Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Our Lives in the Hurricane Chronicles ❯ Chapter 30

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

"No matter what kind of ending we create, the heart is a mystery... This is the truth that closes in like darkness..." -A.R.A.S.H.I. (Truth)

Sasuke gently set his teammate down on the bed. She still had not awakened from her genjutsu induced coma. The Uchiha stared down at his unconscious teammate for a moment before turning his attention to the rest of the group. They had all had to run nonstop after that detonation. Akatsuki had set it up to look like they were the ones who blew up the place where God's Angel lived. The villagers and ninja had chased them out of the country. Luckily, Yasmine's hands were covering Neji's eyes, and their headbands were still concealed, or a conflict between Konoha and Amegakure would have broken out–based on their inhabitants' behavior toward the blast.

Anyway, both Neji and Jano were tired. Heck, he, himself, was fatigued. Mayu's weights did not really help. The only one who appeared to be fine was Yasmine. They had successfully retrieved her, yet they did not know the reason behind her capture. The three males agreed to not question her until everyone was well rested. “I’ll stay with Mayu tonight. We’ll return to Konoha in the morning.”

“Why do you get to stay with Mayu? You’re going to do something weird to her, aren’t you?” Yasmine asked. Her brown eyes were narrowed and suspicious. Sasuke turned his back on the group, not wanting them to see the blush.

“No, you idiot. I’m going to protect her while Jano-san and Hyuga look after you. We can’t have a defenseless kunoichi and a weak foreigner alone. They could come back to find you,” he stated.

“Hey…! I’m not weak! I-”

“-was captured…?” Sasuke raised an eyebrow. Yasmine pursed her lips, realizing he was right.


Jano cleared his throat and wrapped an arm around his former ward. He guided her pouting form toward the door. “Come along, now, gaki. I’m sure you’re tired.” The man looked over his shoulder. “Neji-kun…?” The Hyuga nodded his head. Jano thought it was strange that he hadn’t said anything since they left the unnamed country. There was also the fact that he always seemed to be thinking deeply about something.

“Yes, we should rest,” Neji replied. He gave a curt nod to Sasuke before following the other two out of the room. Their room was right across the hall.

Sasuke let out a sigh when he heard the door finally close, signifying that the three had left. He sat on the bed with his back facing his teammate. Luckily, this whole mission hadn’t been as complicated as he thought it was going to be. Sure, Mayu was knocked out for the time being, but he was sure that the Hokage could heal her like she did with Kakashi and he back when he was–wait, he was still a genin, wasn’t he? Letting that thought slip away, the young Uchiha closed his eyes and released another sigh. He hunched over, thinking back to the mission.

Mayu’s eyes opened, hearing his sigh of exhaustion. She quietly sat up, keeping her eyes on Sasuke’s back. It did not appear as if he knew she was up. The kunoichi quietly crawled toward the end of the bed. She moved closer to Sasuke. “Tired…?” she whispered in his ear. The Uchiha flinched, and then turned, surprised by her sudden awakening.

“You’re conscious?” he asked. Mayu nodded. “… For how long?” His teammate narrowed her eyes and she sat back down on the bed.

“Since you fondled me,” she answered. Red is the color Uchiha Sasuke’s skin turned. “Glad to know that even when my life is on the line, you’re still a pervert.”

“I… I was readjusting you! I wasn’t fondling,” he protested.

“It’s fine… It’s not like I hate you touching me, but you woke me up,” Mayu stated. Ignoring his look of disbelief, she continued. “Itachi got me with a genjutsu, but it wasn’t the one he used on you when you were 12, so… I’m pretty much alright.”

“You were awake this entire time?”

“No, I took a nap.”

“I don’t know if you’ve realized this, but you got new weights and they’re heavier than what I’m used to, so next time you’re able to move on your own–do it!” Sasuke ordered.

“Yes, sir!” Mayu saluted him. Sasuke snorted her sarcastic response. “As long as Yasmine’s safe, I can rest easy. I don’t mean to appear lazy.” The Uchiha nodded his head in understanding. He knew quite well how tense Mayu could become when her precious friends were involved. First, it was Gaara, and then Yasmine. He hoped she didn’t have anymore people on that list. He could hardly stand to see her become that way. “But now that I’m rested… I’m kinda hungry.” Sasuke gave her a look. “What? I haven’t had a decent meal recently! Go buy me some food.” She waved him off. He sighed before standing.

“Fine, fine, but you have to write the mission report,” Sasuke stated. Mayu pouted as her teammate headed for the door, ending the negotiation–not that he allow her to negotiate. “Yasmine’s across the hall with Hyuga and Jano-san. Be either there or here when I get back–don’t wander around.”

“Yes, mother!” Mayu grinned. Sasuke let a small smile cross his face before closing the door behind him. Moments after she could no longer hear his departing footsteps, the kunoichi let her fake grin drop. She looked down at her lap. “I hate myself… so much,” she murmured.

Tsunade stared at the group of five. Specifically, her eyes were on the foreigner. She was quite surprised by her appearance. No, it wasn’t the kimono she was wearing. Although she had heard that the foreigner had been kidnapped right after she got off work, she was in different attire. But that’s not why the Hokage stared at the teen in question. It was the fact that she wore a smile on her face that threw her off. One would think someone wouldn’t be so happy to spend more than a week with a criminal organization, but here this foreigner was–all smiles.

Sensing her leader’s confusion, Mayu stepped forward and bowed. “Don’t mind her, Hokage-sama,” she said. “She’s… different.” The kunoichi chuckled nervously, and then handed an envelope to Tsunade. “Here’s the report.” The Hokage took eyes from the foreigner and took the item from Mayu’s hand. She stared at it for a moment before returning her eyes to Yasmine.

“I want to hear it from her. How did it go? What did Akatsuki want with you? Did something happen?”

Ah…! Is that really necessary?” Mayu asked. “She could be… traumatized?” Tsunade gave her a look that meant no nonsense, and then turned back to Yasmine. “Don’t say you had fun! Please don’t say you had fun!” she thought, stepping back in line.

Yasmine moved forward, copying her friend’s earlier actions. After Tsunade gave the go ahead nod, the foreign teen lifted her head. “It was awesome!” Yasmine’s response caused everyone to blanch. “I had so much fun! Deidara-sama is a douche for kissing me-”

“N-NANI….?!” Jano yelled.

