Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 4

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"There may not be another way to your heart, so I guess I'd better find a new way in..." -Maroon 5

Mayu and Sasuke watched as Naruto threw multiple shuriken at Kakashi. The silver-haired man only ducked to dodge the attack, and then he threw some shuriken of his own. Naruto jumped up to dodge the shuriken, but Kakashi only threw more while Naruto was in the air. "Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto exclaimed, making a hand sign; a clone appeared right next to him. The clone grabbed the original Naruto and pulled him out of the way just as the shuriken whizzed by.

"Interesting..." Kakashi muttered.

"I see... He used a clone to move himself because he couldn't dodge the shuriken on his own!" Mayu thought. "So... Naruto really has improved!" Kakashi jumped up just as Naruto landed on the ground, his clone had transformed into a giant shuriken. Before Naruto had the chance to throw the giant weapon, Kakashi stopped him by grabbing his hand and putting his other hand on the back of Naruto's head. There was another Naruto behind Kakashi with a kunai at his back.

"Well, that's enough of that," Kakashi said.

"Naruto has gotten really good with his clones," Mayu thought. "I'll have to put that into my calculations. First, I have to see how much Sasuke has improved. Has he improved?"

Mayu glanced at the said boy in question. She had been wondering why Sasuke seemed so confident even though he didn't train with Orochimaru. Of course, no one told her what had happened yet, so she was left in the dark. "Never mind that... I have to focus,"she thought.

"You've grown well, Naruto," Kakashi stated, smiling lightly. "But... it seems you haven't lost any of your haste. I haven't told you to start yet."

"That's true..." Mayu muttered.

"Okay, let's begin," Kakashi finally said. Mayu and Sasuke got into a stance. "Ready... Start!" And then... he disappeared!

"That's not good," Mayu said. "Naruto, come back over here!" Naruto immediately rushed over to Mayu and Sasuke. "Do either of you sense him?"

"Nope!" Naruto said looking around.

"I don't sense him either..." Sasuke said. The three put their backs together and looked in all directions.

"Damn! He got us!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Not yet..." Mayu whispered. "There's only one place Kakashi-san could be."

"Where's that?" Sasuke questioned.

Mayu grabbed the back of Sasuke's and Naruto's clothes, and then jumped up into the sky. "Aaaah!" Naruto shouted as he was lifted higher and higher from the ground. "MAYU, THIS IS INSANE! WE'RE LIKE FIFTY FEET OFF THE GROUND!"

"That's what wearing those heavy weights for almost three years does to you! And no we're not fifty feet off the ground..." Mayu said, grinning. "And before you ask how can I lift you both... that is a secret!"

"I can see Kakashi," Sasuke said, hitting Naruto to get him to shut up. "So... you knew he was about to--"

"Pull and trap us underground like he did you all those years ago? Yes."

"Not exactly how I would have said it..." Sasuke thought with a frown.

"Okay, we're starting to descend," Mayu said. "Listen up both of you! I want you to attack Kakashi-san with the Rasengan and Chidori. Both of you must attack together or my plan won't succeed!"

"Why?" Naruto asked.

"Because we need to get the bells..." Mayu answered as if Naruto was a idiot.

"Dope..." Sasuke muttered.

"Both of you can shut it!" Naruto shouted.

Mayu released the two boys and they began preparing their attack; Naruto had a clone at his side. The three landed on the ground; the clone disappeared, and then the two charged at Kakashi at the same speed, Chidori and Rasengan in hand. Kakashi narrowed his eyes as the boys came closer. When they were close enough, he grabbed Sasuke's and Naruto's wrist before their attacks made contact. He lifted the two off the ground. "You two should know better by now..." Kakashi said, looking them both in the eye. He was about to slam the two down on the ground, but he wasn't counting on Mayu to step in.

"Luckily, I better!" she said. Mayu had grabbed both Naruto's and Sasuke's ankle. She lifted her arms, causing Kakashi to be lifted off the ground.

"W-What the hell?!" Kakashi thought in surprise. Since when was Mayu able to pick up three males by herself?!

"Here we go!" she shouted, turning around and slamming Kakashi on the ground. Being on the end, it was Kakashi who received the damage, not Naruto and Sasuke.

Unfortunately, Kakashi's body disappeared in a cloud of smoke. Naruto and Sasuke stood after being released by Mayu. "Damn it!" Naruto shouted. "Tricked again!"

"That means Kakashi is probably hiding there," Sasuke stated, pointing to the nearby forest.

"I think you're right..." Mayu nodded in agreement. "We have to find him quickly. The sun is going down. Damn that sneaky scarecrow."

"Okay! Let's go!" Naruto shouted; the three rushed into the forest in search of their former sensei.
Mayu's POV

We decided to watch Kakashi's movements instead of attacking him right after we found him. I was currently standing behind a tree, watching Kakashi's back. Naruto was watching his front, while Sasuke watched his side. It had taken longer than expected to find Kakashi-san. His speed has increased greatly over the years. Even without the weights, he could still be faster than me. "I'll find out soon enough," I thought, narrowing my eyes.

It was about time for Naruto to attack. Right on cue, I saw three kunai headed towards Kakashi. The older man jumped from his hiding place, only to dodge another wave of shuriken. Kakashi rush at Naruto with a kunai at hand; Naruto did the same. The two clashed, but then they just went passed each other. I saw Kakashi turn slightly to throw threw kunai at Naruto. Luckily, Naruto dodged all three kunai.

I quickly rushed to Naruto's side and narrowed my eyes at the older man. "Mmm... where's the other one?" I heard Kakashi muttered. His next expression caused me to grin.

"That's right, Kakashi-san!" I said cheerfully. I saw Sasuke come up behind him, his sword raised. Kakashi jumped back just in time, though! But something strange happened!

After Kakashi had backed up to dodge the strike, he still was throw into a tree! It was like an unexpected wind came out of nowhere and blasted Kakashi away! Naruto and I had to jump away just to dodge Kakashi's body. "That was...!" Naruto began.

"AWESOME! How the hell did you do that?!" I questioned as Naruto and I landed by his side. Sasuke place his katana back in his leather scabbard(sheath) and smirked at me.

"I've learned a thing or two on my journey," he said. That did not answer my question...!

"Ow! Sasuke, your attack surprised me," Kakashi said, getting up. "But... it won't happen again."

"We'll see about that," Sasuke said.

"But first, allow me to teach something to the three of you," Kakashi said. "Shinobi Tactic #1: Taijutsu!" Kakashi charged at us, but it looked as if he was going to Naruto. Nope, not gonna happen!

I quickly got in front of Naruto and blocked a kick with my arm. I noticed that Kakashi's eyes held surprise. Heh! I have always been good at hand to hand combat. "Hey, don't forget me!" I said, throwing a punch; he only ducked his head. I grabbed his leg that I had blocked earlier and spun him around. I released him, hoping that he would crash into a tree, but he just rolled in mid air and landed on the ground. "Lucky..." I muttered.

"Shadow Clone Jutsu!" I heard Naruto shout, causing me to look up. Three Narutos jumped down. "Let's go!"

"Right! Come!" Kakashi said, turning his back to me. HEY! That is soooooooooo not cool! He punched, kicked, and threw every Naruto that came at him. Kakashi jumped up, but Naruto just followed.

"You're not getting away!" he shouted. I noticed that Kakashi appeared behind the three Naruto clones. I saw Naruto's mouth move, but I could make out what he said. Suddenly, bandages appeared and wrapped itself around the three clones. The four of them started falling, head first, spinning faster and faster!

"I've seen that somewhere before!" I thought with wide eyes.

"That can't be an original move," Sasuke said.

"That's it! That's Lee's move!" I stated. "Kakashi-san is using his copy ninjutsu!" The four crash landed on the ground, causing a lot of dirt and dust to fly up; I closed my eyes to avoid anything from getting in. The ground rumbled on contact.

"Well then, where's the real one?" I heard Kakashi ask.

