Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ Tamming Two Hearts or Breaking One ❯ The Festival ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 8 The Festival
Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto
Ichiraku's ramen shop
Naruto was eating a bowl of ramen he was getting a break from his duties as a Jounin during the past days he has been doing some missions with his new genin team. Of course the missions were beginner missions were D rank and in his opinion he consider it boring, he secretly wanted a tougher mission but he still obey Tsunade and follow her orders. Now his team especially Konohamaru was complaining that the missions were too easy and boring and he wanted a real mission he chuckle at himself since Konohamaru reminded him of himself when he was a genin another thing they had in common.
He finish his bowl and began to think about Sakura he blush slightly he remember very well that he had sex with her and he like it he loved making love to his pink hair teammate, he curse a little knowing that his taken by his girlfriend Hinata and he also made love to her he loved her and he hated the fact that he cheated on her with Sakura. He told Hinata he was going to take her to the upcoming Konoha festival held once a year, but he also told Sakura that he was going to take her too he began to think what to do how would he go with two girls at the same time he then remember when Sakura told him about the festival.
(Flashback to Naruto's apartment yesterday)
Naruto was ready to leave his apartment to start another easy mission with his team, he put his black bandana on his forehead when he turn the knob and open the door he was surprised to see Sakura outside. Sakura only blush at seeing him she got the images when he made love to her but she wasn't the only one Naruto was thinking the same thing too he blush while staring at his teammate. An eerie silence felt on the two for a couple of minutes none of them said a word the only look in each others eyes and blush for a moment Sakura felt like kissing the blond but she held back her urges while Naruto was trying to do the same thing.
Finally Sakura broke the empty silence while her inner self was looking at Naruto with hungry eyes waiting to rip his uniform and devoured his form.
“Hi Naruto” Sakura said while blushing
Naruto blush” h…..hi…….Sakurachan”
(Looked at him he's acting all shy when Im done with him he wont be shy anymore) Inner Sakura said while having a nose bleed at the perverted thoughts that came to her mind
“So Naruto how are you doing?” Sakura said
“Im…..doing fine Sakurachan” Naruto said still blushing
“I heard that you finally had a genin team that's great congratulations” Sakura said with a smile
Naruto grin” thanks Sakurachan Konohamaru, Moegi and Udon are a strong team”
Sakura smirk” really why am I not surprise that they are you're genin team those three consider you as their idol”
Naruto chuckle” thanks Sakurachan we have been doing easy missions it really boring”
“That's so like you Naruto you want a tougher mission huh you have to get used to it” Sakura said
“Yeah I guess….um… do you want to come in” Naruto said nervous
Sakura blush while her inner self shouted in victory (YEAH he's inviting us inside that means he wants to make love to us I knew he couldn't resist this sexy cherry blossom) Inner Sakura said
(Don't get your hopes up) Sakura thought
Sakura enter his apartment Naruto closed the door she got sited at the small table in the kitchen Naruto sited next to her. Naruto looked at her and gasp he was seeing something he never thought he will ever see Sakura was blushing while twiddling her fingers, he couldn't believe she was acting like the old Hinata he was getting worry for her.
“Sakurachan are you okay?' Naruto said worry
Sakura blush again” oh….yeah Im fine um…..Naruto do you know that the Konoha festival is in two days”
Naruto nodded” yeah what about it?”
“Well you know I have been thinking if you…….” Sakura paused(what am I doing?)
(What's it look like you're going to ask Naruto to the festival) inner Sakura said
(But I shouldn't its obvious that he's going with Hinata) Sakura thought
(AH not that Hyuga bitch again…..forget about her and ask him out) inner Sakura said
Sakura nodded as she looked at Naruto who had a puzzle look on his face” Naruto would you like to go with me to the festival?”
Naruto thought he heard wrong he couldn't believe what he just heard back at the academy days he would have sold his soul just to go on a date with her and right now his first crush is asking him out to the Konoha festival.
“Sakurachan are you asking me out?” Naruto said like he didn't believe what he heard
Sakura blush while she nodded in a shy matter” yes if you want to go with me to the festival”
Naruto blush hard this were one of his dreams aside from becoming Hokage going on a date with Sakura the other was to make love to her and he fulfill that dream. He was going to say yes in a heart beat but then he got an image of his girlfriend Hinata he told her he was going with her but he didn't wanted to tell Sakura he knew it would break her heart.