“-And I didn’t like the part where Zetsu-sama bit me either. I think I got a bruise!”

Eh…?!” Both Neji and Mayu stared at her back, plotting to kill this Zetsu person.

“Despite getting drunk that time and all that jazz, I had a great time! Thanks for asking, Hokage-sama!” Yasmine bowed again, and then returned to her place in line.

Tsunade was pretty much speechless. This girl had fun with Akatsuki–the criminal organization that was practically a global crisis? She knew of the girl’s condition, but she didn’t truly believe she was… crazy. But still she had to wonder… Why it that Akatsuki treated her normal– actually, normal was not the right word… Tsunade was even more confused than before they brought her back. And a fading hangover plus an oncoming headache did not go together. She rubbed her temples as she listened to her subordinates chatter.

“Gaki, you didn’t tell us that you were kissed!” Jano stated. “And you did not tell us all that other stuff either!”

“If I said any of that stuff, most of you would have tried to go back, though,” Yasmine said. “It would have been chaos.” Sasuke nodded, agreeing with her statement. There was no doubt in his mind that ¾ of the team would get angry at that tidbit of information. The foreign teen turned back to the Hokage who was still looking as confused as ever. “Hokage-sama… As to why they wanted me in the first place-” Tsunade was all ears. “-Even to me, that fact is unknown.”

“But you told us that they wanted you to heal someone called Zetsu!” Jano exclaimed. “Was that a lie?”

“Of course not. While I was with Akatsuki, I cared for Zetsu-sama as instructed, but my purpose isn’t clear to me, which is why I say that it is unknown,” Yasmine clarified.

“Purpose…?” Neji repeated.

“Hai…” she nodded. “What that man had was a simple, easily cured sickness. It would have faded regardless of my help. I’m afraid that my actual purpose was far greater than healing someone. In fact, I’m absolutely positive it was. Retrieving me was far too easy. None of these ninja had to really fight–not seriously.”

Tsunade sat back in her seat, allowing the information to sink in. This new opinion only brought about more suspicion, more questions, and more confusion. The Hokage narrowed her eyes at nothing in particular. “Now that I think about it, wouldn’t a medic be the better choice?” she thought. Tsunade focused on Yasmine again. “For the time being, I want you to go back to your normal routine. I don’t believe that will be hard for you since you don’t seem the least bit scared,” she said.

“Should I tell them that I think Itachi-sama’s the one who came up with the idea of kidnapping me?” Yasmine thought.

Yasume: Hell no! You shouldn’t have said anything in the first place!

Yasmine nodded in agreement with her alter ego. It would be best if she kept quiet about her opinions concerning Akatsuki. She probably shouldn’t have said she had fun with them, either… She had almost heard Mayu mentally smack her forehead. “Very well…” Tsunade spoke. “Your thoughts are duly noted. You may leave–all of you, except you, Uchiha-san.” Confused by this, but not wanting to disobey, the other four shuffled out of the office.

Once outside the office, Mayu turned to Yasmine. “So we’re going home, right?” she asked. The two had separated from Jano and Neji.

“Actually, I have to stop at my job and confirm that I still have a job. You can go ahead, I don’t mind,” Yasmine answered.

This brief conversation was the last thing Sasuke heard before the door closed. He turned his attention back to his Hokage. Her amber eyes, however, were focused on her desk. He raised an eyebrow, wondering what she wanted to speak to him about. Had she assumed that he’d been the leader of the mission? Or was she worried that he had thoughts of abandoning the village because he saw a glimpse of his brother? Sasuke mentally scoffed. That wasn’t likely. He wasn’t the same little kid that had charged at his brother without thinking. He was different. He was stronger in body, as well as mind. Besides, ditching the primary mission for his own personal reasons might have put everyone at risk.

Getting slightly annoyed, Sasuke voiced his thoughts to his leader. Surprised by the disrespectful tone in his voice, Tsunade’s head snapped up. Sure, Sasuke wasn’t one to be polite to–well, anyone, but he did show respect. “Why so defensive? This isn’t about your mission or your brother,” she said. “What I want to speak with you about is your former sensei.”

“Kakashi? What did that pervert do this time and how am I involved?”

Tsunade nearly fell out of her chair when she heard that. Honesty, this kid had spent way too much time with Jiraiya and Naruto. Thinking back, she shouldn’t have allowed him to go on their training journey. Now his mind was permanently altered by those two idiots. She sighed before attempting to correct him. “No, not Hatake… I was referring to Orochimaru,” she said. Sasuke furrowed his eyebrows. “Was it so bad that you had almost forgotten that he taught you?” The Uchiha didn’t reply. “But anyway… Like I said, this is about him.” She waited a moment before continuing. “He is alive and he has been spotted.” Sasuke’s eyes went slightly wider. “A team of ninja were sent to find an old lair of Orochimaru’s, along the way, they ran into Kabuto, who told Sakura that Orochimaru was still alive and well. Thinking he was bluffing–having delivered the final blow, herself–she ignored him. But at the end of the mission, Hinata-chan, not knowing what Orochimaru looks like in the first place, gave a physical description of him. It was… pretty accurate for someone who hasn’t seen him before.”

Hidden by his lips, Sasuke clenched his teeth. He knew that snake bastard wouldn’t stay down for long. He knew that Orochimaru would eventually resurface again. He just didn’t believe it would be so soon. “What does this have to do with me?” Sasuke asked, keeping the impassive expression on his face.

“Although I trust Hinata-chan’s eyes, I wan to confirm his… resurrection. Tell me, since you were with him for a time, does he have some sort of advanced medical ninjutsu–or perhaps a liquid remedy?” Tsunade asked. Sasuke remained quiet for a time.

“Your guess is as good as mine,” he finally said. “He liked to experiment on many things concerning the preservation of life. I wouldn’t put it lightly if someone has seen him alive despite his head being crushed. Kabuto might have had something to do with it.”

