirteen, Sasuke and I had to climb up with our hands because we didn't see the stairs," I said. "I didn't have my memories back then, so we ended up going in through the back instead of the front. I still remember the pain in my fingers..."

"Speaking of which..." Yasmine said. "Why were you so freaked when Tsunade-sama said that your uncle was out for revenge?" I stopped when her question processed in my brain. "What's wrong?"

"If Uncle Mori really is out for revenge, he might die..." I muttered.

"Your Uncle Mori might die...? Do you really know who killed your clan?" Yasmine asked; I nodded slowly.

"Well, at least... I think I know who did," I said.

"Who?" Yasmine asked; I bit my bottom lip, and then looked around before answering her.

"Uchiha Itachi..."

"WHAT?!" Yasmine yelled. I placed my hand on her and pulled her, so we can move faster.

"That's who I think did it, but something isn't right about it," I said. "I know Itachi wouldn't do that!"

"Um... Have you forgotten that he killed his entire clan at age thirteen?" Yasmine asked as if I was an ignorant child. "No matter how hot the guy is, he's still a mass murderer!" I sighed loudly, and then rolled my eyes. Trust Yasmine to be blunt we it comes to males. She's only like that when there's no males around.

"Trust me, I know he is, but he wouldn't kill my !" I said.

"And why is your clan so special?" Yasmine asked. "Sounds very mary-sueish to me..."

I decided to ignore her last remark.

I noticed we were at the top, my house was a few yards away. "That's just it..." I muttered. "My clan wasn't special."

"Mmm... How do you know Itachi, anyway?" Yasmine asked.

"... He was my friend," I answered, truthfully.

"..." Yasmine gave me a look that said I was crazy.

"I'm serious!" I exclaimed, walking into the real entrance of the Ishikari estate; Yasmine followed close behind.

"Yeah, and I'm Naruto's long lost sister!" Yasmine muttered. She didn't believe me...

"He was!" I said, looking around. "I think I met him when he was eleven... I think I was seven, since we're four years apart."

"Yeah... right..." Yasmine said, causing me to frown.

"You know what? Fine... don't believe me!" I said crossing my arms. "Come this way!"

I walked into a room, my old room. It was amazing that my room looked exactly the way I remembered it, except it's all dusty now.

"Someone has been here before," Yasmine muttered.

"What? No one has been here for two and a half years," I said.

"That's not what these foot prints tell me," Yasmine said, pointing to the ground; I glanced down at where she was pointing. "These look about... four months old."

"And how can you tell how old they are?"

"I read a lot of Sherlock Holmes books," Yasmine answered.

"Weirdo..." I muttered.

"Shut up..." she said. "Anyway, someone's been here."

"I don't really care at this point," I said. "Let's just get some of my mother's clothes, get some stuff from my uncle's room, and get out of here."

"Wouldn't they be too big?" Yasmine asked as I walked over to my closet.

"No, my mother gave me her teenage clothes on my ninth birthday. She said that I would be able to fit them when I was older than fourteen," I said, opening the closet. And there they were, still hung up. "Luckily, my mother wrapped them in plastic, so there's no dust on them."

"Yeah..." Yasmine muttered.

"Mmm... you should be able to fit some of these," I said, pulling out all the wrapped clothes. "Let's go, now..."

"Yeah," Yasmine said, nodding; I gave her some of the clothes. I think she was uncomfortable being here. I wasn't that affected... Mother wouldn't want me to be just because of what happen.

Mayu watched as Naruto walked passed her and Sasuke for the hundred time. They were both leaning on the iron gate. Sasuke was beginning to become annoyed with Naruto's constant pacing. "Just how long does Kakashi-sensei plan on making us wait?!" Naruto shouted, raising his fist.

"Calm down, Naruto!" Mayu said, closing her eyes; she had already changed into her mother's old clothes. Black, skin tight capris and black tank top; a short sleeve fish net was underneath the tank top. Mayu had taken off her weights, thinking that she didn't need them on during the fight.