"Right here!" I heard Naruto shout, making me turn. He was running towards Kakashi with a grin on his face.

"What the hell was he planning?" I thought as I watch him rush at Kakashi with a grin on his face.

"Special Technique! A thousand years of pain!" Naruto shouted with a hand sign. I heard Kakashi shout as he jumped up to dodge the fate worse than death.

"Man, you'd think he was a homophobe..." I thought, imaging a sweat drop on my head. "Shows what those Kakashi Iruka fics know." Kakashi landed back down on the ground, only to have to dodge a kick from Sasuke and a punch from me. He jumped away, and then stared at the two of us; Naruto walked over to us.

I noticed that Kakashi was panting. "Don't even think about reading that book of yours, Kakashi-san!" I called out to him; he flinched at my words.

"Grand Shadow Clone Jutsu!" Naruto shouted, making a hand sign. Suddenly, it seemed as if hundreds of Naruto's appeared on the ground and in the trees.

"Oh, great... Just what we need! A million Narutos..." Sasuke muttered.

"It's only natural that he's able to create all these clones," I said, looking at the clones that surrounded Sasuke and I. "But it's still amazing!"

"Not that great..." Sasuke grumbled, but I'll just ignore that.

I looked up and saw that it had gotten darker than before. We really need to hurry up and get those bells. "Naruto! Hurry it up! Do whatever it is you're planning!" I said, annoyed.

"Why do you sound annoyed?" Sasuke asked, causing me to cross my arms.

"It's Naruto! How do we get the chance to fight if he's got all these clones around!" I exclaimed. "I can't even see what's going on!"

"Yes, you can... Naruto's clones are disappearing," Sasuke said.

"Shut up, smart ass!"

Well, I am really pissed! Turns out that the Kakashi Naruto was fighting... was a friggin' clone! Sasuke had been waiting for about thirty minutes for all the Naruto clones to disappear. When it was only one Naruto remaining, Sasuke used that weird sword of his on Kakashi. Well, as soon as the wind hit it, the clonedisappeared. And by the time we realized, it was night! The friggin' moon was out!

Anyway, we were now wandering around the forest looking for Kakashi. "I'm sure I heard the bells from around here," Naruto said.

"He might have did that on purpose," Sasuke said. "We have to stay alert."

"Yeah, can't be too careful with him," Naruto agreed.

"Whatever...!" I muttered.

"Don't tell me you're still annoyed with me!" Naruto exclaimed.

"No, but I can hit you again!" I said, grinning evilly; Naruto shuddered and looked away.

"Hey, there's something up ahead!" Sasuke's words made me look ahead. What I saw made my heart feel like it jumped in my throat! Hinata came from behind a tree, kunai and shuriken were sticking out her body! Blood ran down the side of her face, tears fell from her eyes as she walked towards us.

"Hinata-chan!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Please help me... N-Naruto-kun, Mayu-san!" Hinata said, reaching out as she stumbled towards us. "Y-Yasmine... I-I couldn't--"

"As much as this terrifies me..." I began, and then formed a hand sign. "Dispel!" I said. The one that Kakashi had taught me when I was younger. Hinata's bloody image quickly disappeared. "Kakashi-san, that is not funny! And it had mad me a little angry!" I called out as a clone appeared beside Naruto. He was getting ready for a Rasengan; Sasuke was making the signs for his Chidori.

"Just point him out," Sasuke said, the Chidori was quickly forming.

"He's right behind that tree," I pointed.

"Damn!" I heard Kakashi mutter.

"All right, got it!" Naruto shouted; the clone disappeared and Naruto charged at the tree I pointed to. He went right through it, causing Kakashi to jump into view. Sasuke charge at Kakashi next, but Kakashi moved away, making Sasuke's Chidori crash through several trees. Sasuke jumped back over to Naruto and I.

"He's really fast," he said. "Faster than he was back then."

"Still, we saw right pass his jutsu," I said. "If I didn't fall for it the first time, why would you think I'd fall for it the second time, Kakashi-san?"

"My mistake..." Kakashi muttered, looking sad. That's when I noticed the three bells on the ground.

"Hey, the bells fell!" Naruto shouted, going to pick up the bells; he must have noticed as well.

"Naruto, you idiot, no!" Sasuke exclaimed. Naruto was suddenly strung up by a rope. "Moron!"

"Ah, I guess Naruto falls for..." Kakashi began, but Naruto suddenly disappeared in a cloud of smoke.

"A clone...?!" I thought in surprise. It seems Naruto has gotten smarter.

"Not a chance!" Naruto shouted, running at Kakashi from behind; he had his fist balled up, ready to attack. He punched Kakashi hard in the face, but Kakashi's body turned into a log... No really!

"Wow, for the first time it was Naruto who was logged..." I muttered.

"This is no time for your jokes, Mayu!" Sasuke scolded.

"Damn!" Naruto exclaimed as he stomped his feet.

It took another fifteen minutes to find Kakashi. This is getting so damn tiring! "I'm supposed to be asleep at this hour!" I thought, watching as Naruto dodged three kunai. He threw multiple kunai at at Kakashi, but he just dodged. I saw that Naruto's clone, that looked like me, was about to attack Kakashi. He grabbed my clone's arm and turned me back around. I quickly jumped from my hiding place, just as Kakashi realized that it wasn't the real me.

I did a quick flip in mid air. I was preparing to kick Kakashi on top of the head, but my leg was quickly grabbed and I was thrown into a tree. Well, I would have crashed into a tree if Naruto hadn't caught me. He set me down and I noticed that Kakashi was dodging multiple strikes from Sasuke's katana; he was even dodging the wind strikes from Sasuke's weapon. Sasuke had his teeth clenched in frustration. Yeah, I would be frustrated, too if I couldn't hit him. Oh wait... I can't hit him... Damn it!

Eventually, Kakashi jumped away, causing us to follow after him. We caught up to him by a small river. I seriously thought I was in some sort of showdown! "Shinobi Tactical Knowledge Number 3: Ninjutusu!" Suddenly, Kakashi starts making hand signs at an alarmingly fast rate.

"That can't be possible!" I muttered.

"Fire Element: Grand Fireball Technique!" Kakashi said, holding his hand to his face.

"O-Oh, this is bad!" I exclaimed. A giant ball of fire suddenly shot out at us, causing us to jump away in order not to get hit by the flames. What's he trying to do?! Kill us?! When the smoke cleared, I saw that the ground was completely burnt and not to mention smoking. I saw that Kakashi was distracted by the Naruto clone, so I quickly rushed at him, the real Naruto and Sasuke were at my side. But Kakashi saw us and began making hand signs again!

"Water Element: Water Dragon Missile Technique!" Kakashi exclaimed.

"Great, now I'm going to get wet..." I thought as the water came rushing towards us. Sasuke jumped in front of me and I noticed he was preforming hand signs.

"Fire Element: Grand Fireball Technique!" Sasuke shouted. A giant fireball came forth! The two elements collided, causing steam to appear. But of course, water puts out fire, so the water broke through and we got hit... we were swept away by the force of the current. I felt myself being grabbed and lifted up.

I looked up and saw that it was Sasuke. I noticed that we were heading away from Kakashi by jumping from tree to tree. Sasuke set me down and I followed after him and Naruto. "We have to retreat for now. Kakashi's abilities has increased greatly as well," Sasuke stated.

"I know... For him to use earth, water, and fire element techniques in combination like that..." I muttered.

"Is that even possible?" Naruto asked.

"Of course it's possible!" I said. "Especially if you're a copy ninja! Kakashi-san really is a great ninja..."

I wonder how Itachi could have ever beaten him. But then again, Kakashi wasn't as fast then. "We really have to think of something or we'll never get those bells!" Naruto shouted.

"Let's get down and think of a plan," I said. All of us jumped down, and then I sat down with my back against the tree. "Okay, what do we know about our opponent?"

"For one he has the Sharingan," Naruto said.

"And he's faster than all of us," Sasuke said. "He can dodge and block all of our attacks. We couldn't hit him once."