“That’s what I’m afraid of…” Tsunade murmured. “Uchiha Sasuke, do you have any intention of going back to that man?” Sasuke glared at her for even suggesting such a thing. The Hokage chuckled lightly. “No, of course you don’t, which is why I ask you to be on alert. I imagine that he’s looking for his next body–you. I’ll still send you and your team on missions outside of the village, but you won’t be going anywhere near that place he calls his village.”

Sasuke nodded in understanding. He wouldn’t want to go anywhere near that village when Orochimaru was on the prowl. He knew that his former mentor would use any means necessary to get what he wanted. If possible, he did not want anyone he cared for going near that man. “Hai,” he said. Tsunade gestured for him to leave.

“Dismissed,” she said. Again, the Uchiha nodded and headed for the door. “One more thing…!” Sasuke halted his movements. His hand was hovering over the doorknob. “Only I, Hinata-chan, and now you know about this. I advise you to also keep this information to yourself.” Once more, Sasuke nodded before exiting.

“Oi, Sasuke…!”

The Uchiha turned his head slightly. What he saw was his former teammate running toward him, arm waving. Sasuke stopped walking, allowing his blond friend to catch up. “Naruto,” he greeted with a nod. Naruto grinned. He had on normal, every day clothes, so Sasuke assumed that he had no missions for today and didn’t plan on training either.

“I thought that was you. Did you just get back this morning?” he asked. Sasuke nodded his head. “Oh, well, I just had breakfast, but-”

“We need to talk, Naruto,” Sasuke interrupted. “Let’s go to your apartment. It’s near here, right?” Naruto scrunched his face up as if he had smelled something foul. “Nani…?” Sasuke asked, wondering why his rival’s face turned blue. Naruto hugged himself as if he was trying to comfort himself.

Ew, Sasuke! If I didn’t know you were a closet pervert, I would think you wanted me all these years!” he exclaimed.

“I’m going to ignore that, and to stop myself from killing, I’m going to picture myself ramming my sword up your ass,” Sasuke stated. Naruto went pale at his words. That’s when he realized what he said. “No! I swear that’s not what I meant!” Naruto shook his head rapidly and said something about Hinata killing crazy Uchihas. “Naruto, shut up! And get your ass to the apartment!”

“What is it with your crazy fascinations with my ass, Sasuke?!” the blond shouted, drawing the attention of many, as he took off down the street, still hugging his body.

Sasuke had to stop himself from screaming bloody rage. Instead, his eyebrow twitched like mad. Ignoring the looks he received from multiple villagers, he walked ahead, mentally picturing Naruto’s death. Sometimes, he truly wanted to torture the blond and leave him to rot. But he could do no such thing. While most believed him to be an annoying idiot, they still cared for him. There was no way he’d walk away alive if he killed the moron.

The Uchiha finally reached Naruto’s apartment. The door was unlocked and ajar. He went in, closing the door behind him. “It’s about time you showed up,” Naruto’s voice came from further inside his apartment. Sasuke assumed he was in his bedroom, so he walked in that direction. “What were you doing–thinking of ways to kill me?” The blond chuckled until he saw the flat look being directed at him. “Eheh… You were, weren’t you?” Sasuke did not answer. Instead, he sat in a chair adjacent to Naruto’s bed. The blond was currently sitting on it with his legs dangling over the side.

“This place is surprising clean,” he began.

“Yeah, every once in a while, Hinata-chan comes over and forces me to clean.”

“This will probably last for… less than a week,” Sasuke commented. Naruto glared, taking offense to his accurate statement. “But anyway, I’m not here to discuss your home. I have information on Takeshi.”

“Takeshi,” Naruto repeated, all kidding aside. Sasuke nodded his head, and then began relaying what he had heard during his latest mission. After he was finished, he stared at Naruto expectedly. The blond had yet to make a sound. He was a bit surprised that he hadn’t interrupted during the passing of data. “It changes nothing,” Naruto finally spoke up. Confused, Sasuke only continued to stare. “It doesn’t explain why he was suspiciously nice to Hinata-chan and Mayu.” He looked his friend and rival in the eye. “And how do you know this story is true? It could be made up.”

“The source gave me no reason to distrust him,” Sasuke said. “His source, on the other hand–perhaps you could be right and the information is false.” A traveling monk held the material that Kazuhiro Zai read. Who knows where an old geezer could have gotten it? “Mayu’s just as suspicious as you are, but right now, that’s the only information we have.” Naruto nodded in understanding.

“Hey, speaking of Mayu, where is she?” he asked.

Sasuke sat back in his seat. “She went home after we reported to the Hokage,” he answered. “Did you see Sai or Sawatari anywhere?”

“Nah, those two are on a mission–Chouji told me.” There was a pause. “Want to spar with me?”

“Sure,” the Uchiha shrugged. “It’s not like I did any fighting during this last mission.” His own words triggered a memory. Momentarily toning out his friend, who was moving animatedly around the room searching for the right attire, Sasuke moved his eyes to the floor. The last mission, huh…? It was the last mission, wasn’t it? How could he forget? Sooner or later, he would hear Mayu’s answer. He had done all he could to persuade her. The rest–their future–was up to her at this point.

He closed his eyes, deep in thought. He had to admit that he had doubts. Mayu was… a bit unpredictable when it came to things like this. He was sure that he was the only one to bring about these situations. Most of the time, he could read her so easily. It was almost like predicting her next move. But when it came to her feelings, he was as lost as a blind man in a fog. Mentally sighing, Sasuke ran a hand through his hair. Great, now he was even more worried than before. “Naruto…! Get a move on, will you? I don’t have all day!” Maybe a fight would take his mind off her decision for awhile. The moment he reached home, he would demand to hear her answer–regardless if she was ready or not. But for now, he needed to control his anxiety.

“Keep your shirt on! I’m going as fast as I want to!”

