Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Starting Anew ❯ Lost Memory ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If only I did…
Pairings: SasuNaru, SasuNaruNeji (no matter who)
He woke up in the middle of the forest and met up with a raven-haired boy (emotionless, mind you), a pink-haired girl, and a silver haired man. He thinks they know who he is… but he doesn't.
Note: For those who wanted Sasuke, I can do one of these two things: Make one chapter and send them to you, or I make a Sasuke version and post it here. Thanks a bunch!
Chapter 1- Lost Memory
His head felt… dead. It was pounding hard. He was still confused about most things that happened. He doesn't remember anything. He looked around for any clues, but all were trees and bushes. Soft breeze, birds whistling, and he thought that there was a stream nearby. Why was he here in the first place?
He stood up; still holding his head like it was about to fall off. If it wouldn't kill you, then it might have. When he let go of his head, there were few drops of blood on his right hand. Why doesn't he remember? Why him of all people? Then a rustle of the bushes came. He was scared.
“Naruto! Hey, where are you? Naruto! Oh, there you are!” It was a pink-haired girl with soft green eyes. He looked confused. Who was she talking about? Was she talking to him?
“Naruto! Come on! Sasuke-kun and Kakashi-sensei are waiting for us in the middle of the forest! Hurry up!” The girl pulled his hand. He quickly took it back. She was surprised at the sudden reaction. Her eyes wide, she asked what happened to him.
“First off, I don't know what you're talking about. Second of all, I don't know whom this `Sasuke-kun', and `Kakashi-sensei' is. Third, I don't even know you. Lastly, Who are you calling Naruto?” He said. The girl smiled fake and weak. He knew she thought he was kidding. But who would kid at a time like this?
“Naruto cut it out! Sasuke-kun is your teammate along with me, Sakura-chan. Kakashi-sensei is our jounin! Naruto!!” The girl stepped closer to him, he backed away. She continued to walk closer and closer, as he walked back farther and farther. That was, until he tripped behind a rock and fell.
With a said `oof', another rustle through the bushes came, this time with whispers soft, yet he could hear clearly. He looked up and saw a silver haired man with one eye covered and another eye looking down at him. Then, behind him, was the girl who called him `Naruto'. She was pretty damn annoying. He wondered if he really knew that girl… if he did, he was definitely sure he never liked her.
Afterward, came a pale boy with blue-black hair, and dark black eyes, glaring at him to death. The young boy was shocked, and looked down once again. The silver haired man reached out his hand, as he took it and helped him stand up. The man was looking at him seriously, as if checking out if he was hurt or something.
“There's nothing wrong with him, Sakura-chan. He doesn't have scratches or anything with a sign for physical injury. He's really Naruto.” The man said, standing up straight.
“B-but… but Kakashi-sensei, he doesn't know who we are! He doesn't even know who he is!” The pink haired girl whined. The pale boy just made a small `hn' sounds, not minding anything that was happening now. He glared at him. The pale one didn't seem affected by it though.
“Naruto,” Argh, that name again. Who was this Naruto anyway? “Are you really yourself?” The silver haired man kneeled down in front of him again. The pale boy pushed himself from the tree and walked in front of him. The young one looked down to hide his pink face. It definitely hurt the cheeks.
“Dobe,” Now what kind of name is that? If that were his real name, he would surely change it legally. He looked up at the pale boy straight in the eyes. The younger one was sure he would see hatred or even annoyance, but he saw were too emotional eyes. They were all filled with love, concern, and worry.
…Were they lovers?
At the thought, the young one turned red quickly and once again, looked down. The pale boy took the younger one by the chin to make him look at his eyes again.
The girl called Sakura nearly tried to walk towards them, but the silver haired man, as they call him, Kakashi-sensei, stopped her with his right arm, blocking her way.
The younger boy slapped the hand away from his chin and glared at the elder boy in front of him, madly. How dare he? He doesn't even know him! They don't even know each other!! Then, his head felt heavy again. After that, all went black.
The pale boy caught the younger one when he fainted. The elder held his head, and felt something sticky and wet, also warm. He looked at his left hand and saw blood was splattered onto his palm. His eyes went wide. He turned the fainted boy's head and saw blood all over a bruise.
Okay, this was the second time he woke up without knowing anything, and his head hurt like hell. This time he heard sounds of machines and whispers outside the door, he was lying down on a bed, and all his surroundings were now white. He looked at the side, and saw what he thought was a hitae ate, forehead protector.
What did he get himself into now? He reached for his head and felt bandage. Oh yeah… at least he remembered something. The man named Kakashi-sensei, the girl named Sakura, and still the unnamed pale boy. The last thing he could remember was that he was glaring at the pale boy, then his head felt intense, and everything was black.