"Yeah, we won't get near the bells if his hands are that fast," I said.

"Yeah, seriously! Kakashi-sensei's so strong it's almost unfair!" Naruto said as he too, sat down. "He's smarter than Shikamaru. He has a better sense of smell than Kiba. His Sharingan is better than Sasuke's..."

"Shut up...!" Sasuke interrupted.

"He has better taijutsu than Fuzzy-Brows," Naruto continued, ignoring Sasuke completely. That made me giggle a little.

"Yeah, and he's waaaaaaaay more experienced than us!" I said. "It seems impossible for us to get those bells."

"Everyone has a weakness," Sasuke stated.

"You think he's scared of crows?" I asked.

"Why crows?" Naruto asked.

"Cuz he's a scarecrow..." I said in a 'duh' manner.

"Mayu... shut up," Sasuke muttered. "That made no sense. Crows are supposed to be scared of scarecrows."

That's when a idea popped into my head. My idea was so brilliant, I began to crackle evilly. "Okay... Mayu has officially lost it," I heard Naruto mutter; I stopped laughing instantly. I quickly crawled over to Naruto, and then whispered my flawless plan in his ear. I could feel Sasuke's eyes on us. Naruto started laughing at my plan when I finished. "That's great, Mayu! But are you sure it's going to work?" he asked.

"Of course! We're talking about Kakashi-san!" I answered, standing; Naruto stood up as well.

"What's going to work?" Sasuke asked.

"Mayu says--" I interrupted Naruto by covering his mouth with my hand.

"In order for us to get the bells, you can't know what my plan is!" I said.

"That's stupid!"

"That's why I'm the mastermind with the master plan!" I said.

"Can you at least tell me what I have to do?" Sasuke asked.

"All you have to do, Sasuke... is be you... and every thing will go fine!" I answered, giving him a victory sign.

"I guess I got a little overexcited about how much they're improved," Kakashi thought as he stared up at the night sky. He was sitting with his back against a tree. "Let's go see what they are up to now." Kakashi was about to stand, but a noise caught his attention. "They're already here?!"He stood up quickly only to see Sasuke, Mayu, and Naruto a few feet away from him. "They're... not attacking?" he thought.

Surely Naruto would have charged at him by now. What confused him the most was that Mayu and Naruto had a huge grin on their faces. "Kakashi-san, it ends now!" Mayu called.

"She sounds confident..." Kakashi noticed the tone in her voice.

"Get ready!" she said. "Sasuke get in front of me!"

Sasuke hesitantly did what he was told. He still didn't know the this awesome plan was, so he was a little uncertain. Mayu slapped her hands together and began preforming hand signs. Her last hand sign was the ram. "Ishikari style: Mind Transfer Jutsu!" Mayu whispered.

"Mind Transfer what?!" Sasuke shouted in thought, but that's all he could do because Mayu had made the switch. She was now in Sasuke's body and Sasuke was in her body.

"I'm going to do something no one has ever seen before!" Mayu said, but it was Sasuke who was talking. Sasuke stared at his body through the eyes of Ishikari Mayu.

"H-How am I in the her body?" he thought. "I thought the Mind Transfer Jutsu was only supposed to make the user go into the body of the opponent and that's all. We're not both supposed to be transfered. But... she did say Ishikari style... I guess that does make her an Ishikari."

"Prepare yourself, Kakashi!" Mayu said, pretending to be Sasuke. Kakashi got into a defensive stance when he saw Sasuke put his hand on the hilt of his katana.

"You won't defeat me on your own, Sasuke..." Kakashi stated.

Sasuke-Mayu released the hilt of his katana, and then sighed. "You're... right," he-said.

"What?! You're giving up?!" Mayu-Sasuke yelled. "You're not going to even try?!"

"Teh! What's the point? I, Uchiha Sasuke, who is just so damn pretty..." he-she said, flicking Sasuke's hair; several mouths dropped when heshe did that. "Doesn't want to get my pretty face messed up!"

"WHAT?!" Mayu-Sasuke practically roared. "Don't do that!"

"Do what?" Sasuke-Mayu asked innocently as she flicked Sasuke's hair again.

"THAT! DON'T DO THAT!" Mayu-Sasuke yelled, pointing a finger.

"You really need to chill, Mayu!" Sasuke-Mayu said, and then began skipping around. This action caused all sorts of laughter!

"What are you doing?!" Mayu-Sasuke questioned, eye twitching.

"What does it look like I'm doing, Mayu? I'm frolicking through the forest because there is no field of flowers!" Sasuke-Mayu answered.

"Don't call me that!"

"Puh-leaze! I can call you whatever I want!" she flicked Sasuke's hair again. "I'm the BADDEST BITCH in Konoha!" By now the spectators were on the ground, laughing loudly. Yasmine and Hinata, who had just got here, were still in shock. Kakashi had his hands clutching his stomach, back against a tree, laughing hysterically.

"Mayu, stop or I'll--"

"You'll what? What can you possibly do to me?" Sasuke-Mayu asked with a giant grin on his/her face.

Sasuke showed Mayu's teeth, but from the way her face looked, one could easily tell he wasn't trying to smile. That's when a thought suddenly hit him. A smirk appeared on Mayu's face. "How tempting..." Mayu-Sasuke said.

"Eh...? Why are you looking like that?" Sasuke-Mayu asked. Mayu-Sasuke looked at Mayu's hand for a moment, and then he placed it on her breast! Sasuke-Mayu's mouth dropped opened in shock.

The entire area was quiet after Mayu-Sasuke's actions. "Oh wow, your boobs have gotten bigger," he announced quite bluntly.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Sasuke-Mayu shouted, a blush appeared on Sasuke's face.

"And you have a nice ass, too..." Mayu-Sasuke commented, touching that part of his 'new' body.

"YEE-YAH, BABY!" a shout came, sounding exactly like Jiraiya. Laughter soon followed from everyone... except Mayu and Sasuke.

"Y-You stop that right now!" Sasuke-Mayu cried out. "How dare you touch me there?!"

"If it bothers you that much... you can touch me anywhere you like," Mayu-Sasuke said as he gripped, fondled, and patted all over Mayu's body.

"Y-Y-You...! I'm gonna--"

"What? As if you would ever hit yourself, Mayu," Mayu-Sasuke said, crossing Mayu's arms. Man, did he like being in control. It felt so good, not mention the added bonus of touching Mayu all over. Traveling with Jiraiya for a year has really turned Sasuke into a pervert...

"You... are so gonna die!" Sasuke-Mayu shouted.

"P-Please... s-stop!" Kakashi cried out from the ground. "I-I c-c-can't... b-breathe! S-S-Stop... making m-me l-laugh!"

"Y-Yes... yes! P-Please! You two are h-hilarious!" Naruto agreed.

"Humph! Gladly!" Sasuke-Mayu muttered, making a hand sign. "Release!" Soon, Mayu found herself in her own body and Sasuke in his.

"Hey, I'm back!" Sasuke stated.

"No shit!" Mayu yelled, delivering a punch to Sasuke's face, causing him to fly back. She stomp over to him, and then began kicking the life out of him. "How dare you touch me! -kick kick- Damn pervert! -kick kick kick- I should really kick your ass for that!"

"What the hell do you think you're doing right now?!" Sasuke asked as he managed to hold off her foot. Before Mayu could retort something, Naruto pulled her away.

"Calm down, Mayu, it's over!" he said, trying to calm her down.

"I am calm!" Mayu shouted, and then pulled herself away from Naruto; she walked back over to Kakashi with a frown on her face.

"Damn, now I know how Naruto felt when Sakura beat the crap out of him," Sasuke thought, standing. He slowly walked back over to the others, not wanting to anger Mayu again.

"Mayu, Mayu! The plan was a success!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Was it really? That's good!" Mayu said, clapping her hands. "I knew my plan would work!"

"What plan?" Sasuke asked, but he only got a glare in return; he sighed loudly. Man, that girl certainly knew how to hold a grudge.