Sasuke slowly walked toward his temporary home, the hotel he had inhabited since the Uchiha carnage. That little spar with Naruto had taken more time than he originally planned. He had thought it would take mere minutes to finish. It had actually taken hours until he and Naruto were satisfied. It was now hours past noon. He brought a hand up to massage his sore chest. The blunt end of a stray kunai had gotten through his defenses. That part of his flesh would probably be tender for a few days.
He was so preoccupied with cursing the ground Naruto walked on that he almost didn’t see his teammate leaning against the wall of the hotel. Sasuke halted, noticing the glare she was currently giving the ground. He was quite surprised to see her in that type of attire. Usually after a mission, she would change into shorts and a simple T-shirt. However, she was currently wearing a purple, sleeveless, vest-like top. Instead of shorts, she wore a black skirt. If that wasn’t unusual, then the blue eye shadow that was applied was a dead giveaway that something was amiss. And to top it all off, her hair, which was usually tied in a long braid, was now combed and straightened. “Mayu…?” he called out to her just to make sure he wasn’t imagining things. The teen rarely wore makeup. Heck, he could actually count the number of times she wore it on his hand, and even then it was probably against her will.
The kunoichi slowly turned her head. She stared for a few moments before her face hardened into a glare. Sasuke felt a shiver run under his skin. Despite the look she was giving him, Mayu looked quite… tempting. He was suddenly reminded of how she behaved when she was under Haku’s potion. The Uchiha mentally shook his head, ridding him of those thoughts. This was no time to be thinking of whether or not Mayu behaved like that even without the potion. Dominant Mayu was hot. “Sasuke…!” Speaking of which, the teenage ninja stomped over to him. Though, she was shorter, her face was inches away. “You’re sweaty!”
“That much is obvious. I just finished sparring with Naruto.”
“Sparring… with Naruto–since we got back?”
“Well, not since we returned. It was after I spoke with the Hokage.”
“Do you know how long I was waiting for you?”
Perplexed by her question, Sasuke pursed his lips. He didn't know she was waiting for him. In fact, he had believed that she would avoid him until she was truly ready. “Why were you waiting for me?” he asked. The kunoichi gave him a blank stare as if she couldn’t believe the words that had spilled from his mouth. Then her eyes narrowed, looking disappointed. She averted her gaze to the side. “What is it?”
“You forgot about our date,” she murmured, sounding hurt. Sasuke went pale. “I even got Hinata-chan and Sakura to help me with makeup and clothes–and you forgot.” Mayu turned and began heading for the door. Sasuke nearly gaped. How could he forget the promise?! Mayu had told him during the mission that if he could control himself, then she would go on a date with him. He had fulfilled his end of the agreement and had not tried to fight his brother, so now it was her turn. But somewhere along the way, he had actually forgotten! “I guess I’ll just take all of this off since it’s a waste.” Sasuke suddenly rushed by her, causing the wind to pick up and blow her hair around. He told her to give him ten minutes.
Upon returning, Sasuke found that Mayu was not still in the same spot where he had left her. He found her just outside the entrance to the Uchiha district. “I apologize,” he murmured. The kunoichi turned, and to his surprise, she was smiling. “So… you’re not mad, anymore?”
“No, I’m not mad at you,” she answered. “Let’s just go, okay?” Sasuke slowly nodded his head. He found it a little strange that he hadn’t even gotten a punch from her. He knew that she was the type of person who did not like to be kept waiting. But who was he to question it? He would rather have her smiling than her balling up her fist, preparing to strike. “Hm? What’s that you have?”
Sasuke lifted the two wrapped boxed lunches. “I found these next to the refrigerator,” he answered. “We’ll eat these instead of finding a place to eat.” Mayu frowned.
“You found them?” she repeated. “Meaning their not yours–meaning their Yasmine’s prepared lunches.” Sasuke shrugged.
“What she doesn’t know won’t hurt her,” he said.
“But I’m pretty sure she’s going to hurt you…” Mayu whispered, looking away.
“What was that?”
Smirking, Sasuke led Mayu down the road, going the opposite direction of the village. He could nearly feel her confusion. “I don’t want any interruptions on our long-awaited date. Let’s enjoy it by ourselves,” he answered her unasked question. The kunoichi looked up at him with a frown.
“Please don’t start spitting out shoujo manga lines. It’s weird having them come from you,” she said. Sasuke chose to ignore her comment with a twitch of his eyebrow. He guided her over to a large tree and made her sit. He sat beside her.
“You lived near here, didn’t you?” Sasuke asked, setting the bento down. Mayu nodded her head. “It’s weird how we lived so close, and yet we didn’t meet until after.” Again, the kunoichi nodded as she untied the boxed lunches. The Uchiha smirked. So she hadn’t been lying when she said she hadn’t eaten… He watched her take the lid off of the bento. Her eyes widen in surprise.
Ah! This onigiri looks a lot like Neji!” Mayu exclaimed. “It looks so elaborate and pretty. Yasmine must have spent a lot of time making just this one.” Her blue eyes looked up in thought as she tapped her chin. “Come to think of it, there was a book in her room about how to shape rice balls. I wonder if it’s really okay to eat this…” Sasuke took the lunch from her and peered down at its contents. It was pretty impressive–not better than what his mother used to make for him, but still impressive. Besides the Hyuga Neji-lookalike onigiri, there were wieners, fried eggs, miso marinated pork, sliced oranges, raspberries, and bananas. “This one’s the same. Why does Neji get the special treatment?” Mayu sounded disappointed. “He doesn’t adore her as much as I do!”
“The best revenge would be to eat it before he knows of its existence,” Sasuke said. The kunoichi grinned.
“You’re so devious,” she replied. She put her palms together. “Itadakimasu!” Sasuke watched as his teammate split her chopsticks, and then used them to pick up a slice of pork. She squealed, blushed, and commented on how good the food was. “I’m surprised the fruit still looks edible.” Sasuke smiled. Mayu was being involuntarily cute. Come to think of it, she always behaved in this manner whenever she ate something delicious. After watching her for a few moments more, the Uchiha picked up an onigiri.
“Itadakimasu,” he murmured. He was about to take a bite, but he stopped. His eyes slid over to Mayu, who was happily eating, unaware of his gaze. Sasuke placed rice ball back where he got it. “Mayu…” The kunoichi turned to him with sparkles in her eyes, still in a food-induced fantasy. “Feed me.” Sasuke almost laughed when Mayu’s face seemed to crack.
“Pardon?” she squeaked.
“Feed me,” Sasuke repeated. “I’m prepared for you.”
“Quit joking! I’m not going to do a thing like that! Who do you think I am?!”
“This is my date, so you have to do what I tell you. You, yourself, agreed to this,” Sasuke stated.
“I didn’t think I’d turn into your personal slave…” Mayu groaned, wearily. A blush settled on her cheeks. “But I guess I did promise…”
Sasuke pressed his back against the tree as Mayu moved in front of him. She picked up his bento and chopsticks after setting hers down and putting the lid back on. The Uchiha smiled, and then opened his mouth. Mayu frowned and told him to at least close his eyes. “No, I want to see it,” he responded. “I’ll feed you, too, if you want.”