“Sakurachan I…..I…..I….Im…..going….with….Hinatachan ” he said in a sad tone
“Oh” Sakura said coolly” of course you are I mean she's your girlfriend”
(DAMMIT I WAMT TO GO WITH NARUTO) inner Sakura shouted in rage
“But Sakurachan I……I…..would really like if you go with me the festival well have fun” Naruto said sounding nervous
Sakura blink while her inner self was happy, inner Sakura made a cash register sound(YEAH NARUTO WANTS TO TAKE US TO THE FESTIVAL)
“So you're not going with Hinata?” Sakura said sounding a little eager
“Well…..I…..I am going with her” Naruto said nervously he then saw the look on Sakura's face he could see the hurt reflected in her jade eyes” but Sakurachan its okay how about we go as a…..friends?”
Sakura hang her head down in shame” so you don't want me after all?” she said in a very low whisper
“What did you say Sakurachan I didn't hear you?” Naruto said
Sakura shook her head” its okay Naruto al right well go to the festival as friends well I gotta go I have to work at the hospital” she was about to leave the kitchen when she suddenly stop Naruto gave a puzzle look she then got next to him and gave him a sweet kiss on his cheek making him blush
“Ill see you later then” Sakura said in a seductive yet sweet tone she then reach the door and left the apartment
(End of flashback)
Naruto sighed(what am I going to do even I told Sakurachan we were going to the festival as friends why do I feel like Im still cheating on Hinatachan)
“Hey Naruto what's wrong you haven't touch your first bowl” Teuchi said worry
Naruto snap from his train of though” oh sorry old man I guess I was just thinking that's all”
“It must be something pretty important for you not to eat your ramen” Teuchi said
Naruto smile” fine Ill gladly eat” he pick up the chopsticks and started to devoured the ramen in seconds he eat it all
Teuchi smile” now that's more like it Naruto”
“I want another one” Naruto said
Teuchi laugh” coming right up you heard him Ayame lets get to it”
Ayame nodded and they started making more ramen
A few minutes later they made enough ramen fro Naruto, he eat bowl after bowl finally after twenty bowls of ramen the blond ninja finally satisfy his hunger.
“Ah much better well I have to go bye” Naruto said he left his money on the counter and wave Teuchi and Ayame goodbye
While he was walking he began to think about his current situation(what am I going to do, do I want to go with Sakurachan as a friend or is it the other way around this is so confusing I know I want to go with Hinatachan I should get some rest I don't have any missions with my team today so Ill guess Ill take it easy)
Hyuga Compound
Hinata was in the dojo doing her daily training when Neji and TenTen came.
“Hey there you are Hinata you're still training” TenTen said
Hinata looked back at TenTen” yes I always like training before beginning the day”
TenTen smirk” really it reminds me of someone” she look at Neji who just smile in return
“Well she is the future head of the clan” Neji said
“So Hinata Neji told me that you're going to the Konoha festival with Naruto right?” TenTen said
Hinata blush slightly” yes we are”
“Then how about we go on a double date Neji and I are going to the festival too” TenTen said
“Oh yes that would be nice as long as is al right with you cousin” Hinata said
Neji smile” of course I see nothing wrong with it”
“Thanks Neji then well go together to the festival Narutokun will agree too” Hinata said as she left the dojo
As she was walking she took from her vest a small key she blush a little(they key to the private residence I think Im gonna keep it who knows it might come in handy if Narutokun has the urges)she giggle a little thinking of the possibilities of making love with her boyfriend again
At Sakura's house
Sakura was checking her wardrobe she was looking for the best outfit to wear at the festival she wanted to make a good impression on Naruto. Even if Naruto told her they were going as friends she wanted to go with him as a pair and not friends, she have been desiring to kiss him over and over again and then there's the thought of making love to him which its been invading her mind a lot not to mention that she's still reading Kakashi's book making her more aroused. As she continue to look in her wardrobe she finally spotted something very beautiful she thought it was perfect for the festival
“Sakura there's someone at the door for you” came the voice of Sakura's mother
“Coming mom” Sakura said as she put the outfit back in her wardrobe
She left her room climb down the stairs and when she open the door she saw Ino with a smile on her face.
“Hey Sakura” Ino greeted
“Hi Ino do you want to come in” Sakura said
“Its al right I don't have time Im supposed to have a date with Chouji any minute now so I can't stay too long I just wanted to ask you if you're going to the festival tomorrow” Ino said
“Yeah I am why do you ask?” Sakura said
“I was thinking if you wanted to go with me and Chouji how about it a double date” Ino said
Sakura sweat dropped” well I don't have a date Ino so its not a double date”
Ino sweat dropped and scolded herself(damn I forgot she's still attached to Naruto)” Im sorry Sakura I didn't mean it”
“Its okay Ino Im still going with you guys and don't worry about Naruto were going to the festival as friends” Sakura said trying to put the emphasis on the word friends
(Yeah right) inner Sakura said
(Yeah right) Ino thought
“Then Ill see you tomorrow at the festival bye remember to wear something nice” Ino said as she left her house
Sakura nodded and closed the door(I do have something nice to wear and Naruto is gonna love it)she giggle while blushing she went back to her room and began to daydream about her blond teammate
The next day(nightfall)
Naruto left his apartment to go to the festival he was wearing a green male kimono and brown sandals he was very happy about tonight because he was going with his girlfriend Hinata. A thought came to his mind about his teammate Sakura he told her they were going to the festival as friends for some reason he didn't like the idea of going with Sakura as friends, then he began to think did he loved her he knew back when they were genin he admitted that he liked her but now it seems he still had some feelings for the pink hair medic ninja. Naruto decided to forget about the situation and enjoy the festival, while walking on the streets he spotted Hinata and he went nuts at the sight of her girlfriend.
