Naruto Fan Fiction ❯ The Tango ❯ Chapter Eleven ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto.
The Tango
Chapter Eleven
“H-hello?” Hinata picked up her cell phone. She was in the middle of typing up her reports for this week. It had been about two weeks since she had seen Kiba at the dance store. Since then, She went on another lunch date with Naruto. They went to Ichiraku's again, and he had paid.
“Miss Hyuga. This is Shino Aburame. I was wondering if you'd like to set up another set of dance lessons.”
“I'm s-sorry, b-but I don't think I c-can.”
“How about with another dancer? He just made his name in the professional world, and I'm also his agent. If you take this on, you get seats at the National Latin competition this January in Suna. It's worth it. The tickets include a free stay in one of the luxurious suites at the famous Suna Hotel.” Hinata pondered this for a moment. Everyone knew the Suna Hotel was one of a kind. Then again she might see Kiba there. `With that Temari…' Inner Hinata growled.
“The tickets also include free food at the Sandstorm Restaurant,” Shino egged on. Sandstorm was famous for the best food that side of the prime meridian. Inner Hinata couldn't even disagree.
“Okay…I'll d-do it.” Hinata said meekly into the phone. If taking dance lessons was all it took, she was up for it.
“Great, is the same schedule fine with you?” Shino asked in his montone voice.
“Yeah, when d-do we start?” Hinata asked.
“The day after tomorrow. Is that okay?”
“Goodbye and thank you Miss Hyuga, this is good publicity for my client.”
“G-g-goodbye.” Hinata heard him click off and she pressed end. `Things are going to get interesting.'
“Goodbye and thank you Miss Hyuga, this is good publicity for my client.” Shino said and hung up the phone in his office. He spun in his big leather chair and looked at his friend sitting across from him. The person across the desk was wearing a pair of thick-rimmed glasses and a bandana covering his red hair. “I like the disguise, Kiba.”
Kiba pulled off the glasses, “Is the bandana too much?” He asked touching his hair. His tattoos were gone and his eyes were green instead of onyx.
“I would think you'd be more worried about your manliness with all that make-up on and the hair dye.” Shino smiled behind his collar.
“This is for her, and anyways the make-up and the hair dye wash out.” Kiba put back on the fake glasses.
“I don't see why you like her so much. She's shy. She stutters, and she's not all that pretty. And to top it all off, you haven't even known her that long.” Shino raised an eyebrow.
“I don't know. She's like a narcotic. I can't stop thinking about her. Everything reminds me of her. I don't know. I just want to hold her and protect her.” Kiba ran his fingers through his hair. Shino shook his head. He hadn't seen his friend this desperate since his gang days.
“Well, she said yes. So it's all you now, Kiba. If you want this, don't screw it up.” Shino stood and walked out of his office.
Kiba sat there staring out the window. He pulled the bandana off and stood up. He walked to the window and looked at his reflection. He looked completely different. This is what he would do for Hinata. He still didn't know what he planned to do now that he changed. Would he try to get her to love Kiba…or the new him? Or once he makes her forget what happened, would he leave it at that? `What are you going to do?' Inner Kiba asked. Guilt was racking his insides as well.
“Mr. Uchiha, you paged me?” Sakura bounded into the stoic man's office. He sat there with his hands folded across his desk. His hair and eye matched his coal black suit. The only hint of color was the cobalt blue button up he wore under the jacket.
“Yes, I did. Please sit.” He gestured to the seat in front of him. Sakura took the seat gratefully. She had been running around doing airens for her pervert of a boss, Kakashi. It had been awhile since her last meeting with Sasuke. He had been cold with her and Sakura decided to get over him. He wasn't worth it.
After a moment of silence, Sakura wondered what he wanted. “Not to be rude, but I have other things I could be doing.” She said with a smile. It wasn't good to be mean to upper management.
“Yes, well, I was wondering. Our company has business partners in Suna, and I'm going down there for a head to head meeting in January.”