Suddenly, another Naruto appeared by Mayu's side. "A clone?" Kakashi muttered. He had finally gotten in control of his laughter. Mayu grinned as she opened her hand. The clone dropped three silver bells in her hand, causing Kakashi's eyes to widen. "H-How...?!"

"You were distracted, so Naruto's clone just took the bell from you," Mayu said, winking. "I knew my plan was flawless!" she tossed two bells to Naruto.

"Yeah, all we had to do was distract with a weird acting Sasuke and we had the bells in the bag!" Naruto said, nodding his head and tossing one bell to Sasuke.

"So that's why I couldn't know..." he muttered, dangling the bell in front of his face.

"We got the bells! We got the bells!" Mayu grinned, causing Kakashi to sigh loudly.

"You got me..." he said. "I can't believe I was tricked. I should have known Mayu would come up with a plan like that."

"Yeah, but some of that wasn't part of the plan!" Mayu stated, throwing Sasuke a irritated look; he only sighed again.

"Kakashi, do you have anything you'd like to say?" a voice made the four to look towards the voice.

What they saw was Hinata, Yasmine, Shizune, and Tsunade walking towards them. It was Tsunade that asked that question directed to Kakashi. "Hinata-chan!" Naruto exclaimed.

"Well, they did an excellent job of stealing the bells from me," Kakashi said; Tsunade nodded.

"What are you guys talking about?" Naruto asked.

"About what we're going to do with you two," Shizune said.

"What you're gonna do with us?" Naruto asked, confused.

"Uzumaki Naruto!" Tsunade said with authority.




"I shikari Mayu and Uchiha Sasuke!" Tsunade continued.

"Hai?" they both responded.

"The three of you and Hatake Kakashi..." Tsunade began. "The four of you will form Team Kakashi from now on."

Not one of them spoke for a moment. "Hey, um, what does that mean?" Naruto asked.

"The four of us will be teaming up on future missions," Kakashi was the one to answer. "That's what it means. Unlike before, we are no longer teacher and students. We'll work together as equal Konoha shinobi. Got it?"

"Yeah! Got it!" Naruto shouted gleefully.

"So this means I'm a ninja, Hokage-sama? An official ninja?" Mayu asked, turning Tsunade.

"That's right!" she answered, holding out two blue Konoha headbands. "You and Uchiha Sasuke are officially ninja of Konoha."

Mayu's eyes lit up with excitement as she took a headband from Tsunade; Sasuke took his as well. Before putting on her headband, Mayu tied her black and blue hair in a long braid. She tied her headband around her head, her bangs covered left and right side of the metal plate, only the symbol showed. Sasuke did the same. "Huh..." Mayu muttered, tapping her headband.

"What's the matter, Mayu-san?" Hinata asked.

"Oh, it's nothing!" Mayu answered. "It just feels kinda weird wearing this on my head. I mean, you never wore on headband on your forehead."

"So you're a ninja, huh?" Yasmine said. "You better bring in the money..."

"Yeah, I'm a ninja! It's your birthda--"

"Please don't sing again like you did last time," Kakashi said.

"Yeah, it was bad enough the first time," Sasuke muttered.

"Both of you can have a big bowl of instant shutty!" Mayu stated.

"Well, you four better rest up," Tsunade said, and then she disappeared, along with Shizune. Kakashi nodded his head in agreement. Suddenly, six hungry stomachs made themselves known.

"Rest is good, but first... let's get something to eat!" Mayu muttered, clutching her stomach. "It feels like I haven't eaten in days..."

"That's because you haven't. You didn't want the food they were serving on the ship," Yasmine said.

"I agree with Mayu! Let's go to Ichiraku Ramen to eat!" Naruto said.

The five teens all walked into a restaurant called Araku Shokuryou. Naruto was very disappointed when everyone decided that they didn't want just ramen. And he would have ranted about it if it hadn't been for Hinata. Kakashi had disappeared suddenly while they were walking, but the teens just assumed that he was just going to read that new book of his. Anyway, the five teens were instantly greeted by a waiter. "Hi and welcome to Araku Shokuryou, the home to the best curry rice dishes! We already have a table ready," the waitress said, cheerfully. "Follow me to your seats."

"My! Someone is working hard!" Mayu commented as they followed the waitress, causing the young waitress to giggle lightly.

"Yes, of course!" she said. "I'm working very hard because I am very determined to--Oh, here's your table. Please have a seat." The five did as they were told, Naruto and Sasuke on the left side of the booth and Yasmine, Mayu, and Hinata on the right. "A waiter will be with you shortly. Here are the menus."

"Oh, you're not gonna be our waiter?" Naruto asked, taking his menu.

"No, I'm much too young to serve you!" the girl said as she began to walk away. "I only greet the customers! Bye and please enjoy yourselves!"

The five teens began scanning over their menus, eyes moving back and forth. Mayu suddenly slammed her menu on the table, gaining everyone's attention. "What's the matter?" Naruto questioned.

"I... need to go to the restroom..." she answered. Everyone in the group had a sweat drop on the back of their heads.

"Uh... you don't need to make an announcement..." Yasmine muttered, standing, so that Mayu could get up. When she walked away, she grabbed Yasmine's arm and pulled her away. "Hey!"

When the two reached the restrooms, Mayu stopped, not even opening the door. Yasmine gave her friend a questioning look. "We need to talk," she said.

"So... you didn't need to use it?" Yasmine asked.

"No," Mayu answered. "I know this sounds a little random, but I think we should tell them about Yasume. It's better for them to know what's in store for them when she comes out."

"I agreed, but Hinata already knows," Yasmine said, nodding her head.

"How does she know?" Mayu asked, raising an eyebrow; Yasmine started laughing nervously. "What?"

"I accidentally ran into a pole... twice... while Hinata was showing me around," she answered.

"You're a clumsy idiot," Mayu muttered.

"Yeah... well, nothing I can do about it," Yasmine shrugged. "Let's go back!"

"Yes, let's..." Mayu said, and then waited for Yasmine to turn her back.


"OW! What the fuck?!" Yasume cried as she rubbed her head.

"Sorry, but this way is much easier," Mayu said, dashing back to the table; Yasume followed close behind. She somehow reached the table before Mayu and sat next to Hinata.

"Hi again, Hinata-chan!" Yasume exclaimed as Mayu sat down with a frown on her face. Hinata looked confused a moment before smiling.

"Hello, Yasume-san, it's nice to talk to you again," she said, giving a small nod.

"Oh, Hinata-chan, you're so observant!" Yasume squealed, wrapping her arms around Hinata. "And so so cute!"

"Some thing's different..." Sasuke thought, looking back and forth between Mayu and Yasume.

"Guys..." Mayu said; Naruto looked up from his menu. "Allow me to be the first to introduce Yasume, Yasmine's crazy alter ego."

"Alter ego...?" Sasuke and Naruto repeated, looking to the girl in subject..

"Yes, I'm afraid she has another personality," Mayu answered, nodding her head.

"Hey, emo! Hey, idiot!" Yasume said, releasing the blushing Hinata; Mayu sighed.

"As you can see... Yasume is quite the opposite of Yasmine," she said.

Naruto had confusion clearly written on his face. "Uh... what? I don't understand," he finally said.

"She means that her friend is the same as Hinata was when Mayu was in her body," Sasuke stated.

"Yeah... still don't get it," Naruto said, shrugging his shoulders.

"Look, idiot... Yasmine and I are two different people. Two people, same body. Get it?" Yasume asked; Naruto nodded his head hesitantly.

"I think so... Yasmine's a lot nicer than you," he muttered. Mayu started laughing loudly.

"You got that right, Naruto!" she said.

"Shut up before I kick yo ass!" Yasume glared at her friend; Mayu only rolled her eyes.

"As you can see, Yasume is very brash," she said. "It would be best not to cross her."

"Damn straight!" Yasume grinned, slamming her fist on the table. "And you better not forget it, emo!"

"Stop calling me that," Sasuke said, calmly.