Hinata was wearing a light blue kimono with flower designs on the sides she was wearing a white hairclip of a butterfly and a pair of white sandals, Naruto looked at her from top to bottom and blush like a tomato she was drop death gorgeous. Hinata blush too at the way her boyfriend was looking at her she also was blushing because she was checking him out he was very handsome in the green kimono, she gave a turn around so Naruto could see the entire kimono from front to back Naruto's reaction was predictable as he blush even more.
“How do I look Narutokun?” Hinata said sounding a little shy
Naruto didn't said anything he just got close to her and took her hands in his and gave her a soft kiss which Hinata gladly accepted they pulled away both blushing.
Naruto smile” like an angel”
Hinata blush at his comment they way he said that made her feel so happy and alive she giggle a little” thank you Narutokun you look very handsome”
Naruto gave his fox grin” thanks Hinatachan”
Neji and TenTen came to the couple Neji was wearing a chocolate brown kimono some grey sandals he was also wearing a grey headband around his forehead because he didn't like showing his cage bird seal from the Hyuga clan, TenTen was wearing an orange kimono a pair yellow sandals and she wasn't wearing her buns but braids which was a big surprise to Naruto since he has always only seen her with her buns.
“Hey you guys ready to go?” TenTen said
Naruto nodded” yeah lets go I can't wait to taste the ramen from other villages”
Neji smirk at his comment” why am I not surprised to hear that”
The group laugh before heading to the center of the village where the festival was taking place. Once they arrive they were in awe at the sight before them the whole part of the village was filled with different lights and small cabins which included games to food shops. The couples went to one of the places where it was a game of catching a fish with a small round and very delicate net, Neji and Naruto agree to play the game they gave the owner some money and started playing while their girlfriends look eager at their performance.
During the first four tries both Naruto and Neji failed miserably in catching the fish because the small net break when they capture the fish, TenTen was trying not to laugh at her boyfriend who was cursing under his breath while trying to catch the fish Hinata on the other hand was trying to cheer Naruto up so he didn't get upset at a silly game. After ten more tires Naruto and Neji got tired and finally gave up although Neji looked like he could give another try, TenTen smirk while Hinata was still trying to cheer her boyfriend up.
“Damn I can't believe I lost” Naruto said
“You're not the only one Naruto” Neji said
“Well Hinata looks like our boyfriends can't win us a prize” TenTen said with a smirk on her face
“Hey its not our fault the game is too difficult the stupid net keeps breaking” Naruto whine
“I bet Hinata can do it what do you say Hinata” TenTen said
Hinata look a little nervous” well I….I don't know”
“Come on Hinatachan give it a try it never hurts to try right” Naruto said while smiling
“I don't mind seeing you try Hinata so go ahead” Neji said
“You can do it Hinata” TenTen cheered
Hinata nodded” okay Ill do it wish me luck”
Hinata went to the counter and pay the owner she took the small net and in seconds she was able to catch a fish which shock Naruto and Neji a lot, but she wasn't done yet she catch more than just one she caught every fish in the small water tank. Naruto's and Neji's jaw fell to the ground they both had a hard time catching one fish but Hinata didn't have no trouble at all TenTen just smirk like she knew Hinata was gonna do it after all.
“Wow Hinatachan you did it you catch all the fish” Naruto said shock
“Im impressed as well Hinata” Neji said
Hinata blush” thanks I just did my best that's all”
“And it work too Hinatachan you're so cool” Naruto said
Hinata blush again from the compliment
“Amazing we have a winner congratulations you won the grand prize here you go four free passes to the Azuchi restaurant” the game owner said handing the tickets to Hinata
“Im not surprised that Hinata won I mean she knows the secret to win the game” TenTen said
“Really what's the secret?” asked a curious Naruto
TenTen smile” the key to win the game is flexibility and Hinata is very flexible and gentle so it was obvious that she was able to catch all of the fishes”
“Oh I get it if Hinatachan uses the net with the same flexibility as the net she can catch the fish with no problem at all” Naruto said
“That's right you and Neji were too rough using net and eventually it kept on breaking” TenTen said
“I admit I don't have the same flexibility as Hinata” Neji said
(I guess Hinatachan is that flexible with her chakra control too wow she's so amazing) Naruto thought
“Should we go to the restaurant after all the food is free” Hinata said
“Yeah Im sure that Naruto and Neji wasted all their money in the game” TenTen said with a slight smirk
Naruto and Neji sweat dropped at her comment and hang their head down in shame, the couples left for the restaurant.
