Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Subjected ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Summary: Sakura is stuck between emotions that have no name. Neither love nor lust, but will she choose right. This is Sakura centric and not Yaoi. GenSak NejiSak a little KakSak
Disclaimer: The characters don't belong to me.
Sakura rolled onto her back when the sun's rays beamed through the blinds creating a pattern of lines across the green walls. She adjusted her position facing away from the sun and molding her body with the long pillow next to her rubbing her hand over it's six-pack, before drifting back to sleep. Five minutes later when the information had processed through her sleep hazed mind she remembered that her walls were yellow, and pillows weren't long and warm with six packs. She turned onto her back and sprung up to look around but before she could she felt a sharp pain in her head, her vision blurred and she fell back.
Her hands moved to hold her head to stop the pain when she heard a deep voice. “You shouldn't move so quick you probably have a bad hang over.” Sakura looked to his face hovering over her but her vision was still blurred and her head was still spinning. She tried to place where she was but all that came to mind was going to the pub with Ino who eventually left her alone to flirt with shikamaru. There was a gap of time she couldn't recall but then she remembered sitting with Asuma, Kurenai, Anko, Genma, and Kakashi who had his arm around her most of the time. That was it.
She let out a loud gasp and turned to the man who was now sitting up against the head board with only his lower half covered, “Kakashi” she whispered. But when she saw his face it wasn't anyone other than “Genma!” He looked younger without his Konaha headband tied backwards around his head, although he had a toothpick sticking out of his sealed lips. His hazel eyes glanced at her worriedly; however all she did was stare at him with wide green eyes in a state of shock and nervousness while blushing furiously. “D..d.d..d..d did we um”
“Yea,” He said putting a hand to her head. “I'm not sure how much you had to drink before I saw you but maybe you shouldn't drink as much anymore.” He smirked at her when he remembered how everything happened last night.
Genma got up from the bed and walked around the room shamelessly to pick up discarded clothes but there were none. He wrapped a towel around his waist, smirked and looked at Sakura whose face was as pink as her hair and biting her lower lip. She wrapped the sheet around her body before getting up. “Where are our clothes” she asked curiously walking past him, she opened the door and walked into the hall way after a few steps she saw a framed picture shattered on the floor then images of her being pressed against the wall, feeling him she tried to grab something. “Sorry” she let out a mall whisper and he said it was no problem.
After walking to the opening of the hallway she saw in a line her panties then his boxers then her bra then his pants then his shirt then her dress then his vest with their shoes leading to the door. Sakura bustled about the place to pick up their clothes when there was a sudden knock at the door that startled her. “Genma don't!” Sakura barely let out of her mouth before he opened the door to see Shikamaru at the door with Kakashi a few feet behind him.
“Genma you should really put more clothes on to…” The words fell from Kakashi's lips when he saw a flushed sakura wrapped only in a sheet standing behind Genma with her red lace panties and his dark green boxers in her hand. She could feel his gaze on her along with Shikamaru's but his was more intense. Sakura lowered her head and blushed even more at the awkward silence.
“Oh.” Was all Kakashi could say, to break the silence Shikamaru cleared his throat and stated their cause
“The Hokage request you in her office now.”
“Hai” was his response with he said with an uneasy look on his face as he scratched the back of his head at the tension in the air and closed the door.
“Couldn't you have waited for me to go back in the room or something” Sakura said frustrated and embarrassed that a friend and her sensai saw her like this. “Sorry” Sakura hadn't really expected him to apologize. She tried to stay mad at him and said “I don't think I want to earn your reputation.”
“I don't know if I should be proud or offended.” He said with a smirk, looking at her frustration, “I could punish you for it, but then again last night you didn't take it as a punishment out here or in the bedroom.”
“Ugggghh is there anything you can't turn into something perverted.”
“You want to keep trying” he said with a lecherous grin, then kissed her to make his intentions clear. She felt his arms rap around her waste she wanted to stop him but it was addicting. She let the sheet drop and tugged on his towel, but his hand moved to stop her.
“We can't”
“Why not?” she moaned into his mouth.
“You heard I have to leave, sorry, but you can take a shower and get something to eat before you leave. Oh yea aspirin is on the counter.” He put on the clothes he was in last night then said “See you around” before rushing out the door at a speed only a jouin could achieve.
“Sakura you're okay!” Hinata jumped from the stairs leading to Sakura's apartment and hugged her friend.
“Of course I'm okay what happened.” Sakura said worriedly looking from her to Neji who was to the side.
“Whose clothes are you wearing?” She asked suddenly.
“Oh uhh I I wasn't feeling too well and umm” Sakura said looking down “Kakashi let me sleep on his couch and gave me clothes to change into this morning.”
“Is that what happened” Sakura turned around at the sound of a deep familiar voice.
“Kakashi!” Sakura said sounding surprised but still looking at him with pleading eyes “Your back from the meeting” she asked curiously.
“I am no longer needed there.” He replied, then disappeared. Hinata let out a soft “Oh” believing Sakura.
She opened her door and invited them in and turned on the kettle. “Well” Hinata said quietly reverting to her shy self , “we had plans and it was really important and” Hinata paused while playing with her fingers “you promised and said if you weren't there then something probably happened.” Hinata finished. Sakura gasped “I'm so sorry Hinata I uhh” she looked away blushing feeling their gazes on her “I I wasn't feeling too well.” “It's okay I understand.”
“Why are you here Neji” She asked while looking in to his accusing glare but Hinata answered for him.
“My father said he has to stay with me. I was attacked last night but it wasn't and attempt assassination it was just a coincidence.”
“Well it's good to know you're in safe hands,” She said letting her gaze on Neji stay a little longer, “Do you want to talk now?”
“It's .. kind of uhm .. private” she said turning her head to Neji slightly. Sakura pointed to her bedroom, they left Neji to his tea in the living room. Hinata told her how she felt about Naruto and asked her if she could help and it was settled after an hour long discussion. Sakura walked them to the door in her bathrobe. She apologized again before Hinata left, and Neji gave her that glare again before he left. She knew he knew she was lying, and probably jumped to the wrong conclusion but she still felt guilty. After cleaning her apartment Sakura tried to catch up on sleep she missed the previous night.
A/N: I can't believe I wrote this. I've been dying to write a new story but I could never decide on pairingsand stuff but I just sat at my computer and started typing and then worked it out as I typed. I have an Idea of what direction it's going in and a few choices of couples but I'm not sure and not telling. I can assure you no Yaoi. I actually like writing this so I will hopefully update a few times a month. Please review and tell me what you think I want to hear opinions critics everything. I am editing this myself so sorry for any errors.