"Make me, emo!" came her retort; Sasuke merely looked away, not wanting to argue with her.

There was no way he was going to let this girl get to him. There was only one that he would even think of allowing to get to him. Sasuke stole a quick glance to Mayu, a small smile appeared on his face. "I can't believe she's back and I'm on the same team as her... like the first time," he thought. "But what the hell does she mean by taken?" He had been thinking about Mayu's words ever since she said it, but he couldn't understand it. Mayu didn't seem to be sad at all at the thought of leaving her homeland, or whatever it is she came from.

That's another thing he didn't understand. Ishikari clan...? He still remembered that list and there was no Mayu on it. "I'll have to ask her about it when we're alone..." Sasuke thought.

"Hi and welcome to Araku Shokuryou, home to the best curry around! My name is Rireyu. I will be your server this evening," a waiter said, appearing next to the group's table. "Can I start you off with some drinks?"

"I'll take sake!" Yasume exclaimed.

"No she won't, thank you!" Mayu said. "We'll both take waters."

"Right, and you miss?" Rireyu asked, looking towards Hinata.

"Oh, I'll have tea, please," she answered.

"And for the gentlemen?" Rireyu turned to Sasuke and Naruto.

"I'm fine," Sasuke muttered.

"Me too!" Naruto said.

"Alright, I'll have your drinks ready in a few. Have you decided what you want to order?" Rireyu asked.

"Yes, I want to order you, Rireyu!" Yasume exclaimed. Mayu elbowed her in the ribs. "S-Sorry, I meant... Nattou curry rice."

A small blush appeared on the waiter's face as he wrote down her order. "I'll have the vegetable curry rice," Hinata said, softly. Rireyu nodded and wrote it down.

"I'll take red curry rice balls," Mayu said; the waiter nodded.

"Heh! You said balls!" Yasume whispered.

"Shut up!" Mayu muttered.

"I'll have the same," Sasuke said.

"You got any ramen?" Naruto questioned.

"Sir, this is a restaurant that specializes in curry, not ramen..." the waiter said.

"Fine! I'll take the cheese curry rice," Naruto stated, crossing is arms. He was still a little annoyed that he was forced to eat here instead of his favorite ramen stand.

"Okay, so that's two servings of red curry rice balls, vegetable curry, Rireyu--I mean, nattou curry..." Rireyu said, causing Yasume to giggle lightly. "And cheese curry rice. I'll have that out to you soon." He grabbed all of the menus and walked off.

"Did you have to flirt?!" Mayu asked.

"Flirt...? Whatever do you mean, dear friend?" Yasume questioned, feigning innocence; Mayu sighed loudly.

"I don't even know why I bother with you," she muttered.

"Because you love me!" Yasume said.

"No, I love Yasmine. I tolerate you," Mayu told her.


"Aren't I?" Mayu asked, sarcastically.

"Hey, Naruto!" Yasume turned her attention to the blond.

"What?" he asked.

"Did you bring Sasuke back?"

"No, he came back on his own," Naruto answered. Mayu's eye brows furrowed together.

"He came back on his own?" she thought; Sasuke saw this action and frowned.

"Oh... well, guess what?" Yasume asked.


"Hinata-chan wants to tie you up and make you her se--" Yasume began, but was quickly interrupted by a hand covering her mouth.

"Yasume-san!" Hinata squealed with a huge blush on her face. "I never said any of that!"

"Hey, I'm the only one who gets to tease Hinata!" Mayu stated.

"Not anymore! Now that I'm here, Hinata-chan's cute little blushes will be all mine!" Yasume stated, wrapping her arms around Hinata again.

Hinata just sighed softly. "Great, another Mayu-san..." she thought, frowning a little.

"Hey! Get your hands off my Hinata-chan!" Naruto shouted, having enough with Yasume's actions. He should have been the one with his arms around Hinata, not this girl!

"Your Hinata-chan?" Yasume muttered, giving a sidewards glance. "Oh, that's right! Mayu did say she was the one that got you two together!"

"That's right! So... get your hands off my girlfriend!" Naruto said.

"Girlfriend? Ha! I bet you haven't even kissed her yet!" Yasume grinned, and then she grabbed Hinata's chin. "Hinata-chan, allow me to be the first to kiss you."

"What?!" Hinata exclaimed as Yasume leaned in; Naruto's, as well as Sasuke's, eyes widen.


"Ow!" Yasume screeched.

"You got two more chances! Now behave yourself!" Mayu yelled.

"But you took my first kiss! It's only right that I get to steal a kiss from someone as innocent as Hinata-chan!" Yasume exclaimed, rubbing her injured head. "It's only fair!"

"Moron, I think I kissed Yasmine... not you," Mayu stated, crossing her arms. "Now behave yourself! Stop teasing Naruto and Hinata-chan."

"And for your information, I have kissed Hinata-chan!" Naruto stated, loudly; Hinata's blush deepened.

"Whoop-dee-friggin' do!" Yasume retorted.

The table was silent... that is until Sasuke's brain finally registered what Yasume and Mayu had said. "WHAT?!" he exploded, standing. Since the only people in the restaurant was the group of five and the employees, the only ones who looked his way was Naruto, Hinata, Mayu and Yasume. "You mean to tell me that s-she's your--"

"Friend...?" Mayu said, and then her eyes narrowed. "Oh, I see now! You think I have that kinda relationship with Yasume. Friggin' pervert!"

"So... this what she meant when she said she was taken?!" Sasuke thought, not hearing what Mayu had said. "She switched...?!"

Sasuke slowly sat down with a small, barely visible blush on his face. "Hey! Don't get excited, pervert! I don't roll that way!" Mayu's voice caused him to look up at her. "I only kissed Yasmine because she needed it. I kissed Gaara-kun because he needed it, too! That's why I do to friends who need it."

"You kissed Gaara?!" Yasume exclaimed.

"Besides, Yasume and Yasmine is madly in love with someone," Mayu continued, ignoring her friend. "And there is the fact that I'm already taken..." Before Sasuke could speak, the waiter came over to the table and set the drinks down.

"Here are your drinks," Rireyu said. "Your food will be ready soon."

As he walked away, a frown appeared on Sasuke's face again. Mayu had said it again. Taken... That one word drove him insane! "What the hell does it mean?! Could she be lying just to avoid talking about us?" he thought.

"Hey, Yasu, did you find a job?" Mayu questioned as she turned to her friend.

"Sure did!" Yasume answered, and then gulped all her water down. Mayu watched her friend as she sighed loudly.

"So... what is the job?" she asked.

"Well, initially... we both thought it would be a good idea to be a delivery person, but Yasmine realized that a job like that wasn't gonna bring in the dough," Yasume said, setting her cup down. "Luckily, Yasmine managed to land a good paying job at this place called Kitty Paradise."

"What? Kitty Paradise...?" Mayu repeated.

"Mmm... I've heard of that place," Sasuke muttered; he turned to Naruto. "Didn't the old pervert say that a lot when I traveled with you two?"

"Yeah, still does..." Naruto answered.

"It's a massage parlor," Yasume continued.

"Yeah! Now I remember! Ero-senin said that the women that worked there all dressed in these cat costumes!" Naruto said.

"C-Cat costumes...?" Mayu muttered. "Oh... my gawd! Yasmine got a job there?!"

"Yup! Boss man said she was kinda cute, so he offered her a job," Yasume stated, crossing her eyes. "And the job pays well because ninja as well as civilians are customers, so I'm not complaining."

"It sounds bad..." Mayu muttered. "I don't like it. Especially since Jiraiya-san goes there!"

"Well, I'll just kick any asses if I have to," Yasume said, nodding her head. The group was silent for a few moments, until Hinata spoke up.

"Sasuke-san, what did you mean when you said when you traveled with Naruto-kun?" she asked.

"Oh, guess I didn't tell anyone..." Sasuke said.

"Now that you mention it... Sasuke couldn't have learned those sword techniques from Jiraiya-san!" Mayu commented.

