Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Path to Greatness ❯ The Dream & The Day ( Chapter 9 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Like the day before Haoku took a bath and was in the rose bed before eleven pm. But for the first time she was unable to sleep she was homesick, she missed her family, friends, team mates, and teachers … she missed all of them and before she knew it tears rolled down her face but she quickly brushed them away. Falling asleep soon after and dreaming about what her mother had told her moments before she had left.
*Haoku's Dream*
“Mom … why do I have to go … I won't get in the wayI promise …” Haoku muttered tears streaming down her cheeks and onto the wooden floors of their home.
Her mom hugged her tight the held her by the shoulders looking her deep in the eyes saying one simple sentence. “Be strong Haoku …”
She finished packing and made her way to the portal where her destiny would soon await her.
“Haoku … Haoku get up!” It was Eva she sat on the edge of her bed staring at her with her crystal blue eyes. It was then that Haoku realized her sheets were damp with sweat and that she must have been thrashing about in her sleep.
“You ok Haoku-san?” Kisame asked looking a little disturbed from the interruption at three in the morning.
“I … I don't know … I … I'm fine …” She stuttered.
“You don't seem ok …” Itachi muttered
“I … I just remembered my mom … I guess I'm just a little home sick …” She whispered hugging her legs to her chest sighing.
“It'll be ok Haoku … I promise … we'll get back eventually …” Eva said kindly patting her on the shoulder
“That's the problem …'eventually' is too long … they could already be dead!” Haoku yelled losing it.
“Your parents know how to take care of themselves better then any one else I know!” Eva smiled
“I guess they do … thank you Eva …”
Next thing they knew it was the next day and again Zetsubou woke Haoku at six in the morning only this time to train with Itachi and Kisame.
“Haoku today we're going to learn how far you can exert your chakara before it's completely depleted.” Itachi said pointing towards a target. “Hit that as many times with that technique of yours until the fire disperses along with your Chakara supply!”
~They're trying to kill me …~ Haoku though walking over to the target and starting to attack it rapidly.
It was around six and a half hours before her chakara finally depleted.
”Very good … at least we won't have to work on how to maintain Chakara …” Itachi said in his usual monotone voice.
Haoku nodded as she slumped on the ground panting. “Why do I have the feeling … that you're trying to kill me?”
“You do have the chance of dying … it all depends on how strong you are and if you can survive our training.”
“That … that isn't fair …”
“It's fair … it's just not right …”
“What's … next?” Haoku said panting and feeling light headed.
“You fight … me.”
“What … I just exhausted all my chakara … you'll have the advantage!”
“Every opponent no matter how strong … has a weakness … you have to find that weakness … you also must do so with out using your chakara which will be easy if you have none.”
“Fine …” Haoku said calmly but was panicking inside. ~Is he crazy how am I supposed to defeat him with out any of my Chakara … I hate to say it … and I mean I really hate to say it … I'm going to have to do what he said and find his weakness … maybe then I might have a chance … here goes nothing …~
“If you're just going to stand there gawking then I guess I'll attack …” Itachi said as he activated his Mengekyo Sharingon.
Haoku snapping out of her immediately looked up and right into his eyes … the biggest mistake she could have ever made in her entire lifetime.
Itachi took the chance and did his jutsu Tsukiomi … where nothing is real … but pain is.
Haoku looked down from a wooden board to see Itachi in front of her with a Katana, watching as he shoved in into her stomach over and over again, feeling the agonizing pain pierce through her blood which rushed to her head.
“Itachi, take it easy on her!” She heard o voice from the real world call.
Miraculously she remembered the words from her mother Be strong Haoku …those exact words are what gave her the strength to snap out from Itachi's Tsukiomi Jutsu and awaken in the real world. However it took her so much energy and chakara, which she still didn't have, she awoke on the ground of the training arena.
“You have a long way to go Yangu Otome…” Itachi said as he started to walk out of the arena.
Haoku clenched her teeth and stood up with a kunai in her hand charging at Itachi aiming at his neck.
Itachi, far too smart for Haoku's cheep tricks dispersed his clone and appeared behind Haoku with a kunai to her neck. “You'd be wise to obey … for where else would you go if you couldn't stay here?”
“I'd manage.” Haoku said through gritted teeth
“That'd be interesting to watch.” Itachi said with his maniacal grin.
Haoku swallowed hard her mouth bone dry. ~This guy's crazy … he might actually kill me …~
Haoku and Itachi
Just can't seem to
Settle their differences
Can they?
Find out if Itachi has the
Guts to rob Haoku of her
Or if his ties with Yaku
Will protect her
Find out in the next
Chapter of
Path To Greatness