“Of course you will! This isn’t a give-give situation!” Mayu said. Sasuke took the lid back off. He picked up a rice ball. He held it out to her. She tried to bite it, but he pulled it back at the last second. The two did this a couple more times before she got fed up and bit his finger. “Don’t be an ass!” Sasuke chuckled at her hostility, and then pressed the rice ball against her lips. Finally, she took a bite. “Hm… it’s plums.” Mayu licked her lips as she picked out a rice ball from the bento in her hands. “What’s this one?” She held it out to Sasuke. The shinobi took a huge bite.
“Tuna,” he answered.
Eh, really…? Let’s switch.”
For the next hour or so–Sasuke had lost track of time–the two teens talked and laughed with each other. The Uchiha couldn’t help but get a sense of nostalgia. He remembered a time when their lives hadn’t been so complicated. He remembered when Mayu used to laugh at the simplest things he had done as a child. Together, they used to stay up late and talk all night about the dumbest things. Although they had argued most of the time, it had still been fun. He had thought those times would last, but he had done something almost unforgivable. Sasuke had to admit that he was worried that they would never go back to the way they were. But here they were talking and laughing like they used to.
Mayu’s eyes suddenly grew wide. Sasuke, noticing this, sat up. “What’s the matter?” he asked. She looked up toward the sky. Sasuke did the same. “Ah… It’s getting late. I didn’t realize we were talking that long.”
“Yeah, the sun is about to disappear,” Mayu agreed. She grinned, and then turned to him. “Let’s get a better look, okay?” Sasuke nodded. They had finished eating everything in their boxes. The remains of their little picnic were scattered in between them. “Great, let’s go!” The kunoichi picked up the lids and the containers. She placed them back in the cloth and tied them up. “I know the perfect place. I used to watch the sunset all the time–if I wasn’t training, I guess…” With her free hand, Mayu grabbed Sasuke’s hand. “It’s this way!” she exclaimed, pulling him further down the road.
She did not seem to realize that her intimate touch caused the Uchiha to flush. He couldn’t recall the two of them ever holding hands before. Her hand was rough, as expected of a ninja, yet gentle. Her grip wasn’t too strong, but at the same time, it was a bit insistent. Sasuke smiled. That was just like her. Her hand was akin to her personality. He had just discovered another attribute that he found himself attracted to. “Mayu, these stairs are-”
“Yeah, I know! They’re troublesome, but we’re almost there,” the female teen interrupted. After a few more moments of walking, the two finally reached the top. They were greeted by a single large, red shrine gate. Mayu whistled. “I bet this thing will last many years,” she commented, releasing Sasuke’s hand and touching one of the red columns. She set the wrapped containers against the base.
Sasuke stood beside her and looked up. “I don’t remember this being here,” he remarked. “But it looks old.”
And sturdy!” Mayu gave a half-hearted glare to her teammate. “And that’s because when we came here before, we came up through the back way.”
“It’s… been awhile since then, hasn’t it?”
Mmm…” she agreed with a nod of her head. She turned and leaned against the pillar with her arms folded behind her. Sasuke turned around to face the setting sun as well. “My uncle is the one that made me aware of this spot. So whenever he was on missions, I would try my best to watch the sunset because he told me he would do the same. In my childlike mind, it was as if he was with me even though he was far away.” Mayu smiled, yet didn’t show teeth like she usually did. “It was amazing.”
“You really look up to him, don’t you?” Sasuke questioned.
“Why wouldn’t I? He’s awesome!” she giggled. “You know my dad used to get jealous because he thought I would rather have Uncle Mori as my father.” Her blue eyes looked his way. Sasuke’s breath caught in his throat. He almost couldn’t believe how the setting sun’s light made her look. She was… beautiful. He didn’t really hear her next words. He was too transfixed on her eyes and mouth. He felt and heard his heart beating loudly.
“I want her… I want her…” Unaware of his thoughts, Mayu continued to speak, thinking he was really paying attention. “I want her! I want her! I want her!” He clenched his fists as he continued to gaze at the kunoichi. “I want to be with her.”
Mayu turned her eyes back to the setting sun. Actually, the sun had almost completely gone away. Only a few rays remained. Above the place where the sun set, stars were becoming visible, and so was the moon. “Twilight,” she whispered. “It’s really stunning, isn’t it?” She pushed herself away from the pillar. “It’s getting late, we should head ba-” Mayu had begun to walk away, but Sasuke had grabbed her wrist and pulled her into a hug–a very tight hug. “Sasuke? Wh-What are you doing?”
“I…” he began. “I just felt the urge to do this.”
“Well, next time give me a warning,” her muffled voice reply. She pushed him away. “I couldn’t breathe very well–thanks!” Mayu turned, but didn’t get very far. Sasuke had grabbed her forearm, holding her in place. He slowly leaned forward and pulled her. “Stop…!” Sasuke did as he was told, narrowing his eyes. Mayu looked away.
“This is a date. I should be able to kiss you if I want to,” he told her. Mayu pulled her arm from his grasp. “What’s this? Will you not live up to your promise?!” She didn’t speak. “I want to kiss you, Mayu.” Finally, the kunoichi met his gaze. She parted her lips to speak.
“You can kiss me,” she said. Sasuke’s eyebrows furrowed together. He cornered her by placing his hands on the column near her torso. Mayu didn’t look away.
“I can…?”
“Hai,” she answered. Once again, he moved forward, only to have to stop again. “On the condition that you kiss me… like it’s the last time.”
Sasuke watched Mayu close her eyes and tilt her chin up. That’s it…? Was she not going to explain anything further? Last time? He didn’t understand why she would suddenly ask this of him. His eyes widen a bit. Could it be that she wanted him to show–to feel–how much she meant to him? “That’s the reason, isn’t it? You want to be sure,” he thought. Sasuke lifted his hand and lightly touched Mayu’s face. She didn’t flinch. If anything, she seemed to relax. “If that’s what you want,” he whispered. “I’ll pour in everything.” His lips softly brushed against hers. He pulled back slightly, and then pressed his lips to hers again, this time slowly closing his eyes. The kiss was gentle, almost teasing, coaxing the kunoichi to press and kiss back. Just when he felt her response, he pulled away again.
Mayu’s eyes fluttered open. Her lips were parted. She looked slightly intoxicated. She breathed out as Sasuke moved closer. “I’m not done yet,” he whispered in her ear. “Remember to take a deep breath.” He began to gently press a line of soft kisses along Mayu’s jaw, before he finally meshed their lips together in a soft kiss. This is what he’d wanted for so long. To feel Mayu’s warm, soft body pressed against his–to have her tongue battle his, it was all ecstasy. Sasuke’s arm surrounded her hips, hoisting her up against the column. Instinctively, her arms wrapped around his neck and her legs around his waist. He shivered, feeling her fingers run through his hair. For so long Sasuke had wanted to feel her like this. His hands slid up and down her body, squeezing every so often. Mayu awarded his touches with whimpers and moans. Sasuke felt her trying to pull back. He allowed her to breathe for a moment, while he gently nipped at her neck, wanting to leave marks.