In another part of the festival Sakura, Ino and Chouji arrived Ino was wearing a purple kimono with butterflies designs on the sides and purple sandals Chouji was wearing a red kimono and red sandals on the back of his kimono was the symbol of the Akimichi clan and Sakura had a pink kimono matching her pink hair and pink and white sandals she also had some pink lipstick making her look very gorgeous.
“So what do you guys want to do?” Chouji said
“Anything that doesn't include eating” Ino said smirking
Chouji smirk back” nice try Ino but Im no longer the same crazy eater I used to be okay”
“I don't know you might get the urge to eat all of the sudden” Ino said
“Ino I mean it I change okay I like being thin I feel healthy” Chouji said
Ino giggle” Im just kidding Chouji I was just teasing you I know you've change” she looked back at Sakura and saw the depressive look on her best friends face she frown at this(what was I thinking in inviting her here she's obviously crazy to see Naruto but he's with Hinata oh poor Sakura there's no hope for her in the end she's gonna be heartbroken…..again)
“Hey Sakura you okay?” Ino said worry
Sakura snap back from her thinking” oh Im fine Ino don't worry about me”
Ino sighed” so what do you want to do Sakura?”
“How about we play some of the games?” Sakura suggested
“That's a great idea I don't feel like eating” Ino said while looking at Chouji
“Ino stop joking about that” Chouji said
Ino giggle as the group continue to walk trough the festival while Sakura was deep in thought thinking about a certain blond ninja.
(Naruto where are you?)
(YEAH I want to give you a big kiss) inner Sakura said
Sakura sighed as she continued to walk while Ino was keeping an eye on her and she began to think that it was a bad idea to bring her along with the situation she's in.
At the Azuchi restaurant Naruto, Hinata, Neji and TenTen were enjoy their free meal Naruto ate over ten bowls of ramen making the Neji and TenTen sweat dropped while Hinata just giggle since she got used to it. After the meal the couples left the restaurant and were walking the streets filled with bright lights until TenTen took Neji's hand.
“Come on Neji I want to see the weapon shop” TenTen said
Neji smile at her” of course are you guys coming with us?”
“Yeah sure thing Neji” Naruto said
“Actually Narutokun there's another place I want to go” Hinata said
Naruto blink” oh then I guess were not going to the weapon shop sorry Neji”
“So much for the double date” Neji said with a sweat dropped
“Its al right Neji let them go Hinata is in good hands right Naruto?” TenTen said
Naruto grin” of course she is”
“Come on Neji lets go” TenTen said as she took her boyfriend's hand and left leaving Naruto and Hinata behind
“So where are we going Hinatachan?” Naruto said as he took Hinata's hand
Hinata only in giggle in response making Naruto look confuse she then lead him away from the large crowd and into a dead end of the street, Naruto was really confused now he didn't know why would his girlfriend take him to dead end street where there wasn't any people around. He then got his answer when Hinata kissed him very passionate he immediately reacted and accepted her delicious kiss both unleash their tongues on each other, the kiss lasted for a while and Naruto's hormones were going crazy he pulled her closer his hands travel from her waist to her nice butt and squeezed it making Hinata moan in delight he then began to massage it a little.
Naruto release his hands from her butt and went to her breast and grab both of them massage them softly Hinata had to sadly broke the kiss because of her sudden moan that escape her lips. Naruto broke his tongue kiss with Hinata he kiss, lick and suck her breast with Hinata still wearing her kimono but it was Naruto's way of teasing her continue to massage while licking and sucking her breast making Hinata moan loudly she was glad no one could hear her moaning because of the noise from the festival. Hinata decided to tease him too and she reach and touch his crotch making Naruto groan a little she began to rub it fast, Naruto moan softly and it made quite a reaction as he got an erection.
Hinata grin in satisfaction as her teasing got the effect she was hoping for on her boyfriend she continue to rub it, Naruto decided to tease her even more as one of his hands went from her breast to her womanhood he began to rub it faster too. Hinata moan feeling the sensations of her boyfriends rubbing on her clit she continue to rub Naruto's member while moaning. Both couples were now teasing each other as they were pleasuring themselves with their cloths still on, they continue to play their teasing game until one of them couldn't take it anymore and it seems it was going to be sooner than expected. Naruto lost the game as he couldn't take it anymore he was fully being control by his hormones he then remove the top of Hinata's kimono revealing her voluptuous breast Hinata then gasp she finally stop her ministrations on her boyfriend and put the top of her kimono back on. Naruto was very confused now he didn't know what he did wrong he thought that Hinata was gonna like if he remove her clothing so a lot of questions ran trough his head and since he was in hormone mode he couldn't think straight the only thing that was on his mind was to make love to his girlfriend.