"Well, after about a year of traveling with them, I just left to train on my own," Sasuke said.

"You just... left?" Yasume asked in disbelief. "That sounds a bit off seeing as how you got into a big ass fight with Naruto when you tried to leave the first time!"

"Yeah--Wait, how do you know about that?" Sasuke asked; Mayu glared at Yasume because of her big mouth.

"Uh... Mayu told me, of course!" Yasume said. "Yeah, she told me all about it!"
"I could have sworn you were unconscious..." Naruto and Sasuke muttered. Yasmine and Mayu started laughing nervously when the two said that.

"Anyway, anyway! How did you learn how to use a sword?" Yasume questioned.

"After months of being by myself, I met a samurai," Sasuke said, momentarily forgetting the confusion. "After a quick spar with him, he agreed to train me. I still don't know why he agreed to that... Well, after months of training with him, I had to leave again."

"What happened next?" Mayu asked. A small, barely noticeable smile appeared on Sasuke. He was glad to know that Mayu was still curious about his life.

"While I was traveling, I focused on the development of my Chidori. If I wanted, I could use it in both my hands," Sasuke said. "Not only that, but I can also concentrate my chakra into small weapons."

"What about the sword? It was like every time you swung that thing, the wind blew!" Mayu said.

"That is because of my second samurai sensei," Sasuke answered. "She taught me how to channel my chakra through my katana, causing the wind to swirl around it. When I strike, the wind is also released."

"She?! Your sensei was a girl?!" Mayu asked; Sasuke nodded.

"Girl power strikes again!" Yasume exclaimed, giving Mayu a high five.

"What else did you learn?!" Mayu asked.

"I can't tell you every little thing... it wouldn't be a surprise," Sasuke said with a grin. Mayu rolled eyes.

"Whatever..." she muttered.

"What I will tell you is that after I left her, I traveled a lot. I even went to Suna," Sasuke continued.

"You saw Gaara?!" Naruto questioned. "So... you knew he was Kazekage?"

"Yeah, he's gotten a hell of a lot stronger," Sasuke said. "That sand of his is still a problem for me... even with the Chidori and my sword."

"That sure sounds like Gaara-kun," Mayu commented, and then she smiled lightly. "I can't wait to see him again!"

"Hey, emo! Where else did you go?" Yasume asked.

"Stop calling me that," Sasuke said.

"Answer the question!" Mayu said. "I wanna know too!"

"My last destination was the Land of Waves," Sasuke said, after a sigh. "I had to wait for Naruto and Jiraiya there. It wasn't bad though, I got to spar with Haku and Zabuza."

"Haku and Zabuza are still alive?!" Mayu asked.

"Yeah... That reminds me. Haku said he wanted to meet you," Sasuke stated; Mayu gave him a confused look. "Oh, I told him about you."

"You really can't keep your mouth shut, can you?" Mayu asked, narrowing her eyes. Hinata started laughing; Naruto joined in.

"I-I'm sorry...!" Hinata said, calming down. "It's just nice seeing the two of you like this again."

"Heh! I guess you're right!" Mayu said, and then laughed herself.

"Alright, here's your orders!" the waiter appeared by the table with a tray in his hands; he set the food down on the table. "Enjoy your meal." Rireyu left the group to eat their meal.
Sasuke's POV

After we ate, it was discovered that Mayu and her friend, Yasume didn't have a place to go. Before I could say anything, Naruto spoke up. "Why don't you guys stay over at my place!" he said. Sometimes I really wanted to strangle Naruto...

"Uh... I don't think that such a good idea," Mayu responded, making her eyes go upward. "Your place is much too small for three people, let alone Yasume's crazy claustrophobic butt."

"Hey! Fuck you!" Yasume yelled, most likely gaining the attention of anyone near us.

"What's claustrophobic?" Naruto asked.

"It means she's afraid of Santa Claus," Mayu answered.

"Really?!" Naruto asked, his voice laced with excitement. I can't believe how much of an idiot Naruto really is. Mayu whacked him over the head.

"No, you silly boy! I was kidding," she said.

"Man, you really are a moron!" Yasume muttered.

"Anyway, I could always ask Kakashi-san to let us stay with him," Mayu said, ignoring her friend's words. It's kinda hard to believe they are friends.

"Doesn't Kakashi live alone?" Naruto asked. "There's not enough room there either."

"Hey, you can stay with me," I suggested. Everyone looked back at me like that was just the weirdest thing I've ever said.

"Sasuke-san does live in a hotel! I think that's a great idea!" Hinata was the first to speak. Thank you, Hinata! "Doesn't that sound good, Mayu-san, Yasume-san. You get to have your own rooms as well."

Mayu looked like she was thinking it over. Judging from the frown on her face, she was going to say no. Damn... "I don't know if that's such a good idea," she muttered. Does Mayu hate me? I could have sworn she had said she'd forgiven me.

"Why? It's not like you haven't been over to his place before," Naruto stated. Mayu merely glared at him.

"It's not that..." she muttered. "I'm a little scared that Yasume will kill Sasuke in his sleep." Wait a minute...! What did she just say?

"Why would I wanna kill emo boy?" Yasume asked.

"Maybe not right now, but it could come down to that," Mayu said.

"I'm sure I'll be fine," I muttered.

"I still don't know..." she said.

"Look, it's only until you get enough money to get your own apartment," I said. "Like Naruto said, it's not like you've never been there before."

"Alright, it's better than sleeping on the street and I suppose I really don't want to sleep in a place full of porno again," Mayu said. I'd rather not ask about the porno...

"Then it's settled! Let's go, so I can sleep!" Yasume exclaimed. "Can't believe I'm up this late!"

Everyone said their goodbyes, and then we went our separate ways. For some reason... Hinata stayed with Naruto. I shrugged at the thought. She probably just wanted to spend more time with Naruto. Something tells me Naruto's going to be tired tomorrow. "Mayu! Mayu!" Yasume's voice caught my attention. It's weird... I know she's a foreign, but she speaks this language so well.

I can hardly hear her accent. "You've been over to emo's house before?" I wish she would stop calling me that. It's annoying as hell.

"Sasuke and I were close friends... when we were younger," Mayu answered her in a soft voice. Yasume turned back to me with a frown on her face; I was behind the both of them of course.

"Back off, emo! She's my friend now!" she stated, and then stuck out her tongue.

I resisted the urge to roll my eyes. "I don't want her as my friend," I thought, staring at Mayu's back. "I want more, but does she?" Ever since we separated from Naruto, she hadn't said a word to me. Mayu has been too quiet... She hasn't even called me bird brain... like she used to. "Before I betrayed her for power," I thought, frowning. "It doesn't matter if she says she forgives me. It still feels like she hasn't."

We eventually got back to my place. I quickly opened the door and stepped in, instantly greeted by dust. I guess I shouldn't be surprised. It's been almost three years. I reached for the light switch as I let Mayu and Yasume pass. The lights flickered on. Wow... even the air was filled with dust.

"What the fuck?!" Yasume exclaimed, coughing loudly.

"We should open all the windows," Mayu stated, walking towards the stairs. "Come with me, Yasu."

"Yeah, yeah..." Yasume muttered, following Mayu upstairs. When I was sure they were both on the second floor, I quickly made my way to the kitchen. I knew it was still there, but I was still anxious. I was going to bring it with on my trip, but in the end I decided to leave it here.

I opened the drawer and pulled out a few items that I didn't care about at the moment, and then my hand touched it. It was covered in dust... as I expected. I wiped the dust from the small heart-shaped frame, and then just stared at the picture. In the picture, Mayu looked so happy. Now... it almost seems like she's faking. I'd do anything to see her smile like that again. "Don't I look happy?" I thought sarcastically.

I leaned on the counter as I stared at the picture with a frown on my face. How could Mayu fall for a moody kid like me? I constantly called her names, I yelled at her a lot, not to mention I didn't have the guts to tell her goodbye. "Though... she called me names as well," I thought, looking up at the ceiling. "I was a coward back then. I was thinking Nakatsu didn't deserve her, but it was me that didn't deserve her or her love." But I have changed and I will get you back. "Mayu..."

