Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Promises ❯ Four Visits in Two Days ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next day, Kakashi decided to go over to Matsu's home again. He wanted to know more about her, and the best thing to do was to just ask. As he walked through the streets, he saw the village full of life. He sighed, remembering that he still had to find a girl for the cherry-blossom viewing party. If he didn't, Gai wouldn't let him hear the end of it. He could just picture Gai now, with his date, laughing at Kakashi, chanting, “Another win for me!”
Kakashi sighed and said to himself, “I guess I shouldn't ask Matsu today, because she may be in a bad mood again. I should just try to gain her trust, and then see if I can ask her.” He looked over at the Torahito estate and muttered some more. “Just hope I gain her trust before the party, or Guy won't let me hear the end of it.”
He finally reached the Torahito household. When he asked for Matsu, he was told she was out with family. He then asked if he could wait here and then something strange happened. The maid peeked around, making sure nobody else was there, and then whispered to him, “She's been in a suicidal mood today, but I'm afraid she might actually kill herself this time.”
“Where is she?” Kakashi asked calmly.
“She's at the Torahito monument, alone.” The maid pointed southeast into the forest.
“But you said that she was with family.”
“She is.”
Kakashi walked off to the direction that the maid pointed to. After a couple of minutes, he found Matsu kneeling at a large tiger statue that had names all over it. He leaned against a tree behind the girl and listened to what she muttered.
“Father,” Matsu started. “Why did you have to kill mother, and Uncle Riku?” She pulled a kunai from her pack (AN/ The kind of thing that's tied around a ninja's thigh) and just held it in her right hand. Kakashi took a step closer, feeling awkward about the kunai.
`She knows that it's sharp enough to cut her wrist or throat, or she might have enough will to stab herself in the chest.' He was close enough to tap her on the shoulder, but he needed to get closer. There was no telling what she might do.
“Father,” Matsu held the kunai with both hands. She was going for her heart. Kakashi knelt down right behind Matsu. He was now able to hug her, but she might change her mind about how to kill herself. She continued, “Why didn't you take me with you??” She cried out, as her decision was final: the heart.
She sat there for a second, but then made a desperate thrust with the kunai at her chest before it could do any damage, two hands came and stopped her instantly. She whipped around to see Kakashi's eyes staring back at her own. Her eyes, as expected, where filled with tears, already running down her cheeks and dripping from her chin. But, he also saw that the green eyes were dark and dull, which told him she wasn't acting herself. He gently pulled the kunai from her hands and placed it back in her pack.
“Don't try to kill yourself.” Kakashi said, looking back into her eyes. “You have much to live for.”
“Other than my brother,” Matsu started. “What do I have to live for?”
“Well,” Kakashi thought a bit. “I'm sure that the Fourth Hokage would be rather sad that his pupil killed herself.”
“That doesn't mean I have to live for him!” She stood up and ran further into the forest.
`Matsu might try to find water, now.' Kakashi thought, running after her. `And I seem to recall that there is a lake just up ahead.' He finally came upon the lake, and hid himself behind a bush.
Matsu finally came to the lake herself. She looked around making sure no one was there, looked straight at the lake and started running in. Kakashi made a dash for her, because she didn't seem to slow down as she ran deeper and deeper in. He finally caught hold of her and started for the shore. Matsu started kicking and screaming, “Let go of me!” Kakashi just held fast to her waist, pulling her back to dry land. She stopped kicking and started punching and biting. The punching came a lot, but when they were finally on dry ground, she bit his arm. He only winced at the pain, but didn't let go. Halfway back, she gave up, because if she tried biting him and failed, she doubted even a kunai could convince him to let go.
Kakashi finally came to her house, noticing Kenko sitting there with his friends. When Kakashi came into view, they just stared as they saw the man carrying Kenko's older sister. Kakashi finally got to the door and tried opening it, but made no such success. He looked at Matsu, with an `are-you-going-to-help' look. She sighed and opened the door so that he could walk in with her. When he finally reached her room, he set her on the floor, sat right next to her and gave a sigh.