And she had found some ninja gear in her uncle's room. Like a shuriken holster, a back pouch, some black sandals that had actually fit, and some weapons. "Have you forgotten that Kakashi-san's always late. He did this the first time we were ask to meet him somewhere," Mayu continued.

"Some things never change..." Sasuke muttered.

"Seriously...!" Naruto huffed, sitting on the ground. "I wish he could work on that some!"

"He's most likely still reading that book," Mayu said, opening her eyes. "I wonder what's so interesting about it."

"Hey, hey, Mayu!" Naruto exclaimed, turning to face her. "Where did that girl you were with go?"

"Oh, she said she wanted to find a job," Mayu answered. "So Hinata-chan offered to show Yasmine around town for me. Yasmine has my guitar... I hope she doesn't break it..."

"But I wanted Hinata-chan to see how much I've improve," Naruto whined, causing Mayu to chuckled.

Suddenly, a cloud of smoke appeared on top of the gate, causing the three to look up. When the smoke cleared, it revealed Kakashi. "Hey! My bad, my bad!" he said, giving a small wave. "Actually, while on the way here, I saw an old woman who needed some help--"

"You liar!" Naruto interrupted; Kakashi laughed nervously.

"Well, let's not waste anymore time," he said, jumping down from the gate, landing next to Mayu and Sasuke; he started walking away. "... That's a very interesting outfit Mayu."

"Thanks! It was my mother's!" Mayu said as she followed behind Kakashi.

The four walked until they reached the three stumps. "This place is kind of nostalgic," Naruto commented, looking around.

"Yeah, this is the place where Kakashi-san told us we had to get a bell from him," Mayu said, looking at the three stumps.

"Now that you mention it, this was your first training area, wasn't it?" Kakashi asked, looking up from his book.

"The first thing we did together as a team was here," Sasuke said. "Hasn't changed much."

"Team 7, that's what we were called," Naruto said.

Suddenly, the sound of bells caught the attention of the three. "Well, I'm going to see just how much you've improved," Kakashi said, holding up three silver bells. Mayu's eyes widen.

"You mean we all have to take those bells from you again?!" she asked. "It was hard enough the first time!"

"Now, now, Mayu! I'm sure you've gotten much stronger than the last time I gave you this... test," Kakashi said.

"Hey, that's right!" Mayu exclaimed, clenching both of her fist in determination. "Gai's incarnation's training was definitely hell, but it should have made me stronger!" She was referring to Granny Theresa.

"Gai's incarnation...?" all three males muttered.

"Let's get started!" Mayu said.

"Okay. The rules are the same as when we first did this," Kakashi said. "You can use whatever tricks you like, as long as you get the bells from me. This time it's easy. Three bells, three people. Come at me--"

"Like we're going to kill you," Naruto finished, grinning.

"Or else we won't be able to get them, right?" Mayu said.

"That is correct," Kakashi said. "You have until tomorrow. So, shall we begin?" he asked, closing his book.

"You aren't going to fight while reading the book this time, Kakashi-sensei?" Naruto asked, tightening his headband. "Or did you already finish reading it?"

"No, I'm going to have to put that hobby aside for the moment," Kakashi said, putting his book away in his back pouch. "Besides, it kinda feels like I'm going to have to be serious this time." He revealed his Sharingan as he spoke.

"Yes, we're going to have to be serious as well," Sasuke stated, activating his Sharingan eyes and taking out one of his swords.

"Here I go!" Naruto shouted, rushing towards Kakashi.

"Um... Does he not know we're here too?" Mayu questioned, pointing at the blond's back.

"The idiot will never change..." Sasuke muttered.

I am very sorry I didn't address Sasuke's and Mayu's relationship that much in this chapter. I guess I'm going to have to address it in the next chapter, aren't I...?

Well, review please!