“Narutokun Im sorry but this isn't the place for such an act” Hinata said in a scolding tone
Naruto felt like an idiot he was very confused” um……Hinatachan if I remember correctly you were the one who brought me here and kissed me I mean you started this so how can you say that this isn't the place for us to do it” Naruto said trying not to sound angry
Hinata giggle” I was just teasing you Narutokun Id never thought you would go for it”
Naruto sweat dropped(you got to be kidding me)
“But” Hinata paused while taking a small key from her kimono” if you really want to finish what we started here well I have the key to the private residence if you want to” she giggle and notice that Naruto still had an erection
Naruto blink” the private residence but that's a little far from here” he said in a whine tone
Hinata then kissed him again and started rubbing his manhood he moan a little, she suddenly stop and gave him a seductive look making him more aroused” its gonna be worth it”
Naruto took her hand and left the dead end” well what are we waiting for lets go”
Hinata giggle while she was been drag by her boyfriend heading to the private residence looks like it was gonna be a long night for them.
Meanwhile Sakura, Ino and Chouji were in one of the many restaurants of the village a bbq restaurant to be exact they were eating some bbq ribs, Chouji wasn't eating so much since he was on a diet and Ino was keeping a close eye on him just in case he overdid it on the eating. As for Sakura she didn't have much of an appetite and decided not to eat anything, she was bore because she hasn't seen Naruto anywhere on the village the only thing that came to her mind was that he was somewhere else with Hinata. Just thinking about Naruto spending time with the Hyuga heiress made her very jealous she then got an image of Naruto and Hinata kissing and more images came to her mind as she imagined Naruto and Hinata doing something more intimate than kissing.
Sakura shook her head quickly so she could dispelled those horrible images from her head, she looked at Chouji who was still eating and Ino was scolding him because he was eating too much and he was going to ruin his diet she chuckle a little seeing them arguing she thought that they made a cute couple.
“Im sorry Ino and Chouji” Sakura said in apologetic tone
Ino and Chouji stop arguing and look back at her with puzzle looks
“What are you talking about Sakura?” Ino said
“Im sorry for tagging along I must be getting on the way on your date” Sakura said
“Sakura it was me the one who suggested that you should come with us so don't apologize okay” Ino said
“Thanks Ino but I don't want to interfere so Ill leave so you two can have some alone time bye Ino” Sakura said as she got up from her seat and left the restaurant
“Did we did something wrong Ino?” Chouji said
“No its just that Sakura loves Naruto but you know he's with Hinata and she's trying to forget about him but you know what they say, true love hurts and its almost impossible to let go” Ino said
“Does Naruto knows?” Chouji said
“Yeah he must know because……” Ino trailed off she was about to say that he and Sakura slept together
“Because what?” Chouji said puzzle
“Nothing” Ino said keeping her promise to Sakura that she wouldn't said anything
Chouji just shrug his shoulders he then look at the plate of leftovers bbq ribs he was about to snatch them until Ino took the plate and glare at him making him sweat dropped.
“Don't even think about it buster” Ino said in a cold tone
Chouji sighed” fine I wont eat it I don't want to ruin my diet”
Ino smiled” good boy “ she then look at the direction where Sakura left(Sakura I hope you get over Naruto because if you don't you're going to go crazy)
Sakura was walking the streets of the village she didn't care if she bump into someone from the crowd, she was just to depressed to care about anything else.
(Looks like I wont be spending time with Naruto after all damn) Sakura thought
(He's with that Hyuga bitch I can feel it) inner Sakura said
(Can you really blame him Hinata is his girlfriend)
(But he made love to us) inner Sakura counter
(Maybe he did it just for the sex he was always such a pervert I fuck Hinata and I also fuck Sakura it feels good to fuck them) Sakura thought in a sarcastic tone
(Hey this is Naruto were talking about so he is a little perverted but I don't think he did it for the sex I think he loved us) inner Sakura said
(He can't love both Hinata and me at the same time)
(Yes he can maybe he doesn't know it yet) inner Sakura said
(Never mind maybe I should go home)
(Maybe you should stay a little while you know what they say the night is young) inner Sakura said
(If I do that Im gonna die of boredom)
(Better die of boredom rather to die of heartbreak) inner Sakura said
(You're right I guess I should wait a few hours maybe Ill fall asleep before I find him)
She continue to walk trough the festival while wondring where could Naruto she didn't have a clue where could he be making her worry and jealous knowing that he was with his girlfriend.