“Now,” Kakashi said in a calm tone. “Why are you trying to kill yourself?”
“What?” Matsu looked at him with the same sparkling green eyes that she first met him with. She looked confused and horrified at his question. It was as if she wasn't there when she tried to kill herself.
“You mean to tell me that you have no clue why you tried to commit suicide?” Kakashi cocked an eyebrow.
Matsu's eyes widened. She couldn't believe what she was hearing: She tried to kill herself. She tried to kill herself? Why would she do that? She had to live for her brother, for her only uncle, for…
“The fox.” Matsu muttered.
“What?” Kakashi looked at her like she said something weird. In fact, she did say something weird. What fox was she talking about? Why was she even talking about a fox?
“I… I saw something in a dream. There was a fox. It was huge, with nine tails and… and I saw him destroying Konoha. The… the problem is, he was looking for me.”
“Go on.”
“He… he was growling for me, saying, `Where is Torahito-san?' He would just repeat it over and over again. He got angry and started killing ninja. When he found me, one of his tails picked me up and said, `I…need…' And then, the Fourth Hokage sealed him away somewhere, I think a child.” She looked at Kakashi, who was saying, with his eyes, to continue. She did. “The fox was needing something, I don't know what. He's out there, somewhere, and I think he really is coming to find me. I just need to find out what he needs before he is sealed away into a child.” She stood and noticed that her clothes were wet. She blushed a light shade of pink and said, “Um, can you please… leave?”
Kakashi smiled, “Okay.” And with that, he left her. When he walked into the hallway and closed the door behind him, Kenko ran up to him, but he didn't seem too happy.
“Kakashi,” Kenko started calmly. “I just want to ask you… WHAT THE HELL WERE YOU DOING WITH MY SISTER?? AND WHY ARE YOU ALL WET??”
“Calm down, calm down.” Kakashi waved his hands, remaining calm. “Don't tell me that you, Matsu's only close family, had no clue she was in suicide mode?”
“What?” Kenko lowered his voice a little. “How did you know?”
“I… just had a feeling. I found her by the Torahito monument, and she was about to stab herself in the heart. Then, when I stopped her from doing that, she jumped up and ran for the lake. And, that's how we got wet. I had to carry her all the way here, not that I minded or anything…”
“YOU SICKO!!” Kenko yelled ready to punch that older boy in the face. The door suddenly slid open to reveal Matsu in a black dress (AN/ Sort of like what Sakura wears, except Matsu's is black.)
“Kenko.” She said in a gentle voice.
“Oh! Hello Matsu!” Kakashi smiled at Matsu.
Kenko's face showed surprise in every corner. `She's wearing a dress?' Kenko thought. `And black?' At the same time? This Kakashi guy really has gained her trust. I guess that would happen after he saved Matsu from herself. Twice, even. It's just… wow. I don't think I have even gained her trust this much!'
During all of his thoughts Kakashi and Matsu just started talking:
“So,” Kakashi said, still smiling. “Are you okay now?”
“Um, yes.” Matsu nodded her head. “I hope I didn't hurt you too much.”
“Well,” Kakashi laughed a little. “All you did was bite me. I'm okay with that. I'm just glad you didn't stick me with a kunai.”
“Well,” Kenko said, pushing Kakashi down the hall. “I think it's time you left, Kakashi.”
“Oh,” Kakashi said, sort of resisting against the boy. “Okay. Good-bye Matsu.”
“Um,” Matsu ran out into the hall, which made Kenko stop. “Hatake-san? Arigato.”
Both of the boys looked at her with awe. She said `thank you'. Kenko now knew completely that Kakashi had gained more trust than him. All Kakashi thought was that he finally got one step further to gaining her trust, not achieve it all in one big leap. Kenko then looked at Kakashi, who wasn't smiling or frowning. In fact, he was blushing!
“Okay, you've said your good-byes, now GO!” Kenko started pushing Kakashi again.