“Sas-Sasuke…!” Mayu shuddered, out of breath. “Eno-Enough!”

No…! Not yet–I want more,” he moaned out, and then captured her lips again. His hand slipped up behind her head, forcing her to return the exhilarating kiss. He did not want this rapture to end. Mayu brought her arm up and whacked him upside the head. This strike startled and disoriented the Uchiha, causing him to pull back.

“I said enough! I’m not your drug!” she said. Sasuke looked annoyed, yet apologetic. “Put me down.” He nodded and did what she instructed.

“Gomen… I lost myself and forgot everything else,” Sasuke stated.

Ignoring him for a moment, Mayu placed a hand over her heart and tried to get her breathing tamed. Her eyes were focused on the ground below her. Finally, when her breaths became steady again, she looked back up, back into his eyes. Dark, onyx eyes reflected her blue ones. She licked her lips. “Do you want to hear my answer now?” she asked. It took a moment for Sasuke to figure out what she was talking about.

“I already know your answer,” he responded.

“Do you…?”

“After that kiss, how could I not?”

Sasuke leaned in for another kiss, but Mayu turned her head away. “I don’t want to be with you.” The Uchiha froze after hearing and comprehending her words. His head shifted a bit as he made an inquiring noise. Mayu returned her eyes to him. “You said that if I don’t answer you with either this or that, you’ll assume that I’m being indecisive, so I’m speaking to you directly. I don’t want to be with you.” He swallowed the lump in his throat.

“Stop joking with me. That’s not something to laugh about.”

“It’s not a joke, Sasuke. I’ve made my decision.”

The kunoichi walked around him, not sparing him another glance. “You’re lying,” Sasuke said, causing Mayu to stop. She, however, did not turn to face him. The two teens kept their backs to each other. “You’re… lying.” She gave him a negative response. “Then why were you… putting on an act this entire time? You were laughing and smiling and-” Sasuke finally turned. “-You were having fun with me like you used to… Give me a reason why.”

“I tried to picture myself with you today. I tried, for your sake, to love you in that way again,” Mayu said. “I couldn’t do it. So instead of leading you on anymore, I’ve decided to end it here. Having a relationship other than teammate or friendship would only end up hurting one of us. I don’t want that. Pursuing anything else would be fruitless.”

“Then that kiss! You can’t lie about that. I felt you. It was-”

“Lust,” she interrupted. “It was pure lust. You’re attractive, Sasuke–a heartthrob. Any girl would just love to do the same. I’m no different.”

“You are different! What the hell? This isn’t right! This isn’t how it was supposed to be. You know that,” Sasuke walked forward.

“This is my decision,” Mayu turned her head slightly. “In the future, you’ll thank me.” She turned her head back, and then moved forward, away from her… teammate.

This didn’t make any sense. He was sure–positive that that wouldn’t be her answer. He had forced her into a corner, yes, but if she truly didn’t want to be with him, then she would have said so much earlier. This wasn’t right. Something was… Sasuke suddenly looked up at her departing back. “… Mayu…!” His shout caused the kunoichi to stop yet again. “I get it… I get it now. I understand why you’re doing this.” The teen did not reply. “It’s because you wanted me to feel what you felt when I left you, right? You wanted me to realize that your heart didn’t break that day. It felt as though it wasn’t there. I understand now. I feel it, too, so drop the act.”

“This isn’t an act, Sasuke. I have already forgiven for that. I’ve long since forgiven you for leaving,” Mayu said. “This isn’t about revenge. I just… I can’t be with you. Gomennasai. I hope you really did kiss me as if it was the last time because it was definitely the last time. I don’t want you to have any regrets.”


“Sasuke!” she shouted. “It’s over. It’s done. My decision has been made. I’ve thought about this for a long time–even before you gave me the ultimatum. I knew eventually that I’d have to choose. I have chosen for my benefit and yours. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind.” Sasuke was silent. “Within two days, Yasmine and I will move out of your hotel and never again step foot into the Uchiha district. Goodbye.” And for the final time, Mayu began walking away. This time, no matter what was said, she would not stop again, this, Sasuke knew.

But why…? Why all of sudden was she being this way–this cruel? She had to be lying. She had to! Sasuke was sure that Mayu loved him as much as he loved her. The Uchiha dropped to his knees. What could he do? There was nothing he could do now. She had made up her mind and told him directly one of the two answers that he had ordered her to give. He had to forget. He had to move on. They were his own words, and he’d have to live with that.

“But it hurts…” Sasuke murmured, clutching his chest where his heart should have been. “It hurts so much without you, Mayu.”

Mayu sat on top of the middle wooden stump. She was currently in the first training area–the third training ground–that was the spot where she officially became a part of Team 7. It had begun to rain a few minutes ago, but she did not care. She could barely feel the rain beating down on her skin. She felt so numb, inside and out. How could she have been so heartless? Although, she had been determined not to look at his face, she could feel his sadness. She could feel his pain. She could sense that her words were killing him inside. Her nails dung into her biceps just remembering the trembling in his voice.