(Where are you Naruto?) Sakura thought
Right now Naruto was very busy with someone
(Yup you guys guessed it another lemon is coming so please be patient until I update again Im so evil to leave you guys hanging before writing the lemon MUUUUUHHHAHAHAAAA)
As Naruto and Hinata arrived at the private residence they started kissing passionately while moaning, they were so lost in the kiss that they forgot to go to the bedroom section of the house. Naruto pin Hinata to a large wall in a heartbeat he removed Hinata's blue kimono letting it fall to the ground leaving his girlfriend topless and in her panties, Naruto was thankful that Hinata wasn't wearing a bra he was completely under the influence of his hormones. Without breaking theit tongue kiss Naruto grab both of her breast and massage them softly he wanted to continue what they started at the festival, while still grabbing her breast he took one of her nipples and began to kiss, lick and suck it gently making Hinata moan loudly.
Hinata wasn't going to be left out in this as she removed her boyfriends kimono revealing his naked and muscle but not too muscle body she blush seeing his member very hard, she moan still feeling her boyfriends ministrations on her breast she reach for his manhood and started stroking it without mercy Naruto stop his ministrations on her breast as he groan feeling his member being stroked by Hinata. Naruto sadly stop licking her breast as he reach for her clit and began to rub it fast making her moan out of control, with his free hand Naruto grab and squeezed one of her breast they both moan as they were touching their genitals. Hinata then went at Naruto and without any warning she kissed him which he accepted as he continue to run her clit while Hinata was stroking his manhood, they began to tongue kiss while moaning as they continue to touch their genitals and before they know it both reach their climax.
Naruto shoot a large amount of his seed hitting Hinata's hand and her flat stomach while Naruto felt his whole hand being covered by Hinata's nectar. Both were panting hard from their climax Naruto took his hand filled with Hinata's honey and took it in his mouth tasting the heavenly nectar from his girlfriend, Hinata did the same as she took her hand filled with her boyfriends cum and lick it with her tongue she then took the cum from her stomach and lick it she didn't wanted to let it go to waste. They both look into each other's eyes and they smile in satisfaction at the wonderful sensation of their climax, but it was Naruto who made the next move as he turn Hinata over in doggy style position he took off her panties and inserted his still hard member inside her pussy making the Hyuga heiress moan in surprise.
Naruto pin Hinata to the wall again as he began to move his member fast inside of her Hinata moan loudly while moaning her boyfriends name, Naruto then gave Hinata's butt a few spankings making her moan in delight Naruto grin it seems Hinata like getting spanked just like Sakura. Naruto gave his girlfriend one last spank before grabbing both of her breast and making her stand up while moving his member inside of her, Hinata however was completely lost in the pleasure she was now in the mercy of her boyfriend as he continue to pleasure her she moan so loud that it could be heard from the entire house but since the private residence was far from the village the sounds of their love making couldn't be heard by anyone. Hinata couldn't explain how was she able to react and kissed Naruto because of the pleasure she was receiving she was helpless and lost in the great sensation of sexual pleasure but still Naruto accepted her kiss they broke the kiss and Hinata continue to moan loudly.
Naruto went even faster moving his manhood in Hinata's pussy he moan loudly and he squeezed Hinata's breast while Hinata was moaning in pleasure begging for more she wanted to never end the glorious pleasure her boyfriend was giving her, but like they say all good things must come to an end as they were reaching their climax and it was going to be one hell of a climax.
Both moan loudly as their orgasm flowed each other Naruto released a huge amount of his seed in Hinata's pussy while he could feel Hinata's juices flowing trough his member, it was a huge load as their orgasm continue to hit them hard they stood there for a while waiting for the sensation of their climax to wear off. After the amazing sensation was over Naruto kissed Hinata while massaging her breast Hinata was giggling at the amazing performance her boyfriend did. Even after they were done with their love making both couple stood there naked holding each others in their arms after a few more minutes they give each other another passionate kiss before calling it a day.
Both of them got dressed Naruto embrace her and kissed her before looking into her beautiful pale eyes.
“So Hinatachan lets go eat something the sex really made me hungry” Naruto said
Hinata giggle” oh Narutokun you haven't change a bit but I guess you deserve it because you were amazing”
Naruto grin while blushing” thanks Hinatachan so what are we waiting for lets go get some ramen” he then saw that Hinata expression change to a disappointing look” what' wrong Hinatachan?”
