Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Legacy ❯ Under the same sky ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

I'm all of suddenly not lazy anymore XD. I doubt it probably because I'm bored and the music I'm listening to has a effect on my mood. Check this out, it gives that moment kind of feelings. It does to me anyways.
Sasuke: Stop singing that!
Aki: -keeps on singing-
Sasuke: -Twitch-
10,000 ryo, that's a lot of money, what if I lose? Sakura thought as she strolled around the lively streets of Konoha. I know, I'll but Naruto dinner and he'll tell me! She started towards Naruto's apartment.
“Naruto, want to go out to dinner with me?” Sakura yelled as she spotted the blonde.
“I'll meet you Ichikaru's later,” He smiled back at Sakura.
“Naruto, what are you doing?” Curiosity was bubbling inside her.
“Nothing much,” Naruto just shrugged.
“So you're moving out Dobe,” a familiar voice said from behind Sakura.
“Sasuke-kun, what are you doing here?” Sakura turned around to see her onyx-eyed grouchy teammate.
“No law states I can't be here,” Sasuke replied coolly, “Are you asking Naruto out on a date?”
“We do it all the time,” Sakura glared at Sasuke.
“So you must really like him,” Sasuke smirked.
“We're teammates,” Sakura snapped, “Right Naruto?” She turned around, expecting to see her blonde teammate but, she was greeted with nothing and a vacant apartment.
“Where did he go?” Sakura asked in confusion, it wasn't like Naruto to be sneaky, “Oh, yeah why is Naruto moving out?”
“You're slow,”
“Shut up!” SMACK!
“Ow!” it looks like our favorite Uchiha hasn't learned a thing on how to deal with woman.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>>>
“Dad, I got my stuff,” Naruto called out into the almost empty mansion, “I'm going to eat dinner with my teammates later if that's alright with you”
“I-It's o-okay wi-with me,” Minato replied all teary-eyed, “G-Go on and e-enjoy your y-y-youthful life w-without me”
“It's not okay with you,” Naruto sweat dropped as the older blonde broke into tears.
“It seems like yesterday my little Naru-chan was born;” he sniffed; “Now he's all grown up”
“Stop being a drama queen!” Naruto set a bag of grocery on the table, “There's instant ramen in here” He tapped the bag lightly. That was all it took to stop the bawling.
“Okay, have fun,” Minato dug through the bag to find his precious ramen.
“Oi, save some for me!” Naruto saw how much his father had dug out of the bag.
“Ah, Sakura-chan, Sasuke-teme, Kakashi-sensei,” Naruto lifted the curtains that hug from Ichikaru's, “What are you doing here?”
“Sai is coming too,” Sakura said as Naruto sat down.
“I-I see,” Naruto's eye twitched. It's not that he hated Sai but, wouldn't you get furious when a guy calls you, a male, penis less?
“So, Naruto, I heard you're moved out,” Kakashi glanced at his student, he wasn't eating, typical Kakashi.
“Yeah,” Naruto was already stuffing his face with ramen.
“Why are you moving out all of sudden?” Sakura asked.
“I wanted to, that place was getting a bit small,” Naruto swallowed the ramen before answering.
“Probably, since you can't even walk around without stepping on something,” Sasuke rolled his eyes at the thought of Naruto's apartment.
“That's not true!” Naruto protested.
“Chew with your mouth close Naruto,” Sakura snapped, “Haven't your par-” Sakura shut her mouth. I, didn't need to say that much Emerald eyes darted nervously from Naruto back to Sasuke.
“So, have you found a place to live yet?” Sakura changed the subject. Naruto nodded, he had heard what Sakura had almost said and he was thankful for her thoughtfulness.
“Just a bigger apartment,” Naruto lied, “You know the Golden Leaves one” The Golden Leaves were the most beautiful apartment Konoha had to offer. Everything from maids to spas, you name it.
“Seriously,” Sakura asked, wide-eyed, “Why didn't you tell us before?”
