Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tales of a broken heart ❯ The meeting ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Here's chapter 2 tell me what you think =)
The beginning
“Hello I was told to come here” she said to the lady in the room.
“Oh so you're Sai, Jaraiya said you could be trusted” she said as she looked her up and down. “Yes you can trust me; I won't tell you any secrets.” She said in a dull voice that had no emotion.
“Ok then I will need your help mainly with the rebuilding of Konoha, and guarding” she said as she looked through a pile of papers.
“Well then you can start by helping out in the hospital, do you have any skills in medicine?” she asked
“I can heal a bit but I'm best at strengthening medicine” Sai replied
“Understood, here, give this to the person on call, they'll tell you what to do.”
“Arigato” she said as she took the paper and exited the room.
As she was walking to the hospital she looked around and again she sighed and thought `this is such a peaceful city despite the wreckage'
`Oh here we are' with that she entered the hospital.
“Excuse me who's on call here?” she asked a lady with dark hair and beautiful lavender eyes. “Oh that would be me.” “Hokage-sama told me to give this to you”
“Oh I see well than its nice to meet you Sai-san, I'm Hyuuga Hinata”
“Nice to meet you as well Hinata-san”
“Well since you're here I may as well get you started” The Hyuuga replied with a pleasant smile.
“Arigato” “well here you can just follow this chart and go to each room”
“Understood” “Oh and if you need anything please ask” she said before she left.
`I like this girl she's kind. God bless.'
`Ok, so first room is right here'
“Gaah it hurts” yelled someone from inside the room
“Shut up dope you're too loud” replied a harsh cold voice.
“Um… excuse me” Sai said uncertainly
“Oh, hello miss, he fell off the tree when we were reviewing chakra control” said a man in a mask, and silver hair.
`Hey, that's the guy I saw outside the village. His eyes there's something'
“Hello? Anyone home?” said the loud bland
“Oh, yes I'm sorry” she said with a faint blush, While the masked man raised an eyebrow.
“So, where does it hurt?” she asked in a soothing voice.
“My arm, I think I sprained something.” He said and made a funny face.
`Cute kid' “here let me see” and with that she took his arm and put her chakra into it.
“It's nothing serious, and if you like I could fix it right up” she said with a wink.
“Oh, would you, thank you sooo much I was worried I'd have to take a break from training.” He said with a sigh of relief.
“Ok then one second” with that she took his arm and started fixing the sprain.
“Ok, all done.” “Wow! Thank it feels all better now” he said with a smile too big for his face.
“So are you new here I've never seen you before?” said the silver head guy.
“Oh… yes I'm new.” She replied
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~
And that's a rap
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If I don't at least get a few comments I won't repost!