“Im sorry Narutokun but you will have to go alone because I have to get back to my house you see Hokagesama told me that I have a mission tomorrow so I have to sleep early for tomorrow” Hinata said
“Another mission oh I see then Ill guess Ill see you in a few days” Naruto said
Hinata nodded and kissed him she giggle before leaving” don't worry Narutokun when I return well be back to the private residence” she then left the house
Naruto groan” great now I want her to come back even more oh well I guess I should be returning to the village the festival isn't over yet and Im hungry”
He left the private residence heading back to the village(I wonder if Sakurachan is in the festival if she is I should find her)
It only took Naruto fifteen minutes to reach the village he walk to the streets looking for any sign of his pink hair teammate, he got trough the large crowd since the festival was still on and continue to search for her. He thought that maybe he should find Neji and TenTen but with the crowd gather in the festival it was gonna be difficult to find them, with no luck in finding Sakura he left the festival. He walk to an empty part of the village where there were a couple of benches, that's when he saw Sakura sitting in one of the benches but he felt his heart breaking into pieces at the sight of her she was sobbing. Sakura was crying the tears that were coming from her jade eyes wouldn't stop she fell like dying she have been waiting for hours for any sign of Naruto but she didn't find him anywhere in the festival.
She knew he was with Hinata and she didn't have a right to even interfere in their relationship she wanted to stop before she hurt herself any longer, but it was all in vain she kept on thinking when Naruto made love to her it only made her be with the blond even more. She love him more than anything in this world it wan an obsession that she hated and love at the same time and no matter what she did to try and forget about him it was never gonna happen the love she felt for her blond teammate was pure and true, the kind of true love that happens once in a lifetime. She continue to sob softly but she didn't notice that Naruto was a few feet from her and he had a hurtful look in his eyes but he was going to find out why she was crying.
“Sakurachan” Naruto said softly
Sakura's eyes widened she looked next to her and saw her true love with a sad expression on his face” N….Na…..Naruto…..why are you here?”
Naruto grin” was it looked like Im here to take you to the festival is that why are you crying because you thought I wasn't going to show up?”
Sakura gasp she was still crying she immediately dry her tears even if it was no use Naruto now knows that she was crying” its nothing Naruto don't worry about it”
Naruto raised an eyebrow” nothing you mean to tell me that you were crying for no good reason at all sorry Sakurachan but I don't buy it”
“Naruto its complicated you wouldn't understand” Sakura said
Naruto got seated next to her” Sakurachan I may not be the smartest person in the world but I can try to understand so how about you tell me why you were crying you know very well that I hate to see you cry”
Sakura looked into his blue eyes and she could see that he was worry about her she smile he has always care for her as friend, as a teammate, as a sister and possibly as a girlfriend.
Sakura blush thinking about that” Im sorry Naruto but I don't feel like talking about it”
Naruto sighed” fine be that way you will have to tell me sooner or later since were going to the festival now how about it” he offered his hand to her
Sakura blush a little and she gladly took his hand they both got up from the bench.
“By the way Sakurachan you look very beautiful” Naruto said looking at her pink kimono
Sakura blush again” thank you Naruto you look very handsome too”
Naruto grin while trying not to blush from the compliment until a loud stomach growl was heard Sakura sweat dropped while looking at Naruto.
“Oops guess Im hungry” Naruto said in an innocent tone
Then suddenly another stomach grow was heard but this time it came from Sakura Naruto stared at her with shock.
Sakura blush from embarrassment” I guess Im hungry too”
Naruto gave his fox grin” then lets go Sakurachan lets have some ramen”
Sakura nodded and smile they both left the bench but Sakura was surprised as Naruto took her hand like a boyfriend would do to his girlfriend she blush without looking at him and smile.
(OH YEAH BABY I RULED) inner Sakura shouted in triumph
The supposed friends arrived at one of the ramen stands at the festival, Naruto always like tasting different ramen he order a large bowl while Sakura to his surprise she also order ramen. When the ramen arrive both Naruto and Sakura took their chopsticks and started eating, as always Naruto ate over ten bowls while Sakura ate three looks like she was really hungry Naruto pay the bill and they left the ramen stand. Once again Naruto took her hand making Sakura blush they went to the games section, Sakura wanted to play the fish catch game she took the small net and like Hinata she was able to catch every fish in the pond without breaking the net Naruto was really impressed. The game owner gave Sakura a stuff animal of the Fourth Hokage since he was out of the free meal tickets, she then gave the small stuff toy to Naruto since the Fourth was his father Naruto blush a little from the present and he accepted it with gratitude.
After they were done with the game they took a walk around the festival they saw some of their friends they saw Neji and TenTen in a weapons store and TenTen look like she has die and gone to heaven while Neji was sweat dropping, she was trying to convince him to buy her every weapon she could see Naruto chuckle at the sight. In another corner they saw Ino and Chouji, she was arguing with him because he wanted to eat more bbq ribs and she didn't wanted him to ruin his diet Sakura only sighed at the odd couple. When they reach another corner they saw a very long line both of them got curious as they went to the source of the line and it was none other than Kakashi he was signing books of his new novel Itcha Itcha fantasies, Naruto and Sakura sweat dropped looks like their sensei has become quite popular because of the book.
