Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Smiling Mask of ANBU ❯ Prologue-Part 1 ( Prologue )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The Smiling White Mask of Anbu
Prologue-Part 1
The young ANBU frowned behind his mask. Unofficial protection mission? The Hokage was joking, right? “I'm afraid I don't understand, Hokage-sama.”
Saratobi sighed and rubbed his temples. “He's not…very well liked. He's been sent to the hospital several times this month alone. I'm starting to get worried. That's why I want you to watch over him.”
The Anbu frowned but said nothing. “His name, Hokage-sama?” Sandaime gave a soft smile and handed him a file with the information he wanted. “Uzumaki Naruto. I trust you know to keep this between us Itachi.”
“Hai, Hokage-sama.”

To say Itachi was confused was an understatement. For once in his life the Uchiha was completely and utterly bewildered. He just couldn't understand it. At all. For some reason the entire village seemed to hate Naruto. The entire thing.
From what he could see the blonde was soft-spoken, mild-mannered, and kind. He was also a goof-ball, prankster, and had the potential to become a genius and great shinobi. These were almost the exact same qualities the village saw in him and adored him for.
It couldn't be the fact that he was a prankster either. All of his pranks had been both humorous and caused no lasting damage. The hate was completely illogical. There was no point, no purpose for it.
Yet every time Naruto walked down the street all he got was glares and taunts. Calls of `Demon.' But what really drove home the distaste and hate for Itachi was the way the blonde continued to skipped merrily down the street, a bright, almost to big smile on his face. It merely showed how long this had been going on.
Itachi was starting to understand the Hokage's decision for putting him on this mission.

Itachi frowned at the Sandaime. “I'm not sure I understand, Hokage-sama.”
The Hokage sighed. “Just keep an eye on him tonight. A very close eye.” If he was anyone else, Itachi would have rolled his eyes. Didn't the Sandaime know that was why he was confused? `Hokage-sama, tonight's the Kyuubi festival. I can't see someone attacking now.”
The Sandaime smiled sadly. “You'd think that, huh? Just be careful.”

Itachi sighed, staring at the setting sun. He'd been here for hours and nothing had happened. The Sandaime was reacting. Sure he'd seen how much people hated him but no one had shown even the slightest hint of aggression. Almost like they were scared of Naruto beneath all the hate. The idea would be laughable if it wasn't true.
He was broken out of his thoughts by the sound of splintering wood. His head whipped towards the house next to him. Thought the small window he could see his blonde charge slowly backing away from something, a bleeding cut visible on his cheek. His eyes widened as he watched a kunai fly past Naruto's head, a few strands of bright blonde hair fluttering to the ground.
Looks like the Hokage was right.
He pushed himself off the branch he was standing on and through the window, landing in front of the blonde in time to block the next kunai. He activated the Sharingan, burning every face in the room into his memory. Mostly the mob was made up of civilians but there were a few shinobi scattered about. What got him though was the symbol of a fan stitched into one shinobi's clothes, the glaring red Sharingan staring back at him. He was suddenly really glad for the ANBU mask he wore.
He spun around, grabbing the boy around the waist and racing out. His duty was to protect Naruto, not get into fights with other shinobi. He was pretty sure Naruto would get killed while he was distracted.

Itachi stopped in an abandoned alley a ways away from the Hokage Tower. He gently set the boy down and starred at him though the white mask. “Are you hurt?” he asked.
The boy slowly nodded. “I'm fine.” His voice was airy, confused. Itachi wondered if this was the first time someone had cared enough to ask the boy if he was alright. He ran a critical eye over the boy's form but found no other injury other than the cut on his cheek. But as he looked up his eyes widened when he saw the small cut healing with a hiss. He brought one hand up and ran it over the pale cheek. The blonde jerked slightly. Itachi frowned. “Your safety was entrusted to me by the Hokage-sama. I will not hurt you.”
The boy brightened. “Hokage-jiji?!” Behind his mask Itachi arched an eyebrow but nodded all the same. “If you have no wounds that require immediate attention than we can go see him.”
Naruto nodded excitedly. “I'm fine!” Itachi nodded and picked him up, taking to the rooftops.

Saratobi looked up as Naruto entered, Itachi right behind him. He sighed, “The night was not as peaceful as I'd hoped, than.” Itachi nodded. “I'm afraid not, Hokage-sama.”
He sighed and stood up, walking around the desk. Naruto seemed to find some cue in this, for he ran forward. “Jiji!” the Hokage sighed, gently wrapping him in an embrace. He looked up at Itachi, “Any way you can identify the people there?”
Itachi nodded. “Every one.” Naruto pulled back and stared at him. “Really? I can barely remember half.”
Saratobi smiled gently down at the boy. “He's a Uchiha, Naruto. You remember their Kekki Genkai right?” Naruto spun around to smile widely up at him. “The Sharingan! It's a red eye that has 2-4 pupils. The first pupil, which everyone has, focuses on color. The second is motion perception, the third copies all motion perceived, and the fourth predicts motion. The ring that runs though the outer three pupils connects them to make the information easier to understand. It gives the user impeccable memory-recall and near-perfect eyesight. It also grants the ability to see movements before they happen. This is done by combining rational thought with physics to see the action before it happens. The way the outer three pupils spin is said to cause slight hypnosis. The Mangekyou, the final stage of the Sharingan, which can only be achieved when you kill the person most important to you, can create extremely powerful hallucinations.”
Itachi arched an eyebrow in surprise. “That's correct. Where'd you learn that? They don't teach it in the Academy.” Naruto looked down. “I've never been in the Academy before.”
Saratobi stood and flattened out his robes. “The council won't allow it.” He stated. Itachi sighed and pushed himself off the wall. “I wished to ask you a question Hokage-sama.”
The Hokage nodded. “I want to know why everyone hates Naruto so much.” Saratobi froze. “That's an S Class Secret.” Itachi frowned, “That the entire village knows. I can't protect him if I don't know everything.” He looked down at Naruto, who was staring at the Hokage in interest. “And no offense sir, but this is his life your screwing with.”

The Hokage sighed. “Sit down. This could take awhile.”
Itachi blinked. “The Kyuubi's not dead?”
“That's correct.”
“And he's locked inside Naruto here?”
“That's correct.”
Itachi looked down at the boy. Naruto had pushed his shirt up and was staring at his blank stomach. He watched as Naruto placed a hand on his stomach. Said hand began to glow softly, the seal etching into place. “Wow. That's odd.” Naruto stated, staring at the mark.
The other two males stared at him in surprise. “Naruto…” Saratobi asked slowly, “Where did you learn to use chakra?”
Naruto looked up in confusion before shrugging. Itachi frowned. “The councils made up of idiots.” Naruto looked up at him in confusion. Itachi stared back at him with coal black eyes, having long since taken off his mask upon the Hokage's suggestion. “Hokage-sama I have an idea.”
Saratobi looked up. “Naruto, why don't go on down to the library? I hear Clayco's warming up to you.” Naruto stared at him before nodding and leaving the room. The Sandaime turned tired eyes on Itachi. “I'm all ears Itachi.”