"Sasuke!" Mayu's voice startled me so much that almost dropped the frame. I quickly hid it behind my back just as Mayu came into the kitchen.

"What?" I asked.

"Yasu and I fanned out the rooms that we picked out. You don't mind fanning out your room, do you?" she asked; I shook my head and said no. Just how long have I been down here remembering the past? "Alright... Well, we're going to sleep now. Night..."

"Night," I responded. Mayu turned to go, but then she turned back. "What is it?" I asked.

"Um... Yasume offered to clean this place up while we're on a mission, so you don't have to worry about it," she said.

"Yasume offered...? Isn't she the loud mouth?" I asked.

"Heh... Actually, I had to hit Yasume a couple of times to get Yasmine to come out," Mayu grinned. "It was actually Yasmine who agreed."

"I see..."

"Well, good night! See ya tomorrow," Mayu waved, and then walked off.

Well, I couldn't sleep at all. I've been up on the roof for about fifteen minutes now. I could not fall asleep! No matter how much I tried. If I don't find a way to fall asleep soon, I'm not going to be at my best tomorrow. I sighed loudly as I closed my eyes. "That's going to be hard seeing as how I'm not even tired..." I muttered, opening my eyes.

I remember this sky. Looking up at the stars with Mayu by my side. I remember it was almost every night that we'd just sit up here, throwing random insults at each other. It was our little game. I actually felt like a normal kid during those times with her. "I wonder what it would have been like if I wasn't forced to grown up," I mused as I closed my eyes. I would have become another Naruto... "I haven't changed that much!" I shuddered at the thought.

"Sasuke...!" a voice caused me to sit up.

"Mayu!" I said, trying to hide my surprise. I hadn't even sensed her! Well, she did say she wore weights, so being light on her feet is to be expected. "What are you doing out here?"

"Couldn't sleep," she answered. "It's sorta weird. I've been here before countless times, and yet it seems so foreign to me. You know what I mean?"

"Yeah, I can't get to sleep either," I agreed.

"That not what I asked..." Mayu muttered, frowning lightly.

"Um... Come sit down here with me," I said. To my surprise, she actually came over to me and sat down.

"I want to ask you something," Mayu said.


"Your ninja status was taken away. Although that sounds reasonable, I don't think you were labeled as a missing nin," she began.

"What's your point?" I asked.

"Your ninja status shouldn't have been terminated if you came back by yourself," Mayu continued. "Did something happen?"

"Yeah... The Hokage thought I was spying for Orochimaru when I came back so soon," I answered. "I told them I wasn't, but they wouldn't listen. They didn't trust me at all. Just like you said... Everything you said to me that day came true." I expected her to laugh and say: I told you so! But she just stayed quiet and brought her knees up to her chin. "I was interrogated by Ibiki... That was real fun," I said sarcastically; Mayu still didn't speak, so I just looked back up at the night sky.

"Must've been hell," she finally said. "To have a lot of people look up to you, and then they just stop trusting you completely."

"I didn't care about what other people thought of me," I mumbled.

"Then what did you care about?" Mayu asked in a whisper.

"... You," I answered; Mayu didn't reply, so I continued. "And that's why I chose to get stronger... the right way."

"The right way?" Mayu repeated. "Oh, you mean training with Jiraiya-san... Well, then I'm glad you did!"

"I did it for you," I said, turning my eyes to her. "Doesn't that mean anything?"

"Yes... it means a lot," Mayu said; she looked me in the eyes for a moment, and then looked away. "I'm glad you're my friend."

"Friend..." I repeated, narrowing my eyes. Mayu sighed softly, and then pushed her legs out.

"I should try to go to sleep again," she muttered.

Mayu moved to get up, but I quickly grabbed both of her wrist and pulled her close to me. "Don't... Don't walk away, pretending every thing is fine and you don't care," I whispered, and then kissed her gently. I could feel Mayu's body turn stiff, but only caused me to press harder against her. I wanted to kiss Mayu for years. There was no way I was going to let her slip through my fingers again. "Mayu..." I said as I pulled back from her. She hadn't kissed me.

"S-Sas... Sasuke..." Mayu whispered, bowing her head. I released her wrist, and then grabbed her chin, forcing her to look at me. I noticed that a blush at appeared on her face.

"I've changed, Mayu, but my feelings for you have only grown over the years," I told her. "I don't care if you say you're taken by someone else. You're mine and I won't let anyone take you away." A tear slipped out of Mayu's eyes, and then she wrapped her arms around. It surprised me because I really was expecting her to punch for saying that she was mine.

"I'm... sorry!" she said. "I lied... I have no one else. I told myself that I wouldn't think about you, but I couldn't. I really missed you, Sasuke!" I wrapped my arms around her body and drew her closer to my body.

"Mayu, don't cry..." I said. She pulled back and glared at me, not a single tear fell from her eyes.

"Hey, I'm not your property!" she exclaimed, causing me to smirk.

"There's the Mayu I know and love," I said; Mayu blushed again at my words.

"I... love you, too..." she said, and then kissed my cheek. Well, she would have kissed my cheek if I hadn't turned at the last second. But Mayu didn't seem to mind much because we continued to kiss each other. It almost felt like the first kiss I shared with her, and yet it was so different. I felt my back press against the roof and Mayu crawl on top of me, kissing me all the while. My mouth opened, allowing Mayu's tongue to slip through.

She rubbed her tongue against mine, causing a weird tingling sensation to flow through my body and rest in my mid section. It felt as if both of our tongues were sparing and Mayu was winning because I didn't know what the heck I was doing. After all, this was the first time I've gotten kissed like this, so I opted for her to be in control... for now. Mayu pulled back and rested her head on my chest, panting heavily. I could feel her warm breath on my skin. "That was..." I panted, my body slowly relaxing. "Amazing!"

Mayu lifted her head up and grinned. "You should have your cake and eat it... too," she said. I didn't really get why she said that, but...

"Okay..." I murmured. Mayu got off of me, causing me to sit up, but I was pushed back down.

"Relax, I'm not leaving," she stated, staring at my chest. "Where did you get these clothes?"

"I--There Kimimaro's clothes. I took them with me when I left," I answered. What the hell does this have to do with cake? "I put the Uchiha crest on the back..."

"Oh," Mayu muttered, placing her hand on my chest. Her hand was warm and gentle, slowing moving down. I stared up at Mayu with wide eyes; she didn't bother to look at my face. Her eyes were completely focused on her hand. Just what was she thinking?!

Mayu's hand slipped past the elastic band of my boxers. I swear I stopped breathing when I felt her hand come into contact with arousal. I hadn't even realized that it was hard! I grabbed Mayu's top and pulled her close to my face, causing her to pause her stroking. "S-Stop it... or you're going to make me do something we shouldn't do before our wedding," I panted out.

"That's not stopping you from grabbing my boob, now is it?" Mayu asked. Wait... what? Oooooh! I hadn't noticed that my other hand was under her shirt either.

"I don't know how that got there," I replied lamely, pulling my hand away, but Mayu stopped me.

"It's alright... I don't mind," she said with a blush stained face. "Besides, you said I could touch you where ever I want..." Oh, yeah... I did say that, didn't I? "Please, Sasuke, touch me again." I nodded unconsciously, and then gave her breast a small squeeze; Mayu let a soft moan escape her mouth. I guess she forgot where her hands were because every time I squeezed her, she squeezed me...

"Kami-sama, help me control myself..." I thought as I heard Mayu moan again. She suddenly released me and forced my hands away from her. "What is it?" I asked. Instead of speaking, she made me sit up, and then she went behind me. "Mayu...?" I said in confusion.

"I... really love you, Sasuke," she whispered in my ear as she wrapped her arms around my body, touching my chest lightly, causing me to shiver in anticipation.

"I love you," I respond as I guided her hand back down.