Kakashi was still looking at Matsu. She had said `thank you'. She looked at him for a minute, and then gave a small smile. Kakashi's eyes widened. She smiled! He knew that was rare. He plastered a broad smile behind his mask and started walking to the door, making Kenko fall down.
The next day, Kakashi was just strolling through the village. An ordinary day, one filled without any excitement. But, Kakashi was getting the feeling like that was soon to change.
“Hey Kakashi!” called a cocky voice behind the young ANBU leader. He turned to see…
“Gai, can you stop trying to rub in the fact that you were the first to find a girl?” Kakashi sighed.
“Well, I just can't help it.” Gai leaned on Kakashi and grinned. “I couldn't help but see you over at Torahito Matsu's house. She's a real beauty, that one. So, what happened? You asked her, didn't you?”
“No, not yet.”
“Why not?”
“She is very easily hurt by promises that are broken. And she has a hard time trusting people. So…”
“So, you're going to try to become a hero and show her that trust can be set upon you and many other people.”
“Um, that's only half right.”
“I want her to trust me, so that she'll probably say yes to when I ask her if she'll go with me to the cherry-blossom viewing party.”
Gai just laughed out loud. He started rolling on the ground, causing a scene in the middle of the village. Kakashi started walking away, giving everyone an `I-don't-know-him' look.
When he finally got to his apartment, he looked around: messy. He sighed and started picking up, having the strangest feeling that someone was going to visit him. What he mostly found were pictures of him and his friends, and `Come Come Paradise'. Well, he only had one of those, but he had others almost like it. He thought that they were okay, but `Come Come Paradise' was going to be a great hit among… he didn't want to continue thinking about it. What if Matsu came to visit him, read his mind and yelled at him, saying that she never wanted to see him again.
`Stop thinking about it Kakashi!' he told himself. `The more you think about the consequences, the more you think about it! Not RIGHT!' Suddenly, he heard a knock at the door. He started to panic. `Oh shit! This place is nowhere near clean, and if it's Matsu I'm going to lose against Gai again, although we're tied with 9 wins.'
He ran to the door, and was about to say, “I'm sorry Matsu for the messy house” when he saw the Fourth Hokage smiling at him. Kakashi leaned on the door, giving a sigh of relief. It wasn't her. Thank goodness!
“You thought it was going to be Matsu, weren't you?” The Fourth Hokage's smile widened. Kakashi looked at the man in front of him.
“How did you…” Kakashi started, when the Hokage stepped into the house, looking around.
“Nice place, considering others that I have seen.” The Hokage remarked. “Still needs a little cleaning up.”
“Um,” Kakashi stumbled. “W-well, I was, um, trying to clean up, b-because…”
“Because you thought that Matsu would be coming.” Hokage finished for him. He smirked and sat at the table, which was the only thing Kakashi cleaned off. He continued, “Well, I came here to talk about her.”
Kakashi sat across from him, waiting for something like, `you have disrupted her lessons, so you must never see her again' or something else like, `I just wanted to tell you that she really isn't 15. She's actually my age, and she is my wife.' Not that Kakashi thought that Matsu was old, it was just that it at first seemed like that she was so beautiful, and so important, that the Hokage even sent himself. That was what happened. When he had heard that Matsu was kidnapped, he called the ANBU team and led the way to the sound ninja.
“Matsu,” the Hokage started, thinking carefully about his word. “Is… as you have noticed, a very depressed person. She has rarely smiled for anyone. She has rarely worn black, or a dress, or a black dress. She usually only does that when she trusts someone with her life…”
“This is about this morning, isn't it?” Kakashi said, identifying the fact that Matsu smiled at him in a black dress as he was pushed down the hall.
“Yes,” the Hokage smiled. “Kakashi, did she really call you by…”
“She called me by Hatake-san.” Kakashi replied, not really knowing where the name part was going.
Hokage leaned back a bit, muttering to himself, `So, she really does------. I was wondering why she was in the black dress. She seems to…”
The rest Kakashi couldn't understand, but didn't mind. What does the Hokage know that he doesn't know? A lot of things, but this was about Matsu. He wanted to know, because something about Matsu that is kept a secret drove him nuts.