Why had she done it? Why had she so callously rejected his affections? It was because she had to. It wasn’t just herself and Sasuke was involved in the decision. Many people who she held dear to her–their lives hanged in the balance as well. Mayu could not allow anything to happen to her loved ones. At all costs, she had to save the ones she loved. Tears leaked out of her eyes and mixed with the unrelenting rain. “But why…” she choked out. More tears fell from her chin. Memories flashed through her mind.

So your real name’s Ishikari Mayu, huh?

The kunoichi clenched her teeth.

Is this what you look like?

She squeezed her eyes shut, spilling more tears.

You made me this way…

Her body shivered, but not because of the rain.

All childish games aside, I… I love you…

Mayu’s hands covered her eyes.

As I grew, my feelings for you grew as well.

She put her head back and screamed.

All those memories–all those precious memories that were dear to her, hurt immensely. They shouldn’t have hurt. She should be reminiscing, laughing and smiling. But something got in the way. Something was always between the two. Be it walls, obstacles, or family members–it was always something pushing them apart. She knew that it would hurt like this. However, she still wished it didn’t hurt so much. Over time, hopefully, they would both get over it. With any luck, he would move on and forget. Perhaps, it was all for the greater good in the long run. Her decision would keep those she loved safe from harm.

“But why…” Mayu repeated as she wiped at her makeup smeared face. “But why couldn’t I save the one I love the most?”

Yasmine yawned loudly, not bothering to cover up her yawn. Everyone else had gone home for the day. She was stuck cleaning every inch of the Kitty Paradise building. Master Junko had not been lenient on her just because of a kidnapping. She was really planning on dismissing her for not showing up. It had taken almost an hour to convince the woman not to fire her. Finally, Junko agreed to give her back her job, but then she had made the mistake of allowing Yasume to state her opinion. Yasmine shook her head as scrubbed the front desk. “Why did you have to call her an old bag?” she thought, frowning. With just one comment, she had been demoted to everyone’s assistant slash maid. The punishment for such a tactless comment was to clean the place–top to bottom.

Yasume: Hey! She shouldn’t have been wasting our time! We both knew that she planned on letting us keep the job! It’s her fault for dragging it out like that!

The foreign teen sighed. “Is that so…?” she muttered, wiping sweat from her forehead. By this time she was finished cleaning. Yasmine had saved the entrance room for last. She threw the disposable wipe in a nearby trash bin. It was then that her eye happened to look out the window. “Oh no! It’s raining!” The foreigner groaned loudly. “So that’s why everyone was in a rush to go! I don’t want to walk home in the rain!” She sighed again, reaching into her pocket to take out the spare key Junko had given her to lock up. “But I guess I have no choice.”

After switching off all the lights, Yasmine headed for the entrance. She closed the door and turned the key into lock. “Yaya-chan…” The teen flinched at the sound of a familiar. She slowly turned around. “So he was right. You’re still here.”

“Neji… What a coincidence,” Yasmine said. The Hyuga male was carrying an umbrella with him, sheltering himself from the rain. She smiled. “Since you have that, can you walk me home?”

“This isn’t a coincidence. Jano-san told me to come get you. He heard what happened with his sister, but was too busy to get you himself,” Neji stated. “So he asked me.” Yasmine nodded in understanding. “Shall we go?” Again, the foreigner nodded. The two walked in silence for a few minutes. “So… did you get your job back in the end?”

Ah… no, I didn’t,” she answered. “Not exactly. As of right now, I’m still being paid, but I have a different job.”

“I see…”

Yasmine gave Neji a furtive glance. He kept his gaze straight ahead. This man beside her was, in her opinion, truly incredible. At first, a stranger would judge his expression as blank or impassive. For those, who truly knew him, they could pick up the slightest change in his facial features. Right now, she could tell he was… lost in thought over something. Brown eyes looked down at the wet ground as they walked. Recently, she had confessed to this man. Perhaps that was the reason for the look?

She fiddled with her fingers in front of her. She took another glance his way before eyeing her hands. Yasmine hadn’t wanted to make him uncomfortable. Actually, she had blurted out that confession without thinking. When he saved her, her insides were jumping around inside. Her face had warmed at his touch. She had felt weak–the type of weakness she hadn’t felt before. At that moment, she wanted to hug him. These new feelings were foreign to her, yet her body had reacted on its own.

Her reasons for liking him weren’t completely unfounded. Despite what Sasuke said, he wasn’t dull or boring. On the contrary, Hyuga Neji was fascinating. The way he walked, the way he talked–it was enthralling. Yasmine felt her face grow warm again. She especially liked it when he smiled at her. Thinking back, had she always thought of him this way? Had it taken a near death experience to make her own hidden feelings known to her? Regardless of the true answers to these questions, Yasmine was happy to do this. It really was awesome that she got kidnapped. She had learned and experienced so much.

Before she knew it, they had reached Sasuke’s hotel. The lights weren’t on, though. Yasmine assumed that her housemates were either sleeping or not home. They should be home since it was dark and raining. After opening the door, she turned to face her companion. “Arigatou, Neji! I really appreciate you bringing me home,” she said. “Do you want to come in for awhile? The rain might let up.” The Hyuga male did not respond. In fact, he wasn’t looking at her either. “Ah, despite Sasuke being kinda mean last time, you’re still welcomed to-”

“Yasmine,” Neji interrupted.


His pale eyes finally made contact with hers. “About what you said… when I saved you–I’ve been thinking about it since,” he continued. Yasmine opened her mouth to say something, but Neji went on. “I will respond properly now.”

“A-Ano… It’s–I didn’t mean to-to-” This was a rare moment. Yasmine had hardly ever stammered. She took a deep breath. “Gomennasai, that was so sudden. I didn’t mean to make it so…”

“Nevertheless,” Neji said. He frowned as he continued to stare. “Yasmine… I don’t see you in that way. I cannot return your feelings.” He averted his eyes again.

“… I… I see,” she looked down. “It’s okay–I mean, I knew I shouldn’t have-” Yasmine turned her back on the Hyuga. “Anyway… Oyasumi nasai!” She stepped forward, hand on the doorknob. She didn’t go any further because Neji gripped arms, abandoning his umbrella. “Na-Nani…?”

