Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Pieces Of Me ❯ Just For Tonight ( Chapter 49 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Drabble Forty-nine

Title: Just For Tonight

Disclaimer: Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto.

Summary: “Can I sleep with you? Just for tonight?” [SasuNaru]

A/N: Another cute little drabble. This is pre-Sasuke defecting, when they were still naïve. ^_^ I’ll just say it’s sometime before they have a run-in with Itachi. <3

The lightning crackled pleasantly in the dark sky, lighting up the small room like there were fireworks going off. A small, blond haired boy shivered under his flimsy blanket, eyes clenched shut at the cracks of thunder. He absolutely hated thunderstorms. They were loud and bright, and he could never sleep with the rain and sleet pelting the windows.

There was another crack of thunder and he winced, throwing his blanket over his head. It did nothing to drown out the loud thunder, or the bright flashes of lightning.

Swearing under his breath, Naruto sat up in his cot, his blue eyes gazing around the darkened room. His eyes landed on the cot next to his where, surprisingly, Sasuke was still fast asleep. The blond boy scrunched up his nose before he dropped back onto his cot, and tried to go to sleep.

The next crack of thunder shook the walls, and Naruto shot back up, his eyes wide and frightened. He swallowed around the lump in his throat-a.k.a. his pride-and kicked his blanket off. He swung his legs to the other side of the cot, feet touching the cold, hardwood floor. He pushed himself onto his knees and crawled over to Sasuke’s cot, their faces mere inches apart. Naruto straightened himself out and shook one of the boy’s shoulders.

“Sasuke?” Naruto whispered, his voice a little shaky. He shook the Uchiha’s shoulder, flinching when another crack of thunder shook the walls. “Hey, bastard, wake up!”

“What?” Sasuke moaned groggily, cracking an eye open to glare at his blond teammate. The room was pitch black, the only light being the random bolts of lightning. The Uchiha shivered. It looked creepy in that small, dark room.

“C-Can I sleep with you?” Naruto asked, his voice tiny as he watched Sasuke sit up, seeing him through the dark. He tried not to pounce on the other boy when a deafening boom made even the windows rattle. “Just for tonight?” The blond added, turning his head towards the window.

Sasuke felt the other boy flinch, and decided not to say anything as he moved over just a bit, so the blond could get in. Naruto whispered a quick ‘thank you’ before scooting in next to him, immediately feeling better. And it helped to have extra warmth.

“Afraid of thunderstorms?” Sasuke teased, unconsciously moving closer to the blond’s warmth. He let out a soft sigh that tickled the back of Naruto’s neck. “Want me to hold you, too, scaredy-cat?” It was meant to be said in jest, but it came out sounding more like a come-on. The Uchiha blushed, glad that it was dark enough so that Naruto couldn’t see his face.

“Shut up, Sasuke-bastard! At least I don’t have duck-butt hair!” Naruto growled, rolling over and inadvertently putting them face to face. Sasuke’s cheeks heated even more when he felt the small, tanned body snuggle against his, and ultimately forgot what Naruto had said. The other boy’s warmth sang through his clothes, warming Sasuke’s skin even through the thin layers. “Dammit, your hands are cold, bastard!” Naruto whispered angrily, unconcerned about the fact that he was essentially cuddling with his dark haired teammate.

“Sorry for the inconvenience.” Sasuke scowled sarcastically, trying to get his jumbled thoughts into a recognizable order. He rolled over onto his right side, just to think clearly again. He hissed in a breath when he could clearly feel the other boy’s whole body pressed against his back. The cot was small enough as it was without two growing boys trying to share it.

“You’re hogging the cot, bastard! Move over!” Naruto shoved at his shoulders, almost causing Sasuke to go crashing to the floor. The Uchiha pushed back, feeling Naruto’s body rub up against his own. His cheeks caught fire again as he tried to shut all of this out.

“Just shut up and go to sleep.” Sasuke gritted out, closing his eyes and trying to find sleep. Naruto kept fidgeting behind him, flinching whenever the thunder crackled over their heads. Sighing, and trying not to think about what he was going to do, the Uchiha rolled over, putting them face to face again. He put his left arm under Naruto’s head, his right over the blond’s waist, and pulled his teammate against his chest.

“Gah! What the hell, Sasuke?!” The blond shrieked, trying to shove him away, trying to get out of the warm cocoon of the other boy’s arms. Every time he tried to move away, a crack of thunder sounded, and he ended up moving closer despite his attempts not to.

“Just relax, okay? You’re just going to keep freaking out.” Sasuke told him in a sleepy voice, nuzzling his head against the other boy’s blond locks. Naruto sagged in his arms, letting Sasuke hold him, feeling safe with that warm pressure on his waist. He moved closer, fisting his hands in the other boy’s blue shirt, slipping a leg between Sasuke’s. He buried his head in the Uchiha’s shoulder, and inhaled the scent of his body wash without meaning to.

Naruto felt Sasuke’s breath even out, the dark haired boy obviously having fallen asleep. The blond breathed out a small sigh, relaxed now that the thunder had died down a little. It was still there, crackling in the sky, but it had quieted down over the past few minutes. Without really thinking about the consequences, Naruto leaned forward until he could feel Sasuke’s breath on his lips. The dark haired boy looked completely defenseless when he was sleeping, and Naruto felt a sly grin stretch over his lips.

“Heh heh. If Sasuke knew how he looked right now, he’d flip.” The blond snickered to himself. He licked his lips as he looked back at Sasuke, and slowly raised his hand to brush the hair off his forehead. He’s cute when he’s asleep, the blond thought absently. He started to lean forward again, when a deep rumbling voice stopped him. He realized it was Sasuke laughing.

“Trying to take advantage of me in my sleep, moron?”

“Wha-mmph!” Blue eyes widened as Sasuke’s lips descended on his, and he melted against the other boy’s chest, clutching the fabric of his shirt. The Uchiha pulled back after only a second, and gave the blond a crooked smirk that spoke volumes.

“If you wake me up again, I’ll kill you.” Sasuke said pleasantly, giving the blond another chaste kiss before he put his head back against the pillow. Naruto blinked at him a few times, before he decided he didn’t want to die, and put his head back down, too.

Outside that tiny, darkened room, the rain had stopped.