“W-Well, there was this great offer and I just took it today,” Naruto fibbed again. Fibbing was easy for Naruto as he did it often when he was younger but, those fibs involved elves and that's when he learned Santa didn't exists. The Sandaime Hokage had a hard time calming Naruto down as the child went on crying for days.
“Congrats!” Sakura slapped on the back.
“Typical Sakura,”
“What was that, you stupid Uchiha?”
“Now, now, let's be nice,” Kakashi said as he whipped out his Icha Icha book.
“Ow! Crazy woman,” SMACK!
Namikaze Minato was currently asleep on one of the grand living rooms. There were empty ramen cups lying around as the T.V. was blaring on.
“Oh my, DAD!” Naruto shouted angrily, “You're worst then me!” Minato rubbed his eyes sleepily as if he was a little boy whose sleep was interrupted.
“Welcome home Naru-chan,” he yawned.
“Why is there ramen everywhere?” Naruto demanded angrily.
“I swear you are just like your mother with that bossiness in your voice,” Minato grumbled.
“I'm like mom?” Naruto's eyes glisten with a admiring kind of look.
“Yup, screams at me every time I finish dinner,” Minato nodded, he started collecting the empty ramen cups.
“Maybe that's because you're a slob,” Naruto rolled his azure eyes, “Wait, that means Mom's been over at your place” Minato's face began to turn red.
“Y-Yeah, so what about it?” Minato focused his eyesight on the empty ramen cups.
“So, what kind of moves did you make on her?” Naruto asked slyly.
“W-What?” Minato was beet red.
“You know,” Minato picked up a pillow and, thus another pillow fight begun.
“Don't be embarrassed dad,” Naruto blocked another pillow attack, “What did you do? Did you do something dirty?” Another deathblow pillow came at him.
“You're not going to get away with this!”
“You mean asking if you and mom did dirty things?” Minato chucked a pillow at his son, “You guys must have, I mean or I wouldn't be here”
“You're too young to know that kind of thing!”
“Did she do your laundry?”
“Shut up!”
I think I should pay dobe a visit at his new home, Sasuke smirked; I doubt he's living in Golden Leaves. The wind gently ruffled his midnight black hair, onyx eyes stared at the moon. It was a clear and beautiful night; the stars were shinning as bright as they can.
“I got more medic ninja duties tomorrow,” Sakura sighed; “I wish sometimes I could just be a normal ninja like my teammates” She picked up a picture frame. It was a picture when Team 7 first came together. Sasuke and Naruto were scowling, Sakura chuckled at the memory.
She glanced outside her window, at the moon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >
Kakashi read his book by the dm light of the moon. Big things are going to happen this year, I can feel it. Putting his book away, he stared at the moon.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>& gt;>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> >>>>
“Naruto, what are you doing?” Minato called out to his son. Naruto stood still looking out the window
“The moon,” Naruto replied as if it was obvious.
“Kakashi-sensei told me that it doesn't matter where you are we're all still under the same and the moon and the stars connect us all,” Naruto replied, thinking back to the time when he was taking a friend back to the village.
“My Naru-chan really did grow up,” Minato tackled his son.
“Ow, let go dad!” Naruto struggled to get out of his father's death hug.
“You're right”
“We're all connected by the moon and stars. After all, we all live under the same sky,” Minato replied. How are you guys doing? Kushina, Obito?
I can't imagine Minato being serious all the time. Due to Jiraiya's description of Kushina, I thought she would fall more for the playful guy then the serious guy you know? But love doesn't go according to logic. I'm making Sasuke open up a lot more and Itachi is still alive.
Itachi is kind of cool and I don't want to kill him X). I was thinking a tragic ending but a lot of my reviewers cried their eyes out/screamed no. There might be a tiny bit of romance in here but not a lot. I'm trying to create a team kind of feeling atmosphere rather then love.
Why? I never wrote a love story before and love stories tend to have awkward and tense situations, I'm more focusing on bonds and family kind of feelings. Sasuke will play the minor bad guy and no, he won't go all evil.
Just keep reading and you'll see what I have in mind.