`Wait.' Kakashi thought. `Why is it driving me nuts? It's not like I like her or anything, is it?'
“Well,” the Hokage stood up and walked away. “I'll just leave you to your cleaning, okay?” As he opened the door, he muttered in a low voice, `He actually got the fox lover to------.' And with that, he left.
“I got the fox lover to what?” Kakashi said once the door was shut. “Wait, who's the fox lover? WHY AM I TALKING TO MYSELF?”
He stood up and started cleaning the apartment. After a couple of hours, (AN/ Yes, readers, it took him hours) he thought he should go to the hot springs to relax his muscles. They were so uptight, and it hurt whenever he moved. So, off he went to the hot springs. Once he got there, he just stripped his clothing, even his mask, without any thought. (AN/ Was that a good idea? I dunno.) He slipped in and just thought to himself. After five minutes slipped by, He stretched and yawned, feeling refreshed and thought it best to leave.
He was about to get out when he heard Kenko's voice muse, “So what do you look like with your mask off?” Kakashi whipped around to see Kenko with his shirt off. Even though Kenko was a guy like him, Kakashi felt dirty. “Oh,” Kenko said, pulling off his pants to reveal black boxers. “So that's how you look.”
Kakashi turned back around and slid in, knowing that Kenko had something to say. And then he had the feeling that the young boy was going to kill him. He started feeling a little nervous.
Kenko finally slid in, giving a sigh of satisfaction. “Well,” Kenko said. “You got Matsu to smile.”
“Just a little.” Kakashi was trying not to be cocky. He really thought that when she smiled, he only gained trust by a little bit. He still had a long way to go.
“You like Matsu, don't you?”
`SHIT!' Kakashi thought. `HE FOUND OUT! HE'S GOING TO KILL ME!” His face was red with not only worry, but also, just hearing Matsu's name anytime made him turn the slightest bit pink.
Kenko laughed out loud. No scoff, no laugh that you hear from a person that's about to kill you, just a laugh. When Kenko finally calmed down, he wiped the tears from his eyes, and said, “Not only are you trying to deny it, but you're even freaking out, thinking I'm going to kill you. Now, let me tell you something: I have killed before.” Kakashi gulped hard before Kenko continued, “But the idiots that I have killed were nobodies, trying to hit on my sister like she's looking for a lover herself. You're not like that. You have done things for her that those idiots that I have killed would have just watched from a distance. There was even this one guy that tried asking her to the sakura viewing party. He was an ugly guy. You could have thought that he bobbed his hair by himself.” Kakashi immediately knew who it was. (AN/ And, if you don't know, you creep me out) “You,” He finally pointed a kunai and Kakashi was sweating from nervousness, not the heat from the springs. Kenko smirked, “You might just get through to her. You just might make her laugh. Even before our parents were dead, she never really laughed at anything. If you can get her to laugh, you have my permission to ask her to the sakura viewing party.” Kenko smirked again and threw his kunai back into his pack.
“Uh, um, okay…” Kakashi felt like he wanted to leave before this kid changed his mind. So, “Well, I feel like I'm turning into a prune, I should be going.”
“Okay,” Kenko smirked, knowing that his method of `influence' worked. As Kakashi put his clothes and mask back on, he heard Kenko mutter to himself, `Maybe it worked too well…'
Kakashi practically ran away after he knew he was out of Kenko's sight. He was so scared, that he felt like he wet himself.
`At least I'll be shortly entering the comfort of my home.' He thought as he fumbled with the key a little bit and then thought, `Wait… did I even lock the door?' He turned the doorknob, pushed, and sure enough, it swung open. He sighed, shut the door once he entered, hid the key where he could find it, and walked to the bathroom. He planned everything out, `First, answer the call of nature, then take a shower, and then I'll just go to sleep.'