The door opened and saw the same people he had met. Well, just the man and the girl. The pale boy wasn't there. He tried looking behind him, but all he saw was the doctor and the nurse. He felt a bit of disappointment there.
“Naruto-kun…” The girl sighed. “Now we know why you don't know us… You're suffering from amnesia…” She told him. His eyes went wide. No way…
“Let's start this again. You're name is Uzumaki Naruto. You are a ninja. You are in team seven with me Haruno Sakura, and Uchiha Sasuke. This is our jounin or teacher. Kakashi-sensei. Are you getting all of this?”
The boy stood up and slowly nodded. “So you're saying that my name is Uzumaki Naruto, last name first. You are Haruno Sakura, and that is Kakashi-sensei? Yeah, I'm pretty much getting all of this.” He said. Sakura smiled.
“Well, Sasuke-kun isn't here right now. He didn't want to visit you when he heard that you were already okay. Believe me, he was really quick when he saw your head with blood.” Sakura said, sounding a bit jealous, which confused Naruto, as she said was his name.
“Carried you onto his shoulder and ran at the speed of light, he did.” Kakashi said, reading a book called Icha Icha Paradise. No wonder his stomach hurt. He just wondered if it was just hunger. Naruto looked at Sakura. She looked hurt and jealous. That was what he was wondering now.
“Uhm, it's late, Naruto-kun, and my mom would kill me if I was anymore late to go home. I'll try to visit you tomorrow, okay?” She said, waving and closing the room door. Kakashi stood up as well.
“Well, got to tell your Iruka-sensei, another old sensei of yours when you were younger. Surely he would freak, but he does have to know.” Kakashi said. Naruto stopped him before he reached the door.
“Are you and Iruka-sensei…together…?” Naruto asked curiously. The jounin froze, yet dumbly nodded. “Just don't tell anyone about that.” The jounin said, and Naruto nodded, smiling.
“I'm sure he'll visit you tomorrow additionally.” Then the door was closed. Naruto lied down again and began drifting off to sleep.
(OOCness!! Please be warned!)
He opened the door carefully, trying not to wake the blonde up. He had to threaten the nurses to let him come in here. Good thing is, they're both afraid of him, and they, like the rest of the whole female population, has a `crush' on him. Those maybe one of the things Sasuke liked the most, being in control. He walked closer to the sleeping boy. Sasuke cursed. Of all people to care for…
His eyes started stinging, he knew. He forced himself not to sniff. He couldn't cry. He, the sole survivor of the whole Uchiha Clan… the only boy most wanted by the whole female population, and either one fourth or half of male, was going to cry because of the village dunce, the most hated of the entire village (scratch the teams, [Lee, Neji, Kiba, Ino, etc] some Chuunins and Jounins and most children), and he's his rival. His best friend.
Weird, no? They have been enemies, rivals, friends, and then best friends. All that was missing now are lovers, husbands, and parents. Sasuke uncharacteristically blushed at the idea. And everything was going so well. He would have confessed it if wasn't for this mission. He was late for it, too. He laughed at the thought. If he didn't come… would this happen? Would the blonde dobe forget everything? But maybe… just maybe…
…this was a good thing…
You must be thinking `what?! How is it a good thing!?' right now, huh? Maybe this was a good thing because he and Naruto could start anew. Begin on the correct foot this time. Who knows, maybe he'll learn to love him?
Who was he kidding? Naruto, with or without memory of who he is, certainly wouldn't fall in love with a guy. This all hit Sasuke. He looked down sadly at the blonde. Sasuke reached out his left hand, and caressed the right cheek. Tears threatened to fall again. Sasuke leaned down to kiss him lightly.
When he pulled back, a teardrop successfully fell onto the blonde's cheek. The said boy stirred a bit. Sasuke headed through the window, and jumped from there.
He woke up. He felt something soft and somewhat tasty touch his lips last night. He was sure. He looked at his left and saw the wind blowing through the curtain. Wasn't it closed last night…? That… was exceptionally odd…
“He's still sleeping,” a voice whispered outside the door. The boy groaned again. What was it this time? The door slammed open, and he saw a pony tailed brunette, about 25-years-old, along with Kakashi smiling apologetically…maybe.
“Naruto!” The brunette man yelled and hugged him quickly and tightly. He was really shocked at the contact. “Thank God you're safe!! And you!!” He turned back to Kakashi and started ranting like a mother, with Kakashi not saying anything. The blonde gasped.
“Don't call me that, bastard!!”
“What you want to pick a fight!?”
He breathed hard. It felt like a premonition or… a memory. The brunette and Kakashi stared at him in concern. “You… alright, Naruto?” Oh, that's right. Naruto was his name, so they said.
The only thing that was on Kakashi's mind was “Seemed to me like a memory flashback.”
Gyah!! I'm really sorry about the very lame ending… but thank you very much!!
Thanks for reading, and please review!!