Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Strikes of Illumination ❯ Gravity ( Chapter 5 )

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Toboe LoneWolf: Yeah, it's a reaaally short drabble…but I promise, there shall be a full Nejiten fluffy one-shot posted in two days!
Summary: She can, and she will, defy gravity one day.
"Gravity is constant. You can't defy gravity forever."
Tenten glared at the white-eyed boy standing above her, who had just completely bested her in a spar, as Tenten failed once more in perfecting her technique. "I can, and I will."
The Hyuuga genius turned away. "Even shinobi cannot fly."
She stared upward, into blue sky and clouds. A bird flew overhead.
"Just wait, Neji. I'll show you. I'm going to fly. And one day, I'll take you with me."