Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Next Generation ❯ Curse seals and tattoos ( Chapter 14 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Don't own Naruto, only Ryu, Shikato, Koteshi, Kitaro and Fuji.
WARNING: This may contain minor torture scenes
This is my first attempt at a romance scene, so no flames!
Curse seals and tattoos
A resounding knock sounded as a certain blonde stood outside of the house. After a moment, the door opened to reveal a pink haired kunoichi. Her face lit up as she recognized the visitor.
“Naruto! What are you doing here?” Sakura exclaimed. Seeing his grim expression, she asked, “Is something wrong?”
The jonin nodded slowly. His eyes were filled with pain and sorrow. Taking a few breaths to steady himself, he said in a low voice, “I'm sorry Sakura. Hitori was killed in action when Akatsuki invaded Konoha.” He placed a comforting hand on his teammate's shoulder. His voice faltered for a second before he managed to compose himself. “And the killer is now being questioned.”
Wrapping the female jonin in his arms, he held her close to his chest as she allowed all the pain and bitterness she had experienced over the years out. Her body shook as she wept her heart out. It was a heart breaking sight. Naruto was at a loss. She had suffered so much. Naruto didn't know what had happened to Sakura's husband, whoever he may be, but he did know that she loved him dearly and had nearly killed herself when she learnt of his death. Then, she had to cope with Sasuke's death and Ryu's defection. Now, Hitori's death was most probably going to break her. Naruto decided not to tell her about Hitori's killer.
After what seemed like hours, Sakura's tears finally subsided. She pushed herself away from Naruto's chest slightly and looked into his eyes. Hiccupping slightly, she managed to ask, “Who…is the killer?”
The colour from Naruto's face drained away as dread settled in. He swallowed nervously. Licking his lips, he said, “Just…some shinobi.”
Sakura frowned slightly. She could sense that Naruto was withholding some information.
“Naruto, tell me.”
Naruto cupped her chin and used his thumbs to wipe away her tears on her face. Whispering softly, he said, “Don't think about it Sakura. Let me do the worrying.”
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Ibiki stepped away from the shadows of the cell and the kunai glinted menacingly in the light. He grinned madly as he snarled, “This is how traitors are treated when they are caught.”
Slicing open Ryu's shirt, he did the same with his trousers. He removed his wristbands, bandages and sandals, leaving the ANBU captain only in his boxers. Ryu looked calmly at his torturer. Ibiki frowned slightly, “Don't think that just because you were the captain, therefore you can take this. Because you'll be screaming very soon enough.”
Channelling chakra through his fist, he punched Ryu in the gut, causing him to double up with pain. He did the same thing to Ryu, however this time to the groin. Ryu grunted as it took the full impact. Ibiki signalled to two men in the shadows. Ryu groaned inwardly as he saw that they were none other than Neji Hyuuga and Kiba Inuzuka. The two of them were furious that he had upset Naruto, well more like hurt their friend, and had decided to teach him a lesson. The next two hours were the worst beating that Ryu had ever endured in his life.
As the two ANBU exited the cell, Ibiki frowned at the defiant captain. With burn marks, scratches, bruises, blood and vomit all over him, the captain still refused to speak. Ibiki strode forward slowly. Taking out his kunai, he teased Ryu's skin, or what's left of it, on his stomach. Tracing a bloody line across his abdomen, he finally allowed a small smile to grace his scarred face as the captain finally broke and screamed. Tracing the same line again, he pressed harder this time, breaking the skin completely. He smiled as the reddish liquid came pouring out, splattering all over the floor. Ryu bit back his scream as his vision blurred. His head lolled forward limply as he threw up blood. Ibiki grabbed his head and slammed it against the wall behind him. He flashed the bloody kunai in front of the traitor. Grinning, he said, “Maybe I should continue down there.” He knelt down, and pressed the kunai against Ryu's member lightly. The Uchiha heir's face turned even paler as he fought to stay conscious with all the blood loss. Sweat was pouring from his face and it mingled with all the fresh and dry blood on his face. He strained against the chakra restraints and tensed as Ibiki pressed harder.
Ibiki looked up.
“Ready to talk yet?”
Gasping for breath, Ryu managed to choke out. “I want to talk to the Hokage.”
Ibiki threw back his head and laughed.
