Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Broken Family ( Chapter 13 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto, only Ryu, Hitori, Kitaro, Koteshi, Fuji and Shikato.
Broken family
The kunai sliced across the metal plates on his wrist bands, creating a line across the Konoha leaf symbol.
Ryu stumbled backwards from the impact. He sheathed his katana shakily. Breaking out of the rock's hold had nearly depleted all of his chakra and yet Hitori was running on full steam.
Hitori growled in annoyance. Biting his thumb, he smeared blood across the ground before pressing his palms against the soft dirt. Ryu looked on wearily as rocks emerged from the ground and covered his brother from head to toe. Before he could react, he felt a huge blow to his stomach. Coughing up blood, he fell to the ground. He gave a cry of pain as Hitori's foot slammed onto his back.
Hitori laughed. “These rocks are infused with chakra. I'll make sure that I break you apart, aniki.”
Ryu pushed himself off the ground before grinding out, “You're no brother of mine.”
Next thing he knew, he was flying through the air.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Naruto's eyes gradually reverted back to normal as he stared at Pein's dead body. Tobi had fled earlier and Naruto now needed to find Ryu.
He turned towards the training grounds. “He should be there, that was where Sasuke died after all.” He pushed all his chakra onto the soles of his sandals and pushed off.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Ryu picked himself up gingerly. He had no other choice, he had to do it again. Extending his left arm with his palm cupped upwards, he gathered all his remaining chakra into his palm. With his right hand, he started to spin it until the chakra was now something like a lightning blue Rasengan.
Hitori snarled as he saw what his older brother was doing.
“That again? Is that the only thing you know how to do?” he sneered. Taking out his kunai, he charged across the grounds.
Ryu started to channel his element chakra into the ball. Electricity shot out of the ball, crackling and chirping like a thousand birds. Ryu kept an eye on his brother as he started to concentrated the chakra at the lightning streaks shooting out of the ball. Jumping backwards to avoid an attack from Hitori, he started to spin the whole thing.
Jumping upwards, he threw the Chidori Rasengan Demon Shuriken at Hitori.
“What? He can throw it?” Hitori rolled over, narrowly missing the attack. Scrambling to his feet, he charged towards Ryu, just to see that Ryu was now holding a Chidori Rasengan. Hitori's eyes widened as his brother drove the attack right through his chest. Dropping onto his knees, he stared up at his older brother. “How…?”
“The shuriken was just a decoy.”
Hitori turned slowly to see Ryu behind him. Turning back, he saw that the Ryu who had killed him had disappeared into a puff of smoke. “Kage bunshin,” he breathed.
Ryu nodded. “I transformed into a shuriken as a decoy, and then allowed my shadow clone to finish you off.”
Hitori managed a small smile. “You were always the better fighter, brother.”
Ryu's vision was blurred by tears. Choking back a sob, he said, “I'm sorry, but you're no brother of mine.” With that, he turned and walked away as Hitori fell to the ground dead.
He hadn't managed two steps before he felt a sharp jab to the base of his neck and he dropped to the ground unconscious.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Naruto shuffled into the Hokage Tower. As Tsunade was in Suna, he was acting as the temporary Hokage. Hitori was dead but he had managed to kill Pein while Shikato and Fuji had managed to take down Konan. Even Koteshi had defeated Kisame while Naruto managed to capture Ryu.
Naruto shook his head sadly. Who would have thought that the Uchiha clan would have such a tragic story?
He strode up to Ibiki.
“Make sure you question Ryu carefully. Find out what that bastard knows by all means possible. That traitor killed my student and joined the Akatsuki. I'll never forgive him.”
Ibiki nodded solemnly. “With pleasure.”
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
The shinobi slowly came round. Blinking wearily, he waited for his eye sight to adjust to the dark. Looking around, he could see that he was in the ANBU interrogation room. He let out a gasp of pain as he felt that his ribs were broken. His hands were shackled by chakra rings around the wrists and there were chakra rings around his neck and feet. He couldn't move at all.
His head snapped around as he heard the click of the door. A scarred man with a long black coat walked in.
The man did not acknowledge him. Instead, he sat down and glared at him.
“Tell me what you know.”
Ryu blinked in confusion. What the heck? Did Ibiki really think that he, the ANBU captain was that easy to interrogate?
He stifled his laughter. “You wish.”
Ibiki motioned for the ANBU members to enter.
“Well then, let's do this the hard way. Just the way I like it.”