“Hatake-san?” Matsu said through the door. She had already knocked on the door for two minutes, and still no answer. She rang the doorbell twice afterward, and there was still no response. It was five minutes after midnight, but she saw the lights on, so she thought she would stop by for a visit.
`What if he hurt himself?' Matsu started worrying. `What if he's trying desperately to come to the door, but he's bleeding to death? What if he's already dead?' She slowly turned the doorknob, pushed, and to her surprise, it swung open. `Oh no!' she gasped in her head. `This means someone has intruded upon his home!' She ran in and checked the front room and the kitchen. He wasn't there. Then she checked the bathroom. He wasn't there. She checked the washroom. She was now getting extremely worried. She ran to the bedroom, and opened the door to see Kakashi in front of her with only pants on.
“AAAAHHHHHH!!!” They both screamed at the same time.
----10 minutes later----
“You know that you shouldn't be walking into someone's house like that, Matsu.” Kakashi said in a firm yet caring voice.
“Yes, I know. Gomen, but the door was unlocked.” She pointed to the door that was still open. She put her hand down and looked at them, as if she was caught lying, but then a light shad of pink stretched across each cheek. She looked up at him and said, “Um, do… do you… do you like beaches?” she looked back down at her hands and started turning red.
“Hm?” Kakashi looked at her curiously. “Oh, yes. I love beaches.” And then he turned red when he thought about why: `Come Come Paradise' almost always took place on a beach.
“Well, um, would… would you like to come with me to a beach, tomorrow?” Matsu said this quietly and turned even redder.
“Uh, sure.” Kakashi smiled and thought, `If I can make her laugh at the beach with Guy there, I can not only tell him off, but I can also ask Matsu to the sakura viewing party! Brilliant! … How do I make her laugh?'
“Well, um, I hope I can, um, see you tomorrow.” If she could have blushed a deeper red, she would have because, now, her face looked like a cherry. She stood and was about to leave when Kakashi grabbed her and pulled her into his room.
“Hatake-san??” She started getting scared. What was he doing? Why was he dragging her into his room? “Hatake-san, what are you-?”
“Shh.” He shushed. “I saw a ninja hiding in the kitchen.”
“'A ninja hiding in the kitchen'?” she pushed herself away from Kakashi. She glared at him like he was insane. “That's the stupidest thing I've ever…”
She was suddenly grabbed by the leg and pulled down through the floor. Kakashi grabbed a kunai from his pack that rested on his bedside table and grabbed Matsu's hand. She grabbed onto him with both of her hands, desperately trying to stay with him. She had actually started crying. After all, phasing through floors and ceilings was unnatural. Kakashi was able to pull her up far enough to see the ninja's hand again.
“Matsu!” Kakashi instructed. “I'm going to get closer. When I get close enough, grab onto me, okay?”
“O-o-o-okay.” Matsu replied, still crying.
As he said, Kakashi inched himself closer. But not before he felt a slight pain in his back. When he finally stopped, Mastu embraced him around the waist, but there was no time to hesitate.
“Okay!” Kakashi said. “Now turn your foot to the left… no the right! There! Stop right there and don't move.” Kakashi aimed carefully and threw. It hit the hand right in the middle, which resulted in the ninja letting go of Matsu's hand and disappearing.
They laid there for a few minutes. Matsu held on to Kakashi, crying into his chest. He held onto her, trying to calm her down.
“Shh.” Kakashi said softly. “It's over now. It's all right. You're safe.”
“B-but, Hatake-san…!” Matsu looked up at him. She looked horrified, like she found out a horrible truth.
“It's all right.” Kakashi said feeling a little weak and wet on his right side. “I won't let anyone else hurt you.”
“But, Hatake-san!” Matsu sat up, helping him do the same. “You're bleeding!”
He felt his right side to see… blood. Matsu let go of him and ran around to look at his back. She saw, to her horror, a kunai sticking right out of his back. She gasped, and pulled it out, hearing a slight grunt from Kakashi. She then tore a large portion of her dress and wrapped it around Kakashi, covering the wound, and trying to put pressure on it. She then tore of another portion of her dress to wipe the blood from his side.
