Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Starting Anew ❯ Prologue ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Pairings: SasuNaru, SasuNaruNeji
He is hit by…something… he cannot explain. The next time he woke up… he doesn't remember anything. Not even the love of his life. Not even himself.
“Ugh… my aching head…” he held his head, shaking it. Why was it painful? It felt like a brick fell on top of his head. Where was he? He looked at his surroundings. Is this a forest? If it wasn't then why was his entire situation all trees? He was pretty sure it was a forest. But where was he? Why was he here? And most importantly, he has to know…
…who was he…?
__________________________Simple Flash Back___________________________
“Definitely not you, Naruto…” Sakura said, crossing her arms. It wasn't like Sasuke to be even later than Kakashi. Their sensei came here even earlier. Sasuke's usually the first one to arrive. Even Naruto got here first than Sakura. It was one of the most amazing miracles! Naruto got up earlier than twelve in the afternoon!
An hour later, Kakashi decided to call it a day instead. “Alright then… seems like Sasuke won't be coming-”
“Cut the crap, I'm here.” A cold voice appeared from the left side of the bridge. Sasuke was walking very slowly in fact. Naruto narrowed his eyes. He pointed at him and yelled in his Naruto-like way. “You're late!!” he yelled, “Why were you late!? Hey!” Sakura whacked Naruto's head after he asked.
“You don't have to ask. The most important thing is, he's already here, and we can start.” Sakura said, angrily, while the inner Sakura was ranting, “Sasuke-kun doesn't need any reason to be late! He can be late all he want, I'll always be waiting!!” Naruto was massaging the back of his head to whine back at Sakura. When Sasuke leaned onto the bridge, all attention now was on Kakashi.
“Right. Today's mission. Well, you have to retrieve an important scroll lost deep in the forest. Sound and Sand are after it as well. Be cautious.” Kakashi told them their mission and what to do when they got the scroll. All three of them nodded, and left quickly.
It's definitely short, I know. But it's prologue…?
Thanks for reading, and please review!