“And…?” Sakura asked.
“I need an associate to come with me to take notes. The company asked for a reference and I suggested you. The old woman in charge agreed.” Sasuke said. Sakura knew of the great Tsunade. She took the business world by storm and is now one of the wealthiest women in all the world.
“I'd love to accompany you on this trip.” Sakura smiled. She stood. “Is that all you need?”
“Yes. I wanted to make sure you wanted to come.” His expression remained emotionless as Sakura turned and left.
Ding Dong. Hinata ran to answer the door. Sakura, Ino, and Tenten waited outside with their faces red from the cold. In each of their hands was a pot of hot food.
“Hey, you going to let us in?” Ino asked sarcastically. They had decided to have a potluck dinner at Hinata's house. Hinata stepped aside and let them in.
“Smells good.” Tenten said.
“My e-enchilada's aren't d-done yet.” They followed Hinata to the dining room where they set the food down. Sakura poured the tea.
“Okay, so me and Sakura brought mozzarella sticks and jalapeno stuffers with Sakura's mom's special dip for appetizers.” Ino revealed the food. Everyone got a plate and had a little food.
“So any new things going on guys?” Tenten asked, whiled stuffing her mouth with a mozzarella stick.
“Well, Sasuke asked me to go with him to Suna,” Sakura tried to play it off as nothing.
“What!?!?” Ino exclaimed. “And you didn't tell me!?!?”
“That's r-really c-cool, Sakura. Is it f-for that c-company meeting thing?”
“Yeah it is, and me and Sasuke even get to stay in that really nice hotel there and everything!”
“Wait, when did you start calling Uchiha `Sasuke?'” Tenten nudged Sakura in the arm.
BEEP BEEP BEEP. The oven timer started going off.
“Oh th-that's the enchilada's. They are d-done!” Hinata got up to pull them out of the oven. She brought them back to the table. “You have t-to wait. They are t-too h-hot to eat.”
“So Tenten, howabout you and Neji?” Ino asked sipping her tea.
“Nothing, I haven't heard from him in a while. I kinda think he's over me.” Tenten sighed. She poked at her jalapeno pepper.
“Does he even have your number? I know you have his,” Sakura asked.
“I don't know…” Tenten wondered.
“I d-don't think h-he d-does. He was asking about y-you today. He w-was wondering how y-you were d-doing.” Tenten's face brightened.
“Don't despair, Tenten, we'll make sure he gets your number.” Sakura turned to Hinata. “Hinata, just leave Tenten's number with her name on it out on the table or somewhere where he'll see it.”
“Ahh, yes, because he's sure to memorize anything with me name on it,” Tenten rolled her eyes sarcastically.
“Just like you memorize anything that relates to any star sign,” Ino teased.
“I do not. I just believe that the future can be predicted.” Tenten pouted. They all let out a laugh. “Okay whatever, enough about me and Neji. How are you, Hinata?”
“Actually, I'm g-going to some d-dance lessons later this w-week. Oh, l-look, I th-think the enchiladas a-are r-ready.” Hinata tried to distract them from what she said.
“Don't throw something on us like that, and try to change the subject.” Ino said.
“Yeah, I thought you and Mr. Inuzuka didn't have any chemistry or whatever.”
“Well, it's n-not with Inuzuka. It's w-with some n-new d-dancer that Inuzuka's m-manger sponsor's as w-well.” Hinata served the food onto everybody's plate.
“Wonder if he's cute?” Ino said a loud. Tenten lightly punched Ino.
“Get your mind off of the men.”
“Easy for you to say, you've got Neji. Me and Hinata should be out man-hunting.” Ino and Tenten started to bicker. Hinata was relieved the topic was off of the dance lessons. She was a bit nervous about them herself, but this dinner was doing some good. She was actually a bit excited about the lessons.
To Be Continued…
Author's Note: Read the Author's Note in Chapter 12