“Uh, Matsu?” Kakashi muttered.
“We need to get out of here right now. Only trouble is, we're on the third floor, and our other exit is blocked by that ninja in the kitchen. I'd love to fight him, but right now, you can see I'm restricted a little bit.”
Matsu thought for a moment and then had an idea.
“My hair.” Matsu said, helping him up and over to the window. She set him down on the bed and handed him his pack. She then opened the window and looked at Kakashi. “Hatake-san, did my brother tell you about the Tiger's Tail?”
“Well, my hair can help us get down. If you just let me have a minute…” And she started moving quickly through her hand signs. Once she was done, she said, “Torahito Jutsu: Hair Extension Jutsu!” And in an instant, her hair started moving out the window, latching on to something that stuck out.
Kakashi got up and held onto Matsu, feeling weaker. They finally made it safely to the ground, but as soon as they started walking…
“Uh, Matsu,” Kakashi said. He was behind by not much, but still was lagging.
“What is it?” Matsu stopped and turned to Kakashi, a worried look on her face.
“Do… do you know if… if… if…” And Kakashi suddenly passed out, luckily caught by Matsu's hair.
She pulled him closer and started running home. When she got there, Kenko was asking about where she had been, and why her hair was carrying Kakashi, but she wouldn't answer. All she cared about was finding out what happened to Kakashi and what to do.
She finally came to her room, setting Kakashi on her bed. She then felt his head, and then checked his pulse. Poison. There was poison on that kunai. She flipped him around and untied the bandage, to see that the poison had already gone through his system.
“Dragon's Breath.” She muttered to herself as she went to get some decent bandages. She came back and did everything a doctor was supposed to do: cover up the wound, flip him back around, place a wet cloth on his forehead, and don't panic.
She thought for a minute. Dragon's Breath is a very rare, but deadly poison. It first attacks the body temperature, but only if it enters through the back. Then, it would attack the heart, and then work its way to the brain, but that was all Matsu knew from there.
Wait. The brain. She placed her hand on his forehead and did some single-handed hand signs, and said, “Secret Jutsu: Mind Entrance Jutsu!” And suddenly passed out on top of Kakashi.
----Kakashi's mind----
Kakashi sat there, looking at himself. His hand just started to fade away, one finger at a time. He started panicking, but the realized that panicking would just spread the poison that was in his body. He suddenly heard Matsu's voice shout, “Secret Jutsu: Mind Entrance Jutsu!”
“Matsu?” He stood up to see Matsu slowly appearing. She finally walked up to him and embraced him. She just started crying into his bare chest. She didn't want him to go away. Kakashi understood. H e didn't want to go away, either.
“H-Hatake-s-san…” Matsu sobbed. She looked at him, her beautiful green eyes glistening in tears. “I-I don't know t-the antidote. It's D-Dragon's Breath. People die by this stuff quickly, but it's so rare that only a professional poison creator knows the antidote.”
It was silent for a while, excluding Matsu's sobbing. Suddenly, another woman entered. Matsu looked up at her: She had beautiful blond hair and magnificent green eyes. She smiled a most beautiful smile. If Kakashi weren't already in love with Matsu, he would have thought this woman to be the much prettier one.
“M-Mother?” Matsu said, her eyes wide in disbelief.
The woman nodded her head. At the same moment, Kakashi felt his whole left leg finally dissipate. The woman came up to the couple and looked Matsu straight into her eyes. For a moment, they seemed to be conversing telepathically. After a minute or so, Matsu nodded her head, turning pink in the face.
“What?” Kakashi was hoping she found the antidote. “What did she say?”
Matsu looked up at him and said, “S-She says we have to kiss in order for you to survive.”
“Well,” Kakashi lowered his face a little bit. “I don't mind. As long as it's you that I kiss.”
“W-What??” Matsu said, now turning red. “I thought you liked someone else!”
“Now you know something else.” Kakashi said, getting closer to Matsu's face. They got closer and closer and…