“The Hokage is at Suna and won't be back till next week. At that time, you'll be dead already.”
Ryu closed his eyes in despair. This is not happening, he thought.
Ibiki glanced at the clock. “I'll be back in a minute to continue, traitor. Get ready.”
He turned to leave but stopped at the sound of his prisoner's voice.
“If you think I'm that easy to break, then you're mistaken. They didn't make me the ANBU captain for nothing.”
Ibiki did not turn around. “Yeah well, Dragon. No one's ever stayed sane when I'm doing the asking.”
Ryu blinked as he registered what Ibiki had just called him. Ibiki had called him by his ANBU codename.
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
The man slammed his fist against the wall. He was shaking angrily.
“What do you mean he was captured!?”
His blue haired companion shrugged.
Tobi growled. “Now, Akatsuki has only two members thanks to the fact that Pein had to go and get himself killed!”
Konan stared at him. “Don't worry, he'll manage to get out.”
Tobi thumped his head against the wall. “Let's hope so.”
Xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xxxxxx
Fear and guilt seized him as he stared at his crush. He averted his gaze and tried to ease himself into a more comfortable position.
The woman moved forward and looked at him with tearful eyes. Ryu felt his heart break as he saw all the pain and hurt that he had caused her.
Ryu swallowed the lump in his throat as he thought of how he had never confessed his love for her. Now, he was going to die without fulfilling that action and die like his father. Die for his country, his duty and his honour.
Fuji Wakumi stepped closer to him as she traced her gentle hands over his bare chest. She unconsciously rubbed against his member as she looked at him with pleading eyes.
“Please Ryu, tell them what's going on.”
The Uchiha heir felt his boxers become tighter as his member hardened. Suppressing a moan, he shook his head apologetically.
“I'm sorry but I can't.” He whispered.
Fuji leaned forward and grinded against him. This time, Ryu moaned as his back arched back slightly. Sensing his pleasure, Fuji continued a little harder. Ryu closed his eyes as he breathed heavier. He opened his eyes again when he felt two hands around his face. Onyx orbs met turquoise green ones and the former felt as if he was drowning in the latter's eyes as she stared deep into his soul.
The kunoichi moved even closer as their lips touched. Ryu hesitated slightly as he sensed something wrong. Why were they making out in the interrogation and torture cell? Pulling back slightly, he tried to clear his head. He never managed to though as Fuji slipped her tongue into his mouth when she felt that he was distracted. The Dragon was once again pulled back into his dreams as he responded. Fuji grinded against him as they made out while Ryu groaned. His member was hardening and he just wanted to take her right now.
Both surfaced as they pulled away, gasping for air. Fuji tried again to get Ryu to talk.
Ryu looked regretfully at her. “Fuji, I can't. We're shinobi, you know how we are.”
“And nothing I say can change your mind?”
The other could only nod numbly. Next thing he knew, a chakra infused fist connected with his groin again.
Having been caught off guard, Ryu yelled in pain.
Fuji's eyes were now hard and cold. If looks could kill, that would be the one. She spat at the Uchiha and repeated her previous action for good measure.
Panting slightly, she said, “Damn you Tazumi. Damn you.”
She turned around and headed for the door. With her hand on the door knob, she looked back and snarled, “And just for your information, I never liked you. That was all just an act to get you to talk. I only love one person and that's Hitori. I hate you! You killed him! We were going to get married next month!” Tears welled up in her eyes and she glared at the Uchiha.
Whipping around, she stormed out. Ibiki entered the room and looked disgustedly at his prisoner.
“Let's continue, shall we?”
Ryu shook his head. “No, let me tell you a secret.”
Ibiki's eyes sparkled as he turned his attention to Ryu. Seeing his prisoner shifting, he snickered. “Don't bother struggling. Your chakra has all been absorbed by those chakra rings.”
“Well then, maybe you should pay more attention to your prisoner's techniques then.”
Ibiki's eyes widened as red flames travelled from the captain's ANBU tattoo to the left side of his face and along his left arm.
Ryu chuckled as the red flames settled down, forming black flames. “As I've said before, they didn't make me ANBU captain for nothing.”
That was the last thing Ibiki remembered before the ANBU Torture and Interrogation Department Headquarters exploded.