They finally reach a clear grassy field outside of the festival they got seated in a nearby bench Sakura took a quick look at him and then turn the other way while blushing. Naruto was really curious to find out why Sakura was crying so he try to play it easy until Sakura told him, they stood quiet for a while like they had nothing to say or talk about of course for Sakura there was something she wanted to ask Naruto.
“So Naruto where's Hinata?” Sakura said trying not to sound jealous
“She had to go to her house early because she has a mission tomorrow” Naruto said
“Oh I see” Sakura said trying not to sound happy
“Are you going to tell me why you were crying?” Naruto said
Sakura sighed” Naruto I…………I already told you its complicated”
“Come on Sakurachan please tell me maybe I can help you” Naruto said putting his hands on her shoulders
Sakura stood quiet but then Naruto raise her chin so she could meet his blue eyes she blush staring at his ocean blue eyes.
“Sakurachan don't you trust me?” Naruto said while looking into her jade eyes
“No that's not it Naruto its kind of personal” Sakura said
“Then tell me I really want to know” Naruto said
Sakura sighed in defeat” Naruto you already know how I feel about you and since you're with Hinata Im……”
“Jealous” Naruto said surprise
Sakura nodded” yes I am Naruto you have become such a precious person to me I love you very much”
Naruto took brought Sakura closer to him” Sakurachan I…..” his lips were very closed to hers
Sakura brought her lips to his shocking Naruto but he accepted her kiss he put his arms around her waist while Sakura pit her arms around his neck deepening the kiss, it was a soft passionate Naruto love the taste of her lips the taste of strawberries. The kiss lasted for a couple of minutes they broke the kiss gasping for air both blushing hard.
“Say it Naruto say those three little words I want to hear” Sakura said in a passionate tone
“I loved you Sakurachan I always have ever since we were little I have always dream of you being my girlfriend I thought it was a dream that it was never going to come true” Naruto said
Sakura smile while blushing at his confession her heart felt such joy and her inner self was screaming with joy suddenly her expression change thinking about a certain Hyuga heiress.
“And what about Hinata?” Sakura said in a serious tone
Naruto felt like he was just stab by a kunai he didn't know what to say to Sakura he knew very well that he loved Hinata but he also loved Sakura he stood quiet for a while, Sakura was waiting for his answer she could see that he was very nervous. Naruto try to remain clam he thought of lying to her but that was out of the question because of the serious expression in Sakura's face and she meant business so he had no choice but to say the truth.
“I love Hinatachan too” Naruto said
(WHAT) Sakura thought
(I told you so) inner Sakura said
“I don't believe this you're kidding Naruto how can you love two people at the same time its not right” Sakura said trying not to sound angry
“I know it sounds crazy Sakurachan but I feel the same way about you and Hinatachan you two are very precious to me” Naruto said
Sakura sighed she didn't wanted to ruin this wonderful night so she didn't say anything else just then the sky was filled with fireworks both teens look at the beautiful sky as the fireworks from different colors lighted the night sky. Sakura looked from the fireworks to Naruto and blush seeing that the place was very romantic she then lean her head on his shoulder, Naruto look back at her seeing her head leaning on his shoulder made him blush he then put his arm around her shoulder pulling her closer to him. Sakura didn't mind at all as she loved the way he was holding her the two continue to watch the fireworks for Sakura this was the most wonderful night in her entire life and she was never gonna forget it.
“Naruto” Sakura said
Naruto looked back at her” what is it Sakurachan?”
“Thank you for tonight” Sakura said as she gave him a peek on the cheek
Naruto blush” thanks Sakurachan”
They went back to watch the fireworks while Sakura was deep in thought
(What am I going to do?)
(What do you mean he loves us) inner Sakura said
(But he also loves Hinata)
(For now it time that we made Naruto ours)
(And how am I going to that?)
(Tomorrow Hinata is leaving for a mission that will be our chance to give a lot of attention to Naruto well make him love us even more that he will forget about that Hyuga bitch) inner Sakura said
Sakura blush(what do you mean by make him love us even more?)
Inner Sakura grin evilly(you know what Im talking about)
Sakura blush hard and smile in a perverted way(oh yeah and I have a plan about that)
(Yeah that's the spirit)
Sakura smile while she continue to have her head lean on Naruto's shoulder she a quick look at him while thinking(just you wait Naruto I will win your heart you will belong to this cherry blossom)
To be Continued
Uh oh looks like Sakura has something up her sleeve I would love to be in Naruto's shoes right about now send me your reviews and comments farewell.