Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Path to Greatness ❯ Team Selection & Eva's First Apperance ( Chapter 8 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

“Now young one you must prove yourself to see what team you are destined for.” The leader said everyone moving to the side besides him.
“So … what do I have to do?”
“Fight who … wait … you?” She said her voice barely a squeak.
The leader nodded his head. “Who else do you see out here?”
“Fine then … let's do it Zetsubou!”
The great black shadow leaps onto the field with a growl.
“Raishuu Keisei Bangou Ni!” Haoku cried out and the wolf immediately moved
in front of her.
(((Authors Note)))
Japanese Words
And meanings
(((End Authors Note)))
Zetsubou lunged at the Leader standing before him and on instinct the Leader attacked with out thinking first. The wolf fell to the ground and Haoku appeared behind Zetsubou knocking him to the ground.
“Go Haoku-san!!!” The voice was sweet and familiar.
“Eva-chan!?!” Haoku yelled turning around to see her cousin sitting on a snowy white wolf with grayish blue eyes names Na'ane. (((Pronounced Na-ah-ne)))
“The leader took up the opportunity to attack the distracted Haoku. “Pay attention!”
“Sorry Eva … this is kinda a bad time …” She said turning her attention back to the Leader. “You're gunna pay for that!” Haoku activated her sharingon and then slipped into her fighting stance.
“Watch it! She's not bluffing!” Kisame cried out
Haoku shot a deadly glare in his direction that said one thing You're going to pay for that later fish face!
The leader started at her apprehensively. ~I've never seen anything like this before … who is this girl~ Next thing he knew he was lying down in the middle of the arena feeling as if he was just run over by an elephant. “What … what happened?”
Haoku stood above him with her hand outstretched helping him up. “You weren't paying attention and I took the opportunity to take you down … I'm sorry … I really didn't mean to hurt you …”
He took her hand and stood up. “It' no trouble … I believe you can learn to use all your abilities to their greatest potential if you work with Itachi and Kisame … would that be alright?”
She nodded then looked over at her cousin. “What about Eva-chan?”
“She can stay too … I guess …” He mumbled
“What team will she be on?” Haoku asked hopping only for the best
“She'll team up with Hidan … he currently has no partner and I can already tell that your cousin needs some roughing up … Hidan will work perfectly with her.”
“She looked over at her innocent cousin with her crystal blue eyes and silverfish white hair. “Um … are you sure?”
“I'm sure …” He said staring at Eva who looked around with a childish smirk on her face “How old is she?”
“Um … six teen going on seven teen soon …” Haoku mumbled embarrassed at Eva's childishness
“I see …” He walked over to Eva and gave her the same initiation as she had gotten moments before.
Eva rode up to her on the snowy wolf which was only five feet and eight inches tall at the shoulders. “Hey Haoku.”
“Um … hey Eva … why and how are you here?” Haoku said skipping to the point
“Well your parents didn't want you get lonely and I traveled the same way as you did only I traced your very position so that I wouldn't appear at a random place like you did.” Eva said with a kind smile.
Haoku sighs “Well you're here now and I guess that's all that matters …”
“Eh hem …” The snowy wolf growled
“Oh sorry Na'ane … it's nice to see you too.” Haoku said quickly
“Humph … I can't believe you didn't notice me Haoku-san!” The wolf said irritably. Na'ane was much younger than Zetsubou meaning she was also much more childish, just like her owner Eva.
“Sorry Na'ane … I guess I'm just used to seeing big wolfs just like Zetsubou so it was easy to miss you …” Haoku said softly
Na'ane nodded understandingly as Zetsubou walked up. “You've gotten taller haven't you Zetsubou-sama?”
“Yep … three inches …” He said in his rough tone.
“Eva … how are things going with the war?” Haoku said ignoring the wolves.
The smile quickly faded from Eva's lip as a frown replaced it. “There's not much of a difference … it's going to take a lot longer then anyone expected.”
“How long?” Haoku asked as she did her best not to make eye contact with her.
“A couple of years …” Eva said sadly
Haoku looked up in disbelief. “I'm going to be stuck her for a couple more years?”
“No … we're going to be stuck here for a couple more years …” Eva said looking down at the ground.
“Did they say how many at a minimum?” Haoku asked wanting to know everything she could.
“Five or six …”
Haoku stared dumbfounded.
Haoku and Eva
Are going to be
Stuck in the
Past for up to
Five or six
Can they
Survive Eva's
First day?
Find out in
The next
Chapter of
Path To Greatness