"You've turned into a pervert..." I heard her whisper as she once again began massaging my erection.

"You started it..." I breathed out as I arched my head back in ecstasy. Mayu trailed small kisses down the side of my face and down my neck. I felt her teeth dig into my skin, but it wasn't painful. It was almost addicting... Without warning, Mayu's hand went up and down faster and faster, causing me to cry out. "M-Mayu...!"

I squeezed Mayu's arm with both of my hands, making her move faster. This feeling was so... breathtaking! I didn't want her to stop. "Sasuke, don't rip my arm off!" Mayu hissed, and then bit my ear. Her actions only caused me to shudder and make me go faster. "Friggin' control freak!" I could feel it coming. The pressure was building and I was beginning to shake!

"M-MAYU...!" I cried out, suddenly feeling myself sit up. I panted heavily as I looked around. No one was around and it was completely dark, not even the moon was out. "W-Was that a-a dream?!" I asked myself. I slammed my fist on the roof when I realized that it was. "Only a fucking dream!" I thought examining my now bleeding knuckles. "Damn it..." I muttered out loud.

I need a shower...

Knock.... Knock... Knock

That noise brought Kakashi's nose out of his precious green book. "Someone is at the door," Kakashi thought. "I'll just pretend to be asleep." With that thought in mind, the silver-haired jounin continued to read his book for the second time that night.


Kakashi once again looked up from his book, and then sighed. "My, my! This person sure is persistent," he thought. He glanced out his window to see that it was still dark. "Who in their right mind would be up at this hour," Kakashi thought, forgetting the fact that he was up at moment; he moved to get off his bed.


Kakashi nearly fell off his bed after hearing that. "OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR, KAKASHI!" a voice shouted. Kakashi's eyes went wide at the familiar voice.

"What's he want?" he thought, walking towards the door. Kakashi opened the door, only to be pushed aside. The person grumbled something about 'late' as he walked passed the jounin. "Well, hello to you too!" Kakashi muttered sarcastically as he shut his door.

"I have a problem," the visitor mumbled as he sat down in a chair.

"Yes, there's a word for it, Sasuke..." Kakashi said, turning to the young boy. "It's called rudeness!"

"Not that," Sasuke said, frowning; Kakashi resisted the urge to throw his book at him. Sometimes these kids were so damn annoying! That's when Kakashi noticed Sasuke's appearance. The boy wasn't wearing the same thing Kakashi had seen him in before; he was now wearing, what seemed to be, a larger version of his old outfit, not to mention his hair was wet.

Water ran down Sasuke's face and on to the floor. Kakashi looked out his window again. It wasn't raining... so why was his former student dripping? "Sasuke, what brings you here dripping wet... all over my floor?" Kakashi finally asked. Sasuke looked up at his former sensei with a frown on his face.

"I was in the shower when I realized I need to come over here," he answered.

"O... kay..." Kakashi thought. "And what possessed you to come over here so quickly?" he asked out loud.

"I need advise... Unfortunately, you're the only one I know that's experienced," Sasuke said. "And I really don't want to go all the way to the Land of Waves just to talk to Haku."

"What's he mean by 'unfortunately'?" Kakashi thought.

"Mayu's living me and her friend is too," Sasuke continued. "Until they have enough money to get their own apartment."

"And this is a problem... why?" Kakashi asked, sitting back on his bed. He'd rather be reading his book right now, not listen to Sasuke talk about his problems. He had gotten enough of that when Sasuke was younger.

"I... don't know how to approach her anymore," Sasuke said, running his fingers through his hair, getting more water on the floor. Kakashi glared at the water as it made contact with the floor.

"Approach her...?" he repeated.

"Yeah, Mayu's changed... a lot," Sasuke said.

"Yes, I know that. She's no longer the loud, reckless Mayu we once knew. She's more quiet and careful," Kakashi stated. "She's turned into quite the strategist as well..."

"I don't mean her character! Her character's just fine!" Sasuke stated.

"Then what do you mean?" Kakashi asked.

"It's her..." Sasuke said in a quiet voice.

"What? Speak up, Sasuke. I didn't hear you," Kakashi said.

"Um... it's her..." Sasuke's voice only seemed to get softer.

"Sasuke, if you don't want to talk, then get the heck out..." Kakashi said; Sasuke didn't open his mouth again, causing the silver-haired jounin to sigh loudly. "Sasuke, I have work to do, so if you don't mind... goodni--"


The room became completely silent after Sasuke's loud outburst. Kakashi stared at Sasuke with wide eyes--wide eye. "Um... You might want to keep it down," he finally said. "I do have neighbors."

"This is serious, Kakashi! I've never thought about Mayu in this way before!" Sasuke stated. "What's going on with me?" Kakashi stared at his former student like he was an idiot.

"I didn't think Sasuke would be this naive when it came to this..." he thought. Surely Jiraiya had said something about this to him before!

"Why are you staring at me like that?" Sasuke voice brought Kakashi out of his thoughts.

"Sasuke... it's called puberty," Kakashi said. "Everyone goes through it..."

"I know that already!"

"Then get the heck out...!" Kakashi thought.

"What I want to know is why my body reacts to just one thought of Mayu," Sasuke said; Kakashi sighed again.

"Pu-ber-ty!" he said. "It's a sign that you're becoming a man. You're starting to really notice the opposite sex in your age group. I imagine that Naruto's going through the same thing..."

"But it only happens when I think of Mayu," Sasuke stated.

"I guess it's only natural that Sasuke doesn't know about this change," Kakashi thought, sighing again. "He wasn't very social to begin with. Not to mention that there was no one there to teach him."

"I even tested it," Sasuke continued. "I pictured Sakura and various other girls in my head, but nothing happened."

"Well, I guess that makes you a one woman man," Kakashi said. "Lucky Mayu..." Sasuke was quiet for a while, staring at the floor deep in thought, water continued to drip from him. Kakashi stood up from his bed and began to search his room.

"So... What's supposed to happen afterwards?" Sasuke finally asked; Kakashi tossed a towel on Sasuke's head.

"Your naivety amazes me, Sasuke," he said, sitting back on the back; Sasuke just glared. "But fine, I'll explain it to you the best I can... This lesson is called The Birds and the Bees."
thirty-three minutes later

Sasuke stared at Kakashi in horror, eyes wide, mouth open. "... Are you going to say something?" Kakashi asked; Sasuke didn't reply. "Kids..." he muttered.

"People actually do that?!" Sasuke questioned; Kakashi nodded.

"All the time," he answered.

"Sounds disgusting..." Sasuke muttered.

"Well, how did you think families were created?" Kakashi answered, picking up his book.

"I ask someone older when I was really young, I think they told me something about a bird delivering babies to nice people... or something like that," Sasuke said.

"Now you know that they lied," Kakashi replied.


"KAKASHI-SENSEI! KAKASHI-SENSEI!" a shout came from the other side of the door.

"Not another one..." Kakashi muttered, sitting his book down. "I'm never going to finish reading..."

"Well, I'm out..." Sasuke stated, standing from the chair.

"You're not staying?" Kakashi asked.

"Hell no, I'd rather not hear the that again," Sasuke answered, opening the door to Kakashi's room; Naruto stumbled in. His face was red, beads of sweat ran down his face, and his expression was that of a person who was panicking.


"Quiet, I have neighbors!" Kakashi spoke calmly, though on the inside, he was trying desperately to keep his anger on lock.

"There really is porn every where..." Sasuke muttered as he walked out, closing the door behind him.

"What was Sasuke doing here?" Naruto asked, momentarily forgetting why he was standing in Kakashi's room.

"No reason... Tell me what's the problem," he said; Naruto shook his head rapidly in order to focus.

"It's about Hinata-chan!" he exclaimed, causing Kakashi to sigh loudly.

"Here we go again..." he thought. "Damn you for not teaching them, Jiraiya...!"

Well, this chapter is very long, so you can't complain! Ha!

And before you even say something about certain things in this chapter, look at the rating! It's rated that way for a reason!

Please review!