“Are you crying?” he asked.

“Isn’t that… what happens when a person is sad?” Yasmine answered with a question.

“Gomen… It wasn’t my intention to upset you,” Neji stated. His headband pressed against the back of her head. “It’s just… I’ve seen you as my friend for such a long time. I cannot suddenly see you in a new light. It is impossible for me.”

The foreigner sniffed lightly, and then wiped her nose. She turned to face him. “I said it was okay,” she murmured. “I don’t want to make you worry. I’ll be fine. I’ll get over this–I’m strong, right?” Yasmine gave him a reassuring grin. Neji lowered his eyelids and frowned, not convinced. His hands found their way to her face. He wiped the falling tears away.

“Yaya-chan…” he began. Yasmine bit her bottom lip, and then pulled away.
“It’s late,” she bowed her head. “You should head home.” She turned away from him. “And make sure you cover up real good. You’d better not get sick, Neji Meji!” With that last remark, she closed the door. She leaned against the door and closed her eyes, allowing more tears to cascade down her cheeks. “Who was I kidding…?” Yasmine asked herself. “This isn’t some Naruhina fanfiction… I shouldn’t have…” She sighed again. “Now I understand why they say ignorance is bliss.” Yasmine stayed in that position, just staring at the ground for who knows how long.

The teen suddenly propelled herself away from the door and yawned. “Well, off to dreamland!” she exclaimed, wiping her eyes. Just as she was about to take another step, a knock on the door filled her ears. “Huh…?” She turned, not expecting it. “Did he… come back?” Yasmine turned the door and opened it. “Neji, I said I’m-” She stopped only because the person standing there was not the Hyuga genius. “Eh? Why are you-” The person suddenly tackled her into a hug. “Wah…?! Hey, you’re wet!” Yasmine stumbled back with the person holding onto her with an unyielding grip. “Ten-chan!”

The kunoichi lifted her head. She looked Yasmine right in the eyes. “I saw everything,” she stated. “Poor Mine-chan… Tell me; was that your first heartbreak?” The foreigner didn’t reply. She instead pushed her friend away. “Mine-chan…”

“It’s nothing… really,” Yasmine said. “Anyway, you’re all wet, Ten-chan. I might have some extra clothes for you to change into. So-”

“Mine-chan,” Tenten began, crossing her arms.


“You’re sad right now. You shouldn’t just brush this off.”

“I said it was okay.”

“You’re hiding your feelings!”

“So what…? I don’t want to jeopardize my friendship with Neji based on a whim,” Yasmine said. “It would be too much to destroy that bond again.” Her eyes turned to the floor. “But I do wonder… Is it because I’m not good enough? Am I not his type, as some would say?”

Tenten blinked at the foreigner. She truly was naïve. She was as clueless as ever even if she had started liking Neji and had actually admitted it. Luckily, she was this way. If she had pushed and prodded the Hyuga male, Neji would have most certainly rejected her more harshly. If Yasmine had been a bit more aggressive, then she- Slowly, a scheming smirk spread and turned into a devious grin. The kunoichi licked her lips. “Oh, this is just too perfect,” she thought. Turning her expression into a rueful one, Tenten cleared her throat. Yasmine looked up. “Mine-chan, Neji said that he couldn’t see you in that way, right?” The foreigner arched an eyebrow, wondering how long the kunoichi had followed them. But she nodded to answer her question, anyway. “Then you can always make him see you in that way.”

Yasmine tilted her head to the side in confusion. “Make him…?” she repeated. She frowned lightly. “Isn’t that… bad to make someone do something against their will?” Tenten shook her head.

“This is a different situation. It’s perfectly normal to change yourself to get that certain someone to see you in a different way,” she clarified. Yasmine slowly nodded her head. “Neji is as hard as a rock. In order to move him, you have to use force, Mine-chan.”

“I guess that makes sense…” Yasmine muttered. “But why are you telling me this? Why are you trying to help me win Neji over? I thought you liked me.”

“Silly Mine-chan, my desires come and go. It wasn’t a serious thing, but what you have for Neji is love,” Tenten said. “I don’t want to break something like that up. You are my friend, and you deserve happiness. I want to help you.” Yasmine smiled and chuckled.

“Arigatou, Ten-chan!” she exclaimed, giving her friend a hug. Tenten returned the hug. She was sure that Yasmine could not see the smirk on her face. “Will you really help me?”

“Oh, it will be my pleasure.”

Yasmine didn’t quite understand why her friend was laughing hysterically like that, but assumed that she’d always wanted to be a matchmaker, so she shrugged and continued hugging her.

Omake: meaning blooper, outtake, gag reel, etc.


“Sasuke!” she shouted. “It’s over. It’s done. My decision has been made. I’ve thought about this for a long time–even before you gave me the ultimatum. I knew eventually that I’d have to choose. I have chosen for my benefit and yours. There is nothing you can say that will change my mind.” Sasuke was silent. Mayu sighed and began to continue, but was interrupted before she began.

“Blue-eyed mini Sasuke.” This time, the kunoichi was the one who was silent. Sasuke repeated his sentence.

̶ 0;… Well… shit…” Mayu deadpanned. She turned to Sasuke with a frown. “How the heck did you know exactly what to say?”

The Uchiha only smirked.

I was so ecstatic to see that I got ten reviews for the last chapter! It feels like it’s been awhile since that happened! Thank you to all who reviewed for chapter 29!

Be honest, how many people expected this to happen? Seriously, I wanna know how predictable this story and plot have become.

What took place in this… arc–I guess–was not how I planned it. I don’t think the arc is over, but… seriously, not what I had in mind and not what I told you happened, so… just forget what you saw! That is all!

Oh wait, that’s not all! I have a deviantart page, in case you didn’t know, and I have colored a scene for this chapter. So in case you want to check it out, please do. The link will be in my profile. Okay, that is all.


“But why couldn’t I save the one I love the most?” –Ishikari Mayu

Beta’s QOU:

“I’m going to picture myself ramming my sword up your ass.” – Uchiha Sasuke
-sigh- My beta is soooooooo twisted.